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Apple to hold iPhone 4 press conference this Friday

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In the initial press conference, when Jesus was having all those connection issues and telling everyone to turn off their wifi, was Jesus holding the phone wrong?


testicles on a cold fall morning
the comparison works better if Microsoft gave out tiny refrigerators to aggrieved first gen XBox360 owners to keep the system cool during use.
AstroLad said:
:lol exactly. Imagine if MS gave out a free faceplate to everyone affected by the RROD . . . the Apple Disciples would be all over it. Hypocrites much?
If a free faceplate was all it took to stop my 360 dying I'd gladly take one.

There's no way they'll just give away bumpers. Voluntary recall.


Gallbaro said:
In the initial press conference, when Jesus was having all those connection issues and telling everyone to turn off their wifi, was Jesus holding the phone wrong?
I doubt that was the problem because turning off the guests wifi worked.
EDIT: He was comparing the two phones actually, he only has two hands, so no, I doubt he was even holding the unit.


Setec Astronomer
Gallbaro said:
In the initial press conference, when Jesus was having all those connection issues and telling everyone to turn off their wifi, was Jesus holding the phone wrong?
That was Paul, not Jesus.


testicles on a cold fall morning
StuBurns said:
I doubt that was the problem because turning off the guests wifi worked.
no it didn't, Jobs just moved onto another demo that didn't rely on wifi.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Wifi isn't affected by the death grip.

Isn't one of the antennas used for wifi thought? Shouldn't then the wifi be affected as well if the problem is that the human skin makes a connection between them?
I still think Apple will insist that this is a software issue, and will simply ask anyone who still has issues after using iOS4.1 to get a refund.


scorcho said:
the comparison works better if Microsoft gave out tiny refrigerators to aggrieved first gen XBox360 owners to keep the system cool during use.
Which MS never did. All they did was extend warranties on another flawed electronics product (of which there are many) and people continued to buy it in droves.

Apple would be insane to do a recall on a minor issue. They are going to say that contact affects the antennae and give people the opportunity to return their phones (which a few handful of angry people will do and then post on the net) and life will go on and people will continue to buy the same phone (and most will put ugly cases on the same and never be affected).


Apple Engineer Told Jobs IPhone Antenna Might Cut Calls

Bloomberg said:
Apple Inc.’s senior antenna expert voiced concern to Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs in the early design phase of the iPhone 4 that the antenna design could lead to dropped calls, a person familiar with the matter said.

Last year, Ruben Caballero, a senior engineer and antenna expert, informed Apple’s management the device’s design may hurt reception, said the person, who is not authorized to speak on Apple’s behalf and asked not to be identified. A carrier partner also raised concerns about the antenna before the device’s June 24 release, according to another person familiar with the situation.

The latest model of the iPhone carries a metal antenna that surrounds the outside of the device -- a design chosen by Apple executives because it yielded a lighter, thinner handset. It has also resulted in dropped or degraded calls that led Consumer Reports to refrain from endorsing the iPhone 4, weighed on the company’s stock and stepped up pressure on Apple to issue a fix.

Steve Dowling, a spokesman for Apple, declined to comment and said he wouldn’t make Caballero available for an interview. Caballero didn’t respond to a call and an e-mail seeking comment. Apple plans to hold a press conference tomorrow about the device. Dowling declined to elaborate on what will be discussed... *snip*


AirBrian said:
How great would it be if they just give everyone free MobileMe accounts as compensation.

Not very great at all. Outside of the UI, I don't find mobileme too impressive at all.


Wrestlemania said:
If a free faceplate was all it took to stop my 360 dying I'd gladly take one.

There's no way they'll just give away bumpers. Voluntary recall.
Recalls are generally done due to safety issues.

For instance, Sony was recalling batteries back in 2006 since the batteries ignited causing fire hazards.

Toyota temporary recalled some of its car lineup because people claimed their cars had acceleration issues.

Firestone tires were recalled because they blew up under normal driving conditions.

Nestle Toll House Ready Bake dough was recalled recently due to an outbreak scare of salmonella.

So this would be what safety issue? Can't make calls for 911?

Apple can just pull silent updates like other manufacturers in the past (i.e. Palm Pre) to fix this. Until then, Apple can just say FREE iBUMPERS FOR EVERYONE, and fans will cry in happiness.
Opus Angelorum said:
I still think Apple will insist that this is a software issue, and will simply ask anyone who still has issues after using iOS4.1 to get a refund.
Why would they make a press conference for this?

This is going to be the first time ever Apple's done a press conference that wasn't for a big product reveal. They have something big planned for this problem and will likely over-deliver. They want the discussion killed so people will start talking about how good the phone is instead of how it doesn't work. They want the press to tell everyone.

twofold said:
Not very great at all. Outside of the UI, I don't find mobileme too impressive at all.
Marty Chinn said:
Here you go Burger, just for you:

Solid collection right there :D

Right now, I have 3 iPhones (2G, 3G, 4), iPad, and 2010 MacBook pro (first Mac).

Do I still get to call myself a PC guy? I still have a Dell desktop and laptop, and HP tabletPC. All running Win7 (thanks, MSDNAA!)



dark10x said:
Bumpers protect the surfaces very well due to the extended lip. That is precisely why I use one. The surfaces of the phone never make contact with another surface as a result of the bumper. Is also adds protection to the edges of the phone thanks to the rubber for minor impacts.

That is a good design decision then. :D


Hail to the KING baby
scorcho said:
the comparison works better if Microsoft gave out tiny refrigerators to aggrieved first gen XBox360 owners to keep the system cool during use.
The funny thing is actually that faceplates definitely cost more to make than the Magic Rubber Band that Apple is selling and yet I guarantee you MS would get hammered for that on here while Apple giving away rubber bands is praised and watch those stupid things become the new "cool" item for people to show off in public places. (Meanwhile everyone called faceplates lame even though some of them actually were quite cool.)
AstroLad said:
The funny thing is actually that faceplates definitely cost more to make than the Magic Rubber Band that Apple is selling and yet I guarantee you MS would get hammered for that on here while Apple giving away rubber bands is praised and watch those stupid things become the new "cool" item for people to show off in public places. (Meanwhile everyone called faceplates lame even though some of them actually were quite cool.)
Solution: make a faceplate that makes your 360 appear covered in rubber bands.


andycapps said:
So you take the bumpers being introduced as protecting the phone against falls, but that Apple doesn't think a full case is necessary due to the glass they use on the front and rear of the phone? That is certainly one explanation and is the one that people would like to believe. Hard to believe that Apple wouldn't have known about this issue prior to release, and some reports are indicating that people did and mentioned it. Bumpers would seem to resolve that issue... I don't see the huge leap in logic you seem to.
The bumper was made for two reasons:

1. To get a piece of the gigantic case market, as they did with the iPad. Accessories are a massive profit center.

2. To design a case that doesn't obscure the back of the device, something Apple has always hated. They want that logo visible when you make a call.


andycapps said:
So you take the bumpers being introduced as protecting the phone against falls, but that Apple doesn't think a full case is necessary due to the glass they use on the front and rear of the phone? That is certainly one explanation and is the one that people would like to believe. Hard to believe that Apple wouldn't have known about this issue prior to release, and some reports are indicating that people did and mentioned it. Bumpers would seem to resolve that issue... I don't see the huge leap in logic you seem to.


You watch too many movies.
SnowWolf said:
Yeah that was the best. If I cared enough, I would go through that thread and pull some quotes for crow-eating justice.
But...CNN really is the lowest rated cable news network. :-(


Like I said when I was talking much shit about CNN (which I watch daily, btw), Apple's hand was forced by the sum total of all the news outlets, blogs, forumites and consumers demanding a better answer than, "you're holding it wrong."

No one outlet caused this conference to happen. No one could have. There was no single tipping point. There collective weight did it.

I am glad to see Apple didn't continue sitting on their ass about this, though. But if they respond to this incorrectly, it will get worse instead of better. They have enough brilliant PR minds on staff to ensure that doesn't happen.
claviertekky said:
The announcement will probably be free bumpers for all iPhone 4 users, and the Apple fans will finally rejoice that iPhone is a JesusPhone again.

According to Consumer Reports, Engadget and Tech Crunch...it IS the Jesus Phone...

I'd call it the Godphone


Gold Member
My take on this. It's pretty simple and inevitable actually.

Denial - not an option because they are housing a press conference and the issue has been proven real.

Magic second SW fix. Not likely, but then again, they switched no Intel on the fly.

Full Recall - not necessary because it's not a safety issue and everyone is not bothered.

Free Bumpers - not likely because it would admit the problem but say they won't fix it.

Cash back - not likely because it would say "iPhone 4 is cheaper because it's a crapper phone"

Voluntary replacement to updated HW build - most likely. People who are bothered can switch, case closed.
Chittagong said:
Voluntary replacement - most likely. People who are bothered can switch, case closed.
As in a voluntary replacement based on revised hardware? Because right now you can get the phone swapped out for free.


Dreams-Visions said:
But...CNN really is the lowest rated cable news network. :-(


Like I said when I was talking much shit about CNN (which I watch daily, btw), Apple's hand was forced by the sum total of all the news outlets, blogs, forumites and consumers demanding a better answer than, "you're holding it wrong."

No one outlet caused this conference to happen. No one could have. There was no single tipping point. There collective weight did it.

I am glad to see Apple didn't continue sitting on their ass about this, though. But if they respond to this incorrectly, it will get worse instead of better. They have enough brilliant PR minds on staff to ensure that doesn't happen.



Tobor said:
The bumper was made for two reasons:

1. To get a piece of the gigantic case market, as they did with the iPad. Accessories are a massive profit center.

2. To design a case that doesn't obscure the back of the device, something Apple has always hated. They want that logo visible when you make a call.
Glad you know for sure. What position on the design team did you hold.
Chittagong said:
Magic second SW fix. Not likely, but then again, they switched no Intel on the fly.
No they didn't. They had Intel builds ready for years, just in case. They totally have a CDMA iPhone hanging around too, just in case.

Chairman85 said:
Glad you know for sure. What position on the design team did you hold.
Are you suggesting that the bumper isn't a protective case without a back?


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
No they didn't. They had Intel builds ready for years, just in case. They totally have a CDMA iPhone hanging around too, just in case.

Are you suggesting that the bumper isn't a protective case without a back?
I'm suggesting that there may have been more than his 2 reasons.
Dreams-Visions said:
As in a voluntary replacement based on revised hardware? Because right now you can get the phone swapped out for free.

Maybe that's the genius. The offer voluntary replacement, something already available to the consumer, and simply replace the defective hardware with new units. Something they would do anyways.

Although, I don't know why they would have a press conference for that. A press release would suffice and draw less attention to the issue itself.
Dreams-Visions said:
As in a voluntary replacement based on revised hardware? Because right now you can get the phone swapped out for free.
Yes, my guess would be a very minor hardware revision - probably a non-conductive coating on the bezel - and free replacement for anyone who wants it. They could revise any returned units and sell them as refurbs to mitigate the cost.


Chairman85 said:
Glad you know for sure. What position on the design team did you hold.
I hold a degree in common sense, comes in handy.

The fact is that Apple was already in the case business. Did anyone see them release the iPad case and not expect a case for the new iPhone? And if they were already releasing a case, and any case by definition removes the antenna issue, it's hard to argue it exists solely for that reason.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
No they didn't. They had Intel builds ready for years, just in case. They totally have a CDMA iPhone hanging around too, just in case.

That would be pretty useless in euroland though :(


Hail to the KING baby
Gary Whitta said:
Yes, my guess would be a very minor hardware revision - probably a non-conductive coating on the bezel - and free replacement for anyone who wants it. They could revise any returned units and sell them as refurbs to mitigate the cost.
All I'm saying is all the defenders in here saying it's "not a problem for me" better not be returning theirs in the event of a voluntary replacement program.


AstroLad said:
All I'm saying is all the defenders in here saying it's "not a problem for me" better not be returning theirs in the event of a voluntary replacement program.
Of course they will. Peace of mind for free?


AstroLad said:
All I'm saying is all the defenders in here saying it's "not a problem for me" better not be returning theirs in the event of a voluntary replacement program.

Why not? I have a small scratch on mine. And it's used. I want a new one.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
AstroLad said:
All I'm saying is all the defenders in here saying it's "not a problem for me" better not be returning theirs in the event of a voluntary replacement program.
this is stupid. even if you're not having a problem, trading in, for free, one item for an unarguably superior item is just common sense. I didn't have a single problem with my launch 360, but I sure wanted HDMI out.
AstroLad said:
All I'm saying is all the defenders in here saying it's "not a problem for me" better not be returning theirs in the event of a voluntary replacement program.
It's NOT a problem for me, as I've backed up with documentary evidence. But if there's a new model that I can just swap out at a Genius Bar next time I'm at church (oops, I mean the Apple Store), why not do it? My one has an irritating little white dot on the front glass that I could do without :D


Gold Member
Dreams-Visions said:
As in a voluntary replacement based on revised hardware? Because right now you can get the phone swapped out for free.

yep, exactly. only on a need-and-want-to-exchange basis. I bet only 10% would bother but it would make the issue go away finally. They wouldn't be able to escape the PR hit, however - Apple would be still be seen as a liar because of their first public statement.
Gary Whitta said:
It's NOT a problem for me, as I've backed up with documentary evidence. But if there's a new model that I can just swap out at a Genius Bar next time I'm at church (oops, I mean the Apple Store), why not do it? My one has an irritating little white dot on the front glass that I could do without :D


I know same here...but I am the same for a white phone. I have a few markups but not replacement worthy


AstroLad said:
All I'm saying is all the defenders in here saying it's "not a problem for me" better not be returning theirs in the event of a voluntary replacement program.

what? lol

yeah they're not allowed to!

Charred Greyface said:
I humbly accept defeat. :D

Also, for those interested, there is a good interview on NPR with Consumer Reports on this subject. Gave me more respect for CR. I had no idea the extent to which they are truly independent. They buy all the shit they test from retail (no corporate gifting) and test thousands of products and score them annually by hand. They even follow up on reviews later on depending on customers long-term experiences.

Those who want to know why the iPhone 4 is their highest rated phone, but don't get why it didn't get recommended...they explain that too.

I'm using my phone to post this (airport) so I can't link you guys to the story, but look it up. It aired yesterday. Either Talk of The Nation or Fresh Air. IIRC.
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