advanced basic bitch
Anime is for children.
Anime is for creeps

Anime is for children.
Anime is for creeps
Avatar is not anime, it is a through and through Western proto-woke cartoon with some artwork elements that are borrowed from anime.Last Airbender was very good. It had a good solid arc. The last good anime I watched.
I was recommended that Attack on Titan show because it's supposedly a mature story. It was just a bunch of nonsense. Of course it's also a bunch of kids fighting stupid shit.
So that's why it's far superior.Avatar is not anime, it is a through and through Western proto-woke cartoon with some artwork elements that are borrowed from anime.
You watch cartoons?So that's why it's far superior.
With my children. Yes.You watch cartoons?
Nice! Great for bonding.With my children. Yes.
Seinfeld is pretty neat tooMy favorite anime these days is the simpsons
I hated how they did this to Final Fantasy
We went from thee SNES era where you played as rugged men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s to Cloud (21) to Squall (17) to Zidane (16). Then there was hope with Basch a 36 year old main character but no the idiotic suits at Square changed that to 14 year old Vaan
Fuck Square Enix
The remakes gave awful art.
Avatar isn't anime.
Fine but that doesn't change anything. I don't judge a game by it's cover. I thought it was the remake because I owned the American release which had no characters on the box. Just the title and logo.It's the original boxart.
I really do not like how over sexualized they draw the younger characters. It's pretty gross to see something like this
This appears to be a child, or a women drawn to look like a child.
I really do not like how over sexualized they draw the younger characters. It's pretty gross to see something like this
This appears to be a child, or a women drawn to look like a child.
Nice argument. That doesn't change what I said.
Nice argument. That doesn't change what I said.
I'm not saying he's a pedophile.You are implying a certain member is a pedo/ephebophile because he rotates big-breasted anime women in his avatar. You're basically Jason Schreier at this point.
Damn. He used to post on GAF? Back when he had a hairline and a smile.You are implying a certain member is a pedo/ephebophile because he rotates big-breasted anime women in his avatar. You're basically Jason Schreier at this point.
Damn. He used to post on GAF? Back when he had a hairline and a smile.
Attack on Titan becomes a bit deeper/ more mature as it goes. Mostly because the author gradually becomes a better writer.Last Airbender was very good. It had a good solid arc. The last good anime I watched.
I was recommended that Attack on Titan show because it's supposedly a mature story. It was just a bunch of nonsense. Of course it's also a bunch of kids fighting stupid shit.
And Planetes (which is quite different and so much better than the anime adaptation)