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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production


what do you guys think of kayfabe storylines that mirror 'shoot' sentiments like the AJ/Reigns stuff, or Corbin talking about indie darlings?

I think on paper it's a dope way to keep casual/'IWC' fans invested in storylines in the same way and a smart evolution of the business, on the other hand I feel like WWE's three thousand writers have the combined creative nous of whoever scripts NCIS and even if they were as good as Shakespeare they still couldn't do it with Vince meddling in every storyline with the deftness and subtlety of a meth smoking rhino.
I hate it cause it show that know what their audience wants but for some reason they dont do it.


Why would you be upset about this?
I'm not but can't you see fans that value AJs work see the guy come across as a midget next to the Vince body guy?

It would be like if Roman was on TNA and they have him cowering to Jeff Jarret. I'm sure you as a fan would have an issue with that.

Maybe the Roman charcter is just going to be one who gets smark heat just so WWE can have a champion they feel comfortable to have guest on the view?



Roman Reigns giving the rub to that young up and comer AJ Styles :')


Every time they showed or discussed Roman Reigns tonight at NXT Live, the crowd booed. Including the one guy who proposed to his girlfriend, who said they named their kid after him. The crowd wanted that wedding called off immediately, lol.

American Alpha v. The Revival was DEFINITELY the best match tonight. Still had one botch, though.

Nakamura didn't do a lot, but he did enough to get cheered like a hero. Balor basically acted like Flair during 80% of the match, including where he got most of the crowd to stand for an attempted figure four. Corbin wouldn't take his shirt off, which the crowd responded with a "take your shirt off" chant. He gave the 'show me the money' finger taunt.

Definitely a good show. I was surprised it sold out considering it was in the middle on NOWHERE. No Bayley, Zayn or Joe though :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kevin Owens dresses like a fucking bum. Like someone who goes in his backyard to wrestle. He'll never hold Vince's main title looking like a wannabe.
If Sheamus can hold the title in 2015 Owens can hold the title because he's better at his job than Sheamus is.

Every time they showed or discussed Roman Reigns tonight at NXT Live, the crowd booed. Including the one guy who proposed to his girlfriend, who said they named their kid after him. The crowd wanted that wedding called off immediately, lol.

American Alpha v. The Revival was DEFINITELY the best match tonight. Still had one botch, though.

Nakamura didn't do a lot, but he did enough to get cheered like a hero. Balor basically acted like Flair during 80% of the match, including where he got most of the crowd to stand for an attempted figure four. Corbin wouldn't take his shirt off, which the crowd responded with a "take your shirt off" chant. He gave the 'show me the money' finger taunt.

Definitely a good show. I was surprised it sold out considering it was in the middle on NOWHERE. No Bayley, Zayn or Joe though :(
Zayn is completely done with NXT

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Man you want to talk about an image that will get fans upset
It makes me laugh the fans get worked so hard.

Vince did not sign Styles for a lot of money and put him up against the winner of the main event of WrestleMania the day after the fact because he thinks he sucks and wants to bury him. You wouldn't know that based on reddit marks, though.


Zayn is completely done with NXT

Sure, but he was advertised for it through yesterday. So was Joe and Bayley.

And it seems like they actually did an angle the NXT Women's title at Concord tonight. Thought it was just an act to try and get people to go there.

But like I said, I think they just mis-shipped the Title or something because every other Title was there tonight.


Been catching up on some Lucha Underground matches. God when Matanza squash matches he absolutely leaves nothing left. Guy will go far as a monster character. I want to see him vs Cage sometime.

Also I am absolutely loving Son of Havoc more and more. That big bearded masked mother can really move.


I hate it cause it show that know what their audience wants but for some reason they dont do it.

No, they know what a loud minority of their audience wants, so they appease them every so often while making gobs of money off them and continuing to make money off the families and children who will happily buy Roman Reigns merch for the next decade.


No, they know what a loud minority of their audience wants, so they appease them every so often while making gobs of money off them and continuing to make money off the families and children who will happily buy Roman Reigns merch for the next decade.

Loud minority? That loud minority is the majority of wwe fans and gobs of money? the Dude anit cena and doesn't have cena crossover appeal I doubt he will be making gobs of money.


Wait...what the FUCK!? Son of Havoc is Matt Cross!? AKA Jason Cross of ancient TNA shows AKA MDOGG 20 of CZW!? Him, AJ Styles and Jimmy Yang all trained together in WWA4!

Wow. I totally didn't recognize the guy with the beard and with the spots he's using as Son of Havoc. He was always jacked but damn did he ever put on mass. Glad to see him finally goin places!
Loud minority? That loud minority is the majority of wwe fans and gobs of money? the Dude anit cena and doesn't have cena crossover appeal I doubt he will be making gobs of money.

Reigns may not, but neither does Ambrose, Owens, Nakamura, Balor, Styles, or any other IWC favorite. If Cena's an 8 or a 9 when it comes to mainstream acceptance, Reigns may only hit a 7 or so, but everybody else I listed barely hits a 5.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Titus O'Neil's suspension is over today.


time to reunite him and Darren again to add another tag team to the division since neither of them are busy or being used.

Tag team division:
The New Day
The Dudleyz
The Usos
Big Cass & Enzo
Primo & Epico
The Vaudevillains
The Social Outcasts (whatever formation you want to use)
The Lucha Dragons (guessing they won't last too much longer)
Wyatts (Rowan/Braun)
League of Nations (whatever combo)
Will they, won't they group of Goldust & R-Truth
The Ascension
Prime Time Players

That's 13 or so somewhat active tag teams.


Reigns may not, but neither does Ambrose, Owens, Nakamura, Balor, Styles, or any other IWC favorite. If Cena's an 8 or a 9 when it comes to mainstream acceptance, Reigns may only hit a 7 or so, but everybody else I listed barely hits a 5.

Regins aint a 7, he is a 5 or 6 at best, none of this has to due with the fact he is popular, it all has do how he is booked as the only guy that matters. If you were to book any of those with the same level roman has gotten they would do so much better. I mean if they had booked amrborse right he would a 8.


Reigns may not, but neither does Ambrose, Owens, Nakamura, Balor, Styles, or any other IWC favorite. If Cena's an 8 or a 9 when it comes to mainstream acceptance, Reigns may only hit a 7 or so, but everybody else I listed barely hits a 5.
Regins aint a 7 he is a 5 or 6 at best, none of this has to due with the fact he is popular, it all has do how he is booked as the only guy that matters. If you were to book any of those with the same level roman has gotten they would do so much better. I mean if they had booked amrborse right he would a 8.
If The Rock (and Hulk Hogan) are(/were) 10s (Very successful inside and outside of Wrestling) then surely Roman Reigns right now is only like a 5 or something.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Just saw the enzo and cass segment from raw and the entire arena knew all the catch phrases and speeches, that was straight out of road dogg days, damn.


When a to-be-engaged couple says they named their kid after Roman Reigns at an NXT House show, causing the crowd to go from cheers for their happiness to an eruption of boos and demands the whole thing be called off, you need to turn him heel.

That actually did happen tonight.



In San Diego for work, drunk, wandering around downtown with co-workers when we came across a Smackdown poster in a window.

Me: Oh yeah, shit, WWF...remember that shit!

And we all laugh and walk on.
Regins aint a 7, he is a 5 or 6 at best, none of this has to due with the fact he is popular, it all has do how he is booked as the only guy that matters. If you were to book any of those with the same level roman has gotten they would do so much better. I mean if they had booked amrborse right he would a 8.

Nobody outside of the bubble thinks a third rate Roddy Piper/Steve Austin/Brian Pillman ripoff depending on the week can be the guy. He can be part of the mix in this era of lowered standards, just like anybody else, but Dean Ambrose ain't starting no boom period. And neither is anybody else on the roster.

[If The Rock (and Hulk Hogan) are(/were) 10s (Very successful inside and outside of Wrestling) then surely Roman Reigns right now is only like a 5 or something.

Fine, then Ambrose and Owens are 3's.


Nobody outside of the bubble thinks a third rate Roddy Piper/Steve Austin/Brian Pillman ripoff depending on the week can be the guy. He can be part of the mix in this era of lowered standards, just like anybody else, but Dean Ambrose ain't starting no boom period. And neither is anybody else on the roster.

Fine, then Ambrose and Owens are 3's.

Again with this bubble talk, people love dean , back when he was getting good booking he was way popular than roman has ever been. When it looked like he won the belt at roadblock and EC last year the pop was unbelievable.
Again with this bubble talk, people love dean , back when he was getting good booking he was way popular than roman has ever been. When it looked like he won the belt at roadblock and EC last year the pop was unbelievable.

I guarantee you how ever loud people were for Ambrose were that night, they made more money per item off Reigns merch that night and that's what matters - not what responses somebody gets in front of a hardcore crowd in Philly, but how much money they make in merch per head at a Saturday house show in Green Bay.

Ambrose is a popular guy. But he's Mick Foley. Somebody who can be part of the mix, but never the #1 guy in the mix. Which isn't the worst thing in the world.


I guarantee you how ever loud people were for Ambrose were that night, they made more money per item off Reigns merch that night and that's what matters - not what responses somebody gets in front of a hardcore crowd in Philly, but how much money they make in merch per head at a Saturday house show in Green Bay.

Ambrose is a popular guy. But he's Mick Foley. Somebody who can be part of the mix, but never the #1 guy in the mix. Which isn't the worst thing in the world.

I can guarantee that on that night dean made more than roman, also I dont know why you are talking about merch sale so much considering we have no number to go off.


Roman is already 3-time world champ in 6 months, I'm sort of interested to know if this reign will be the one to break CM Punk's modern era streak or if they'll keep screwing Roman out of the title to boost the number of reigns and pin Cena clean at WM 33 for his record breaking 16th.


Roman is already 3-time world champ in 6 months, I'm sort of interested to know if this reign will be the one to break CM Punk's modern era streak or if they'll keep screwing Roman out of the title to boost the number of reigns and pin Cena clean at WM 33 for his record breaking 16th.

At the rate they're going, Reigns will beat...
- AJ
- Cena
- Rollins
- Jericho
- Owens
- Wyatt
- Brock
- Ambrose

before the year ends. And he'll STILL be a fucking face that no one likes.
Roman is already 3-time world champ in 6 months, I'm sort of interested to know if this reign will be the one to break CM Punk's modern era streak or if they'll keep screwing Roman out of the title to boost the number of reigns and pin Cena clean at WM 33 for his record breaking 16th.

Wouldnt 16 just tie it?


So not worth it
's theme
already more over than Oscar Nominee Fifty Shades, and Oscar winner's Eminem and Frozen.

Since joining WWE and making his in-ring debut at NXT Takeover: Dallas, Shinsuke Nakamura has taken the WWE Universe by storm with his unique style and personality. Now he's taking over the charts as well. "Rising Sun," the Japanese Superstar's entrance theme, is now the No. 1 song on the iTunes soundtrack chart.

The theme tops The Weekend's "Earned it" from the film "Fifty Shades of Grey," as well as Eminem's classic "Lose Yourself" from the film "8 Mile" and "Let it Go" from Disney's animated hit "Frozen."
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