Surprised to see that there is a name for it and that many people have it and didn't know about it too.
I suffer from this and it's getting worse and worse. Like I can't go to any big theater where they serve food or people find it normal to talk all movie. Lately it ruined me 007, Star Wars and The Hateful Eight (only movies I could watch where I was, and they had no small theaters with respectful audience (because yeah eating, talking, using your phone with 90% lightness is not something you do in a dark room full of people)
If I'm in my room and a roommate in his room is speaking/listening to a loud movie then I can't do anything, I get angry and want to out-noise him. He knows I'm annoyed but I can't go tell him that three times a day. Same with the neighbors of the 28th floor that chose to use their hammers and other tools for 4 months now. Randomly. Your headset won't help you in that situation.
Same if I'm in an hotel with bad isolation and I can hear people talking etc. My roommate has the worst possible way of eating (you couldn't make more noise than him even if you tried). I could be rather tolerant with eating a few months ago (I just need not to watch) but since I had to eat with him for 5 weeks it just killed any tolerance I had. Even when camping in a tent when he was breathing I couldn't sleep, I needed to put headphones and listen to music. Now if we make BBQ, eat and watch a film then I'm forced to turn the volume up and not watch him or I can't focus on what I eat and what I watch.
In fact I don't care when it's in the street or if I'm with people talking. Even if I'm alone at a restaurant with music and people speaking it's ok (but not if someone's opening his mouth all full 2 times per sec because he has a chewing gum). But if I'm in some intimate place, like my apartment/room or watching a movie, in a train or a flight, when I'm in class or in an exam, then it's a nightmare and I'm forced to have my headset and listen to music (or use my speakers to make sound). Recently I though about buying a "soundproof" headset that I could use to have no sound coming in my head, including my own music.
At least now I really enjoy quiet moments...but if you live in a big busy 20M city and you can't even have a quiet home, then you're trap and it's a good way into anxiety, depression, end of social life or worse.