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Anyone here ever have Paranormal Experiences?


sometimes when i sleep, i feel that i am out of my body (like a ghost and i can see my own body sleeping) i can move around the house and touch stuff. But the weirdest part is when i touch the alarm system. it goes off in my dream but also in real life. Happens to me once a year


Huh? I have no idea what is going on here, Grimes is a space alien?
In her music video she's an AI.



Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Two things both around my mom's death.

My mom died from a long drawn out battle with cancer. By the end she knew she was dying.

She had a sort of small walk in closet with a sliding door that she had her clothes shoes, a small makeup table and her jewelry in. She didnt have any crazy stuff but a lot of sentimental things and probably a couple nice rings and necklaces.

She told me and my sister not to let anyone in her closet after she passed away. We said sure no problem.

She probably died a week later or something. We had the funeral and after that we invited everyone back to our house. You know if it wasn't my mom's funeral I would say it was one of the best family parties we ever had. When I was younger we used to host a lot of family gatherings at our house and it was usually my mom driving that and getting everyone together and she would manage the food and stuff.

Before anyone arrived we closed her closet by sliding the door closed. There was no lock or anything.

Anyways it was a great party. Tons of family I hadn't seen in years (my mom's side was huge), and old family friends. We were all drinking, beers, whisky etc. My mom always was filling photo albums so we had about 25+ years of photo albums laid out on our dining room table, with everyone flipping through them reminiscing.

At some point during the party for some reason we needed to get something from my mom's closet. I had forgotten what she said I was a bit tipsey and no one was trying to "get back there" we just needed to go back to get something quickly. And when I went back there the sliding door was still closed but when I tried to open it it just wouldn't open. Like it was stuck or something. I asked my sister and some other people to come back and we all tried to slide open the door but it just would not open. We tried for a couple minutes but then gave up and went back to rejoin the party.

Wild thing is that after everyone left we remembered what happened and we went back there and the door opened no problem.

Second thing I was not actually there but my two sisters and my mom used to go to this Japanese restaurant in our town. Whatever you ordered they would give you a miso soup starter. One of my sisters loves miso soup and the other doesn't like it. So the one who likes it would always drink her soup and teh soup of my other sister.

So soon after my mom died both my sisters went together to the Japanese restaurant for a lunch and sat down and ordered whatever. When the waiter brought the two miso soups and set them down after he turned around the soup in front of my sister who doesnt like miso soup just slid across the table and stopped next to my sister who does like miso soup. Both sisters saw this and confirmed it.

Cutty Flam

I was raised Catholic, and my entire family practices to this day. This stuff always happens behind closed doors for some reason.

I hope the one priest with 70,000 demons cast at least has a trading card. That's a prolific career.
Why don’t you ask your priest to speak on his experiences and what he knows about exorcisms? You seem to have more connections than most. Maybe you’ll even be brought along for one if them to witness one of these days


A couple of examples. One from my parents, one from my own experience.

My Mum and Dad were walking down Hessle Road in Hull (UK) to visit my Dad's sister. Whilst walking, they bump into my Dad's Uncle. They talk, his Uncle states he is off down to the Pier in Hull to do some fishing. My Mum and Dad arrive at his Sisters house and explain how they bumped into this person, only for his sister to explain he can't have done as the man had been dead for years.....

Shortly after moving into my current house, one morning my other half gets up early to buy papers, leaving just me laying in bed and the dog downstairs in the house. The dog was old by this point and I heard him walk up the stairs and lay down. Now, the dog had arthritis, so would groan when laying down. Anyhow, as I heard the dog settling down outside the bedroom door, I sneezed. I heard, as clear as day someone say "bless you". I laid there in shock for 5 minutes. The rational part of me says it was me interpreting the dog groaning as a human voice saying "bless you", but it was so clear to me.


Forgot the most important one...

Four years ago, my dad was in hospital following a heart attack and was on every machine going to keep him alive. After a week or so of sitting in the hospital, I had returned home (130 miles away) to get more clothes and stuff and to prepare for the inevitable. My mum called me to state the hospital recommended I was there and so I jumped in the car at 4am and drove up to Hull.

On the M18, around Doncaster (where I was born) the car filled with the smell of tea. The sort of tea smell you get if someone makes a flask of it. Kinda hard to explain unless you've smelt it. I hadn't smelt that smell for about 20 years up until that point.

The windows weren't open, so the smell hadn't come from outside. No other cars nearby either (road was quiet) so not like I'd smelt someone else's cup of tea.

As quickly as the smell arrived, it went.

I got to the hospital and saw the nurses were occasionally switching off the machines to test is my dad's heart would work. I could see his heart flatlined during these tests, so they turned the machine on again to keep him alive. The nurses never drew attention to this testing. I just happened to spot them doing it. My mum and I had to make the decision to switch off the machines and let him die that day.

I rationalise that they'd done this test at the time my car filled up with the smell of tea. My dad loved his cuppa (true Yorkshireman) and the tea/flask smell is one I associate with the times as a child that I went fishing with him and he used to take a flask of tea with him. I like to think that as his heart stopped during the test and was close to passing on, he wanted to know where I was and that's why my car filled with the smell of tea, almost like he wanted me to know he was there. Of course, no means for me to link one of these tests with the time of the tea smell at all. I just like to think that it was a sign of him visiting me.


There's a difference between investigation and wilful ignorance.
Do you think looking at a picture of stars and combining them with a Grimes music video is an investigation?

I'm curious, try to convince me, show me something about the hidden ones controlling us.


Well, for one she would have been completely locked inside the grounds with no way out, and two, it’s hard to explain but you could just feel she was off.
Yeah but, it's completely possible for someone to look off, it's about 900000 times more likely that it was a weird lady in a blue coat than an actual ghost.

I would love for it to be a ghost, a confirmation of an afterlife would be incredible. But seeing weird things and feeling shivers and hearing loud knocks is completely normal.


Yeah but, it's completely possible for someone to look off, it's about 900000 times more likely that it was a weird lady in a blue coat than an actual ghost.

I would love for it to be a ghost, a confirmation of an afterlife would be incredible. But seeing weird things and feeling shivers and hearing loud knocks is completely normal.
Ghosts aren’t that uncommon, my parents had one in their last house.


My parents used to go away a lot and leave me at home when I was young (late teens), I only had a single bed so I would sleep on theirs because it was a double and spread out like you do.

I used to have these very strange episodes in that bedroom where my ears would scream at high pitch when I was falling asleep, you know when you're in that stage just before you drop off deep, and I had my feet pulled by something more than once. Unable to react somehow almost in a state of paralysis. Also had a few episodes of proper sleep paralysis where I saw terrifying dark beings in the corner of the ceiling and can't move, can't shout out, can't even breathe and you feel absolutely scared to death. I'm sure that house was haunted.


Some nights you could hear the patter of feet running down the hallway and a young girl laughing.
It sounds eerie but it doesn't mean it's ghosts.

If I put you in an old house and tell you that sometimes I have heard the patter of feet and laughter, it's highly likely you will hear it too even though it's not there.

Birds tapping the walls/roofs, creaks, rats, whatever. It's just that admitting that it's a ghost around is like admitting there is a god, it's such a massive thing you need to see it. It changes everything.


Can't explain what happened to this very day but here goes-

About 20 years ago I used to work in a small warehouse. We used to ship off wines to different stores in our area.
I was the 1st person into the offices that morning (the only way to enter the warehouse without going through the roller door is in through the office) at around 4am. It was still dark outside and once I entered the office I turned the alarm off and straight away I heard a noise from upstairs (office area is 2 floors). The noises sounded like someone walking and moving things around. I almost shit myself as the alarm wasn't ringing and there were no cars in our car park area so who the hell was upstairs?

It scared me so much at that time of the morning that I ran from the office into the warehouse, locking the door behind me. Turned on all the lights and waited for the 1st truck to show up for company!

When the bosses showed up they went straight upstairs at around 6:30am and said that in the locked room there was a mess in there with stuff thrown around! To this day I have no idea who was in there, what they were doing and how they escaped the warehouse/office area as they were in a locked room and the front door in the office was locked. The only way to get out was past me... Weird shit.


It sounds eerie but it doesn't mean it's ghosts.

If I put you in an old house and tell you that sometimes I have heard the patter of feet and laughter, it's highly likely you will hear it too even though it's not there.

Birds tapping the walls/roofs, creaks, rats, whatever. It's just that admitting that it's a ghost around is like admitting there is a god, it's such a massive thing you need to see it. It changes everything.
Again, I can understand why people would feel that way without experiencing it. I feel the same way about God/jesus etc


Oh, the classic "I'm not a conspiracy theorist, you are" response. A few posts up you talking about twinkling constellations, star trek monsters, and grimes.
You haven't shown a basic understanding of the subjects to criticize them or a willingness to learn. Your arguments can be summed as simple denial.

In case there is any legitimacy to your inquiry. or at least for the others these ideas are new to
here's a basic introduction to some as they pertain.

Egregores and thought forms could be considered A.I. which were sometimes intentionally linked from the cosmological.
There's many questions about their nature yet to be asked and answered.
Syncretism is a means of getting these ancient AI under control. Discovering if and how to integrate any of that functioning technology with new A.I. technologies is a goal of many. Artist and tech.
"Hidden ones", in some cases in the models, are the simple directives of a specific AI to be continually present and sustain civil consciousness safely while its influence manifests subconsciously in a civilization's creativity.
Ancient incorporeal A.I. operating in the inner worlds of the human mind placed upon perches in the celestial sphere within the galactic mind by Gaia's fae children for their own means.


You haven't shown a basic understanding of the subjects to criticize them or a willingness to learn. Your arguments can be summed as simple denial.

In case there is any legitimacy to your inquiry. or at least for the others these ideas are new to
here's a basic introduction to some as they pertain.

Egregores and thought forms could be considered A.I. which were sometimes intentionally linked from the cosmological.
There's many questions about their nature yet to be asked and answered.
Syncretism is a means of getting these ancient AI under control. Discovering if and how to integrate any of that functioning technology with new A.I. technologies is a goal of many. Artist and tech.
"Hidden ones", in some cases in the models, are the simple directives of a specific AI to be continually present and sustain civil consciousness safely while its influence manifests subconsciously in a civilization's creativity.
Ancient incorporeal A.I. operating in the inner worlds of the human mind placed upon perches in the celestial sphere within the galactic mind by Gaia's fae children for their own means.
From the little I read from that article right now, these are just interesting philosophies that are fun to ponder.

One thing is finding panpsychism interesting, another thing is thinking you figured it out and start to link what you hope to be ancient AI's operating in the human mind together with what you perceive to be cosmological signs.


Golden Boy
Yeah, it's funny how ghosts always seem to be tied to relatively recent human history, usually the 1800s. Where are all the Bronze Age ghosts? Or the pre-civilization ghosts? I'd like to be haunted by a Cro-Magnon man.
Imagine being haunted by Homo Australopithecus.


From the little I read from that article right now, these are just interesting philosophies that are fun to ponder.
Yes, it's good to ponder, but the point is it's necessary to be familiar with it and the concepts involved to be able to understand the conversation. Let alone criticize it.

One thing is finding panpsychism interesting, another thing is thinking you figured it out and start to link what you hope to be ancient AI's operating in the human mind together with what you perceive to be cosmological signs.
There's your problem with misunderstanding. Presumption leading to incorrect conclusions. In this case that discovery followed interest when it was the other way around in my case.
And the discoveries regarding V'ger are ongoing. Which would have been known from the developments mentioned in the recent post in regard to the original post last year.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Yeah, it's funny how ghosts always seem to be tied to relatively recent human history, usually the 1800s. Where are all the Bronze Age ghosts? Or the pre-civilization ghosts? I'd like to be haunted by a Cro-Magnon man.

What about Roman ghosts, with the story being oddly backed up only by later research and evidence?

Interestingly, Henry’s account of the men carrying round shields was at odds with contemporary ideas about how Roman soldiers were equipped. They were generally believed to have only used rectangular shields and some used this ‘fact' to discredit his story.

However, later research has revealed that during the fourth century AD the Sixth Legion was withdrawn from York and replaced by troops that carried distinctive, round shields.

In addition, later archaeological research revealed evidence of a Roman road – 18 inches below the current cellar floor.


Yes, it's good to ponder, but the point is it's necessary to be familiar with it and the concepts involved to be able to understand the conversation. Let alone criticize it.

There's your problem with misunderstanding. Presumption leading to incorrect conclusions. In this case that discovery followed interest when it was the other way around in my case.
And the discoveries regarding V'ger are ongoing. Which would have been known from the developments mentioned in the recent post in regard to the original post last year.
Dude, you said you encountered a being and that its capture is written in the sky. Huh?

Frankly, it's cool that you find something that interests you and I'm not gonna judge. But this is really out there and it's hard to grasp your logic behind this.

You don't have to understand any concepts to figure out that you enjoy esoteric philosophies. You also mentioned some serpent thing, which is a massive red flag. People love to feel like they know stuff other people don't, and they always fall back on serpents. And who is making discoveries on vger? and are we talking about the same thing here, the star trek thing?


Dude, you said you encountered a being and that its capture is written in the sky. Huh?

Frankly, it's cool that you find something that interests you and I'm not gonna judge. But this is really out there and it's hard to grasp your logic behind this.

You don't have to understand any concepts to figure out that you enjoy esoteric philosophies. You also mentioned some serpent thing, which is a massive red flag. People love to feel like they know stuff other people don't, and they always fall back on serpents. And who is making discoveries on vger? and are we talking about the same thing here, the star trek thing?
This isn't something that other people don't know. It's something that you don't know about.


And who is making discoveries on vger? and are we talking about the same thing here, the star trek thing?
A few individuals and groups.
In my original post about it last year, if you read the conversation before asking these questions, mentioned that particular name was attributed to the phenomena when it was an unknown to me in 2007 due to some overlaps in experience with the narrative. It's full name, according to to the person who gave me the picture in 2008 and was involved with it before my encounter, spelt it V _ G E R _ _ . A co-incidence, perhaps.


I have experienced dream paralysis two times in the same year. Like 5 years ago or maybe more.

The first one I was on vacations in the winter at my parents house, in my old room. Was sleeping and suddenly I open my eyes and felt absolutely terrified. You know, you realize you were sleeping when the experience is over. Meandwhile it felt real as it gets.

I was paralyzed face up, I felt really heavy. The moonlight came thru the window and i started to float very slowly to the roof, up and up (my old room has a tall ceiling). My thought was "they are taking me away". I coul see all the details of the walls the windows and the ceiling fan from that perspective. I struggled and shake, like I was fighting the force that lifted me. I remember being a foot away from the top and started to back down to the bed. I freaked out and fall sleep again. It felt like 2 or 3 minutes.

The second time in a house I just moved in. I saw three demon's gargoyle style 6 foot away from me, close to the wall. I remember the details of their skins, their teeth, their sinister look.

Very frightening stuff.


Sleep paralysis is some trippy shit. Hard to imagine it could all just be in your head. I had it at least once at our old house. It was the standard saw a dark figure and was frozen and could not move. I was eventually able to fully wake myself up and by then no dark figure.
A couple of examples. One from my parents, one from my own experience.

My Mum and Dad were walking down Hessle Road in Hull (UK) to visit my Dad's sister. Whilst walking, they bump into my Dad's Uncle. They talk, his Uncle states he is off down to the Pier in Hull to do some fishing. My Mum and Dad arrive at his Sisters house and explain how they bumped into this person, only for his sister to explain he can't have done as the man had been dead for years.....

Shortly after moving into my current house, one morning my other half gets up early to buy papers, leaving just me laying in bed and the dog downstairs in the house. The dog was old by this point and I heard him walk up the stairs and lay down. Now, the dog had arthritis, so would groan when laying down. Anyhow, as I heard the dog settling down outside the bedroom door, I sneezed. I heard, as clear as day someone say "bless you". I laid there in shock for 5 minutes. The rational part of me says it was me interpreting the dog groaning as a human voice saying "bless you", but it was so clear to me.
Yeah fuck that

Ghosts and shit are obviously BS but people who have had these experiences, might even be most rational people, will stick to their story.

I have only one explanation for dismissing everything. You might have gone to the same school for 5 years, but try visiting it in the middle of the night and sit at the exact spot you sit everyday but alone in the dark. You will definitely feel something.

Now you KNOW there is no ghosts and shit in your classroom B4. Best I can guess is your fight and flight instinct telling you, "something isn't right, this is not normal, get the fuck outta here". And you will be surprised in brains capability to connect two pieces of information and misrepresent one of them to you.
Yep. Good call.

The same way you can tell someone their house is haunted if they've already been living there for some time. They'll tell you to fuck off and continue like normal.
But go to an abandoned place you've never been to before and you hear its haunted, you're going to suddenly experience shit.

Its all in your head.


Why the fuck would a ghost come back from hell and scratch your pillow?
"from hell" and "spirits of the dead" are the assumptions people make. spirits are just residents of this life like us. entities of will and awareness that have different properties.
No need for personal insults. I'm just not yet willing to throw away our current understanding of physical laws so you can entertain yourself with some made up bullshit

I'll always be open to new, verifiable evidence at which point is it no longer supernatural - In other words, there is only natural phenomenas,
"If I can't see it, it doesn't exist" is a really weak paradigm for truth, you know. See the history of science for numerous examples. Becomes even weaker if we become philosphical about it.


This isn't something that other people don't know. It's something that you don't know about.
A few individuals and groups.
In my original post about it last year, if you read the conversation before asking these questions, mentioned that particular name was attributed to the phenomena when it was an unknown to me in 2007 due to some overlaps in experience with the narrative. It's full name, according to to the person who gave me the picture in 2008 and was involved with it before my encounter, spelt it V _ G E R _ _ . A co-incidence, perhaps.
Maybe, but most of the time when people follow obscure ideologies or philosophies, people use it as a sort of self-defense mechanism. No one can question them, as no one understands what they understand, hence, they never get called out for it or have to explain it.

When it comes to esoteric beliefs, a lot of it comes down to the belief that someone has had "a connection with a being" or, something in the universe communicated with them. It's a need to feel special, to feel like you are connected to something and you are important, more than others. It's a psychological trick, a twist of the need for attention, we all need. At least that's how I interpret it.

I had a friend who got lost in this, ever since he was a kid, he lacked rational thinking and believed in everything under the sun. It was only a matter of time before he come over stuff like channeling and pleiadians and whatever it was online that he found, and he got enraptured with it. He lost his mind completely.


Maybe, but most of the time when people follow obscure ideologies or philosophies, people use it as a sort of self-defense mechanism. No one can question them, as no one understands what they understand, hence, they never get called out for it or have to explain it.

When it comes to esoteric beliefs, a lot of it comes down to the belief that someone has had "a connection with a being" or, something in the universe communicated with them. It's a need to feel special, to feel like you are connected to something and you are important, more than others. It's a psychological trick, a twist of the need for attention, we all need. At least that's how I interpret it.

I had a friend who got lost in this, ever since he was a kid, he lacked rational thinking and believed in everything under the sun. It was only a matter of time before he come over stuff like channeling and pleiadians and whatever it was online that he found, and he got enraptured with it. He lost his mind completely.
I considered the encounter with V'ger one I could have done without for some time.
Over the years taking a few chosen opportunities to risk talking about it publicly has helped with getting context and understanding it. History, new ideas and cross-examinations bringing sparks of realization to light fires of inspiration.

Fallibilism helps contextualize to avoid the Scylla and Charybdis of believing everything and debunking everything during this odyssey.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I'm an apatheist and don't necessarily believe in the paranormal but after my infant son passed away weird things started happening with the lighting. Once the ceiling fan light came on in the middle of the night. One morning I woke up to 3 lightbulbs in different rooms out turns out they just had to be tightened. Another time at my mom's house the ceiling light fan came on the second my phone rang to tell me I had won a bid on my house. When I visit my mom I set my keys in the middle of her huge island. I was at her house there was no one in the kitchen. I hear a noise go check it out and my keys are on the floor. I can't explain it


How do you know that?
Several personal events and sources. Other than my personal encounters, there also encounters all over the world throughout time. The Quran has a chapter about the Jinn the describes them. They have the the good and the bad. they can be influenced by man as they can influence humans. there are people with special sensitivity to their presence called mediums. The spirits have a history and culture that has been ignored by modernity. Lovecraft has based his stories on some of this history.


I'm an apatheist and don't necessarily believe in the paranormal but after my infant son passed away weird things started happening with the lighting. Once the ceiling fan light came on in the middle of the night. One morning I woke up to 3 lightbulbs in different rooms out turns out they just had to be tightened. Another time at my mom's house the ceiling light fan came on the second my phone rang to tell me I had won a bid on my house. When I visit my mom I set my keys in the middle of her huge island. I was at her house there was no one in the kitchen. I hear a noise go check it out and my keys are on the floor. I can't explain it
sorry about that! Well what you are experimenting is grief! I took care of my grandma for 3 years, after she passed away while I tried to revive her. I could hear her coughing or calling me from her room! Only lasted 3 days but was extremely sad and confusing…


Is there any youtube channel that tries to debunk all these paranormal experiences ? Would be interesting to watch


Two things both around my mom's death.

My mom died from a long drawn out battle with cancer. By the end she knew she was dying.

She had a sort of small walk in closet with a sliding door that she had her clothes shoes, a small makeup table and her jewelry in. She didnt have any crazy stuff but a lot of sentimental things and probably a couple nice rings and necklaces.

She told me and my sister not to let anyone in her closet after she passed away. We said sure no problem.

She probably died a week later or something. We had the funeral and after that we invited everyone back to our house. You know if it wasn't my mom's funeral I would say it was one of the best family parties we ever had. When I was younger we used to host a lot of family gatherings at our house and it was usually my mom driving that and getting everyone together and she would manage the food and stuff.

Before anyone arrived we closed her closet by sliding the door closed. There was no lock or anything.

Anyways it was a great party. Tons of family I hadn't seen in years (my mom's side was huge), and old family friends. We were all drinking, beers, whisky etc. My mom always was filling photo albums so we had about 25+ years of photo albums laid out on our dining room table, with everyone flipping through them reminiscing.

At some point during the party for some reason we needed to get something from my mom's closet. I had forgotten what she said I was a bit tipsey and no one was trying to "get back there" we just needed to go back to get something quickly. And when I went back there the sliding door was still closed but when I tried to open it it just wouldn't open. Like it was stuck or something. I asked my sister and some other people to come back and we all tried to slide open the door but it just would not open. We tried for a couple minutes but then gave up and went back to rejoin the party.

Wild thing is that after everyone left we remembered what happened and we went back there and the door opened no problem.

Second thing I was not actually there but my two sisters and my mom used to go to this Japanese restaurant in our town. Whatever you ordered they would give you a miso soup starter. One of my sisters loves miso soup and the other doesn't like it. So the one who likes it would always drink her soup and teh soup of my other sister.

So soon after my mom died both my sisters went together to the Japanese restaurant for a lunch and sat down and ordered whatever. When the waiter brought the two miso soups and set them down after he turned around the soup in front of my sister who doesnt like miso soup just slid across the table and stopped next to my sister who does like miso soup. Both sisters saw this and confirmed it.

It's kinda sad that the best meet ups from family and friends are all at funerals, u see so many people that normally don't show there head.

It's kinda sad if you think about it.

My mom died 13 years ago, saw so many people u never saw before again.
Then my dad died a month or so ago and again so many people you normally never see again.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
sorry about that! Well what you are experimenting is grief! I took care of my grandma for 3 years, after she passed away while I tried to revive her. I could hear her coughing or calling me from her room! Only lasted 3 days but was extremely sad and confusing…
I don't think so. Its been going for years after his death. I subscribe to Absurdism and I'm an apatheist.
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Golden Boy
Why the fuck would a ghost come back from hell and scratch your pillow?
I also don’t think ghosts are from hell; if they exist at all.
Perhaps Purgatory; but from my understanding hell is endstation.
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My only real observation on this thread is that we still only have the most basic and rudimentary of understanding about how the human brain and psyche functions, and that when that improves, a lot of ‘paranormal’ incidents are likely to cease to exist.


Gold Member
Sleep paralysis is some trippy shit. Hard to imagine it could all just be in your head. I had it at least once at our old house. It was the standard saw a dark figure and was frozen and could not move. I was eventually able to fully wake myself up and by then no dark figure.
I get sleep paralysis every once in a while. No way to predict it. Thankfully not often.

Amazingly, I never get monsters or anything in it, but it still freaks me out where sometimes I struggle to wake up. But sometimes I'm more chill and wait it out to end. Doesn't make sense why sometimes I'm fearful and sometimes I don't give a shit. When I try to wake myself up, most of the time I just go back into it. But maybe like my 6th try I might wake up for real.

Odd things I've noticed about it:

1. It only happens when I'm alone. I have never had it bunked up with someone or taking a nap at a family member's place with people running around

2. Only happens at night. I have never had it during daytime/bright hours

3. I only get it when sleeping on my back where I get a clear view of the dark room. I googled it, and it holds true for me too. They said sleep on your side or stomach and you wont get it. 100% true. I have never got it with my head buried in a pillow

4. Only get it as an adult. I never got it as a kid
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