Prime crotch
best part is when you land a job and then suddendly what you thought you would be doing isn't that in fact! welp, better keep on the lookout for a new job!
best part is when you land a job and then suddendly what you thought you would be doing isn't that in fact! welp, better keep on the lookout for a new job!
Welp been lurking here for a while. Been in the job search for almost a year now with countless applications dozens of interviews and a massive massive heap of rejection. Times got really hard and depressing. One of the lowest points is where I applied for a position I once had at a previous company (for significantly less than what I had been paid at my last job) and even though I was taking less pay and had significantly more experience than when I had previously worked there (and got a lot of praise when I did) got rejected.
The wait is finally over and it was worth it. A few weeks ago after my 5th interview with a nationwide security company I finally got an offer for a Regional IT Administrator position. It's the break I've been needing for a while as this is my first job since I got back from Afghanistan in 2012. My start date is the 27th and I'll be flying out to one of the properties I manage in Las Vegas to manage it's deployment.
Now I'm back in the hunt for San Francisco apartments because I have to be local for emergency response. (I also manage SFO and AT&T park). Apartment hunting is way harder than it was back in 06-08. The portfolio I'm having to bring to viewings is even larger than the one I brought to job interviews and the rejection rate seems about the same haha. Time to lurk the "apartment hunting is soul crushing" thread.
I finally have a major interview where I think I can land it. One minor problem, its tomorrow and I still haven't come up with an excuse to get outta work in the morning?
I'm thinking I'll just call my boss in the morning and let her know my car is in the shop getting an oil change and that hopefully solves the problem of the check engine light. If its still on they are gonna run a diagnostics but I will be in right after they are done.
If you're speaking with a recruiter, keep in mind that he also has to await responses from the company that is actually intending to hire you, so any broken link in the chain can cause a delay.
I'd shoot him an email and ask what's up, though.
Sick day excuse. Insert food poisoning excuse.
'What can you bring to this job?'
Alright I have a question.
Applied for a job the same day I was let go, and now I have an interview with them next Monday. That's great. That's dandy.
However, the job itself (while still trying to pass as entry-level for some reason) has a 2 to 4 years experience "requirement" in web writing. I have like...a month. Professionnally speaking, of course. In my personal life, I wrote here and there, nothing regular, no constant subject, but I still write from times to times and dear god it's not rocket science as I feel really confident in my skills.
But how to spin that in an interview and convince them you have the skills?
Major Project Management interview with a Fortune 100 company tomorrow, pretty nervous but I've spent a shit ton of time preparing:
Good luck to everyone.. I'm going on 3 years now. If anyone's hiring in the Charlotte NC area, let me know![]()
I think the hardest part for me right now, is the conversations about looking for work with friends. I hate hearing common fucking things like suggesting I apply for a job that is nowhere near my field or near my level of experience, because right now I should be "applying to anything because it's better than nothing". Real talk, I'm not trying to change careers here. It's like, Yes, I appreciate that you're trying to be helpful, thanks. Yeah, I'm networking on LinkedIn. Yeah, I've applied to that company. What more can I do, flood my application through a company's entire list of job postings for positions I don't even know how to fucking do?
I'm so frustrated with all of this shit. Yes, I'm hispanic, and No, I'm not a veteran.
Man, this job search thing can be infuriating, and I just wanted to vent. I'm looking for help desk work in the IT field here in the NYC area because since I've obtained my A+ certification, help desk is pretty much the entry level job you can potentially obtain, and you can work your way up from there. So after my internship concluded in September for an IT services company, I've been looking for work. I have a nice LinkedIn profile going with a professional portrait so recruiters/my network can take me seriously, my resume is all well organized, got the whole resume language thing going, quantified everything I've done at my previous jobs, etc. I'm pretty much feeling like I'm ready to rock this shit.
I've spent about a year interning at a few places, one of the companies being Citigroup which is a huge financial corporation here in the states. I've applied for a ton of help desk roles and while looking for a job, I've been reading up on understanding Mac OS X, Windows 7 and Windows Server. I've started running virtual machines on my PC with Windows Server/7 on them (I'm on Windows 8 so I can't really tinker around) to familiarize myself with what I would be dealing with in a help desk environment and to get an idea of what I would be doing through Windows Server. Right now I'm just trying to keep myself busy while not going insane from dealing with rejection emails after doing well with interviews.
I've gotten into a routine of applying to several places per day for roles similar to a help desk position like an analyst, specialist, IT support, and while I am able to get the interviews, the big hurdle right now is the experience, because while I have been freelancing fixing computers for friends and family, I've been doing a few internships that accumulates to about a few years of real world IT experience. A lot of companies aren't willing to give a guy like me an opportunity, and that's okay, I guess, but while I did save a nest egg for when this time would come (where I'm job searching), I am neck high with bills and debt at the moment. My nest egg has run out.
Shit's hard, yo. So anyway, recently I applied for a job working at Geek Squad for Best Buy the first week of October. Got an interview set up with the store manager for the position on the 3rd. I was told they would notify me within a couple of business days on their decision. I thought the interview went well and the manager and I got along well. I didn't feel awkward nor did the conversation feel rigid in any way, like I'm trying hard to say the right things. I did not get a word back at all from the store on any decisions whatsoever.
Fast forward a couple of weeks later. I got a call again, from the same Best Buy about the same position I just went through the whole process for. The entire time, I'm thinking it's for a second round of interviews or something, but it's not. It's the same procedure they did the first time they called. I let them know that I had applied a couple of weeks ago, and I was interviewed by their store manager. Apparently my interview wasn't filed properly or something. I was told they'd call me back in a day or two.
They never did. What I DID get was an email stating that they've decided to not move forward with my application. I am assuming because I interned for several big IT firms, they felt I was overqualified and would likely jump ship when a better opportunity presented itself. Whatever.
I think the hardest part for me right now, is the conversations about looking for work with friends. I hate hearing common fucking things like suggesting I apply for a job that is nowhere near my field or near my level of experience, because right now I should be "applying to anything because it's better than nothing". Real talk, I'm not trying to change careers here. It's like, Yes, I appreciate that you're trying to be helpful, thanks. Yeah, I'm networking on LinkedIn. Yeah, I've applied to that company. What more can I do, flood my application through a company's entire list of job postings for positions I don't even know how to fucking do?
I'm so frustrated with all of this shit. Yes, I'm hispanic, and No, I'm not a veteran.
Do you have a degree? If so, what is it in?
I've been on and off trying to complete my associates. Right now I'm trying to pay off some debts I owe my college before I could register for courses again, hence the job search.
I - too - used to look at these kinda questions with confusion when I first started looking for a job after graduation. Felt they were pointless. My tip is to confidently sell yourself and say how you're dedicated, passionate, hard working, if you have a good skill then declare how great it would be for the job etc. yadda yadda yadda. Depending on your confidence level it might feel a bit weird, sad, awkward to say but, trust me, easiest way to get past this question is to tell them how great you are without acting desperate of course. That's what they want to hear. Don't think that they expect you to come up with a super special answer that will solve all their problems...that'll just set you up to fumble your answer...unless you have something that really will fix all their problems...then, by all means, you should tell them.
How is this possible?!
Is the job market by you really that bad? What exactly are you looking to do that you haven't found a job in 3 years? Personally, I would be applying all over the world if I ever went a year without a job. I find it hard to believe you can't even find some sort of long term temp position to get you by in the mean time.
And here I was thinking I have been in a shitty situation cause I can't get a permanent position, but I have never gone longer than like 6 months unemployed. I consider myself a Full Time Temp at this point. I am like a slightly above average athlete who doesn't get contract extensions but instead gets shipped off to playoff contenders...
Nothing pisses me off more than someone saying they will get back to you, regarding status of your employment and nothing happens within a reasonable timeframe.
It's been close to a month and this guy must be really pathetic after stating he would tell me the status of the position. I lost interest in the position as a whole now because the company is filled with assholes, if this is a first impression.
@Mix Master just just craigs, mostly warehouses use that.
Look for seasonal work if you're in the US. Best Buy, UPS, etc. Can get you money while you look for something permanent.Just got fired from dollar tree, and i have to put in applications. Fuck!!!
Anybody know good stocking jobs/or places to work with a good freight dept?
You're supposed to follow up with them. I hope you're not just sitting back and waiting for them to call you.
He told me he would reach out to me, so i took his word. I don't like running behind people to kiss ass when there shouldn't be a need. It's simple if you need me, then you would've been eager to jump on board within the timeframe. I will send out an email just to verify, but it would only confirm what I already know.
He told me he would reach out to me, so i took his word. I don't like running behind people to kiss ass when there shouldn't be a need. It's simple if you need me, then you would've been eager to jump on board within the timeframe. I will send out an email just to verify, but it would only confirm what I already know.
He told me he would reach out to me, so i took his word. I don't like running behind people to kiss ass when there shouldn't be a need. It's simple if you need me, then you would've been eager to jump on board within the timeframe. I will send out an email just to verify, but it would only confirm what I already know.
Yup. It was 2nd worst in the nation I think at one point. Double digit unemployment.
Went back to school to finish my degree, no jobs in the field. Fell back on my old skillset and went back for vocational training/certs.
I'm balancing three part time jobs in the meantime.
Went to recruiters, contract work, etc.
Ah well. Something will happen soon, it has to.
Edit: I'm career transitioning from Civil Engineering/CAD back to IT. Just earned my degree in Geospatial technologies.