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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Plywood said:
Woo woo woo. You know it.


Realistic answer: Ziggler, of course that would mean Miz would have to go face then. Yes I know he's feuding with Morrison who is on his way out anyway if he keeps this up.
I'd rather have Ryder in the US title scene and put Sheamus in the upper card again.

they could even do Champion vs Champion match with him and Cena. Could you imagine the chemistry? they'd feud on twitter


Keyser Soze said:
Sin Cera currently seems to have a worse moveset than Cena. If he does more than three moves tonight I will fucking applaud.

I just hope he doesn't fuck up the trampoline jump again.


dream said:
I just hope he doesn't fuck up the trampoline jump again.
His jump well better on Smackdown.

Ryder would be a good US title contender if they had more faces in the general area. Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne are the only ones who come to mind. Sin Cara is a possibility, however, so who knows. Both rosters are so tiny is really makes a jam.


Is HHH gonna be around or is he gone again? Miz/HHH could work if they want to keep Miz heel. Too bad Morrison had to go fuck up.


worldrunover said:
The thing I'm interested in seeing is what they do with Cena and the Miz. HOPEFULLY Cena goes off to do his own thing and they give someone besides him and Orton a title shot at Extreme Rules. The problem is I can't think of anyone else they'd give that shot to against the Miz at the PPV. And I can't think of who they could throw Cena in a feud with either, for that matter.
At this point, I fully expect Michael Cole to win the WWE title. Possibly in some kind of Fatal 4-way match involving him, Miz, Cena and Lawler.
dream said:
I just hope he doesn't fuck up the trampoline jump again.

Vince probably bought a cheap trampoline to save money, so he's not to blame.

Still. More moves please. Already bored of the interrupting thing. You'd think he is supposed to be a heel or something.


Keyser Soze said:
Sin Cera currently seems to have a worse moveset than Cena. If he does more than three moves tonight I will fucking applaud.
Your posts aren't the same without your animated avatar.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Keyser Soze said:
Sin Cera currently seems to have a worse moveset than Cena. If he does more than three moves tonight I will fucking applaud.
Is there a joke I'm missing here? Why do you keep calling him Sin Cera? Haha.
zoner said:
I'd rather have Ryder in the US title scene and put Sheamus in the upper card again.
That Sheamus fella is probably going to be feuding with Sin Cara for the Double U Double U E US championship brother. Since Daniel will either get put on Smackdown or dumped.
dream said:
I just hope he doesn't fuck up the trampoline jump again.
That shit was hilarious, the way his feet were when they hit the top rope, I lol'd.
Basileus777 said:
He'll beat Cena and lose to HHH at Summerslam.

The draft is close enough, so it could be anyone on the roster. But the WWE still lacks faces, most of their up and comers are heels.

After the draft have Miz - Kofi have a filler feud to test the waters for Kofi, man deserves a crack although its a lot harder for young faces than heels I think.
Jeff Albertson said:
After the draft have Miz - Kofi have a filler feud to test the waters for Kofi, man deserves a crack although its a lot harder for young faces than heels I think.

I'd be down with that. Kofi was on the cusp of being a main eventer when he was on Raw feuding with Orton. Since then he has done well for himself on Smackdown, so they should bring him back to Raw and see if he can make it as a main event face this time. Miz, Kofi, Ziggler and Morrison would make a damn nice new main event mix on Raw if they were to push them as such instead of relying on Cena / Orton all the time.


AdawgDaFAB said:
I'd be down with that. Kofi was on the cusp of being a main eventer when he was on Raw feuding with Orton. Since then he has done well for himself on Smackdown, so they should bring him back to Raw and see if he can make it as a main event face this time. Miz, Kofi, Ziggler and Morrison would make a damn nice new main event mix on Raw if they were to push them as such instead of relying on Cena / Orton all the time.
Morrison is borderline FE'D. Dude needs to shut his hole or hes gonna be jobbing to Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair soon
I picture Meltzer as the type of person that wears a shirt when he goes swimming, and not just any shirt, one of those shirts with a cartoon picture of washboard abs and bulging biceps.


JdFoX187 said:
Think people are overblowing Morrison's comments. It's no worse than some things Punk and others have said on Twitter.
I think Punk is higher on the totem pole even if he shit in Vinces coffee than Morrison will ever be.


antonz said:
I think Punk is higher on the totem pole even if he shit in Vinces coffee than Morrison will ever be.
I don't know about that. He got a lot of heat because he refused to wear a fucking suit. As I said, the comments are overblown and the whole situation was completely overblown. If anything, perhaps it'll get him some respect since everyone was down on him for not standing up for himself. Now he does it, and the same people are down on him saying he should take it. Makes no sense.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
are people taking JoMo seriously? i thought it was pretty obvious he was joking with the cold shoulder comment.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
JdFoX187 said:
I don't know about that. He got a lot of heat because he refused to wear a fucking suit. As I said, the comments are overblown and the whole situation was completely overblown. If anything, perhaps it'll get him some respect since everyone was down on him for not standing up for himself. Now he does it, and the same people are down on him saying he should take it. Makes no sense.
Standing up to your skank of a girlfriend walking all over you =/= treating alumni, one that's going to get pops for your boring self, like garbage


NeoGAF's smiling token!
JdFoX187 said:
I don't know about that. He got a lot of heat because he refused to wear a fucking suit. As I said, the comments are overblown and the whole situation was completely overblown. If anything, perhaps it'll get him some respect since everyone was down on him for not standing up for himself. Now he does it, and the same people are down on him saying he should take it. Makes no sense.
The thing is it seems pretty clear the only reason he decided to "stand up for himself" is because of his girlfriend nagging him about wanting to be in Wrestlemania, the same girlfriend who cheated on him yet he remains pussy whipped by. Secondly, standing up to Trish who did nothing to him does not make him a man. It makes him a douche who doesn't respect the Talent before him, at that she's a lady and you cannot look tough standing up to a woman if you're a guy, period. Unless she's a bitch. Which Melina is and look he's still with her.

Morrison is a talented guy but he's being a doofus, a nerd even.
worldrunover said:
What's the Jomo backstory? Those tweets didn't make sense, so I must be missing something...

Stratus confirmed rumors saying that Morrison was a pain to work with and cold shouldered her all weekend. She then said, "He's a great wrestler, but he's not very smart, I guess."


JdFoX187 said:
I don't know about that. He got a lot of heat because he refused to wear a fucking suit. As I said, the comments are overblown and the whole situation was completely overblown. If anything, perhaps it'll get him some respect since everyone was down on him for not standing up for himself. Now he does it, and the same people are down on him saying he should take it. Makes no sense.

He wasn't standing up for himself?

He got a match at WrestleMania, and honestly because of Snooki and Trish, he got the 2nd to last match on the card.

There was nothing for HIM to stand up for. Now if he wants to be a little pissy for his girlfriend, that would actually fall back into the being whipped category.
JdFoX187 said:
I don't know about that. He got a lot of heat because he refused to wear a fucking suit. As I said, the comments are overblown and the whole situation was completely overblown. If anything, perhaps it'll get him some respect since everyone was down on him for not standing up for himself. Now he does it, and the same people are down on him saying he should take it. Makes no sense.

How is he standing up for himself? He was clearly acting like a douchebag because his girlfriend was pissed about being left off WM27 and she blamed his two tag team partners for this. Everyone who knows the game knows he's a fucking pussywhipped moron. If Morrison had some real balls, he would have done the same shit to Snookie too. But he didn't. He's a fucking moron and an unprofessional fuckface. I hope both him and his slutty bitch get shitcanned in this round of cuts after the European tour.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Damn it last week I said I wasn't gonna watch this crap but the O's/Yankee game isn't till tomorrow so I got nothing else to watch. sigh.. Save me Stone Cold.
It's actually pretty good. Stone Cold makes it watchable to be honest. Hope todays episode will deliver again - just like the first ep lol.


Everytime you see Cena it becomes more evident how any problems fans have with him should be a direct result of how he's booked. He's actually a nice guy, unlike the ego-centric douchebags who've represented the industry in the past (Hogan, HHH,Orton, HBK-Pre Jesus,etc.)
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