What was preventing you from working while you learned/searched for your wanted career job? Why couldn't you work in fast food or retail or sales or something while pursuing your dream? You missed out on 7 years of experience because..?
Work will include designing and preparing content so you must have excellent design skills and the should have previous experience of the following programming languages:
Adobe Illustrator
I was unemployed for a brief stint in 2011 and that was kinda my thought. I never bothered trying to sign up for unemployment because I thought filling out all the crap was more tedious than trying to find an actual job.BTW, anyone else got experience with dealing with Universal Credit? I cannot see myself being able to fill 35 hours a week with jobhunting work, but that's apparently the requirement!
Still heard nothing back from last week's interview
We agreed to get in touch with on another starting this week. I wrote an email on Monday morning saying that I am still interested.
Not sure when and how I am supposed to ask about their decision again.
Got a call back two days ago from another big 4 asking if I am still interested in the job I applied for because the application was 1 month old. When I said yes, they said they will contact me again after talking to the department. Again, still heard nothing.
One door closes, another one opens?
Just got a call from the last of the big 4. Applied for advisory yesterday, they asked me if I am interested in audit, to which I said yes. Busy season shows, hope it works out.
But again, they didn't set up an interview and just asked if I am interested.
Must have sounded a little bit weird because I was working out when I got the call.
Have to move to the other end of the country though if it works out but that shouldn't be a problem.
I scratched this out a couple years ago and have it on the wall above my computer.One door closes, another one opens?
Got an invitation to an interview this week. Wish me good luck guys.
Still nothing from the company I thought I'd have an interview scheduled by now for. I'm feeling so depressed. I fucking hate my current job and I feel like I'm going to just explode one day.
Protip: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT post your resume on a job search site. Doing so will inundate you with calls from pyramid schemes, insurance companies, and commission-based sales jobs that are looking for easy marks in a tough economy right now. Beware!
Take the better job and be honest with him. If he cares about you he will understand.Damn, I'm in a strange situation.
Last month I applied to a bunch of different engineering firms ranging from small to corporate. I accepted a position in a smaller company because several weeks had passed and I needed a job ASAP. Well, now a much much larger company has contacted me expressing interesting and asking when I am available for an interview with them.
I would very much like to work for this big company because they would offer far greater opportunities for me to advance and a much higher salary. The problem is the company I work for is run by a friend's dad who took a chance on me and helped me out when I was struggling. I've only been working there for 2 weeks but he has been very supportive and has taught me quite a few things.
I would feel pretty shitty telling him I'm leaving so soon for greener pastures. As a forward, I know for a fact he will not be able to match the salary the bigger company is offering. Their experienced engineers make 30-50k while the big engineering company starts new fulltime hires at 50k.
Any advice, tips, or wisdom for my job interview tomorrow? It's for an IT job. I'd greatly appreciate any feedback.
This is the story of my life..... i have a nasty habit of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, and fucking up at the final hurdle really is my style lol
I just graduated and I'm not looking forward to it, that's for sure.
I don't even know how to fill a resume when I've come straight out of college with no substantive job/internship experience to speak of.
Any advice, tips, or wisdom for my job interview tomorrow? It's for an IT job. I'd greatly appreciate any feedback.
Damn, I'm in a strange situation.
Last month I applied to a bunch of different engineering firms ranging from small to corporate. I accepted a position in a smaller company because several weeks had passed and I needed a job ASAP. Well, now a much much larger company has contacted me expressing interesting and asking when I am available for an interview with them.
I would very much like to work for this big company because they would offer far greater opportunities for me to advance and a much higher salary. The problem is the company I work for is run by a friend's dad who took a chance on me and helped me out when I was struggling. I've only been working there for 2 weeks but he has been very supportive and has taught me quite a few things.
I would feel pretty shitty telling him I'm leaving so soon for greener pastures. As a forward, I know for a fact he will not be able to match the salary the bigger company is offering. Their experienced engineers make 30-50k while the big engineering company starts new fulltime hires at 50k.
Any advice, tips, or wisdom for my job interview tomorrow? It's for an IT job. I'd greatly appreciate any feedback.
So here's my dilemma (I'm in IT)
Current Job:
pros: Very stress-free, easy to perform, have great relationship with everyone, commute is 5 minutes drive. Ok benefits. Very flexible.
cons: Low pay, not much room for growth, no new technologies to learn, no bonuses or goodies. Mediocre to ho-hum corporate environment.
Prospective Job (interviewing for it):
pros: High pay, new, cutting edge technologies, room for growth, challenging work pace. Casual corporate environment. Great benefits.
cons: Downtown location (1 hr 20 mins commute), unfamiliar technologies, more stressful than current job. Client facing. Less flexible.
So, what would Gaf do in this situation? Throw a 4 month old baby in the mix.
Protip: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT post your resume on a job search site. Doing so will inundate you with calls from pyramid schemes, insurance companies, and commission-based sales jobs that are looking for easy marks in a tough economy right now. Beware!
My wife got the baby thing all figured out. I only rock him to sleep once every day or two, which is no biggie. I also work from home on wednesdays, when my wife goes to work for 5 or 6 hours. I'm planning on continuing that. So your advice would be to go for #2? I also have a mortgage as well.I had job #2, had the kid, and changed to job #1 before letting #2 get too crazy.
Honestly, if your partner has the kid stuff down, and on second thought to how I did it, I'd take the other job with the thought that if it doesn't work out (too much time away, partner needs more help), you still have the ability to back out of it. At least you gave it a shot.
Now I have an 8 and 6 year old. When they were really little, I missed the kid more than they missed me. Though if you end up away for longer times, make sure the free time you do get and they're awake you do spend with the kid. (end dad talk)
So here's my dilemma (I'm in IT)
Current Job:
pros: Very stress-free, easy to perform, have great relationship with everyone, commute is 5 minutes drive. Ok benefits. Very flexible.
cons: Low pay, not much room for growth, no new technologies to learn, no bonuses or goodies. Mediocre to ho-hum corporate environment.
Prospective Job (interviewing for it):
pros: High pay, new, cutting edge technologies, room for growth, challenging work pace. Casual corporate environment. Great benefits.
cons: Downtown location (1 hr 20 mins commute), unfamiliar technologies, more stressful than current job. Client facing. Less flexible.
So, what would Gaf do in this situation? Throw a 4 month old baby in the mix.
Damn, I'm in a strange situation.
Last month I applied to a bunch of different engineering firms ranging from small to corporate. I accepted a position in a smaller company because several weeks had passed and I needed a job ASAP. Well, now a much much larger company has contacted me expressing interesting and asking when I am available for an interview with them.
I would very much like to work for this big company because they would offer far greater opportunities for me to advance and a much higher salary. The problem is the company I work for is run by a friend's dad who took a chance on me and helped me out when I was struggling. I've only been working there for 2 weeks but he has been very supportive and has taught me quite a few things.
I would feel pretty shitty telling him I'm leaving so soon for greener pastures. As a forward, I know for a fact he will not be able to match the salary the bigger company is offering. Their experienced engineers make 30-50k while the big engineering company starts new fulltime hires at 50k.
My wife got the baby thing all figured out. I only rock him to sleep once every day or two, which is no biggie. I also work from home on wednesdays, when my wife goes to work for 5 or 6 hours. I'm planning on continuing that. So your advice would be to go for #2? I also have a mortgage as well.
Holy shit are you Civil Engineering? Im jealous. Good luck bro!
Obviously it depends on the manager, but my experience is that people are pretty understanding when they see a good opportunity for you that they can't provide. Especially if it's a family friend. People don't expect you to work at the same place forever.
That said, you might be getting ahead of yourself if it's only an interview. Take the interview and I think being straightforward about it is your best bet.
Thanks, and no, I'm electrical engineering.
Yea, I'm sure he'll understand I plan on going to the interview. I have high hopes since they hire mostly from my university and I've had 3 friends work there before who all were willing to give me a referral. But yea I'm not doing anything until I get an offer letter regardless.
It's either they have the skills or they don't.
I don't understand the process of hiring someone. It's either they have the skills or they don't. Tired of these pointless phone screenings and interviews where you seem like you did well, but end up without anything. Like seriously do you have to kiss someone bare ass for a gig these days or what.
I don't understand the process of hiring someone. It's either they have the skills or they don't. Tired of these pointless phone screenings and interviews where you seem like you did well, but end up without anything. Like seriously do you have to kiss someone bare ass for a gig these days or what.
Skills are ultimately irrelevant in getting a job (they're important for keeping the job mind you), who you know is more important and people skills are more important in the getting aspect of work.
Your skillset and experience gets you the interview (regardless of who you know).
Your personality, attitude and aptitude in applying your skills and experience get you the job.
Simply knowing people is not enough to get a job. You need to know people AND have the correct background and skills.
Then the second interview (maybe an hour of that 3 total) was with the VP and it was a walk and chew gum interview. Does this guy gel in the group? Does he seem to be bullshitting us? Does he fit our culture?