If Miz vs Ambrose is a genuine feud we're getting it better end with the IC title back on Miz.
I'll demand that it's a Hell in a Cell match, and just immediately climb to the top and jump off.I'm predicting that Groovy will put Mahonay over, because he knows that the real victory is breaking the Looney's streak.
I can make that happen for you🗡️I want my mounting loses to eventually peak with someone just killing me off.
Beefy thinks he is too good for us now! Imma have to whoop his ass!
Kurt's only been doing it for 2 weeks jeez.Is it just me, or does it feel like they could have put anyone in the GM role and they could do what Kurt is doing, if not better?
Kurt's only been doing it for 2 weeks jeez.
If Miz vs Ambrose is a genuine feud we're getting it better end with the IC title back on Miz.
I stumbled across this "Most Controversial Moments in Independant Wrestling History" List on Facebook and figures this would be good for a laugh and clicked on it.
Now in between things like "Shane Douglas throws down the NWA Championship" and "The Mass Transit Incident" is Kimber Lee vs. Chris Dickinson.
Holy crap. I don't really really pay attention to Indy stuff, but this was disgusting. Between the vile, full force chair shot to the head and then the most reckless turnbuckle powerbomb I've ever seen I feel like Kimber Lee was lucky to escape with her life.
Was there like a huge outcry over this? Was Dickinson shunned for nearly killing someone? If the YouTube comments on the video were anything to go by she deserved it for Wrestling men and this is what the Attitude Era was like. :|
Yup.Not looking good for the people who predicted at the beginning of the year that Miz would have a world title by year's end
"I am tired of seeing the same wrestlers in the main event, I want something new"
*Jinder gets a title shot"
"No, not him. Push only the nerds I care about."
I don't watch raw or smackdown. All my were info comes from this thread and whatever is talked about on the LAW
I mean, not sure why you care if someone calls WWE trash. Not really worth caring about or defending.So you're saying it's trash without ever seeing the product to know for yourself
even better
I mean, not sure why you care if someone calls WWE trash. Not really worth caring about or defending.
Plus Kurt is still feeling out the role. I bet the plan is to somehow put him against Hunter at Mania next year.It feels like longer.
Also,is back in Impact.Scott Steiner
Having Brian Kendrick cut 5 minute promos and wrestle a bunch of jobbers over this 👇🏼
Plus Kurt is still feeling out the role. I bet the plan is to somehow put him against Hunter at Mania next year.
Trump emerged from neither a log cabin nor the contemporary meritocracy. He inherited his fathers outer-borough real-estate empirea considerable enterprise distinguished by racist federal-housing violationsand brought it to Manhattan. He entered a world of contractors, casino operators, Roy Cohn, professional-wrestling stars, Rupert Murdoch, multiple bankruptcies, tabloid divorces, Mar-a-Lago golf tournaments, and reality television. He had no real civic presence in New York. A wealthy man, he gave almost nothing to charity. He cultivated a kind of louche glamour. At Studio 54, he said, I would watch supermodels getting screwed . . . on a bench in the middle of the room. He had no close friends. Mainly, he preferred to work, play golf, and spend long hours at home watching TV. His misogyny and his low character were always manifest. Displeased with a harmless Palm Beach society journalist named Shannon Donnelly, he told her in a letter that if she adhered to his standards of discretion, I will promise not to show you as the crude, fat and obnoxious slob which everyone knows you are. Insofar as he had political opinions, they were inconsistent and mainly another form of performance art, part of his talk-show patter. His contributions to political campaigns were unrelated to conviction; he gave solely to curry favor with those who could do his business some good. He believed in nothing.
It'll be something regarding the gm role. Plus Angle is going to get his ending to the first feud.You have to have a plan there for a match if he's healthy.
It a bs reason so neither parties look bad. I mean Mauro left because he had issue with the face/heel dyamic that makes no sense.I wasn't around this weekend when the news came out, but how do you guys feel about WWE and JBL's explanation of Mauro's release?
It sounds like Mauro had issues working out the face / heel dynamic of WWE announce teams and couldn't tell the difference in what was a work or not. That is entirely believable when you think about it. I don't claim to know what happened behind the scenes, but at least WWE's reasoning isn't complete bullshit.
I wasn't around this weekend when the news came out, but how do you guys feel about WWE and JBL's explanation of Mauro's release?
It sounds like Mauro had issues working out the face / heel dynamic of WWE announce teams and couldn't tell the difference in what was a work or not. That is entirely believable when you think about it. I don't claim to know what happened behind the scenes, but at least WWE's reasoning isn't complete bullshit.
I stumbled across this "Most Controversial Moments in Independant Wrestling History" List on Facebook and figures this would be good for a laugh and clicked on it.
Now in between things like "Shane Douglas throws down the NWA Championship" and "The Mass Transit Incident" is Kimber Lee vs. Chris Dickinson.
Holy crap. I don't really really pay attention to Indy stuff, but this was disgusting. Between the vile, full force chair shot to the head and then the most reckless turnbuckle powerbomb I've ever seen I feel like Kimber Lee was lucky to escape with her life.
Was there like a huge outcry over this? Was Dickinson shunned for nearly killing someone? If the YouTube comments on the video were anything to go by she deserved it for Wrestling men and this is what the Attitude Era was like. :|
Damn carny ass heel president. Gonna need a face to stop him!
It a bs reason so neither parties look bad. I mean Mauro left because he had issue with the face/heel dyamic that makes no sense.
Mauro was let off early from his WWE contract and got paid in exchange for signing a non-disparage agreement.
If you look at Mauro's comment history on the matter, and Meltzer's reporting, to believe it was for anything but JBL straight up harassing him, you are being naive.
Hard to blame Mauro for taking the deal. He's getting a bunch of money from the people that made his life miserable, and he gets to go do something else immediately if he wants to.
Mauro was let off early from his WWE contract and got paid in exchange for signing a non-disparage agreement.
If you look at Mauro's comment history on the matter, and Meltzer's reporting, to believe it was for anything but JBL straight up harassing him, you are being naive.
Hard to blame Mauro for taking the deal. He's getting a bunch of money from the people that made his life miserable, and he gets to go do something else immediately if he wants to.
Send for Roman Reigns!
What? The reporting HEAVILY suggests Mauro was being bullied during a period he was suffering a bout of serious depression which brought on these series of events.I'm sure given the nature of wrestling, the truth of the matter will come out eventually. Until then, it's just one of those things we'll probably never know the facts on aside from third hand reporting, speculation and first hand comments that sound questionable at best.
LET'S GO DONALD *clap clap clapclapclap*
Would be the reaction.
Bluekaveli probably believes them.lmao at ever buying anything WWE says about what they do
They literally still trying to say Bryan winning the belt at Mania 30 was always the plan ffs
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHe'd get cheered over Trump.
I seriously doubt much will change. You don't pay people off to be quiet if you are considering changing your behavior.Wonder how much he got paid. Hopefully it improves things back stage. I mean, I can't imagine Vince wants to keep doing these payouts.
Apparently they're trying to get Mike goldberg
What? The reporting HEAVILY suggests Mauro was being bullied during a period he was suffering a bout of serious depression which brought on these series of events.
Wasn't just JBL either. Did you not see the report of Jerry Lawler initially calling Mauro M.R.? An acronym that they like to use there for "mental retard".
Jinder with the belt is 100% more interesting than Orton with the belt. And I don't even like Jinder. But Orton is the drizzling shits.
This is stupid. People act like if Jinder doesn't win the belt then Orton will be champ forever.When Orton is the alternative everything is better.
Idk ask bitch boy daveWhy did UFC even let him go?
I can hear it already:
SUPERMAN PUNCH!!! And it's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall over!