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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production

Man God

Non-Canon Member
what's Hernandez doing in the nxt zone


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
NXT turning into TNA lite is bad all around

The problem I have with it is that I don't care about any of these TNA guys other than AJ Styles and Samoa Joe who were already in NXT.

Like, they're just filler dudes to me. Everyone of relevance from TNA is in NXT already. Bring in James Storm? Don't give a fuck; didn't when it happened, don't now. I'm a lot more concerned with the fact that NXT doesn't actually have any real stars, it just has a bunch of old has-been filler guys. And Shinsuke and Joe (who isn't in the has been filler category because he was at least a major star with TNA).

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Austin Starr is okay.

I do like Eric Young and Booby Roode a lot. Getting the Dudley Boyz back was a pretty good idea overall.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm just saying, if Eric Young is used as enhancement talent, I guess I'm okay with it. I just don't want to see Austin Aries feuding with Eric Young or whatever similarly dumb thing could happen. It's developmental, lets see guys who could be plausibly getting matches at WrestleMania in the future.
The best jeans-wearer on WWE is easily Big Dave Bateaster. A+ jeans wearer.
Am I imagining a time where he split his skinny jeans with the sheer power of a Batista Bomb?

The problem I have with it is that I don't care about any of these TNA guys other than AJ Styles and Samoa Joe who were already in NXT.

Like, they're just filler dudes to me. Everyone of relevance from TNA is in NXT already. Bring in James Storm? Don't give a fuck; didn't when it happened, don't now. I'm a lot more concerned with the fact that NXT doesn't actually have any real stars, it just has a bunch of old has-been filler guys. And Shinsuke and Joe (who isn't in the has been filler category because he was at least a major star with TNA).

This accurately sums up my thoughts as well.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I mean, they're gonna get Ricochet (eventually, I think he's contractually stuck until like mid-2017) and it's pretty much a matter of time until they get basically anyone of relevance (e.g. Ospreay) but right now I think its a little bleak. You've kind of run out of matches I care about, especially if Balor is leaving. You can definitely get a TakeOver out of Nakamura/Joe, but after that, I don't even know.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You can do plenty with Sombra. He's a much better worker than Finn. And he's young. Rumors about Cuerno/Fantasma being signed or at least being scouted, that's a great feud right there.


I mean, they're gonna get Ricochet and it's pretty much a matter of time until they get basically anyone of relevance (e.g. Ospreay) but right now I think its a little bleak. You've kind of run out of matches I care about, especially if Balor is leaving. You can definitely get a TakeOver out of Nakamura/Joe, but after that, I don't even know.

They have Aries, Ciampa, Gargano, Roode, La Sombra, Biff and Hideo when he comes back to feud with Joe. So I think they are fine.
How much talent was home grown vs. buying established top tier indy talent in NXT? By home grown I mean lesser known guys in the indy circuit who found their image through NXT coaching.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
They have Aries, Ciampa, Gargano, Roode, La Sombra, Biff and Hideo when he comes back to feud with Joe. So I think they are fine.

La Sombra's not even on TV yet and I have about 0 interest in seeing any of the other dudes. :(

That might as well read as a list of warm bodies.


Good Art™
I wouldn't just say bad TNA roster = bad NXT roster

I mean some of those guys will be used differently, and can surprise us.

I mean, Joe was basically transparent for years in TNA.. He's been better since he debuted in NXT then he ever was since i can remember in TNA. He was just there and doing nothing most of the time.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Real Talk from someone who watched a lot of dying days TNA: Joe was awful for the last four years he was there. I thought he was going to stink up the joint over in NXT and that he should retire instead.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
How much talent was home grown vs. buying established top tier indy talent in NXT? By home grown I mean lesser known guys in the indy circuit who found their image through NXT coaching.

It used to be more towards "home grown" but at this point I'd say it's a lot more leaning towards people poached from elsewhere.
Real Talk from someone who watched a lot of dying days TNA: Joe was awful for the last four years he was there. I thought he was going to stink up the joint over in NXT and that he should retire instead.
Can you blame him for that after being in TNA for so long?

Also, Texano is garbage.
Real Talk from someone who watched a lot of dying days TNA: Joe was awful for the last four years he was there. I thought he was going to stink up the joint over in NXT and that he should retire instead.

His first couple NXT matches weren't inspiring either.

Look where he is now.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Who is better at the moment? AAA or CMLL? Take LU out of the equation first.
AAA. Even with their insane, all over the map booking. Pentagon, Psycho, Wagner, Rey, Texano, Fenix, Averno, Chessman, Aerostar, and Drago are all fantastic, regularly featured workers.

Where as CMLL is stuck with Sin Cara, Even Shittier Mistico, Dragon Lee, Virus, Maximo, Cibernetico, and god king Park. And Mexican Triple H(Rush). Virus is great but is ultimately an older guy who they rarely book an interesting feud with. Atlantis is in a similar spot and is probably thinking about retir(ing everyone else). Cibernetico has never been shit in his whole career. God awful wrestler with a good look. Myzteziz is a shoot prick that can barely stay employed. LA Park is a charismatic work prick that can barely stay employed. Dragon Lee is a good wrestler but is as fucking vanillas it gets. He's going to suffer hugely from Kamaitachi being gone. Maximo is one of the most charismatic wrestlers in the world with no interesting heels to work with. Dorada is about as vanilla as Dragon Lee.

LA Park vs Rush feud is money, but Park has to not get fired first. And I think Rush is pretty overrated, honestly. tm and me can fight on that one

I wouldn't just say bad TNA roster = bad NXT roster

I mean some of those guys will be used differently, and can surprise us.

I mean, Joe was basically transparent for years in TNA.. He's been better since he debuted in NXT then he ever was since i can remember in TNA. He was just there and doing nothing most of the time.
The thing with Joe was that he was great before TNA and we knew he could be great. I wouldn't give TNA the credit for AJ because I think that by far his best work as in NJPW and that's where he really grew as a great wrestler rather than a great spot guy. Aries ain't ever been shit to me and he's doing the same gimmick he was doing in TNA with the same spots he's been doing since ROH with his 'all my moves are finisher moves' shit. Eric Young a comedy jobber who only got the title because he was loyal to TNA(lol) forever that no one takes seriously. He's somehow an even worse version of Kenny Omega. Bobby Roode was good.... for TNA. Bobby Roode is almost 40.
NXT is turning into a fucking e-fed that only a couple of years ago wouldn't make any sense.

Shinsuke Nakamura
Samoa Joe
Austin Aries
Eric Young
Prince Devitt
La Sombra
The Mighty Don't Kneel
Johnny Gargano
Tommasso Ciampa
Biff Busick
Rich Swann

Then throw in the homegrowns that everyone loves.

On the forums for EWR and TEW, it used to be a joke that "bad" players would just sign all the indy stars and fire all the "bad" wrestlers from WWE like Kane. Now, at least the first part is just happening.


Japanese wrassle experts Data, Bootaaay, etc.:

Can you tell me about the angle in Japan that inspired the nWo? Or point me to a strobogo write-up or something? >_>
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