This is unBOlievable. This gimmick is going to change the world.
Whether they love me or hate me, they have to respect me.Are you concerned that this thread is turning against you?
For real? Is it only the HD feed?Lol bean still watching replay Raw. Come on man even Charter cable got with the program and show live Raw
Yeah but I think Charter made their customers update/upgrade their box to handle HD. I could be wrong on that.Whether they love me or hate me, they have to respect me.
For real? Is it only the HD feed?
Whether they love me or hate me, they have to respect me.
For real? Is it only the HD feed?
Now that bean breath finally finished his delayed RAW replies I can finally go to bed.
Night y'all.
somebody ok'd thisMake sure to buy your limited edition Amazing Spider-Man 2 bluray set
I can't wait until you make photoshop jokes.
God damn Nattie is such a terrible person. "This WORK TRIP was supposed to be our mini vacation, how DARE you want to do something nice for your sister, you are an asshole." It's a work trip. It isn't a vacation. She comes off worse every episode. And how does she have any room to talk about his family when the two of them traveled with TEDDY HART for a decade? I also like how the show acts like the two of them traveling to NYC is a huge deal for them when they travel every week of the year.
And then Cameron is one of the most annoying humans I've ever seen on TV. Vinnie can do better.
I hope TJ and Vinnie dump their women and get a spin off season where they pick up chicks.
Total Divas is the best.
It really bothers me that almost no one said Yokozuna correctly. Most faces purpously said his name wrong because loljaps was still in full effect, but even Fuji and Cornette never said his name the right way. It isn't Yokozuma. It isn't Yokazuna. It is YOKOZUNA. It's not a hard name. Yoko...then Zuna.
Here is a description of Knux Family on impact:
Knox returned to Impact Wrestling with his carny family. His female manager, a clown with balloons, two men on stilts and a masked muscle man.
My Adobe Creative Suite skills aren't yet up to par with the Cenation Savior.
God damn Nattie is such a terrible person. "This WORK TRIP was supposed to be our mini vacation, how DARE you want to do something nice for your sister, you are an asshole." It's a work trip. It isn't a vacation. She comes off worse every episode. And how does she have any room to talk about his family when the two of them traveled with TEDDY HART for a decade? I also like how the show acts like the two of them traveling to NYC is a huge deal for them when they travel every week of the year.
And then Cameron is one of the most annoying humans I've ever seen on TV. Vinnie can do better.
I hope TJ and Vinnie dump their women and get a spin off season where they pick up chicks.
Total Divas is the best.
I know I normally complain about you marks watching Total Divas, but it hit me: you guys are completely falling for the worked storylines. Hook, line, and sinker.
I know I normally complain about you marks watching Total Divas, but it hit me: you guys are completely falling for the worked storylines. Hook, line, and sinker.
Well first you have to find a way to drop shit from the sky on anyone you're arguing with. The pool of ideas are flourishing.
I can take this gimmick just as far as you do, bean.
but it cut off after that segment ended, right? because if so, you don't need the restFuck sake, my sky box had a system update late last night and only recorded a little bit of Raw. Got to Sandow doing Magneto before it cut out.
but it cut off after that segment ended, right? because if so, you don't need the rest
Remember how happy we were with all the potential which RAW after Mania promised? Well here we are now and the entire build to Extreme Rules has been shit.
Remember how me, friend Heel, and others tried to warn all of you, and you all laughed at us?
they never learn.
"OMG, Bryan is the champion. we're back to 1999 ratings!!!" and all it took was one show to kill all the momentum the company had.
i give it 3 months before everyone starts turning on Bryan.
Not sure if anyone posted this yet. I'm instantly interested in more from them.
Great promo.
A deadlift suplex? So you're saying in a normal suplex, the victim is assisting by jumping and that's part of keyfabe?
Bean Breath has a good point actually. A deadlift suplex being a term pretty much shits on kayfabe.
Make sure to buy your limited edition Amazing Spider-Man 2 bluray set
I hadn't thought of that, actually - but yeah, pointing out that something's a deadlift kinda exposes that every other 'lift' isn't.
I guess it depends on the move - I'd say that a deadlift German to a guy kneeling on all fours is OK to call a deadlift, kayfabe-wise. Same goes for something like Jumbo's deadlift belly to belly, where he hoists the guy off his feet and holds him there before hitting the belly to belly.
A deadlift suplex would be like what Cesaro does to an opponent who's on the apron while he is standing on the ropes in an elevated position.