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Anyone still play FFXI Online?


The game has A LOT of quests. There's just no xp reward for them, or the gil reward isn't enough.

Barely anyone actually does any of the quests, because like in every other MMORPG, most of the players are power gamers. Like for example, Timely Visit quest had a very interesting story that gave you an item that only sold for 10-20k (at the time). So barely anyone did it.


Compare to WoW, the amount of quests in FFXI (especially soloable ones) is nothing.

And dont keep bringing up "That's what static party is for." There is a lot of reasons why people don't have statics and it has nothing to do with the person's capability in the game.


Final Fantasy XI quest number - Over 300 available quests.

That's not including missions. For missions, there's 20 per nation (so 60 all together), then 17 Zilart Missions, then the upcoming COP missions.

So you're saying compared to WoW, this is nothing?


Obviously I can't give you the number for WoW since 1) it's an incomplete game 2) the information is not available. But what is it that you are trying to prove? The main point was that there's simply not enough filler in FFXI and WoW in general is better paced. There are reasons why time after time people complain about lack of soloable contents in FFXI. Soloable content does not have to be quests or missions. It could be as simple as something like being able to invite a party of people to your mog house to have a game of poker!

And for the record I have done about 250 quests.


Yes, FFXI doesn't have that much soloable content. It's a social game. It forces you to socialize with people and develop friendships to enjoy the different aspects of the game.

I mean it's an online mmorpg, the whole point is to interact with other people. If you want to solo, play an offline rpg.

invite a party of people to your mog house to have a game of poker!

Tetra Master :)


There are a lot of gameplay mechanisms offered by online rpg that's not available in offline game even if you take out the whole solcial side of things. That's why there's so many pick up groups. That is why WoW made some good decisions to balance the game for hardcore players and casual players.

You can't be lfg while in Tetra Master.


FFXI's Economy isn't bad but due to players price gouging and a rarity of certain items the price has skyrocketed. All the money making methods in the game net decent amount of gils but the price of items so ridiculous because of players that it becomes monotonous to do it. Just about the only incredibly fun way of making money is the BCNMs.


I'll say this about the quests in FFXI ... they make no sense. I spent most of my time logging out and reading FAQs on how to complete them. I did over 100 quests solo but in order to accomplish that I had to take my shopping list to the bazaar and buy the stuff I needed. It's too bad ... there were some stand out quests -like the Onion brigade ones- that were actually entertaining, but most were just done in order to get fame.

Quests in WoW give you very good xp, plus *gasp* usable items. Not only that, but they are entertaining and easily understandable. I never even had to alt+tab out, or ask someone how to do them.

I've never played a game with so much drama and I think a lot of that stems from the fact that everyone is forced to work together.

Ps. Tetra Master costs extra to play.


Shouta said:
FFXI's Economy isn't bad but due to players price gouging and a rarity of certain items the price has skyrocketed. All the money making methods in the game net decent amount of gils but the price of items so ridiculous because of players that it becomes monotonous to do it. Just about the only incredibly fun way of making money is the BCNMs.

I always enjoyed mining and It was fairly profitable when you could mine Gusgen effectively (level 50).


I never had much of a problem with quests personally. However, I did do a lot of running around and found areas for myself while exploring which made most of them fairly easy. I do agree on the number of entertaining quests should be higher like the Star Onion Brigade ones (S.O.B. POWER). The missions sort of make up for this for the most part and the quests with importance usually back-up the story behind the missions which is some great stuff.


Midgard is a festering pit. Do not select it. I am merely offering some guidance to any newer who got stuck there, considering I am probably the most emotionaly stable and sane person on the server, plus, our economy, while not HORRID, is fairly fucked compared to others.

"aving to spend a week or two straight farming to get a ludicrously overpriced item that's viewed as REQUIRED is NOT fun and HORRIBLE game design"

People who whine about farming in FFXI are silly. I usually have a lot of fun when I did it, and make an event out of it.

And I'm not seeing how the fuck it'd take you weeks for anything both tangible and nessicary (e,g, Vermillion Cloak is NOT nessicary to someone with their first high level job as soon as they hit 60), and I'm on the most expensive server at that. Unless you're doing stupid shit like monster farming with a BLM or a BRD.

The game has a shit ton of farming methods, and all of the better (and vastly more interesting) ones at that are easy as sin for a high level BRD to get in on. There was a BCNM 40 specific LS on Midgard that I had a Bard friend in a good while back, guy racked up millions of gil simply participating in cool boss fights, and as a WHM at the time, I whined enough to leech on some of the action. :p

"Just about the only incredibly fun way of making money is the BCNMs."

HNM's are fun too, well, usually. WHM's, BRD's and BLM's espically practicly get tackled into joining HNM LS's upon 65. Back when I needed to though, I used to do an hour or so of mining before work every morning, nice and calming.

I've been through so many jobs though, simply because I am an indesicive chump, that I've gone through a dozen farming methods at least. THF is the most fun to my weird tastes 50-60ish+, but that's just it, it's completely restricted to THF.

"You can't be lfg while in Tetra Master."

Tetra should've been built into the game like FFVIII. Just plain silly that it is not.

WoW seemed like it had more varried content to me, but the FFXI side bits, espically at this version, feel a lot more polished and meaningful to me. It is a social game indeed though, barring RDM, NIN and at times PLD, it's hard to solo most anything you aren't a levy of levels ahead of.

Of course, there's probably a bit (a lot) I wasn't aware of, there's shit I'm still learning in FFXI, but I'm not intending to play WoW any further, so it's not really grounds for discussion,


If you say so, it has the worst community from my vantage point, and one of the, if not the worst economy as well, the latter being fairly well known. I've been on it since October and have only 6 (Midgard) people on my friends list for a reason.

I'm looking to jump off the server soonish anyway. Perhaps when I get back I'll think something out.


Sure, the economy sucks, but compared to Fairy and Bismarck (the other 2 servers i played on), the Midgardsormr community has been generally more mature and a lot more friendly, imo.


Most of Fairy's high levels are a bunch of asshats ugh. I'm just hoping for a worldshift evento to get going so I can get out.


I'm from Midgradsormr as well, and I've met tons of nice people, and the only ass I've met is the one on my LS who was a friend of a friend. The only thing bad about Midgardsormr, is like everybody has mentioned, the AH is kinda screwed... prices are extremely expensive compared to other servers, other then that, I enjoy my stay on Midgard =).


The only thing I don't like about FFXI quests, at least the early ones, are there are so many "run halfway to the other side of the world to retrieve this" quests. For instance, for someone that wants to actually find the greens for the Chocobo quest you've got to run from Jueno all the way past Bastok to find the hares that drop them (unless something else drops them that I don't know about). You can, of course, buy them at the AH I guess, but I prefer to do things "properly" you might say, which also means not consciously collecting quest items without my "character" having prior knowledge of the quest.

I just think some of the quests and their associated items should have been consolidated geographically a little better to cut down on needless travel time, at least quests that are generally done prior to getting access to the chocobo.


You can get the greens off Flies in Meriphataud Mountains which is a much shorter walk than going back to Bastok.


Barring a few people, I really dislike the upper teir English players on Midgard. Way too much disgruntled, whiny beta vibe (or just a vibe in general, but whatever) that for some reason WILL NOT FUCKING DIE.

Which I was apparently along with Shotua one of the only people to not adopt (but what can you expect from FF geeks? BURN). Lotsa overgrown children as well, in general.

I'm not saying the entire server is bad, that'd be silly. But the crowd I am used to is pretty annoying. Also, keep in mind I haven't played in over a month. And haven't been very active in 2-3.

The nicest "pick up and play" people in Midgard, I'll say surprisngly enough to Shouta. For me at least, have been the upperish (65+) game Japanese melee. Despite the fact that FFXI, for awhile, was turning me against the entire country of Japan. I met some nice folks towards the 70's who I basicly static'd with, and had broken English conversations with.

I've never been big on statics, but with the right people in smaller groups (2-3 people and form the rest) it really works well.

But yeah, I'll probably be donating my stuff to friends, and getting away from Midgard soon. I just wanna restart, with a clean slate, and do a job I can perhaps static, and pace myself well in. Like RNG maybe, despite my usual disdain with said job, I think I could play it competently, unlike most of the people I played with in the past. Fucking psychos.

Plus, I can bitch until Folken plays too. IF HE'D EVER DELETE HIS PM's SINCE I CAN'T SEND HIM ANYMORE.


You better use status down bolts and arrows when you're playing RNG or I'm going to booo you to the end of eternity!

Yes, it did release today however the PC version is delayed because of the hurricane in Florida (which is where they're distributing it from)


The only thing I don't like about FFXI is the people. The community was great pre Xmas '03, but damn, have I grown to hate it. Where the fuck did all the nice people go? I can't party without people who aren't either A) Egotard noobs or B) Egotard elitists. Hopefully the european people are nice and enough to party with. The Italians I've partied with in the past seemed nice and willing to learn from more experience players. Also, trying to do other things that don't include leveling or leveling related activities (level cap and af quests are part of leveling imo) are nigh impossible unless you have an LS willing to do them with you. Pickup parties are never organized enough to do those things. And of course, there aren't many (if any) of those cool quests that are soloable.
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