Bought at 103
Mon AM - 51
Mon PM - 152
Tue AM - 144
Tue PM - 194
So what's going on? Should I sell?
Bought at 103
Mon AM - 51
Mon PM - 152
Tue AM - 144
Tue PM - 194
So what's going on? Should I sell?
Looks like a random pattern to me. You probably won't see much over 194 in your own town, but if you follow TurnipGAF you may be able to cash out much higher later.
What I do when faced with this dilemma (and not relying on TurnipGAF) is sell enough turnips to make back my initial investment. The rest are pure profit at that point - so even if your price tanks you'll get SOMETHING out of it.
E: Although gwarm01's price sounds delicious.
Tuesday AM = 112I consider any slightly decreasing trend on a Monday to be a good thing.
What you don't want is drastic shifts in one direction or the other.
My turnip numbers (village selling price 110, my purchase price courtesy of this thread 90):
Monday AM = 111
Monday PM = 105
The type of numbers you don't want are those that "perpetually trending random" spindashing always posts.
Bought at 93 a piece.
MonAM: 103
MonPM: 109
Tuesday AM = 112
Tuesday PM = 137
Data: 111, 105, 112, 137
Pattern(s) detected: Large Spike
Best Guess Sell Time: Wednesday morning
Large Spike? Really, Stalk Market Wizard? Doesn't feel like a large spike pattern to me.
I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Tuesday: 84
is that even possible?
If it's the lowest possible, it has to be a spike pattern, right? There's nowhere to go from here but up. Unless it's random, but apparently random's minimum is 50?
Turnips are selling at 440 bells in my town today. I won't be able to play until around 7PM EST, but my friend code is 3737-9619-2795.
Send me a PM if interested and I will let you know when I get home.
Turnips are selling at 440 bells in my town today. I won't be able to play until around 7PM EST, but my friend code is 3737-9619-2795.
Send me a PM if interested and I will let you know when I get home.
Turnips are selling at 440 bells in my town today. I won't be able to play until around 7PM EST, but my friend code is 3737-9619-2795.
Send me a PM if interested and I will let you know when I get home.
Bought at 103
Mon AM - 51
Mon PM - 152
Tue AM - 144
Tue PM - 194
So what's going on? Should I sell?
SentTurnips are selling at 440 bells in my town today. I won't be able to play until around 7PM EST, but my friend code is 3737-9619-2795.
Send me a PM if interested and I will let you know when I get home.
I've sent you a PM.Turnips are selling at 440 bells in my town today. I won't be able to play until around 7PM EST, but my friend code is 3737-9619-2795.
Send me a PM if interested and I will let you know when I get home.
Turnips are selling at 440 bells in my town today. I won't be able to play until around 7PM EST, but my friend code is 3737-9619-2795.
Send me a PM if interested and I will let you know when I get home.
Turnips are selling at 440 bells in my town today. I won't be able to play until around 7PM EST, but my friend code is 3737-9619-2795.
Send me a PM if interested and I will let you know when I get home.
Sun Buy - 90
Mon AM - 78
Mon PM - 74
Tue AM - 90
Tue PM - 126
I bought BIG on Sunday looking for the jackpot this week.
For folks who are still confused about all the trends and prices and tricks regarding turnips, just made these cute infographics: