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Another Gamespot thread.... Why have they swept the PSP delay under the rug?

Why isnt Gamespot interested the news that there is a SECOND PSP delay?? Granted it wasnt confirmed by Sony themselves, but isnt that what their 'rumors' section is for? Some crap slashdot website claims Jason Rubin is headed to Microsoft, and they jump all over that story just to stamp it as a 'bogus' rumor. Meanwhile fucking CNN reports that numerous industry insiders are saying the PSP is delayed AGAIN into mid 2005 and they act like it never happened.

I am starting to doubt the DS will get a fair chance with the website, in fact I'm certain of it. Everyone remembers the infamous 6.8 for Shenmue, but the real outrage for the score was that Sega fans claimed that it was in fact due to Gamespot's obvious bias against all things non Sony.

I saw Kassivin reply to a Gamespot thread last week. Perhaps an open discussion with their practices is a good thing.


Laguna X said:
Where's that Waaaahmbulance pic when you need it?

Take a look at their frontpage, it's GTA:SA, just like the last 3 weekends. Daxter Too was right on the money, that website is a biased, payola piggybank.


Tag of Excellence
Allright, at the risk of getting banned I'll post the reason why.

The PSP is really coming out at the beginning of September, GameSpot was just recently let in on the big Sony joke so that's why they're so hush on the delay information.


otheranthony-ns said:
Haha, that must be it. ANyone remember E3? Gamespot went 'Death JR' crazy. Death Jr????? DS got zero frontpage coverage....

Uh no. DS gets more coverage on GS than nearly any other place.


otheranthony-ns said:
Haha, that must be it. ANyone remember E3? Gamespot went 'Death JR' crazy. Death Jr????? DS got zero frontpage coverage....
What are you talking about? Death Jr. was barely covered at E3. It got on the front page well before E3 for one day because it was the first PSP game to ever get shown (at GDC I think). If a DS game was shown before E3 I bet it would have gotten the same amount of coverage.
otheranthony-ns said:
Take a look at their frontpage, it's GTA:SA, just like the last 3 weekends. Daxter Too was right on the money, that website is a biased, payola piggybank.

Yah what could they be thinking covering GTASA? How stupid must a site be to cover the biggest game this year. They should focus on unconfirmed rumors instead!
SolidSnakex said:
Yah what could they be thinking covering GTASA? How stupid must a site be to cover the biggest game this year. They should focus on unconfirmed rumors instead!
Why can't they cover both?


Isn't this a verbatim repost of an Opa-Age thread? Is this Red Cloak using Anthony's account, or just Anthony shoplifting someone else's post?
Mike Works said:
Why can't they cover both?

No kidding. Gamespot is just blatantly onesided. DS is getting shafted on that site. How much you want to bet if that latest Famitsu poll results were in the PSP's favor, it would have made Gamespot's frontpage?


chill out, Daxter Too. You were wrong on your Death Jr. theory...you know that, right?

what's your deal with gamespot, anyway?


Anthony is right on the money. DS is ignored on that site, and I don't understand why...... If it's bias or payoffs, I know it's something.... It reminds me of Fox News sometimes.


otheranthony-ns said:
No kidding. Gamespot is just blatantly onesided. DS is getting shafted on that site.

On the contrary, we're the only major gaming site that actually has a DS platform page (as far as I know).

I'm not a news editor, and even if I were, I couldn't defend the site against what you accuse it of not having. But thanks for your feedback.
kasavin said:
On the contrary, we're the only major gaming site that actually has a DS platform page (as far as I know).

I'm not a news editor, and even if I were, I couldn't defend the site against what you accuse it of not having. But thanks for your feedback.

Why wasnt the PSP's 2nd delay as reported by CNN mentioned on the site? Why wasnt it even featured in 'Bogus or not Bogus'? Too busy chasing after that 'Sudeki 2' rumor?


otheranthony-ns said:
No kidding. Gamespot is just blatantly onesided. DS is getting shafted on that site. How much you want to bet if that latest Famitsu poll results were in the PSP's favor, it would have made Gamespot's frontpage?

You're winner!


actually, the only thing that really interest me in this thread is the whole you and Daxter Too connection...granted...there might not be one but your posts in this thread along with your mentioning of him seemed funny :b

Then there's Gerber...3 posts in and 2 of them are sucking you off, the other one trolling another thread

Then there's the 2 claims you made which were shot down in this thread alone

Gamespot might have an actual bias against DS and they might be taking R* money hats, but you, Daxter Too, and Gerber are doing a piss-poor job of proving it

with that said...what DO you have against Gamespot? Your mind seems to be going everywhere...from GTA to DS to Shemue (and lord knows I think they scored that game waay too high)...what is your ultimate goal for this thread? what is your point?
Gatsu is right. The fact that I got 2 high profile reviewers to even reply in this piss poor arguement goes to show how awful my arguementative skills are. Who knows, perhaps they would even reply to a thread entitled 'Gamespot am Cacaheads".

"what is your ultimate goal for this thread? what is your point?"

What is my goal? I want a discussion over the obvious bullshit in the fanboy press.


You know, I like being arrogant, but I still need to know when to show humility when I am wrong. While I'm not buying your GTA thing, nor am I buying your shenmue thing (as stated above, I do not like that game >_<) nor am I going to believe you on the DS thing, or the pro-Sony thing. With that in mind, I think we see eye-to-eye. 2 High profile editors did show up. What else would they do while they're browsing here and see a thread prominently alluding to a gamespot conspiracy?

Either they should have ignored you (and prove you right in your eyes) or they should have responded to you (and prove you right in your eyes)

Sorry about before
Eitherthey should have ignored you (and prove you right in your eyes) or they should have responded to you (and prove you right in your eyes)

If they ignored me I wouldent have believed in my claims any less. The fact that they did but evaded the real accusations is kind of funny though.

No I'm not Cloak, but he's a good guy who knows his shit. We are chatting on irc right now in fact.


otheranthony-ns said:
What is my goal? I want a discussion over the obvious bullshit in the fanboy press.

Well, if that's the case, then at least try to say something that can be discussed. You feel gamespot has a pro-sony/anti-nintendo bias? offer up articles or reviews that prove your point. Lack of DS coverage, prove your point by comparing their coverage with that of another prominent multi-platform site and making it easy for others to see how you came to that conclusion.

In this world, it's easy as hell to make a claim, and many people do, often without any proof backing their claims up. This, along with the high percent of false claims, leads to many people not believing shit without some form of proof. Provide that, and an intelligent conversation can begin...otherwise, others will continue to look at this as either a joke thread by an aspiring consiracy theorist, or agree/disagree because of their fanboy tendancies.


epmode said:
is this redcloak?
I'm pretty sure I remember seeing this exact same post at Opa-Age, from Red Cloak. It got zero replies and quickly slid off the front page, so I am assuming that he deleted it and reposted here. He's the only person I know with such an unhealthy "Gamespot ARE BIAS!" obsession.
Gatsu I'm still waiting for Kassivin's answer as to why the PSP delay news is nowhere to be found on their site. That isnt big news or anything right?

If anything, if we can get anything out of this post, it's that I got a few more forum goer's to keep their eyes open. When State of Emergency 2 or Jak5:redux get 9+ scores you'll remember this thread hopefully. *teardrop*


no, it isn't big news…it isn't even news…it's an unsupported rumor, there is a difference.

have any links that talk about the rumor?
Gattsu25 said:
no, it isn't big news…it isn't even news…it's an unsupported rumor, there is a difference.

have any links that talk about the rumor?


Analysts Skeptical About PSP Date
[8/18/2004 4:45:22 PM ET]

According to Chris Morris' Game Over column on CNN/Money, there's a chance that Sony's PSP debut may get pushed back again.
****The PSP, which was originally scheduled to launch in North America at the end of this year, was already delayed to the first quarter of 2005. And though Sony firmly denies that any change to the PSP's launch window will occur, many analysts remain skeptical that the handheld can keep its Q1 2005 date.
****An analyst note from P.J. McNealy of American Technology Research states, "We have maintained that it has been at best a 50-50 proposition that Sony will make its scheduled holiday 2004 Japan launch, and any delay in the Japan launch would likely push the North American launch out of the March quarter."
****McNealy believes that we might see an announcement from Sony on the matter, along with a possible date change, at this year's Tokyo Game Show in late September.
****If the PSP's North American launch does indeed get pushed into the second quarter of 2005, it's possible that consumers won't be able to get their hands on the new handheld until next June. That would certainly please handheld market leader Nintendo, since its Nintendo DS is still scheduled for release at the end of this year.


How is this not news? If you are going to say it's still just conjecture and not yet made official by Sony, then why was it absent from their rumor column. This goes beyond rumor though, this is media analysis as reported by not the 'gaming press' but the worldwide press.
"This goes beyond rumor though, this is media analysis as reported by not the 'gaming press' but the worldwide press."

The same analysts that said the PSone was a fluke and the PS2 would bomb?


otheranthony-ns said:
Gatsu I'm still waiting for Kassivin's answer as to why the PSP delay news is nowhere to be found on their site. That isnt big news or anything right?

If anything, if we can get anything out of this post, it's that I got a few more forum goer's to keep their eyes open. When State of Emergency 2 or Jak5:redux get 9+ scores you'll remember this thread hopefully. *teardrop*

You ever think they want more solid info before making asses of themselves. Big deal if you are so sure (and happy it sounds) of the PSP it should make no difference. Don't worry the DS will come out first, and around launch will get mad hype on websites and mags...so go back to Reggie's Camp Hyrule Nintendo brainwashing seminar.
SolidSnakex said:
"This goes beyond rumor though, this is media analysis as reported by not the 'gaming press' but the worldwide press."

The same analysts that said the PSone was a fluke and the PS2 would bomb?



otheranthony-ns said:
If anything, if we can get anything out of this post, it's that I got a few more forum goer's to keep their eyes open. When State of Emergency 2 or Jak5:redux get 9+ scores you'll remember this thread hopefully. *teardrop*

Interestingly, Gamespot seems to have removed their State of Emergency review (they score it a 8.5 according to gamerankings (IGN gave it a 8.3 for comparison)

Jak 1 receieved a 8.8 and 2 got a 9.1, both of which are in-line with average reviews (Jak 1 is .4 points off, and 2 is 1.5 points off)

in retrospect: They also scored Advanced Wars 2 higher than the average, Wind Waker 2 points below the average (they gave it a 9.3), and Pikmin 3 points higher than the average

you provided me with the PS2 games, and I chose 3 Nintendo developed games from random (actually, from my collection :b) and have come to the conclusion that they actually have a Nintendo bias...now...I have little info, but at least I provided tangible 'proof'
kpop100 said:
You ever think they want more solid info before making asses of themselves.

How is reporting on what CNN says about the PSP going to make them look like asses? If CNN is making it up and being big jerks, CNN are the asses, not Gamespot.
Gattsu25 said:
Interestingly, Gamespot seems to have removed their State of Emergency review (they score it a 8.5 according to gamerankings (IGN gave it a 8.3 for comparison)

Jak 1 receieved a 8.8 and 2 got a 9.1, both of which are in-line with average reviews (Jak 1 is .4 points off, and 2 is 1.5 points off)

in retrospect: They also scored Advanced Wars 2 higher than the average, Wind Waker 2 points below the average (they gave it a 9.3), and Pikmin 3 points higher than the average

you provided me with the PS2 games, and I chose 3 Nintendo developed games from random (actually, from my collection :b) and have come to the conclusion that they actually have a Nintendo bias...now...I have little info, but at least I provided tangible 'proof'

Who said they have a Nintendo bias? I didn't. Do they have a DS bias? You better believe it. If there was no PSP it would be another story. Stop trying to pick apart my posts, you're going in circles.


Fire Emblem - GS:8.9 / AVG:8.7
Zone of the Enders: GS:7.4 / 7.7

I just don't see it

ahh, I'm sorry...getting confused between you and the delusion Shenmue fans you referenced in the first post...you know...when you sling so many unproven 'facts' around it gets hard to manage them

otheranthony-ns said:
I am starting to doubt the DS will get a fair chance with the website, in fact I'm certain of it. Everyone remembers the infamous 6.8 for Shenmue, but the real outrage for the score was that Sega fans claimed that it was in fact due to Gamespot's obvious bias against all things non Sony.

especially in the context of the post...it is a bit hard to distinguish between you and the delusional

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