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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production


lol @ seriously thinking Roman will turn heel after his Make-A-Wish themed ring entrance last night.

I certainly didn't think it was coming last night, I assumed he would go heel at Payback. It seemed like on the shows since Mania, prior to last night, he was getting heel-ish. He's been coming across as very smug, which is not a good face trait. Make-a-wish kid is when I realized nothing stops the Cena 2.0 train. I'm still holding out hope that the make a wish entrance is just a red herring for his eventual heel turn. It seems dumb to me to waste the kind of heat Reigns has. In an era where most of the best heels are actually liked by the crowd, its rare to have someone like Reigns that the crowd would legit hate when he's screwing over the faces.


They just put a Make A Wish promo package in the middle of Roman's intro yesterday, they're not turning him heel. Bullet Club turning on AJ and costing him the match is the most obvious #ProtectRoman #MakeRomanLookStrong move humanly possible.


I await many of my cinemax and Showtime friday night classics that I grew up with hitting blu.

I just remember that Ginger Lynn is pretty young in it, it's got a 1920's theme, and at some point the main guy starts getting head and he is all "what a dame, what a dame!" Too funny.
Bullet Club would be way more over if commentary actually sounded scared of them.

Cole has never called a single good match in his career.

The idea of this working in a good way went out the window already. They had them come in for attacks twice already and then already cutting cute promos in the back. If they really wanted this to be big and bad they would have continued the ambushes, looming, etc. They basically could have followed the nWo script and it would have worked out well.


I certainly didn't think it was coming last night, I assumed he would go heel at Payback. It seemed like on the shows since Mania, prior to last night, he was getting heel-ish. He's been coming across as very smug, which is not a good face trait. Make-a-wish kid is when I realized nothing stops the Cena 2.0 train. I'm still holding out hope that the make a wish entrance is just a red herring for his eventual heel turn. It seems dumb to me to waste the kind of heat Reigns has. In an era where most of the best heels are actually liked by the crowd, its rare to have someone like Reigns that the crowd would legit hate when he's screwing over the faces.

I'm pretty sure that what they've learned from Steph/Hunter, the Mania build to the main event is that inconsistent characters are fine because

its all fake who gives a shit.

Roman can be a smug cunt one minute and turn around to do his Make A Wish thing the next because they want him to, no more, no less. Who gives a fuck?


They just put a Make A Wish promo package in the middle of Roman's intro yesterday, they're not turning him heel. Bullet Club turning on AJ and costing him the match is the most obvious #ProtectRoman #MakeRomanLookStrong move humanly possible.

Well, we've already seen Roman can take out AJ, Gallows, and Anderson no problem. Last night reminded me of the bad aspects of Cena. With how much I enjoyed the US Open, I forgot how annoying it is to see one person take out an entire stable alone.


It's just one show, but...

Gallows and Anderson have the look, feel, speaking ability, bodies, moves, theme music, presence, and "it factor" of a generic jobber tag-team from the Attitude Era.

Holy fuck were they bad last night.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Nobody complained when Dusty Rhodes would clear the ring of the Four Horsemen


Bryan challenging Cena at Summerslam.

that sure ended well



People in the building were saying that the Lowell Joe/Balor match was the best one yet. Interested to see whether that was a product of being caught in the moment/live bias or if it was true. Definitely a great reason to watch NXT tomorrow I suppose, there certainly haven't been many in the last few weeks.

This generation has none.

Nor does the creative team.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
There's been this weird myth of the last 2 or 3 years that Gallows is anything other than shit

He's improved. He's a bit better than his SES run. Problem is he took a huge step back in Japan, or he could have really done better. I also feel Karl Anderson has gotten complacent, even though he's far more talented than Gallows. I hope WWE ups both their game, somehow.
I know slightlyconfuse brought it up yesterday but holy shit Zeus and Sekimoto tried to murder each other in the Champion Carnival final. Not quite Okabayashi/Sekimoto level but still highly enjoyable and violent.

Oh god I can totally see them doing this.

Welcome to the Zeus Club

Patience for? If this was for Anderson/Gallows I don't know. They could have blown the lid of with them but they came out and it just felt really lame.

I didn't watch a lot of NJPW, but I feel like wait made Bullet Club work so well there is the complete 180 shift from all the other wrestlers. There was so much arrogance in their walk to the ring, their in-ring, the shouting, etc. It just doesn't feel like it will translate well here because of how colorful the WWE is.

Aside from merch sales for AJ and Finn, that's why I just don't think people should get all yipped up over bullet club destroying in WWE.


Who is gonna win the G1 WrassleGAF?

Head says Okada (and would be fine with that). Heart says Shibby. Gajin tendencies say Omega. Surprise winner would be Senada.
I don't understand the hype behind Anderson and Gallows. They seem so generic. Is it because it's something new to the WWE? How would Finn's involvement make them more entertaining?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't understand the hype behind Anderson and Gallows. They seem so generic. Is it because it's something new to the WWE? How would Finn's involvement make them more entertaining?

People want to see the same magic they had in Japan come here, but it won't. It's done, that well is dry.


Data is 100% right again (as usual) WWE talent scouting seems to have degenerated to "get the cool indie guys that the smarks like" and thus we are stuck with dudes who aren't going to fit into what the WWE needs from its performers. At least they are making good money.

But as we can see the talent week in week out doesn't matter that much anymore so the point is moot.


I remember when about 4 or 5 years ago when I was telling people that Inafune was the real reason Capcom went to shit last generation and everyone told me I was crazy because BUH HE MADE MEGAMANZ.


I remember when about 4 or 5 years ago when I was telling people that Inafune was the real reason Capcom went to shit last generation and everyone told me I was crazy because BUH HE MADE MEGAMANZ.

Deep down inside, Megaman fans are almost as bad as Sonic fans.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
No way. Mega Man fans have at least had a taste of what a good video game actually is.

you kidding? that shit is mired in rote, tired-ass shit gameplay. everything past MM3 is exhausted and worthless. It was fresh in 88. Battle Network bullshit is the best thing that ever happened to the MM series because these side scrollers are garbage supreme.


you kidding? that shit is mired in rote, tired-ass shit gameplay. everything past MM3 is exhausted and worthless. It was fresh in 88. Battle Network bullshit is the best thing that ever happened to the MM series because these side scrollers are garbage supreme.

i'd say that X and X2 were good, but you're right overall. Megaman fans crying for Legends really did it for me, I had to classify them with Sonic fans past that point


you kidding? that shit is mired in rote, tired-ass shit gameplay. everything past MM3 is exhausted and worthless. It was fresh in 88. Battle Network bullshit is the best thing that ever happened to the MM series because these side scrollers are garbage supreme.

I'd say up to MMX2, after that the franchise started going downhill. But at least the Mega Man franchise had a high point. The Sonic franchise is and always has been a mediocre franchise that was lofted up by marketing because Sega needed a mascot to compete against the superior Mario franchise. Also the dark corners of the Mega Man franchise are bad, but holy fuck you'll want to burn your eyes if you peak into the dark abyss that is the Sonic fandom.


I don't understand the hype behind Anderson and Gallows. They seem so generic. Is it because it's something new to the WWE? How would Finn's involvement make them more entertaining?

BC works because they are their own thing and do not cater to the company or the fans.
An NWO rip off in blatant fact.
But it kind of took a life of its own because the people worked together well and had charisma and were let to do their own thing.

For them to work in the WWE they would have to say fuck you to the Authority, but also not be a typical face.
It is the group dynamic overall that made them good and is the only thing that will make something good out of Balor Club or whatever may come in WWE.
Straight heels would be just another thing, same with faces.
They need to wreck shit and take the gold.


Nothing really moved forward in Raw. We are back to the same filler routine as always. Shame.

The tag scene could've benefited from a longer segment. They have three very entertaining teams and don't give them much to do.

The main event story was a retread of last week's and Gallows/Anderson just looked super unimpressive.

Filler is how I would describe Raw. More of the same.

I guess their creative spark lasted one week and they are coasting again. Great. They are also not doing anything with Roman and he is just his usual annoying self.
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