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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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RBH said:
--Wade Keller claims on his PWTorch podcast that TNA is undergoing some serious changes, and there is even talk of doing rebranding and changing the name. Honky Tonk Man is claiming there are also going to be changes in upper management and promises to break some major news in his podcast tomorrow.

Keller is making it sound like the Jeff Hardy thing at the PPV was the final straw, in regards to a lot of things.

Really hope this turns out to be true.

Going to guess it will be something to the effect of doing random drug tests and nothing else.

Dixie, Hogan, Bischoff are gonna stay.
I will definitely be listening to Honky Tonk Man's thing tomorrow night. All his previous stuff has been 100% true, so he's got a friend in high places in TNA.

cartoon_soldier said:
Going to guess it will be something to the effect of doing random drug tests and nothing else.

Dixie, Hogan, Bischoff are gonna stay.

TNA already does drug testing. They just...don't really do anything about it.

I've always hated the TNA name. It's not something that's really marketable because it always reminds people of "tits and ass". I can't imagine parents who don't watch wrestling would be too excited if their child came to them and said, "Hey, can I go to the TNA show?"


Evening Musuko said:

Shadowlink said:
What was Heyman's plan?

His plan was to cut out a lot of the bullshit and present TNA as more realistic because of the popularity of MMA. I think it's something we all want from TNA and WWE, more wrestle less talk.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
His plan was to cut out a lot of the bullshit and present TNA as more realistic because of the popularity of MMA. I think it's something we all want from TNA and WWE, more wrestle less talk.

That sounds horrible (especially the "realistic" and "MMA" stuff, it could end up being laughably bad). There's nothing wrong with characters and talking, even back in the day we marked out at Hogan or Savage or Rock or Austin cutting promos on each other. The actual in-ring action always took a backseat to the personalities and characters. I don't want something presented to me as realistic, otherwise I'll just go watch UFC.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
His plan was to cut out a lot of the bullshit and present TNA as more realistic because of the popularity of MMA. I think it's something we all want from TNA and WWE, more wrestle less talk.
That sounds terrible.

The "talk" is what is missing from wrestling nowadays. There's no cohesive storylines.
Any semblance of a "story line" is quickly disregarded or contradicted.

As for the 'more realistic' thing, sort of want. Some level of consistency to gimmicks and power of moves/strikes would be nice.


the realism stuff will never work. the most over characters are over the top cartoon esque characters. not bland mma wannabes.

undertaker, rock, austin, hogan, savage, hbk (90s) are all exaggerated caricatures of stereotypes and subcultures or just random things from their own heads. thats why they worked. heres a "real" character they tried - Maven
Shadowlink said:
What was Heyman's plan?

This was the gist of it:

"It came real close with TNA.

To me, it was more of a deal with Spike TV and then a stock and ownership deal involving TNA. I had a five-year plan. I was going to spend 18 months building the roster and the next 18 months exploiting that built roster. That's three years in, go public in three, stay for two more running it and get out at 50.

That was my plan, I had an exit plan. I had a five-year plan and I clued everyone into it. I told TNA what my plan was and I told Spike TV what my plan was and how we would capitalise on it. I also explained how we would make this thing move and an acknowledgement that wrestling is a diminishing market and it's not perceived as cool.

So I told them how you, if not change course, at least present it differently so that at least you have a chance in today's marketplace to compete. When that didn't happen, that was it. I didn't have any other interest in doing it. It was closed. I would have done it for that particular deal and that's it. That time passed. Now I'm looking at taking my abilities elsewhere and the logical step for me is this entry point right now both into MMA and into also just the branding world."

He also wanted the power to hire and fire people, cut the talent budget (aka getting rid of the old guys) and was looking to bring Gabe Sapolsky, and Dava Lagana to help run things.

In other words, TNA could've been a true alternative to the WWE instead of WCW 2.0.
Ninja Scooter said:
That sounds horrible (especially the "realistic" and "MMA" stuff, it could end up being laughably bad). There's nothing wrong with characters and talking, even back in the day we marked out at Hogan or Savage or Rock or Austin cutting promos on each other. The actual in-ring action always took a backseat to the personalities and characters. I don't want something presented to me as realistic, otherwise I'll just go watch UFC.

Buckethead said:
That sounds terrible.

The "talk" is what is missing from wrestling nowadays. There's no cohesive storylines.
Any semblance of a "story line" is quickly disregarded or contradicted.

As for the 'more realistic' thing, sort of want. Some level of consistency to gimmicks and power of moves/strikes would be nice.

Lunchbox said:
the realism stuff will never work. the most over characters are over the top cartoon esque characters. not bland mma wannabes.

undertaker, rock, austin, hogan, savage, hbk (90s) are all exaggerated caricatures of stereotypes and subcultures or just random things from their own heads. thats why they worked. heres a "real" character they tried - Maven

You guys are taking the "presenting it as real" thing too seriously. It seems like he was simply trying to bring the product into TODAY'S market of instead of rehashing the same of old crap over and over. You're insane if you think a Heyman ran TNA would be purely shoot wrestling with no gimmicks. It would probably just be more COMPETITION focused, and less "Entertainment."


The time in the late '96-'97 times of WWF/WCW were presented as "real," and those weren't bad at all. You had Scott Hall enter WCW 'unsigned' and took the show on his own. The announcers were telling him to leave, he's not part of the company, etc.

WWF had the angles with the Hart Foundation and DX and it was big. The Nation of Domination was another group that was presented in a manner. I can go any direction, as long as the booking isn't horseshit and you don't have 2-3 guys always on top in the main event scene disabling the guys beneath them. We've had that go on for far to fuckin' long.


drawer by drawer
Net_Wrecker said:
This was the gist of it:

He also wanted the power to hire and fire people, cut the talent budget (aka getting rid of the old guys) and was looking to bring Gabe Sapolsky, and Dava Lagana to help run things.

In other words, TNA could've been a true alternative to the WWE instead of WCW 2.0.

Yeah he talked about his plan for TNA with Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer at one of Lesnar's UFC fights. It sounded like a good plan (At least better than the status quo), but it didn't pan out unfortunately.

EDIT: Found it. It's a 20 minute interview but the second half is mostly wrestling. I linked to the start of the discussion.
cartoon_soldier said:
Going to guess it will be something to the effect of doing random drug tests and nothing else.

Dixie, Hogan, Bischoff are gonna stay.
Think weeks of "Nothing will ever be the same" and "Will rock the world of pro wrestling" and then for it to be at most a new logo and the same piss poor booking and misuse of the roster.

Another Heyman interview from last year about the WWE, him warning Vince about the coming UFC storm, his view on how easy pro wrestling can be, how he's been a fan of the UFC since way back, etc. etc.

And he reiterates probably my favorite from statement from a booker I've ever heard: "Accentuate the strengths, and hide the weaknesses." Judging by how many guys in the WWE do nothing month to month, they have no idea how to get that done.

Another piece of that interview talking about TNA and what he would do to the "Legends" that were there at the time.

I like that the new logo attempts to resemble the old school logo, but it'll take some time getting used to. I remember seeing the logo when it first "hit the net" and I felt the same way then. Eh, it's only a logo.

I'm interested in the expected roster cuts. I can't help but think that I'll be upset that a favorite superstar would be removed.


Heyman saying MMA is competition for wrestling would be similar to Nintendo saying legalized cockfighting would cause Pokemon sales to drop..
Am i the only one who thought that TNA were in a really good place in 2009, *somehow* it managed to suck me back into wrestling after a 20 year 'break' and i was actually really excited to see it each week (OK, I'll admit the general stupidity and soap style histrionics kinda worked for me as much as the wrestling)

I've really struggled to find any entertainment at all since the big changes in jan 2010 - its got to the stage when I'm not watching at all, though i do still lurk this thread a lot. I cant really get enthusiastic about the roster and the down to earth promos are just too pedestrian for my tastes.

Last thing i *did* enjoy was the ECW PPV (which was kind of ironic,as i hadn't seen any of those guys before so it wasn't even nostalgia for me) but they managed to piss that away in the following weeks.


Sting on Jeff Hardy

Wrestlezone.com said:
"I love Jeff Hardy. I don’t want to do anything to harm him. He has personal issues, everyone knows that. “But some things are true and some are not. What is true is that it all came to a head that week and hit really big that night. I hated what happened because I wanted to give fans a great match. But I realize it had to happen the way it did."

"And after all was said and done I came to the back and made sure he was OK. He is OK and he’s been talking to people close to him a lot. Jeff is getting stronger. He’s riding 10 miles a day on his mountain bike to get in condition, hear! Good luck to him."
Hope Jeff can overcome his addiction and get back to performing at his best. He, along with many around him, were probably embarrassed at what happened at Victory Road. At least he's working on improving his condition.


TomJoadsGhost said:
Am i the only one who thought that TNA were in a really good place in 2009, *somehow* it managed to suck me back into wrestling after a 20 year 'break' and i was actually really excited to see it each week (OK, I'll admit the general stupidity and soap style histrionics kinda worked for me as much as the wrestling)

I've really struggled to find any entertainment at all since the big changes in jan 2010 - its got to the stage when I'm not watching at all, though i do still lurk this thread a lot. I cant really get enthusiastic about the roster and the down to earth promos are just too pedestrian for my tastes.

I thought TNA was amazing in the few months before Hogan and Bischoff came over. They were hitting a high note for me in that timespan especially with the debut of guys like Desmond Wolfe. His series of matches with Angle was beyond awesome. Then Hogan and Bischoff showed up and ruined it.
I think Russo gets alot of the blame on him when it isn't deserved. TNA started becoming really shitty when Bischoff/Hogan came in. Before that atleast they had good wrestling. Anyways Russo isn't going anywhere. He is best friends with Jarrett and seems to have become close with Dixie. They just hired Russo's son too. Honky was saying that Hogan was trying to get out before though. Let's hope he leaves and takes Bischoff with him.
I'm glad it isn't just me, they seem to have systematically removed everything i enjoyed - often just as it was starting to pay off.

I probably need to see it again soon, but last time i watched they'd pretty much decimated their tag teams (i still miss LAX), the knockouts were down to the beautiful people and the only male wrestlers left were the kind of generic muscle guys in trunks.

Has Kurt Angle turned again yet?, it was fun for a little while having him as a good guy but he is so much more entertaining as a heel.
BoboBrazil said:
I think Russo gets alot of the blame on him when it isn't deserved. TNA started becoming really shitty when Bischoff/Hogan came in. Before that atleast they had good wrestling.

STING vs. ABYSS -- Last Rites match

Basically, we're looking at a casket match here. We start with another walking brawl-style match on the outside. There were various "graveyard" items ringside to set the mood. They entered the ring at 2:00 and Abyss hit a Scorpion Death drop and two Stinger splashes. Abyss then grabbed a candle and opened up Sting with a hard shot to the forehead. The casket was then lowered to the ring and the lights went down. This feels like a bad mid-1990s WCW gimmick match. Where's Kevin Sullivan and the Dungeon of Doom when you need it? All of a sudden, we get a "Fire Russo" chant from the crowd.

Rated-Rsuperstar said:
His plan was to cut out a lot of the bullshit and present TNA as more realistic because of the popularity of MMA. I think it's something we all want from TNA and WWE, more wrestle less talk.

I want this. Wrestling is just too dumb with these days with the immature stories and characters in this day and age. I think WWF circa 96/97 was the perfect balance of realism with characters that stood out.
I like Heyman's plan.

Get the standard of wrestling up and play to peoples strengths. Have a diverse roster. Get the promos to be more 'HYPE' and to use realistic language. I'd fucking watch that.

I'm gradually losing interest in World ******** Entertainment. Match quality and length is terrible. Too many drawn out promos with fluffy language. I detest that the commentary team are now a part of the show instead of calling it. Its okay in short bursts, but its beyond a joke now.
Galvanise_ said:
I like Heyman's plan.

Get the standard of wrestling up and play to peoples strengths. Have a diverse roster. Get the promos to be more 'HYPE' and to use realistic language. I'd fucking watch that.

I'm gradually losing interest in World ******** Entertainment. Match quality and length is terrible. Too many drawn out promos with fluffy language. I detest that the commentary team are now a part of the show instead of calling it. Its okay in short bursts, but its beyond a joke now.

I agree. And the matches are so mechanical like its on auto. Way too predictable in the ring, but I guess thats just the current WWE style these days. The era of long drawn out matches that tell a story are surly gone.


Regarding the Scott Hall incident .. response by Top Rope (Steve Ricard)

"Top Rope Promotions has been holding family oriented wrestling shows for 30 years now, and on our 30th Anniversary event, we brought in one of the biggest names in pro wrestling, Scott Hall (aka Razor Ramon).

We drew a packed house and a good majority of them were there to see Hall. Hall and his people down in FL had all claimed he was clean and good to go. His flight and hotel were pre paid, and his appearance fee was demanded upon arrival at the airport (which he asked for within 3 min of being picked up).

Hall had arrived in a wheel chair with 3 bottles of prescription pills in his posession. Hall had performed an interview with our local newspaper The Herald News around 6 PM on Thursday night, saying how much he was looking forward to coming to the show, and how he was clean. Less then 24 hrs later, he showed up in the state he was in, demanding his appearance fee. Right off the bat, we were in a bad situation.

Having Hall at the building, already pre paid with his appearance fee, hotel, flight, etc. He even harassed my driver in the process. Hall was persistent to appear on the show. His heart was in the right place, unfortunately I can't say the same about his mind or his body.

Throughout the night he made threats to numerous members of my staff, as well as myself demanding more money, demanding to go to the ring when he wanted to etc. He was also threatening to kill me if I "screwed" him over. I'm 31 years old and I should be in no circumstances, babysitting someone in there 50's.
Hall made at best, an embarrassing performance in the ring and for the fans who came to see him, trashing matches that were on the show before him and addressing the crowd as if we were in England.

Neither Hall, nor anyone who helped line up the date, or any of his close friends or agents have called to apologize or offer a refund for his "less then stellar" appearance. He showed his true colors and who he was this past Friday night. If he's upset that we're airing a stream of this atrocious appearance, maybe he should issue an apology to the fans, the promotion, and the workers of the company. One would only assume that no one that night got what they paid for, myself included".
Honestly, I'd rather watch a promo of the year than a match of the year. I appreciate the craft that goes into making a match, and matches tend to be more impressive than promos usually, but I see something like Miz's part of the pre-match video at WrestleMania and I know that it's a lot more effective at creating a good character than a match could ever be.


Matthew Gallant said:
Honestly, I'd rather watch a promo of the year than a match of the year. I appreciate the craft that goes into making a match, and matches tend to be more impressive than promos usually, but I see something like Miz's part of the pre-match video at WrestleMania and I know that it's a lot more effective at creating a good character than a match could ever be.

I think both work, just varies from person to person.

As much as the Austin 3:16 match got him over, I'm certain no one will deny the match at WrestleMania 13 is what really cemented Austin as a main event player in wrestling.

I mean perhaps one of wrestling's most iconic moments with his bloody face screaming in pain.

Same of HBK and the ladder match at Mania 10.
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