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Anyone still play Quake 3?

I just downloaded the demo yesterday and ordered the full version today. Yes welcome me to 5 years ago. I did own the DC version and played that online and I'm looking forward to doing the same with the PC version.


A lot of 'serious' deathmatch players swear by Q3a, and still play it to this day. I have to agree with Tre, though--UT was the better game.
The Urban Terror total conversion for Q3 was the shit, though. I haven't played it in a couple of years, but I loved that game. I wonder how much improved it is currently.


Tre said:
Doubt it. Quake 3 was the weakest of the 99 FPS war between itself and UT. UT slaughtered it.

UT was a full blown game with a better GUI, tons of game options, load of maps, customized game types, and overall substance.

Quake 3 was a glorified tech demo with deathmatch and ctf :p


Tre said:
Doubt it. Quake 3 was the weakest of the 99 FPS war between itself and UT. UT slaughtered it.


Anyways, I always play Quake 3, as old as Quake 3 is there is still hundreds of servers to hop on and play in. I like to play the single player off and on from time to time, I'll beat a tier , then get bored and come back weeks later. I also love that Bid for Power dbz mod, man is that some good stuff.

Speaking of Quake 3, can anyone recommend some good novelty maps? I mean more stuff like the Dr. Dre and Eminem map or the Adventure atari map, I love goofy junk like that.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Sorry, UT wasn't the better game. Yes, it had better modes... but Assault couldn't save it from Deathmatch perfection.


DopeyFish said:
Sorry, UT wasn't the better game. Yes, it had better modes... but Assault couldn't save it from Deathmatch perfection.

That's terrific... if all you ever intend to play is DM. (And if you never have any intention of playing offline. Q3a bot AI is really weak, especially by UT standards.) UT's just a better package all around.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Tellaerin said:
That's terrific... if all you ever intend to play is DM. (And if you never have any intention of playing offline. Q3a bot AI is really weak, especially by UT standards.) UT's just a better package all around.

Because the whole idea of playing a DM game is to play against the computer? :p

UT was a waste of my money.


Tag of Excellence
Quake 3 was a great amount of fun, be sure to look into the models at: http://planetquake.com/polycount/ and other fine locations to get your player customization needs.

Sorry to say I stopped playing Quake 3 a long time ago (no part in thanks to the UT series) but I'm positive you should find a couple of people fragging away on the servers.
I haven't touched that game in well over a year now. I think they need a Quake 4 stat...with out the 2 year delays which seems to be going trend with the FPS genre


DopeyFish said:
Because the whole idea of playing a DM game is to play against the computer? :p

It's not always possible to find a good server. Sometimes you feel like playing, but you're just not in the mood to deal with assholes online. Sometimes you're looking for a team game where your teammates know what the hell they're doing. Sometimes your ISP's down and you can't play online. There are quite a few reasons why people like having the option of playing against decent bots.

DopeyFish said:
UT was a waste of my money.

Yours maybe, but I don't think most people who bought the game share that opinion. :)
buck naked said:
UT was the better package, Q3A had the better gameplay. It's like Tekken to Virtua Fighter, gameplay wise.


UT may have had a whole lot of shit to do, but for core deathmatch Q3A can't be beat. I don't even know why UT2K4 has a deathmatch mode...it just seems to be so beside the point.


I hated Q3. I love Q2 with a passion... but Q3... I don't know what happened. The whole feel was off, and the jump pads topped it off.
Q3 deathmatch rocks if you just want to slag rockets around aimlessly in enclosed areas. Probably how a majority of you get your "skillz."


Crazymoogle said:

UT may have had a whole lot of shit to do, but for core deathmatch Q3A can't be beat. I don't even know why UT2K4 has a deathmatch mode...it just seems to be so beside the point.

Maybe because some people enjoy UT/UT2k4 DM. (As astonishing as it seems, some of us actually prefer it to Q3a DM! (*gasp!*) I always felt the weapons in Quake 3 were really bland next to the UT arsenal. I also prefer the straight-up sf aesthetic in the UT series to the whole morbid, blood-smeared techno-gothic Quake vibe, but that's probably another whole topic right there. :) )

Even if you feel including DM in the package is 'beside the point', it's definitely nice to have the option, rather than being forced to buy another game just for DM. Especially if they don't share your preference for Quake 3 gameplay to begin with.
elitehebrew said:
I haven't touched that game in well over a year now. I think they need a Quake 4 stat...with out the 2 year delays which seems to be going trend with the FPS genre

Speaking of which... What happened to Quake 4 anyway? It started development (supposedly) a couple of years ago. It was being done by an outside developer, not Id themselves.
Tellaerin said:
That's terrific... if all you ever intend to play is DM. (And if you never have any intention of playing offline. Q3a bot AI is really weak, especially by UT standards.) UT's just a better package all around.

That's the whole problem with UT. If you want pure deathmatch, Quakes are the king. If you want teamplay based games, there are lots of games that do it much better than UT.

UT=Jack of all trades, master of none.

And if you follow the gamespy server stats, Quake 3 is still very popular online. So you won't be searching for decent games.
I can't see how anyone favors Quake 3's deathmatch. Boring, simplistic weapons, boring simplistic gameplay. UT mastered UT far better than Q3, with a host of other modes to boot.
I play RA3 and threewave CTF daily, nothing compares. The gameplay is actually quite deep, but you'd only know if you spend lots of time with the game.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
What i've noticed....

If you think Quake3 gameplay was boring or simplistic than you weren't good at it. Ive noticed that people that played quake are much better than the people that play UT. I didnt play UT seriously till 2004, and i can pretty own any one of you guys at DM ;)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
UT was fun to play all the different game modes... it shipped as a much better overall better product than Quake III.

That being said, Quake III was much better than UT. Better engine, better DM, better network. Quake III was the pinnacle of online deathmatch.
So horribly unbalanced weapons and frequent hopping makes for a great deathmatch? BUT BUT BUT I CAN ROCKET JUMP

Personally, I think UT2K4's deathmatch pees all over it. DM all comes down to level design, and while there's no doubt Q3A had some really good levels, there's nothing stopping UT2K4 for trumping Q3A in that area.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
As far as Q3A vs. UT2K3 or higher, I have no idea, and that wasn't what I was talking about.. though one should hope that coming out almost 5 years after Q3A, UT2K4 would be better..

and weapons should be unbalanced... If one guy has a pistol and another has a fully automatic machine gun, who should win the majority of the time? We aren't talking about sports here.
Error Macro said:
Speaking of which... What happened to Quake 4 anyway? It started development (supposedly) a couple of years ago. It was being done by an outside developer, not Id themselves.

It's still in development over at Raven Software (SOF/JKII/Heretic). They're focusing on X-Men Legends for the time being, though.


Doc Holliday said:
What i've noticed....

If you think Quake3 gameplay was boring or simplistic than you weren't good at it.

'If you don't like game X, it must be because you suck at it.' That's the tiredest, most overused bullshit line on GAF. I'm glad that this 'observation' makes you feel better about yourself, even though it's patently untrue.

Doc Holliday said:
Ive noticed that people that played quake are much better than the people that play UT.

Keep telling yourself that Quake players are 'a breed apart'. Next you'll be saying they're genetically better deathmatchers. :p Toss some Q3a vet who's a UT newbie into a deathmatch with a bunch of hardcore UT players, and he's going to get owned just as fast as the UT vet who stumbles into a Q3A game.

Doc Holliday said:
I didnt play UT seriously till 2004, and i can pretty own any one of you guys at DM ;)

And you already 'know' this without playing against us. I bet that's something else you 'noticed', right? (I think the word you were looking for is 'imagined', not 'noticed'. :) )

As they say in UT2k4, 'Next!'


if you want to play Quake 3 with *some* UT gameplay thrown in, play UT2K3

somewhere between UT and UT2K3 the Unreal series lost most of it's identity. The UT weapons, game modes, and maps are still there, but I feel it's gameplay is closer tied to Quake 3


Gattsu25 said:
if you want to play Quake 3 with *some* UT gameplay thrown in, play UT2K3

That's probably why so many UT vets (myself included) thought that 2k3 'felt wrong', and went back to playing the original. :) (Epic recaptured the 'UT feel' with 2k4, which is what 2k3 should've been in the first place, IMO.)
I for one enjoyed Q3 much more than UT.

And what the hell are you talking about when you said UT had a better GUI? UT's GUI sucked hard!


Mister Zimbu said:
And what the hell are you talking about when you said UT had a better GUI? UT's GUI sucked hard!

In terms of sheer functionality, UWindows (the original UT GUI) kicks the living shit out of the Q3a frontend.


Tellaerin said:
A lot of 'serious' deathmatch players swear by Q3a, and still play it to this day. I have to agree with Tre, though--UT was the better game.
The serious DM players swear by Q3A because it is the better DM game, and better FPS, end of story. UT, however, is a much broader game. 2004 gives a reason for the series to exsist though, because while still not the best pure DM (though much, much better than UT or 2K3), it has so much else to it that makes it's experience more than worth playing.
"The serious DM players swear by Q3A because it is the better DM game, and better FPS, end of story. UT, however, is a much broader game"

*laugh reel*

Once again, though. I completely agree with Drinky Crow's assessment.


Andy787 said:
The serious DM players swear by Q3A because it is the better DM game, and better FPS, end of story.

The opinions of Quake fans don't automatically equal 'fact'. End of story. :)

Andy787 said:
2004 gives a reason for the series to exsist though, because while still not the best pure DM (though much, much better than UT or 2K3), it has so much else to it that makes it's experience more than worth playing.

I agree that 2k4 is more than worth playing, but I have to disagree with your assessment of which games offer 'the best pure DM'. Personally, I'd rank them more like this: UT > UT2k4 > Q3A >>>>>> UT2k3. :p In the end, it all comes down to what you feel makes an entertaining deathmatch. IMO, the UT's have always had more interesting weapons, superior map design, and a better overall feel, for lack of a better term.


Don't get me wrong, I am far from biased, and calling me a Quake fan wouldn't really be true, because while I do think Q3A has arguably the best pure DM out there, I play several different FPSes at the same time, and all for much different reasons. Hell, right this minute I have shortcuts to Halo CE, Call of Duty, Rainbow Six 3, UT 2004, Far Cry, and Battlefield Vietnam sitting on my desktop, as well as a dozen different titles in Steam and UT2K4 mods, and every single one of the first four games I listed gets constant play, as well as CS and DoD, and I'm sure I could handily own any of you at pretty much any of them (as I proved several times during the UT2K4 demo days ;)).

Not to toot my own horn, of course.

quake 3 is so much smoother and less clunky than any UT game. The weapons are perfect and simple, and each one is very important to playing the game well. Rocket-jumping and strafe jumping alone could be an entire game and certaintly take a LOT of practice to master. And through the console the game is completely customizable, you can even create your own movements, combinations, etc.

I never thought UT had anything unique like those things mentioned, it was just a bunch glamor. The movement was clunky and weapons were just slow.


they call me "Man Gravy".
wow, it's like 1999 all over again.

But seriously, all of the serious deathmatchers over the past 5 or 6 years have played quake 3 and counter-strike. The people who love UT seem to dislike both those games with a passion, inspiring almost fanboy like status. So I guess it's just a matter of taste.


BlackSalad said:
quake 3 is so much smoother and less clunky than any UT game. The weapons are perfect and simple, and each one is very important to playing the game well. Rocket-jumping and strafe jumping alone could be an entire game and certaintly take a LOT of practice to master. And through the console the game is completely customizable, you can even create your own movements, combinations, etc.

I never thought UT had anything unique like those things mentioned, it was just a bunch glamor. The movement was clunky and weapons were just slow.

First off, if you're not familiar enough with the UT series to know that you can set up macros through the console, you're hardly in a position to judge them. :) Having a console is hardly 'unique'. Second of all, the weapons you consider 'perfect and simple', I consider too simple--more like 'simplistic, generic, and boring'. Finally, if you're a big fan of the 'glide-y' Q3a player physics, you can always download the Suave mutator for the original UT, which does an admirable job of duplicating the Quake 3 'feel'.
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