Practice commonly asked questions out loud.I actually got an interview for tomorrow. I need to nail this one. Perfect job which requires my degree. (you dont find that too often).
I think the last time I went one I didnt talk enough. This time I need to put on a perfect show, a perfect presentation.
Why did you leave without making sure you got that other job? That was a huge risk and look what happened. Did you leave best buy in good terms?
Just lost my job. Last day is the 20th. To be honest, this place has been a major burden for me for the past 6 years of my life. Midnight shift rotations, incredibly difficult people to work with and for. And almost zero career growth. I honestly feel a huge burden lifting off my shoulders.
I'm already putting in apps, and inquiring about jobs left and right. Hopefully it all works out for me. Wish me luck, GAF. I will need it.
Practice commonly asked questions out loud.
Are you the BigMastadon from IGN?Now it's back to job searching again.
Hey guys, I have a cover letter related question. What do you think, is it a good idea to add a custom header/footer design? Something like in the attached image. The bar is a place holder at the moment. I used open source clip art which I reworked to compose the logo.
The design would be matched with the colors used in the CV.
Something like these:
P.S.: I would also like to thank FliXFantatier, who helped me with my CV with his suggestions and provided very useful additional info.
IndeedAre you the BigMastadon from IGN?
Updated my CV on the back of some advice from an old colleague and applied for a couple more jobs.
Got an interview on Tuesday
15k more for a less senior job then I'm doing now (the role is infrastructure Project Manager - in my current role I've got 3 or 4 infrastructure project managers working for me)
Got to do some interview prep now and have a read up about the company.
Also got to think of some questions to ask in the interview, I've always struggled trying to find something decent to ask.... Anyone got any examples of questions that go down well?
Anyone have any advice for applying with temp agencies?
if you had the choice if working/living in Denver or Houston which would you choose?
Haven't brought my Obama icon here yet ;p
I've been trying to find a job in Austin the last few weeks, and it's damn hard. I just want an entry level data entry position or office/clerical work to get away from retail, and nothing's happening. I've just been using so far though. I've tried going through a recruiting site locally, but nothing.
I've been trying to find a job in Austin the last few weeks, and it's damn hard. I just want an entry level data entry position or office/clerical work to get away from retail, and nothing's happening. I've just been using so far though. I've tried going through a recruiting site locally, but nothing.
Try checking Craigslist and careerbuilder.
Sometimes I wake up in the morning and wonder why I ever decided to go for my Masters in Education. Now I sit here day in day out, looking for something not in the teaching field (since it is impossible to get in at all - unless you have 3-5 years to waste) that pays well to live solo, but everything with minimal or "no experience" is almost unlivable.
Can't get a job without experience, and can't get experience without a job in the teaching field. And I really don't want to teach abroad. I guess I just have to be lucky.
Out of curiousity, where do you live?
Fellow Masters graduate myself, from my experience, a Masters degree will make you stand out from other applicants but it doesn't gaurantee you a great job instantly. You either do some networking and find the connectionz to squeeze you into a role or you go down the "apprenticeship/internship/workforpeanuts" route in order to get the experience.
My current situation: I'm super rusty when it comes to technical exams during interviews and - thankfully - my job seems to be secure until the end of the career so I'm gonna take a few weeks to brush up my knowledge and retry applying elsewhere. Been looking into web development and mobile app development. Prep myself up. Get a portfolio laid out and see where it goes. Good thing is that all these interviews I've had makes for good practise. I'm not a nervous wreck when it comes to face to face interviews anymore.
I already did enough placements during my Masters program in classrooms.
I'd pick Denver all day. Great city.if you had the choice if working/living in Denver or Houston which would you choose?
I have third interview with apple on 17th, I really hope I get the job, I know it's apple store but I think I will like it.
UK Gaf.
Is sending a "thank you email" after an interview a done thing?
Eastern Canada.
I feel so undervalued when considering internships; it's like here pay us thousands of dollars for your undergrad and postgrad, but when you finish, here is the kicker, you have to work for free for a few years for your piece of paper to mean jack shit - what's the point of working all these years for what amounted to a further nothing. I already did enough placements during my Masters program in classrooms. Everything I do is free. I don't exactly have the luxury of 2 years of internship while I live with family. Everyone wants you to work for free, I feel like internships are the biggest bullshit concocted by North American society.
i can sympathise.
there were barely any openings when i was at uni because of the recession and because of personal matters i couldn't get a fulltime job/internship.
now i am stuck with an entry lrvel job that is braindead and ending next month, hack to job hunting and so far no calls. don't have network because i came here on my 12th grade and don't have a lot of friends.
this seriously sucks. feel like no one is giving me a chance at all. ba in econ and i can't even get a customer service rep job at a bank (i don't even want to work at banks). asked a person from canadian western bank and she's like, "no we're not hiring econ grads." are you for real.
it seriously sucks.
can't even get into brain dead jobs let alone jobs that will actually challenge me.
UK Gaf.
Is sending a "thank you email" after an interview a done thing?
Going to an interview in 2 hours, not sure what I can manage to prepare before then.
I looked up a few things before I went to bed, don't know what else I can do other than just not make the same mistakes as last time. :/
Google questions that they are likely to ask you in the interview and have answers for them? Having questions of your own also helps. Write them in a notepad and have it with you if that helps you.
Going to an interview in 2 hours, not sure what I can manage to prepare before then.
I looked up a few things before I went to bed, don't know what else I can do other than just not make the same mistakes as last time. :/
Don't feel too bad about the 'mistakes' you made. Everyone makes mistakes, and with interviews it can be just what your competition is like.
Remember that staff at a company can always think of something to tell people who ask for feedback. It may not have actually been a big deal, and could even be complete nitpicking or total bs. They may just have had another person in mind already that they know and like, and were just going through the motions to look like they're making a considered choice.
I sort of believe what he sent me as a response, but I can't disagree with you.
He did a really unprofessional thing by giving me a background check sheet after the interview, should have given it to me after he gives the job offer I think.
Could be why he took 2-3 days to respond back, with believable reasons. Regardless, his reasoning was sound since I actually did make those two mistakes he mentioned in the email.
Like I said, even if you made those mistakes (and they will always mention something that actually happened), it doesn't necessarily mean they were actually a big deal. They almost certainly had candidates who made more/bigger mistakes than that.
Going the opposite way, I semi-recently bombed an interview pretty badly with poor answers to numerous questions....and was still awarded a position. Most likely due to them wanting me for a particular special/rare qualification I have.
You do not need to do a flawless interview to get a job. Context factors into everything.
I was curious, can I mention on a cover letter if I've applied to a company before (I'm applying to the same company I had an interview with last year, but I didn't get it). The reason wasn't because of the interview or my qualifications, but rather the time it took to complete the background process (I answered yes to a question that required further background investigation. I was eventually cleared, but it was too late for that position). Just wondering what the etiquette is in that case.
Serious, what are the purpose of phone interviews? I have one tomorrow morning. Any tips?