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Anyone here ever have Paranormal Experiences?

Fools idol

when I was in my teens my uncle and cousin found an old 1920's labelled metal tin in one of the caravans on my grandfathers scrap yard. The owner of an old mustang on the lot had passed away years prior and his wife left all his stuff including the caravan and his rusted ass mustang to the scrap yard for pennies on the dollar including all contents. Nothing of value was in there except a bunch of scrap metal and some old WW2 junk he had kept and obviously forgot to tell his wife.

It was a box with cigars, french porn cards, and some german soldier trinkets and... a Ouija board.

Now, I will be the first to say I do not believe in this shit however, well... I was only 12 or 13 I think at the time, but remember this story clear as day. They set up this board on the back of an old Mustang bonnet and at first, nothing happened. They started by asking it dumb shit like what happened to the german soldiers whos stuff was in the box etc, absolutely nothing happened.

They put it back in the box and forgot about it for months. One really bad storm hit that year and I was really sick with the flu and I stayed over at my grandpas house. My uncle was also there drinking with my two brothers who were both in there late teens at this point, me being the youngest. Grandpa pulled out that old tin again and told my brother that he wanted him to take this to the pawn shop the next day and split the money for it all between me and them, so we agreed. As kids do, we decided to give it one more shot before we took it into the store. The three of us sat around in my grandpa's attic and used an upturned whiskey glass to the board. Bare in mind that the only person in that house who knew my grandfather had used this board before was me and my uncle who was passed out drunk downstairs, oblivious to us trying it again. My brothers didnt know what to do so I just explained to them that I think you have to put your hands on the glass and ask it questions etc. They were all laughing and joking until my eldest brother asked 'what happened to the owner of the board'.

Well.. as I was about to say to my brother Tim (oldest) something about it, I could sense a very uneasy feeling between us 3 young boys. I felt an intensely strong sense of de ja vu for a few seconds, and then, I felt an incredibly strong push on the glass under my fingers. It moved so fast that it made my knuckles 'pop' (like when you crack your own fingers)

my immediate response was just a WTF moment. For the next few seconds I was convinced my brother was moving it but when I looked at his face he was so scared and with that, he threw up down his shirt. The board spelled out M U S T and we all immediately took our fingers off and just stared at each other. It was over as quick as it began, but I will never ever forget that weird feeling I had in the room. I think about this day every time I get that sense of de ja vu. I have no doubt in my mind that it was going to spell out Mustang, the car that it was found in, if that makes any sense as hilariously bullshit as it sounds.

I only found out recently that, indeed, the owner of the vehicle in question died in a traffic accident in that car. It was more likely that some how one of my brothers learned about our first attempt I thought, and was fucking with us.... but I have to this day no explanation for it. None of them have ever fucked with stuff like this since and myself either. Whatever went down, went down. I asked my brother about the story at christmas one year not too long ago and he couldn't remember even doing the board really as he was so drunk, however my younger brother who like me was not drinking at all who threw up all over himself remembers it clear as day just like me and he too remembers a strong sense of deja vu so it's weird as fuck for us to talk about.
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Cutty Flam

but I will never ever forget that weird feeling I had in the room
What did it feel like exactly? Have you ever sat down and tried to recollect the exact sensations and feelings and thoughts going through your head during those moments when using the ouiji board? I always question that board and if it's real or not but I don't have the balls to try it and tamper with anything... The furthest I ever went down that road was when this one coworker lent me an esoteric book of spells, rituals, and black magick. I read most of the contents within the book, probably close to all the pages. The one thing that was running through my head often times while checking out the pages was, "I wonder what would happen if I actually performed one of the rituals?" but it was never going to happen. It felt wrong even thinking about it. I kept the book in my truck, sometimes my gym bag, rarely brought it into the house and if I did I kept a bible or two in the room because I did get psyched out at times merely by possessing it. It had spells, rituals, names of demons, spirits and strange signs that I think represented the name of the demons. Was some trippy shit, but it never caused any issues that I was aware of. The book was peculiar but I chipped away at it due to curiosity regardless

Fools idol

What did it feel like exactly? Have you ever sat down and tried to recollect the exact sensations and feelings and thoughts going through your head during those moments when using the ouiji board? I always question that board and if it's real or not but I don't have the balls to try it and tamper with anything... The furthest I ever went down that road was when this one coworker lent me an esoteric book of spells, rituals, and black magick. I read most of the contents within the book, probably close to all the pages. The one thing that was running through my head often times while checking out the pages was, "I wonder what would happen if I actually performed one of the rituals?" but it was never going to happen. It felt wrong even thinking about it. I kept the book in my truck, sometimes my gym bag, rarely brought it into the house and if I did I kept a bible or two in the room because I did get psyched out at times merely by possessing it. It had spells, rituals, names of demons, spirits and strange signs that I think represented the name of the demons. Was some trippy shit, but it never caused any issues that I was aware of. The book was peculiar but I chipped away at it due to curiosity regardless

This is going back almost 20 years, but the best way I can describe it is that horrible feeling in your stomach you get when you notice something really bad happened. It's like an instinctive nauseating feeling, that flushes in your stomach.

I felt this feeling a couple times in my life other than that board. Once was when my friends car in front of me was hit by an oncoming drunk driver. He survived but that initial stomach wrench was there. Another time was when I heard of my grandfathers passing at school, you know.

I certainly am not religious, nor do I believe in 'after life' and all that. Certainly do think however that we know very little about the human mind, and I suspect a lot of this kind of thing is a deep connection we have to the world around us and each other probably needs a lot more research.

As for your book of magic and what not, I don't really have anything to say other than my great great aunty who lived until her 105th year was a firm Pagan who visited stone henge every year of her life right up until her death. People who do believe in that stuff really go the whole hog.

All I know for a fact is, that fucking glass on that board moved with some real force, and it scared the absolute shit out of me and my brothers. My brother threw up with fear and the other went white as a fucking sheet, it was clear to me that none of them intentionally moved their finger on the glass.
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There's no way to verify the paranormal. Even if something paranormal happened, there's no way to confirm it and no good reason to believe that's the cause of your unique experience.

The most we are left with is "this weird thing happened and I don't know why". And considering how poor memory actually is over time -- we tend to remember our feelings and they way something impacts us personally rather than the actual specifics of what happened in an objective way -- most of these kinds of stories probably aren't that weird in general. It's just people that get a weird feeling about something, for whatever reason, which is for the most part a personally meaningful coincidence at best.
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There's no way to verify the paranormal. Even if something paranormal happened, there's no way to confirm it and no good reason to believe that's the cause of your unique experience.

The most we are left with is "this weird thing happened and I don't know why". And considering how poor memory actually is over time -- we tend to remember our feelings and they way something impacts us personally rather than the actual specifics of what happened in an objective way -- most of these kinds of stories probably aren't that weird in general. It's just people that get a weird feeling about something, for whatever reason, which is for the most part a personally meaningful coincidence at best.
No way, yet. Normal psychic activity may be classed as paranormal for a variety of reasons.

One example in entertainment terms, the concept of thought forms in use with tabletop games like D&D.
That's just playing around.
Expanding the concept through layers from the self to the universal mind in panpsychic terms things start to gather a testament of the heavens that could be read to some degree.

Watched the first episode of Foundation got me thinking of the Edge.


One time as a kid my Lego truck with lights and sound went on in the middle of the night , you actually need to press a button to do that .. who knows, As a 8 year old I was scared shitless , turned it off and went sleeping again ..
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I think i saw a native american spirit bear when i was on vacation in washington state. It was a black bear and it looked at me. It looked slightly out of focus and it's feet didnt touch the ground. It casually walked away.


Neo Member
When I was about 14 years old I was leaving The La Salette Shrine in Mass. After looking at the Christmas lights. As I was walking with my family back to my car I slipped on a patch of Ice and up ended my self to the point where I was parallel to the ground and by all rights I should have kept going and landed on the back of my skull, but some thing and Im not sure what seemed to keep my shoulders held up long enough for my feet to land back down and somehow I was upright again. It happened so fast. I wasnt sure what had even happened I was behind everyone else so the only person who saw this was an older gentleman walking further behind me, but he looked dead in my eyes and said I had an angel looking out for me cause I should have been on my ass. I have no idea how I caught myself in midair and landed on my feet but Im 44 now and I still think of it every christmas. And I dont belive in ghosts or angels or any of that stuff, but ti is the one thing I could never personally explain.
a firm Pagan who visited stone henge every year of her life right up until her death.

Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell.
Where the banshees live and they do live well!


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I think I had a paranormal experience yesterday. Certainly was very odd and not something I can explain.

I went round to my Aunties house to help her clear some stuff out of her attic and she lives in a village in Wiltshire, England. After breaking my back in the attic, I went outside for a smoke.

Now, she lives in the back end of the village and there are two houses nearby. The first, is a converted barn to the left of her house, and the other is another old ass house across the road. As I was outside having a smoke and checking out the stars, I heard what sounded like shuffling feet near the neighbors barn house. I didn't think anything of it as I thought it was Philip (the neighbor and owner of the house, but not his real name) popping out to his car.

I looked over in the direction of the noise but couldn't see anything. Then, as I was looking at the BMW parked in front of the garage to their house, I saw somebody walk across the front of the house to the car, then looked like they bent down by the front wheels. It actually didn't look like a person at all. It was like a shadow of a person. Although it was dark outside, this shadow was absolutely jet black and looked solid. At this point I still thought it was Philip, possibly just checking his tires on his car, but then remembered that my Aunt told me a few hours earlier that Philip and his wife had gone to Scarborough to visit their daughter (they're rich as fuck and have three cars)

Now I start to panic because there is no reason why anybody should be walking around the property and bending down by the car. My first thought is that somebody tried to break into the house, or steal the car, but saw me stood outside and have ducked by the car to hide.

I didn't take my eyes off the car for at least a few minutes, but nobody came back up. I slowly walked over and when I got a few feet from the car I made myself known (didn't want to surprise them). I said something about seeing them hide behind the car and asked them to come out. No reply.

I then quickly walked around the car, but there was nobody there and nobody under the car either?! I then freak the fuck out and get up off the floor. At this point I thought I heard a voice say something. It was a really strange and fucked up voice that I can't describe and it sounded like it said "oh", but I can't be sure and to be honest it could have been a nearby cat or fox.

Really, really fucking strange. I don't even believe in ghosts or the paranormal, but I can't explain this any other way.

Maybe somebody here who is well versed in the paranormal can explain, or maybe somebody has a more rational explanation.


Nothing really that ghostly, but I've experienced things so bizarre and unlikely it almost seemed like it can't be real.

For example running into people you've known decades ago in a different country you're visiting. And it's happened to me multiple times.


Since late January I've found a purpose for the encounter with paranormal work in the war effort with V'ger.

Drew a better constellation of the original. When it's observed the clusters of the unattributed stars sometimes give an illusion of movement as they twinkle.​

And snakes for hair.
In a slightly altered outline, after salvaging an egregore of Sagitta(thanks to Grimes), the tail curls around to end in Sagitta.

In early February someone pointed out to me the Platinum Jubilee Emblem saying how much it looked like a sigil. Immediately upon seeing it I was struck with how well it overlaps the same stars and constellations as V'ger.
It's a crown but does have that horned winged serpentine appearance.
That put royal colour to everything.

What does this mean to you?


What does this mean to you?
In the abstract - some small insight into the vastness of consciousness.
A Christian Major in the Salvation Army described it as an encounter with a demon. Others a Loa.
A goal is to put it into my own terms since I find these unsatisfactory, but it's difficult since it involves organizing a new metaphysics while learning about it.


My house goes back to the 1800's and it's definitely haunted.
-A baby was heard crying upstairs once, and later we found out a baby died in that room.
-Sometimes lots of banging happens on the roof when company is over.
-A few months ago there were pots and pans bashing in the kitchen, multiple times. I checked and checked, but nothing fell or was out.
-Tons of things got knocked over in the basement with no cause. Turns out a man once hanged himself there.
Lots more, at this point I'm just used to it.
Since late January I've found a purpose for the encounter with paranormal work in the war effort with V'ger.

Drew a better constellation of the original. When it's observed the clusters of the unattributed stars sometimes give an illusion of movement as they twinkle.​

And snakes for hair.
In a slightly altered outline, after salvaging an egregore of Sagitta(thanks to Grimes), the tail curls around to end in Sagitta.

In early February someone pointed out to me the Platinum Jubilee Emblem saying how much it looked like a sigil. Immediately upon seeing it I was struck with how well it overlaps the same stars and constellations as V'ger.
It's a crown but does have that horned winged serpentine appearance.
That put royal colour to everything.



Weirdest thing for me was I saw a performer die at a circus. My mum made us go back there a few weeks later to 'get over our fears' and the power cut at the moment they were performing a tribute for her. I also heard a very loud, evil laugh.

God I feel mad just writing that. I don't actually believe it was a ghost though.


I’ve got a ton of old stories as I used to be really connected but recently, I was sleeping (as one does) and woke to the sound of a few knocks at the front door. I got up out of bed, and went over to it, to find it all unlocked, including the keychain unbolted.

I think the knocks was just my body warning me to go lock it.


Ghosts and shit are obviously BS but people who have had these experiences, might even be most rational people, will stick to their story.

I have only one explanation for dismissing everything. You might have gone to the same school for 5 years, but try visiting it in the middle of the night and sit at the exact spot you sit everyday but alone in the dark. You will definitely feel something.

Now you KNOW there is no ghosts and shit in your classroom B4. Best I can guess is your fight and flight instinct telling you, "something isn't right, this is not normal, get the fuck outta here". And you will be surprised in brains capability to connect two pieces of information and misrepresent one of them to you.


Reseterror Resettler
I like the rabbit hole of the multiverse theory to explain paranormal occurrences. If there are separate universes as some fringe scientists have posited, countless almost completely similar universes for each varying decision of every human on the planet Earth, for every comet hitting or missing a planet, etc. then perhaps paranormal events like ghost or demon or shadow people sightings are simply these different planes of reality interacting with each other in a way that's not feasible to understand with current scientific understanding. CURIOUS.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
A few years ago my sister had what I thought was paranormal activity happen to her.

Anywhere she went the lights would flicker, or just turn off. In one instance, we were at a big store, and there were lights everywhere. And everytime she walked beneath a light it would flicker and turn off. It happened so consistently that we left the place scared shitless lmao!


I purchased my first home a 100 year old house that I bought from a contractor who fixes and flips home.
After about 2 months I heard some knocking, but didnt really think much of it, old houses creak and stuff.
Then one morning as I woke up and opened my eyes, I saw a pitch black hooded being with no face standing at the doorway
I saw it with my own eyes this dark grim reaper looking figure.
That's normal, everyone sees some things when they wake up sometimes. Your groggy.

Cutty Flam

My house goes back to the 1800's and it's definitely haunted.
-A baby was heard crying upstairs once, and later we found out a baby died in that room.
-Sometimes lots of banging happens on the roof when company is over.
-A few months ago there were pots and pans bashing in the kitchen, multiple times. I checked and checked, but nothing fell or was out.
-Tons of things got knocked over in the basement with no cause. Turns out a man once hanged himself there.
Lots more, at this point I'm just used to it.
Stuff like this never makes sense when I think about it... How many living things die every day? Why do we hear accounts of only human hauntings? And why are they always tied to a room where they passed on (or maybe they didn't?)
Weirdest thing for me was I saw a performer die at a circus. My mum made us go back there a few weeks later to 'get over our fears' and the power cut at the moment they were performing a tribute for her. I also heard a very loud, evil laugh.

God I feel mad just writing that. I don't actually believe it was a ghost though.
It was probably just some cornball reacting to the lights shutting off tbh. You were at a circus, after all


Stuff like this never makes sense when I think about it... How many living things die every day? Why do we hear accounts of only human hauntings? And why are they always tied to a room where they passed on (or maybe they didn't?)
Yeah, it's funny how ghosts always seem to be tied to relatively recent human history, usually the 1800s. Where are all the Bronze Age ghosts? Or the pre-civilization ghosts? I'd like to be haunted by a Cro-Magnon man.
A few years ago my sister had what I thought was paranormal activity happen to her.

Anywhere she went the lights would flicker, or just turn off. In one instance, we were at a big store, and there were lights everywhere. And everytime she walked beneath a light it would flicker and turn off. It happened so consistently that we left the place scared shitless lmao!
That used to happen to me all the time when I was younger, lol. And the reverse too. Lights that were off would spontaneously turn on. I just got used to it. It's been many years since this was a thing for me though. Who knows why stuff happens, ha. 🤷


Lil’ Gobbie
alleged paranormal events are great for identifying people that are willingly lying to themselves while signalling to others that have no regard for truth. very useful IMO
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Cutty Flam

alleged paranormal events are great for identifying people that are willingly lying to themselves in order to signal to everyone else know they have no credibility or show any regard for truth. very useful IMO
Lol eat a fat dick, you know nothing about truth. Can you explain everything that takes place in this world, or debunk anything for that matter? Nothing is worse than condescending know it all pricks like yourself on message boards
Lol eat a fat dick, you know nothing about truth. Can you explain everything that takes place in this world, or debunk anything for that matter? Nothing is worse than condescending know it all pricks like yourself on message boards
I mean, we live in an age where we have a camera and microphone on us at all times. Where is this shit at on YouTube.


Lil’ Gobbie
Lol eat a fat dick, you know nothing about truth. Can you explain everything that takes place in this world, or debunk anything for that matter? Nothing is worse than condescending know it all pricks like yourself on message boards
No need for personal insults. I'm just not yet willing to throw away our current understanding of physical laws so you can entertain yourself with some made up bullshit

I'll always be open to new, verifiable evidence at which point is it no longer supernatural - In other words, there is only natural phenomenas,
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Nothing since I was a kid, which means it was just child fantasy.

I have wild deja vus though, where I can predict stuff in detail. I sometimes freak my girlfriend out by literally narrating what's gonna happen next, and it works most of the time. Might be luck or intuition, idk.


No need for personal insults. I'm just not yet willing to throw away our current understanding of physical laws so you can entertain yourself with some made up bullshit

I'll always be open to new, verifiable evidence at which point is it no longer supernatural - In other words, there is only natural phenomenas,
Well if ghosts were proven to you as real you would kind of have to accept them as a natural phenomenon wouldnt you?

Cutty Flam

I mean, we live in an age where we have a camera and microphone on us at all times. Where is this shit at on YouTube.
It takes like five fucking seconds to find something dude. Regardless, it comes down to what you choose to believe in. How long have demonic possessions have taken place throughout history? I'm sure if you search, you will find even more disturbing material than I have found in the past. There's a Vatican priest that claims to have cast out over 70,000 demons in his life's work. Demons, ghosts, all these other topics involving the unexplained -- that's exactly what it is. Unexplained. Anyone outright denying either side is flat out fucking retarded


That's normal, everyone sees some things when they wake up sometimes. Your groggy.

When you sleep your spirit sensitivity is high. as you wake up your regular senses whiteout your spirit, sometimes you can glimpse things in transition.

It was like a shadow of a person. Although it was dark outside, this shadow was absolutely jet black and looked solid.

Likely because it doesn't reflect light.

I have only one explanation for dismissing everything. You might have gone to the same school for 5 years, but try visiting it in the middle of the night and sit at the exact spot you sit everyday but alone in the dark. You will definitely feel something.

It is not in the school, it's already with you. when in seclusion you start to feel the presence of your companion spirit more clearly. Also, some abandoned places do get residence after a while.


It is not in the school, it's already with you. when in seclusion you start to feel the presence of your companion spirit more clearly. Also, some abandoned places do get residence after a while.
Do you just believe so because that's ok, or do we have any theory or proof.

Atleast the Fight or flight instinct messing up your rationale is somewhat a rational explanation for supernatural.


Do you just believe so because that's ok, or do we have any theory or proof.

Atleast the Fight or flight instinct messing up your rationale is somewhat a rational explanation for supernatural.
Life experience, encountered a couple of types. Nothing supernatural about them. They are a natural part of the world.


It takes like five fucking seconds to find something dude. Regardless, it comes down to what you choose to believe in. How long have demonic possessions have taken place throughout history? I'm sure if you search, you will find even more disturbing material than I have found in the past. There's a Vatican priest that claims to have cast out over 70,000 demons in his life's work. Demons, ghosts, all these other topics involving the unexplained -- that's exactly what it is. Unexplained. Anyone outright denying either side is flat out fucking retarded
You buy into an ancient victorian priest and his musings? Why? Why should that be true?
It takes like five fucking seconds to find something dude. Regardless, it comes down to what you choose to believe in. How long have demonic possessions have taken place throughout history? I'm sure if you search, you will find even more disturbing material than I have found in the past. There's a Vatican priest that claims to have cast out over 70,000 demons in his life's work. Demons, ghosts, all these other topics involving the unexplained -- that's exactly what it is. Unexplained. Anyone outright denying either side is flat out fucking retarded
I was raised Catholic, and my entire family practices to this day. This stuff always happens behind closed doors for some reason.

I hope the one priest with 70,000 demons cast at least has a trading card. That's a prolific career.


How do you know it was a real ghost?
When I was young, I was out riding with my brothers, it was around 9-10pm and we rode past an old abandoned, hospital. The windows and doors had been boarded up and surrounding it was a large brick fence, when we rode past the chained-up large metal gate, we saw an old woman staring at us from the other side. She was wearing a blue hospital robe, looked to be probably in her late 60’s or early 70’s, and had white hair that run down to her shoulders. My brothers and I knew just by looking at her that she wasn’t really there, she had a stillness and a sadness about her that’s hard to explain. You don’t see it in regular people.

We later heard the place was haunted.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
When I was young, I was out riding with my brothers, it was around 9-10pm and we rode past an old abandoned, hospital. The windows and doors had been boarded up and surrounding it was a large brick fence, when we rode past the chained-up large metal gate, we saw an old woman staring at us from the other side. She was wearing a blue hospital robe, looked to be probably in her late 60’s or early 70’s, and had white hair that run down to her shoulders. My brothers and I knew just by looking at her that she wasn’t really there, she had a stillness and a sadness about her that’s hard to explain. You don’t see it in regular people.

We later heard the place was haunted.
Your brother saw her too? Interesting did you ever go back and witness more?


When I was young, I was out riding with my brothers, it was around 9-10pm and we rode past an old abandoned, hospital. The windows and doors had been boarded up and surrounding it was a large brick fence, when we rode past the chained-up large metal gate, we saw an old woman staring at us from the other side. She was wearing a blue hospital robe, looked to be probably in her late 60’s or early 70’s, and had white hair that run down to her shoulders. My brothers and I knew just by looking at her that she wasn’t really there, she had a stillness and a sadness about her that’s hard to explain. You don’t see it in regular people.

We later heard the place was haunted.
But what's keeping it from just being a lady with a blue coat?


Since late January I've found a purpose for the encounter with paranormal work in the war effort with V'ger.

Drew a better constellation of the original. When it's observed the clusters of the unattributed stars sometimes give an illusion of movement as they twinkle.​

And snakes for hair.
In a slightly altered outline, after salvaging an egregore of Sagitta(thanks to Grimes), the tail curls around to end in Sagitta.

In early February someone pointed out to me the Platinum Jubilee Emblem saying how much it looked like a sigil. Immediately upon seeing it I was struck with how well it overlaps the same stars and constellations as V'ger.
It's a crown but does have that horned winged serpentine appearance.
That put royal colour to everything.
Huh? I have no idea what is going on here, Grimes is a space alien?
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