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Apple to hold iPhone 4 press conference this Friday

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Pimpwerx said:
Yeah...their tests were real rigorous. Would you be surprised if months later they admitted that their call tests were brief and didn't actually involve holding the phone? Or maybe their offices are under a cell tower. :lol

No rush at all. I typed the first one on my Evo while on the can. I can hold my Evo for hours without it dropping a signal. LOL! PEACE.

OK, so just to be clear, you are saying that they lied in their reviews. we're clear there, right?

So you won't believe anything the say about any phone, right? or just Apple phones because they were blinded by the brand?

some quotes from the engadget review:

"The first time we took a call on the device we were walking down New York's extremely noisy Fifth Avenue, and right away it was obvious that the secondary, noise-canceling mic was doing some heavy lifting, at least on the other end of the line. Even though sirens were wailing behind us and we were surrounded by chatty shoppers, it was easy to hear our party on the other end, and they could hear us perfectly (unless we were lied to)"


"Of course, the big internal story is what has become external: namely, the UMTS, GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth antennas. Apple has made the stainless band around the phone essentially a couple of big antennae, and they seem to be doing a pretty good job at hanging onto radio signals. The big question is obviously whether or not this fixes or helps with the constant dropped calls iPhone users on AT&T's network have gotten used to. Well in our testing, we had far, far fewer dropped calls than we experienced on our 3GS. Let's just say that again: yes, the iPhone 4 does seem to alleviate the dropped call issue. It wasn't perfect, and we had some connection issues in downtown New York City in particular, though it's tough to say if it was the fault of our phone, the cluster of buildings we were near, or the person we were speaking to, who was on a 3GS in the same location."


"It has some downsides and limitations—most important, the overwhelmed AT&T network in the U.S., which, in my tests, the new phone handled sometimes better and, unfortunately, sometimes worse than its predecessor. I’ll get into that below. But, overall, Apple (AAPL) has delivered a big, well-designed update that, in my view, keeps it in the lead in the smartphone wars."


"But, in my tests, network reception was a mixed bag. Compared with the previous model, the new iPhone dropped marginally fewer calls made in my car, both in Washington and in Boston, and was much louder and clearer over my car’s built-in Bluetooth speaker-phone system.

Yet, in some places where the signal was relatively weak, the iPhone 4 showed no bars, or fewer bars than its predecessor. Apple says that this is a bug it plans to fix, and that it has to do with the way the bars are presented, not the actual ability to make a call. And, in fact, in nearly all of these cases, the iPhone 4 was able to place calls despite the lack of bars."

NY Times:

"With the iPhone 4, Apple tried to relieve the wigginess. Sound is much better on both ends of the call, thanks in part to a noise-canceling microphone and an improved audio chamber (which also helps speakerphone and music sound). The stainless-steel edge band is now part of the antenna. The new phone is also better at choosing the best channel for connecting with the cell tower, even if’s not technically the strongest one. (Ever had four bars, but a miserable connection? Then you get it.) "

"Does any of this mean no more dropped calls in New York and San Francisco? No. But there do seem to be fewer of them. "

so, the big early reviews said that they still got some dropped calls and some low number of bars in some places. but for engadget, they had fewer dropped calls than the 3GS. Of those three reviews, the NY Times one seems to be the one that spends least time on reception issues.

How much longer did you want them to review the phone? a month? did you want them to move around the country more than they did? would you expect that from a review of another phone?

anyway I've probably spent more time than is necessary to respond to your trollish post but, whatever, I'm bored. PEACE


RubxQub said:
A full blown press conference to address the issue is a lot more than I was expecting a for an official response.

They're at the very least acknowledging that this issue is important enough to schedule an emergency presser to do something about it, so right there I'm confident they plan on doing the right thing. Nothing would look worse than if they hold this thing tomorrow and it doesn't bring up anything new in terms of "what's next". If this is a "deal with it" conference, we can then get pretty perplexed and pissed.

I don't know what to reasonably expect in this situation, but tomorrow should be fun.

The part of me that loves to read the rabid fanboyism / anti-fanboyism / trolling that goes on in all Apple threads really wants it to be a "deal with it" conference. These threads are always the funniest things I read all day. It's not every day that you can be reminded of school children arguing over who is cooler: Mario or Sonic (Super Nintendo / Genesis).

But realistically, I hope they 1) acknowledge there is a problem and 2) at least say they are working on a fix. I have a feeling #1 will happen no matter what, but how they present it could be interesting. I imagine there will be plenty of statistics and graphs that no one can prove or disprove that show it only affects a small percentage of phones. Then, #2 will happen and these forums will explode with "They didn't do enough! Those arrogant jerks!" and "See! Apple is a great company that cares about people!".

Hrmm... I guess it will be fun regardless of what they do. I still vote for "deal with it" though. :lol


DeathNote said:
I can too. On my 3G. Tons of people can on various phones. That's part of the reason why there are 5+ iPhone 4 reception threads. lol?
Not iPhone4 users.... I think I was on topic. PEACE.


Gold Member
Pimpwerx said:
Not iPhone4 users.... I think I was on topic. PEACE.

I'm an iPhone4 user and I can hold my phone for hours without having the signal drop. What do i win?


time to take my meds
Pai Pai Master said:
this. XP is awesome now. If you know the ins and outs to making it shine.

anyways. droid bitches.
Question: is the signal problem only appears in America ? I don't remember reading anything but american's complain about it. Could it also be, part of AT&T coverage ?


LCfiner said:
OK, so just to be clear, you are saying that they lied in their reviews. we're clear there, right?

So you won't believe anything the say about any phone, right? or just Apple phones because they were blinded by the brand?
How would I know reviews were glowing if I didn't read them?

I've owned a 3G, and loved it. I've had nothing but nice to say about the 4 as well, especially its screen and camera. My post history supports me there.

I think the only negatives I've said have been related to Engadget and others who have clearly dropped the fucking ball here. Make excuses all you want and cite more quotes I've read before. Go nuts, bro. But tell me how they missed a problem that's very easy to replicate. All you have to do is hold the phone and the problem is clear.

A couple of excuses we can provide:

1. They tested it near a cell tower, which then makes their call signal tests erroneous, at best, or disingenuous, at worst.

2. They conducted such rash and arbitrary call quality tests that no practical metric can be used so results are inconclusive anyway. It didn't stop them from drawing a conclusion, thought. Again, questioning journalistic integrity...or at least practicality of the test.

3. They saw anomalies and simply left them out of their reviews as they couldn't replicate them, or they didn't notice.

4. Apple sent them a ringer (pun intended).

As someone who remembers the start of Tom's Hardware and Anandtech, I can remember the evolution of their hardware tests. The call for test setup and benchmark content info was made to keep the reviewers honest. I see no such thing for these gadget sites. When people got their iPhone4's, they complained of signal loss, discolored screens and wonky proximity sensors.

It's nice to quote me some text, from reviews I already read, but does any of it show us how they conducted their tests? How long the tests were? How many results were received and how they were weighed? Any video of people holding the phone for their tests? You see where I'm going with this.

As consumers, it's our responsibility to keep manufacturers and reviewers honest. PEACE.

EDIT: It's also no coincidence that Anandtech had the most-intensive and thorough test of the iPhone signal issue. It's not some chintzy gadget site, Anandtech evolved on the PC side and rigor is demanded for those benches.


Minsc said:
I'm an iPhone4 user and I can hold my phone for hours without having the signal drop. What do i win?
The cell tower you're near. This stuff is serious business. :lol

For the record, I'm very much in favor of HTC fixing the framerate lock on the Evo screen, or the grounding issues some have, but I don't have. Just because my phone avoided some issues doesn't mean I'm gonna cut HTC any slack. Apple dropped the ball. They deserve to be called out on it. These fucking things cost us more than consoles, and we all still bitch about the PS1's heating problems FFS. Hell, I still bitch about my 2600 and NES needing to have the cart slots blown-on frequently.

Bad hardware deserves to be put on blast, period. PEACE.


GodfatherX said:
My prediction - 2 options for all iPhone 4 owners

1. Free bumper or alternative case from Apple + $50-100 credit for future Apple purchases


that not gonna happen. You know how many iphone 4 apple sold world wide. the wont give away a 100 credit.


Here's my wishful prediction for tomorrow's event:

Apple announces iPhone coming to Verizon and blames AT&T for it's reception problems :D

Sorry, I'm just hooked on it coming to Verizon some day ;)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Pimpwerx said:
The cell tower you're near. This stuff is serious business. :lol

For the record, I'm very much in favor of HTC fixing the framerate lock on the Evo screen, or the grounding issues some have, but I don't have. Just because my phone avoided some issues doesn't mean I'm gonna cut HTC any slack. Apple dropped the ball. They deserve to be called out on it. These fucking things cost us more than consoles, and we all still bitch about the PS1's heating problems FFS. Hell, I still bitch about my 2600 and NES needing to have the cart slots blown-on frequently.

Bad hardware deserves to be put on blast, period. PEACE.
You're being pretty damn childish while pretending to be a public defender, you know.

You can't play the "lol I can use my phone while I shit for hours and you can't" card and then backpeddle with "I do this because I'm fair and balanced" card right behind it.

Just hold a press conference and admit you're a troll and tell us we should just deal with it.


Pimpwerx, nobody expects that kind of detailed lab testing review methodology from the blogs or the mainstream media. that's never been done by those sites and it's a silly claim to think they should be doing that now. but, hey, maybe they'll all start mapping cell towers and reporting how far away they are from each tower when they start making and dropping calls.

the reason why I responded to you is because you brought up the little chestnut of brand name affecting the review "It should be evidence enough that these devices are reviewed based on fluff and brand name" implying that they barely tested the phone at all and only gave the phone a pass because of who made it.

And I don't think that's the case at all. they did test the phone as a phone. in different places in their city, or across the country if they happened to travel. Just like a normal person would use the phone. And they disclosed that they still dropped calls and, in some locations, had worse reception than the old phone. what else did you want?

if you want detailed cell tower locations to be disclosed prior to every cell phone review now, then let the reviewers know how you feel.


RubxQub said:
You're being pretty damn childish while pretending to be a public defender, you know.

You can't play the "lol I can use my phone while I shit for hours and you can't" card and then backpeddle with "I do this because I'm fair and balanced" card right behind it.

Just hold a press conference and admit you're a troll and tell us we should just deal with it.
Who cares if you and the rest of the Apple fans are butthurt over this? You guys won't do it, so we'll do the calling-out for you. Just step aside while the grown-ups talk. I'll let you know when it's over.

Seriously...someone say something bad about Android. See if I care. I don't work for Google, Apple, HTC, Foxconn, or NeoGAF. What's your stake in the matter? PEACE.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Pimpwerx said:
Who cares if you and the rest of the Apple fans are butthurt over this? You guys won't do it, so we'll do the calling-out for you. Just step aside while the grown-ups talk. I'll let you know when it's over.

Seriously...someone say something bad about Android. See if I care. I don't work for Google, Apple, HTC, Foxconn, or NeoGAF. What's your stake in the matter? PEACE.
If you read my responses in these threads you surely haven't read me defending Apple on this one.

You're being a dick.


Pimpwerx said:
Who cares if you and the rest of the Apple fans are butthurt over this? You guys won't do it, so we'll do the calling-out for you. Just step aside while the grown-ups talk. I'll let you know when it's over.
Son, you're the one being childish now.


Junior Member
Should be interesting, especially considering every iPhone sold is still in the 30 day return window.

If they annouce a hardware revision but fail to take care of people that have already purchased...


LCfiner said:
Pimpwerx, nobody expects that kind of detailed lab testing review methodology from the blogs or the mainstream media. that's never been done by those sites and it's a silly claim to think they should be doing that now. but, hey, maybe they'll all start mapping cell towers and reporting how far away they are from each tower when they start making and dropping calls.

the reason why I responded to you is because you brought up the little chestnut of brand name affecting the review "It should be evidence enough that these devices are reviewed based on fluff and brand name" implying that they barely tested the phone at all and only gave the phone a pass because of who made it.

And I don't think that's the case at all. they did test the phone as a phone. in different places in their city, or across the country if they happened to travel. Just like a normal person would use the phone. And they disclosed that they still dropped calls and, in some locations, had worse reception than the old phone. what else did you want?

if you want detailed cell tower locations to be disclosed prior to every cell phone review now, then let the reviewers know how you feel.
1. But they deferred to the more-detailed testing when it was shown that their methodologies failed. Am I wrong on that? What's the point of a call-quality test if you don't bother to factor signal strength in?

2. I stick to that assertion. It won't be the first time, and it won't be the last either. Brand name affects all sorts of device reviews. This is a fact of life. That's why we have objective tests and benchmarks to remove this subjective bias. Again, am I wrong on this?

3. Rigor...attention to detail. If I'm gonna say the reception is improved, I can give my opinion or give you results that show the reason for my opinion. These sites don't do this sort of detail, and would you say it helped or hurt them in this situation? Perhaps this is highlights the deficiencies in their review format *shrug*.

4. Anandtech's test was so basic too, it's not funny. There's a code that changes the bars to numbers (dB). This has been the case since the 3G, at least, because SBSettings allows you to change this. Anandtech had to find a clever workaround to get the numbers displayed, but once it's done, the test is elementary. Again, Anandtech doesn't review these gadgets all the time, but they do proper testing, so they understand how to conduct a proper test. Maybe they should get into phone reviews, because they seem to know more about what they're doing than the people who review phones for a living.

If you put any value in tests/benches, then make sure it's a credible test/bench. PEACE.
LCfiner said:
*Review quotes and stuff*
I suppose without knowing how the device was being held it's impossible to say whether the reviewers even considered that possible device fault in their testing. Heck in one of the reviews you quoted it's mentioned that some of that testing was done via a bluetooth receiver in a car; assuming the phone isn't even being held in that test case, the quote isn't worth copy-pasting.

Anyway, if the issue's been found to be present after the fact, and is now currently a repeatable condition, then who cares what the reviewers said in the past.


This is just priceless compared to the people over the past two days:

"Who cares about Consumer Reports?!?"
"Nobody listens to CNN anymore, least watched Cable News!"

I mean, before the conference notification happened, my LOCAL news carried a full piece about this and demonstrated the hideous duct tape example. My wife went from total buy on the iPhone to "Droid sounds pretty good".
Willy105 said:
Has Apple ever had to deal with something like this?

They've had issues with laptops that I recall. The logic board on my iBook was defective and I believe they eventually had to offer a replacement plan if your logic board failed. Similar to the red ring issue with the 360.

That was never quite on this scale though.


Pimpwerx said:
Who cares if you and the rest of the Apple fans are butthurt over this? You guys won't do it, so we'll do the calling-out for you. Just step aside while the grown-ups talk. I'll let you know when it's over.

Seriously...someone say something bad about Android. See if I care. I don't work for Google, Apple, HTC, Foxconn, or NeoGAF. What's your stake in the matter? PEACE.
Haha. Quit trying to act like you aren't just another kid on the playground. You whining about how 'unfair' Engadget was to the EVO (even when they loved it) a while back is proof of that.

Trying to play the 'all the reviewers are biased' is straight Gaming and just icing on the cake. :lol


Winterblink said:
I suppose without knowing how the device was being held it's impossible to say whether the reviewers even considered that possible device fault in their testing. Heck in one of the reviews you quoted it's mentioned that some of that testing was done via a bluetooth receiver in a car; assuming the phone isn't even being held in that test case, the quote isn't worth copy-pasting.

Anyway, if the issue's been found to be present after the fact, and is now currently a repeatable condition, then who cares what the reviewers said in the past.

I was posting from the reviews as it was implied in another post that they didn't test it as a phone and just gave it a pass based on brand name and the shiny, shiny.

I was just pointing out that they did make calls on it. they didn't test out signal strength numbers or anything like that because they didn't experience any abnormally high number of dropped calls that would imply something was inherently wrong with the design.

and, when one reviewer did notice that some locations has fewer bars on the 4 than the 3GS, it was mentioned in the review and he contacted Apple about it for comment.

If there was a long, cherished history of cell phone reviews that meticulously measured signal power ratings and SNR and used that data to determine how good the antenna is then something would be "wrong" with the early reviews. but that's not the case. to go back now and say that the reviews should have performed the same tests as Anand performed (via custom firmware) is disingenuous. where was the call to arms for such testing on all other phones that have come out the past year?

and, besides, it's not like these same sites haven't been publishing numerous stories about how big this problem is and Apple's responses thus far have been bullshit.
LCfiner said:
I was posting from the reviews as it was implied in another post that they didn't test it as a phone and just gave it a pass based on brand name and the shiny, shiny.

I was just pointing out that they did make calls on it. they didn't test out signal strength numbers or anything like that because they didn't experience any abnormally high number of dropped calls that would imply something was inherently wrong with the design.

and, when one reviewer did notice that some locations has fewer bars on the 4 than the 3GS, it was mentioned in the review and he contacted Apple about it for comment.

If there was a long, cherished history of cell phone reviews that meticulously measured signal power ratings and SNR and used that data to determine how good the antenna is then something would be "wrong" with the early reviews. but that's not the case. to go back now and say that the reviews should have performed the same tests as Anand performed (via custom firmware) is disingenuous. where was the call to arms for such testing on all other phones that have come out the past year?

and, besides, it's not like these same sites haven't been publishing numerous stories about how big this problem is and Apple's responses thus far have been bullshit.
I don't disagree on any particular point. My post was meant to illustrate that, without transparency allowing the reader to ascertain how detailed and technical the tests performed are, it's impossible to know whether they'd be effective at all.

One could take all the measurements in the world using the most sophisticated equipment available, but if the test itself has all the phones tested sitting flat on a table instead of in someone's hand well... *shrug* I'm not really arguing here, just making the statement.
UnluckyKate said:
Question: is the signal problem only appears in America ? I don't remember reading anything but american's complain about it. Could it also be, part of AT&T coverage ?

I know 3 people with the iPhone 4 and all can replicate the problem easily. Only one of them is what you'd call a fanboy and he's absolutely devastated as he cups it in his lefthand and uses his right to navigate the net, use apps etc. the Jobs quote really raised his ire :lol

He bought a bumper but he's still mightily pissed.


Vyer said:
Haha. Quit trying to act like you aren't just another kid on the playground. You whining about how 'unfair' Engadget was to the EVO (even when they loved it) a while back is proof of that.

Trying to play the 'all the reviewers are biased' is straight Gaming and just icing on the cake. :lol
I'm the most-objective person in this thread. I never take sides and am perfectly even-keeled and neutral in this matter. My posts should serve as a template or all who wish to discuss contentious topics in a non-contentious way. No. It is you, sir, who is biased. Take it back to the Gaming side, bro. PEACE.


UnluckyKate said:
Question: is the signal problem only appears in America ? I don't remember reading anything but american's complain about it. Could it also be, part of AT&T coverage ?

AT&T has been the whipping boy for too long for that to hold up again.

My wife has had reception issues with her 3G for the past two years. During that same time and on the same AT&T network/area, I haven't had any issues with my cheap ass basic Nokia phone.

I think it just needs to be said that before the iPhone, Apple was not a cell phone maker. It's probably a tad more complicated than they expected. As a computing device, the iPhone is great
at least if you have the more recent hardware, the 3G now crawls with iOS 4 LINK to accurate parody in my experience
. As an actual cell phone, it is mediocre.


Pimpwerx said:
I'm the most-objective person in this thread. I never take sides and am perfectly even-keeled and neutral in this matter. My posts should serve as a template or all who wish to discuss contentious topics in a non-contentious way. No. It is you, sir, who is biased. Take it back to the Gaming side, bro. PEACE.
I criticize you for making a post without proper research and you reply by bragging/mocking that your phone's reception works and that the iPhone 4 doesn't with an "LOL!"

And you call yourself non-contentious?

It's equivilent to saying "I can use my ps3 for years without a rrod LOL!" in the 360 RROD thread and trying to act like that's not a contentious console war comment.

You have got to be kidding. That's blog comment immaturity.


Hail to the KING baby
judhudson said:
Here's my wishful prediction for tomorrow's event:

Apple announces iPhone coming to Verizon and blames AT&T for it's reception problems :D

Sorry, I'm just hooked on it coming to Verizon some day ;)
:lol if they did a mega-backstab like that, they would have to call it "The Decision."


force push the doodoo rock
I squeezed an iPhone 4 with my left hand and the bars went up.

When I did it with my right hand nothing happened.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


venne said:
AT&T has been the whipping boy for too long for that to hold up again.

My wife has had reception issues with her 3G for the past two years. During that same time and on the same AT&T network/area, I haven't had any issues with my cheap ass basic Nokia phone.

Thank you! I used to be on AT&T for about 10 years and had various Nokia, Motorolla, LG, and Samsung phones on their network. Never had the issues that my iPhone brethren had. AT&T getting crap for their network is really annoying considering I can't remember the last dropped call I'd had with them.

sprsk said:
I squeezed an iPhone 4 with my left hand and the bars went up.

When I did it with my right hand nothing happened.

You must be made of metal so you acted as an extender for the antenna.


Confirmed Asshole
To people doubting that a voluntary recall would be announced through a press conference because it would be slaughter: You're wrong. That is how it literally works. You fuck up, there's a press conference, there's some slaughtering going on. Then everybody gets on with their lives.

Not really a big deal if you think about it — there's no deaths involved or anything. This is about brands, customer satisfaction, reliability, image, profits in the long run. Shit like that.

It's just the blogs making a big deal about events like this. In the real world, that's how it goes sometimes, no hard feelings if you do the right thing and so forth.

And the iPhone brand is as stable as it gets. It's a phenomenon, birthed numerous killer apps and stuff. There is a lot of positive attitude attached to that piece of plastic. A voluntary recall wouldn't change that.


Techcrunch.com said:
Bloomberg this morning published a report saying Ruben Caballero, one of Apple’s senior engineers, actually told chief exec Steve Jobs in the early design phase of the fast-selling smartphone that the antenna design could lead to dropped calls, citing a person familiar with the matter who requested to stay anonymous.

Not only that, says another unidentified source, but a carrier partner also voiced some concerns about the antenna design before the device’s June 24 release.

Here’s the key part of the Bloomberg report:

Apple’s industrial design team, led by Jonathan Ive, submitted several iPhone designs before Jobs and other executives settled on the bezel antenna, said the person familiar with the company’s design. Caballero, the antenna expert, voiced concern in early planning meetings that it might lead to dropped calls and presented a serious engineering challenge, the person said.

The metal bezel surrounding the handset would need to be separated in sections to create individual antennas capable of handling particular ranges of the radio frequencies for different wireless networks, the person said. If a user covered one of the seams between the sections, their finger would act as a conductive material, interfering with the signal, the person said. Consumer Reports suggests iPhone 4 users cover the antenna with duct tape to help mitigate reception woes.

Let's see what happens Friday. Sounds like Steve knew about the possibility of an issue.


andycapps said:
Thank you! I used to be on AT&T for about 10 years and had various Nokia, Motorolla, LG, and Samsung phones on their network. Never had the issues that my iPhone brethren had. AT&T getting crap for their network is really annoying considering I can't remember the last dropped call I'd had with them.

You must be made of metal so you acted as an extender for the antenna.

I don't have any major issues with AT&T either, I just wish it was stronger at my office because it kills the battery to be on a spotty connection, switching back and forth between Edge and 3G.


Bluth said:
It makes me wonder, if they knew about the issue in the very early stages, why not just move the 'bridges' to right next to the speaker and mic at the bottom, somewhere no one would conceivably rest their hand.

This issue is too easily fixed for me to believe they've known about it for a long time.


DeathNote said:
I criticize you for making a post without proper research and you reply by bragging/mocking that your phone's reception works and that the iPhone 4 doesn't with an "LOL!"

And you call yourself non-contentious?

It's equivilent to saying "I can use my ps3 for years without a rrod LOL!" in the 360 RROD thread and trying to act like that's not a contentious console war comment.

You have got to be kidding. That's blog comment immaturity.
You bitch at me over fucking semantics and then want to be taken seriously. Cry me a fucking river. Your first "response" was a troll, and your second was pointing out something I never claimed. I didn't claim other phones had issues with call-reception numb-nuts. I made plenty of serious and reasoned responses in this thread. None of them to you because you have fuck-all to say. PEACE. <-this one is actually glowing


So Jobs was warned by both the senior RF engineer and engineers at AT&T about problems that would likely manifest due to aesthetic decisions? This is such a clusterfuck on Apples part.

The sad thing is the engineers that knew better will likely get fired by Jobs in order to stroke his ego.
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