Those tips are actually extremely usefull for picking up women.. but not beyond that.
Back in the day I worked at a motor bank (I know they dont have them everywhere, but its a drive thru bank, you cant do much beyond deposit or withdrawl money though).. I allways worked with the same guy who was a bit of a womanizer, and we would have contests...
when a cute girl would drive up and ask for a pen or send in a deposit we would have some sort of smart ass response like.. "well, I guess I can give you this pen, if you promise to give it back" then send the pen back out when we were done and tell her that she could keep it because it seemed like she needed it more than us. Just messing with them like that, normally he would get about 5 or so numbers/invites a week doing that and countless others that he obviously could have moved in on. I was allways less succesfull because he looked alot better than me, but allways had some success.
Of course, it was allways fun when a women would flash her ring to our efforts.