Nice to know there's a disphonia community of GAF. I can verify it's not fun, but luckily as I get older coping has gotten easier. But as visiting home over the holidays taught me, I still have it...
Unluckily for me, my dad is a walking disphonia nightmare. He eats a ridiculous amount of food at all times of day (endurance athlete), eats slowly, his jaw clicks at every bite, and his nose whistles just in case he's not eating at any given moment.
I remember one dinner I was carefully trying to time eating at the same time as him (so it wouldn't bother me as much), and I swear to god he somehow took 20 minutes to sit down at the table. Oh, he needs to microwave something, get some wine, use the bathroom, microwave it again because it got cold while he was gone, reheat something else, all while I'm trying to eat as slowly as humanly possible so I'm not sitting there in sweaty, murderous silence when he finally gets there. Torture. Absolute torture.
Unless you're in prison or invited over for dinner at Kim Jung-Un's, it should be possible in 99% of cases.
Sounds like you need to do more cultural research on hoomans. Bailing on people seemingly randomly is super weird in most situations.