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Ar nosurge |OT| – Class__EXPAJA;

Just effects song magic effects and whatnot, plus where ever the chain partner is will determine what direction in personality she will shift to when she uses that song.

Also! Koei Tecmo America wants your feedback on Ar nosurge! Actually it links to KT Japan :eek: But let them know how you feel about it, and tell them you want Ciel nosurge!


Are you sure that's still active? When I filled it in, it said:

"The survey is closed.
We will treat your feedback with the utmost care."

Kinda two contradicting statements, lol.


Are you sure that's still active? When I filled it in, it said:

"The survey is closed.
We will treat your feedback with the utmost care."

Kinda two contradicting statements, lol.

I wonder that too, although it was only posted 21 hours ago :shrug:


The survey is closed.
We will treat your feedback with the utmost care

"Closed" as in "you finished it" maybe.

So, I unleashed "Proof of Yuuki" for the first time and then I felt... I was like...*sigh*

S Ion is the best.


Just effects song magic effects and whatnot, plus where ever the chain partner is will determine what direction in personality she will shift to when she uses that song.

Also! Koei Tecmo America wants your feedback on Ar nosurge! Actually it links to KT Japan :eek: But let them know how you feel about it, and tell them you want Ciel nosurge!


Submitted my response. Told them I loved the game despite all of the issues and that I want Ciel nosurge and Atelier Shallie.
I just finished reading the Ciel summary and I am really floored, the whole story and universe ranks now in my Top 3 favorite "Sci-Fi" universes and stories o.o Now I'm reading through the translated Nico Nico manga and well, could someone clarify some things for me in regards to Ciel's ending and the manga?

I'm currently up to Chapter 3 of the manga and
so if I understood everything right, Shirotaka and crew went into deep sleep for 5000 years while at the same time Casty, Taabo, Ney and everyone else went off with the Soreil? And the migration ship Soreil turns out to be freaking huge with three separate colonies on it? o.o Also how much time has actually passed since Ra Ciel Fusor happened? Looking at Casty and Taabo/Delta (That was a major mind blown moment for me right there :p) I would guess not much more than 10 years but then again Rachette says "For every generation it has become a tradition that the Someki visit the tower of oracle and connect their spiritual world to the system" wouldn't that imply that hundreds of years have passed? :eek:
Or were the three colonies already inhibited while on Ra Ciela and the Soreil was simply part of them?
If Ar Nosurge answers my questions please don't answer them and don't spoil me! I'm just curious if this gets resolved later or if I missed something :p

Thanks in advance! :)


man I'm really lacking in dp, and Nay's geometric is really expensive

It won't help you now, but you get way more DP than you know what to do with later in the game. Same with money lol. I should just buy a ton of battle items and use them in normal battles.


I...I think I'm done.

This game just takes all the negatives of jRPGs and slams them into one game. Characters are far, far too chatty with almost nothing interesting to say. Characters can be built through the story and their actions. It doesn't need 20+ screens of text after you synthesize every damn item. The battle system is incredibly easy then incredibly hard with almost no strategy (at least for the first 12 hours). The graphics are ugly and the game chugs when running in the field. The story is presented in such a way that just when I'm starting to grasp what it means, whoops, let's introduce something new and huge and wtf. And the fanservice, good lord. I'm all for the occasional panty shot or embarrassing situation, but my God do they allude EVERYTHING to fucking. Totally innocuous comments are turned into "hohoho i kno wut u meen *wink*". And Nay's ass window is just embarrassing.

The art is nice and the music is pretty outstanding, but a game is more than pretty art and good music.

It may not be a problem with the game, but rather me. If that's the case, then this is me hanging up my hat on the genre, but I just don't think this game is very good. Oh, and thanks for explaining absolutely nothing about the way equipment works and how to get it, not that it matters as I completely stomped the first 10 hours of the game without ever equipping a single item, even on Veteran.



I just finished reading the Ciel summary and I am really floored, the whole story and universe ranks now in my Top 3 favorite "Sci-Fi" universes and stories o.o Now I'm reading through the translated Nico Nico manga and well, could someone clarify some things for me in regards to Ciel's ending and the manga?

I'm currently up to Chapter 3 of the manga and
so if I understood everything right, Shirotaka and crew went into deep sleep for 5000 years while at the same time Casty, Taabo, Ney and everyone else went off with the Soreil? And the migration ship Soreil turns out to be freaking huge with three separate colonies on it? o.o Also how much time has actually passed since Ra Ciel Fusor happened? Looking at Casty and Taabo/Delta (That was a major mind blown moment for me right there :p) I would guess not much more than 10 years but then again Rachette says "For every generation it has become a tradition that the Someki visit the tower of oracle and connect their spiritual world to the system" wouldn't that imply that hundreds of years have passed? :eek:
Or were the three colonies already inhibited while on Ra Ciela and the Soreil was simply part of them?
If Ar Nosurge answers my questions please don't answer them and don't spoil me! I'm just curious if this gets resolved later or if I missed something :p

Thanks in advance! :)

Simply put, it's 5000 years and 2 or so.

I...I think I'm done.

This game just takes all the negatives of jRPGs and slams them into one game. Characters are far, far too chatty with almost nothing interesting to say. Characters can be built through the story and their actions. It doesn't need 20+ screens of text after you synthesize every damn item. The battle system is incredibly easy then incredibly hard with almost no strategy (at least for the first 12 hours). The graphics are ugly and the game chugs when running in the field. The story is presented in such a way that just when I'm starting to grasp what it means, whoops, let's introduce something new and huge and wtf. And the fanservice, good lord. I'm all for the occasional panty shot or embarrassing situation, but my God do they allude EVERYTHING to fucking. Totally innocuous comments are turned into "hohoho i kno wut u meen *wink*". And Nay's ass window is just embarrassing.

The art is nice and the music is pretty outstanding, but a game is more than pretty art and good music.

It may not be a problem with the game, but rather me. If that's the case, then this is me hanging up my hat on the genre, but I just don't think this game is very good. Oh, and thanks for explaining absolutely nothing about the way equipment works and how to get it, not that it matters as I completely stomped the first 10 hours of the game without ever equipping a single item, even on Veteran.


Mmmm, curious, looking through the thread, you didn't read Ciel did you? The game does sort of seem newbie friendly at first, but once Ion shows up, it goes into Ciel territory. As someone that just finished this mentioned, they would have been 90% lost without prior Ciel knowledge. So I'm wondering if that's also part of your problem. A shame on the rest though. I love the synthesis conversations.
I...I think I'm done.

This game just takes all the negatives of jRPGs and slams them into one game. Characters are far, far too chatty with almost nothing interesting to say. Characters can be built through the story and their actions. It doesn't need 20+ screens of text after you synthesize every damn item. The battle system is incredibly easy then incredibly hard with almost no strategy (at least for the first 12 hours). The graphics are ugly and the game chugs when running in the field. The story is presented in such a way that just when I'm starting to grasp what it means, whoops, let's introduce something new and huge and wtf. And the fanservice, good lord. I'm all for the occasional panty shot or embarrassing situation, but my God do they allude EVERYTHING to fucking. Totally innocuous comments are turned into "hohoho i kno wut u meen *wink*". And Nay's ass window is just embarrassing.

The art is nice and the music is pretty outstanding, but a game is more than pretty art and good music.

It may not be a problem with the game, but rather me. If that's the case, then this is me hanging up my hat on the genre, but I just don't think this game is very good. Oh, and thanks for explaining absolutely nothing about the way equipment works and how to get it, not that it matters as I completely stomped the first 10 hours of the game without ever equipping a single item, even on Veteran.


This is probably a love it or hate it kind of game. As was mentioned earlier it's much more like a visual novel than an RPG with the incessant synthesis conversations, bath talks, field chatter and diving sections.

I guess it also depends on your tolerance of some of more annoying aspects JRPG tropes. I've played enough of the genre that to me Ar Nosurge feels pretty tame by comparison (some costumes notwithstanding), and I've come to tolerate jRPG stories and their over-reliance on convenient mcGuffins (got a problem? There's a song for that). But if you dislike Ar Nosurge don't write off the jRPG genre just because of this game.


Whoa okay :eek:
Casty and Taabo sure did a super-growth during the two years but then I'm looking forward to how it all pans out :D

Not exactly. Ar nosurge takes place 5000 years after and then some timeskipping around on top of that. But there's definitely a point where Casty/Delta/Nay etc get up prior to the 2 years. Not explained, but there's past events hinted to during the game.
Not exactly. Ar nosurge takes place 5000 years after and then some timeskipping around on top of that. But there's definitely a point where Casty/Delta/Nay etc get up prior to the 2 years. Not explained, but there's past events hinted to during the game.

Oh yeah yeah I should have corrected my last post! I just realized
that I was wrong with my initial assumption and that all of the old Ra Ciela hero crew went into cryostasis and I know what you mean about the past events now, thanks for explaining :) 5000 years was a long time alright, no wonder everything is how it is now. I have to say though I'm not feeling Soreil yet from the bit I played :/ After reading all of Ciel I kind of have very nostalgic feelings for Ra Ciela though I'll see where this journey goes! :) And I'm impressed, that something this huge actually wandered though space for all this time and actually still seems to be in good shape :eek: If I'm honest though from the beginning of the game, it would feel kind of empty if I wouldn't have read what happened before and I can't wait till Ion shows up! :D

I actually sorely miss reading Ciel, I didn't do much else in my free time the past four days and now that I'm done it feels like something is missing :( I guess I should fill that up with Ar Nosurge but that's not as easy to pick up and do at any given place :p


Oh yeah yeah I should have corrected my last post! I just realized
that I was wrong with my initial assumption and that all of the old Ra Ciela hero crew went into cryostasis and I know what you mean about the past events now, thanks for explaining :) 5000 years was a long time alright, no wonder everything is how it is now. I have to say though I'm not feeling Soreil yet from the bit I played :/ After reading all of Ciel I kind of have very nostalgic feelings for Ra Ciela though I'll see where this journey goes! :) And I'm impressed, that something this huge actually wandered though space for all this time and actually still seems to be in good shape :eek: If I'm honest though from the beginning of the game, it would feel kind of empty if I wouldn't have read what happened before and I can't wait till Ion shows up! :D

I actually sorely miss reading Ciel, I didn't do much else in my free time the past four days and now that I'm done it feels like something is missing :( I guess I should fill that up with Ar Nosurge but that's not as easy to pick up and do at any given place :p

You are in for a treat when she does show up then, that's where all the Ciel nosurge prior knowledge pays off and it starts to alienate new players. I also didn't realize Soreil was so huge the first time either.

so how do I get to the next floor of Cass' geometric? does it just naturally come later?

Yup, it'll show up as part of story progression. In the mean time, enjoy the other genometrics.
Shit really hits the fan at the end of Ciel, wow. Nice read, although it starts to drag around the middle part. I would have preferred a summary which is a middleground between the pastebin summary and the premium one but oh well. Its a good substitute. I still would like to play the game if it eventually does get localized since the meta stuff sounds intriguing.

Having said that i'm extremely interested in how they continue the story and can't wait to put my hands on Ar.

Btw I managed to snatch a copy of Ar tonelico 2 off ebay for 14€. Yes, i'm giving this stuff another chance as a part of my Qoga-recover-therapy.
You are in for a treat when she does show up then, that's where all the Ciel nosurge prior knowledge pays off and it starts to alienate new players. I also didn't realize Soreil was so huge the first time either.

I heard I heard, really can't wait! :D Though honestly if Ar Nosurge really explains next to nothing on her I can't blame players for being alienated if they haven't read Ciel at all :/ They should have atleast included a subtitled summary of Ciel through since I'm not sure how many people know about the summary we read. But maybe we will get something out of Ciel Offline together with Ar Nosurge Plus, who knows.
And good to know I'm not alone with that.
The whole time I thought the Tenmon and Chimon just build a ship to barely squeeze in all people somehow but honestly the Soreil... I can't even comprehend how they build it with full-fledged cities and all o.o Then again technology-wise nothing should surprise me with these people seeing the whole REON OS, the colonies, gravity-spheres and Sarly and Clacket along with 7+ dimensions :p

Shit really hits the fan at the end of Ciel, wow. Nice read, although it starts to drag around the middle part. I would have preferred a summary which is a middleground between the pastebin summary and the premium one but oh well. Its a good substitute. I still would like to play the game if it eventually does get localized since the meta stuff sounds intriguing.

Having said that i'm extremely interested in how they continue the story and can't wait to put my hands on Ar.

Btw I managed to snatch a copy of Ar tonelico 2 off ebay for 14€. Yes, i'm giving this stuff another chance as a part of my Qoga-recover-therapy.

It sure does, right when I thought everything was slowly over the real shit hits the fan D: And hmm I think I know what middle-part you mean but in retrospect I'm really glad the detailed summery is like it is. The four days it took me to read everything was a hell of a mind journey I wouldn't have wanted to miss a second off, Ra Ciela along with its people is a fascinating place. Funnily enough I can't handle reading books very well but the way the summary was presented in small digestible bites with pictures sucked me right in. I agree though I also would like to play the full package of Ciel one day and I'm actually debating grabbing a Japanese copy of Ciel right now since by the time I might have learned Japanese good enough I'm not sure it will be easy to get the game still :( Although as said I will wait first for any news regarding Ciel Nosurge Offline along with Ar Nosurge Plus to see if we might get a localization that way.

And congratz! :D I looked into that myself to have a copies with manuals and everything but when I looked Ar Tonelico 1 + 2 went for around 100€ and that's a price I can't just pay on a whim :/

EDIT: Huh that's interesting
shouldn't Dr. Leolm aka Shiotaka know Delta and Cass? o.o

EDIT 2: And now
Delta seemed to have opened a barrier and was kicked out of PLASMA for that and nobody knows why and he doesn't seem to remember much... shouldn't that ring a bell that Nero might have controlled him again? :p

EDIT 3: Majusara? I don't get anything anymore... o.o Oh nevermind I see now!


I heard I heard, really can't wait! :D Though honestly if Ar Nosurge really explains next to nothing on her I can't blame players for being alienated if they haven't read Ciel at all :/ They should have atleast included a subtitled summary of Ciel through since I'm not sure how many people know about the summary we read. But maybe we will get something out of Ciel Offline together with Ar Nosurge Plus, who knows.
And good to know I'm not alone with that.
The whole time I thought the Tenmon and Chimon just build a ship to barely squeeze in all people somehow but honestly the Soreil... I can't even comprehend how they build it with full-fledged cities and all o.o Then again technology-wise nothing should surprise me with these people seeing the whole REON OS, the colonies, gravity-spheres and Sarly and Clacket along with 7+ dimensions :p

It sure does, right when I thought everything was slowly over the real shit hits the fan D: And hmm I think I know what middle-part you mean but in retrospect I'm really glad the detailed summery is like it is. The four days it took me to read everything was a hell of a mind journey I wouldn't have wanted to miss a second off, Ra Ciela along with its people is a fascinating place. Funnily enough I can't handle reading books very well but the way the summary was presented in small digestible bites with pictures sucked me right in. I agree though I also would like to play the full package of Ciel one day and I'm actually debating grabbing a Japanese copy of Ciel right now since by the time I might have learned Japanese good enough I'm not sure it will be easy to get the game still :( Although as said I will wait first for any news regarding Ciel Nosurge Offline along with Ar Nosurge Plus to see if we might get a localization that way.

And congratz! :D I looked into that myself to have a copies with manuals and everything but when I looked Ar Tonelico 1 + 2 went for around 100€ and that's a price I can't just pay on a whim :/

EDIT: Huh that's interesting
shouldn't Dr. Leolm aka Shiotaka know Delta and Cass? o.o

EDIT 2: And now
Delta seemed to have opened a barrier and was kicked out of PLASMA for that and nobody knows why and he doesn't seem to remember much... shouldn't that ring a bell that Nero might have controlled him again? :p

EDIT 3: Majusara? I don't get anything anymore... o.o Oh nevermind I see now!

Actually, you should check out that Ar nosurge Prototype in the OT :D The rest of your questions will be answered in Ar
Actually, you should check out that Ar nosurge Prototype in the OT :D The rest of your questions will be answered in Ar

Whoa and here I carefully checked to not have missed anything and yet I did D: Thanks for telling me! :) Though it doesn't seem to work, after I enter the password I only get a blank page saying:

function ReturnEvent(){}

Is there any fix? o.o

And am I crazy? :( I have this desire to grab a import copy of Ciel right now just for the sake of having it... it's been a while since I had such a strong attachment to a JRPG world and its characters, when these things get me they get me good! D:


Whoa and here I carefully checked to not have missed anything and yet I did D: Thanks for telling me! :) Though it doesn't seem to work, after I enter the password I only get a blank page saying:

function ReturnEvent(){}

Is there any fix? o.o

And am I crazy? :( I have this desire to grab a import copy of Ciel right now just for the sake of having it... it's been a while since I had such a strong attachment to a JRPG world and its characters, when these things get me they get me good! D:

Do you have a script blocker on? Allow it XD You progress through it with the blinking green cursor on the right after it loads up and says "Enjoy your 7th Dimensional Life". You get a password to enter at the end if you managed right. Otherwise ignore that button.
Do you have a script blocker on? Allow it XD You progress through it with the blinking green cursor on the right after it loads up and says "Enjoy your 7th Dimensional Life". You get a password to enter at the end if you managed right. Otherwise ignore that button.

Ohh thanks, I thought the password box was to start the whole thing in the first place... :p Well then off I go reading, all the technobabble makes me already totally excited! :D


I think I'm kinda stuck in the game. I'm in Phase 3 as Earthes/Ion, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do next. I have to
get into the Flask Sea to help Delta and Casty, but I can't Zap over to them and the Flask Sea is flooded so I can't cross it. The game says to jump down into the Placenta from above, but I can't figure out what to do and I've backtracked to like every surrounding area and nothing happens.
I'm probably just missing something really obvious, but I've been looking around for like an hour without progressing.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I think I'm kinda stuck in the game. I'm in Phase 3 as Earthes/Ion, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do next. I have to
get into the Flask Sea to help Delta and Casty, but I can't Zap over to them and the Flask Sea is flooded so I can't cross it. The game says to jump down into the Placenta from above, but I can't figure out what to do and I've backtracked to like every surrounding area and nothing happens.
I'm probably just missing something really obvious, but I've been looking around for like an hour without progressing.

I think you need to go to the Sharl Road area and go up the stairs to the temple area where you found Prim and Nelo together in Phase 1. Jump from there.


I think you need to go to the Sharl Road area and go up the stairs to the temple area where you found Prim and Nelo together in Phase 1. Jump from there.

Thanks, that did it. I'm pretty sure I already checked that area, but I guess I didn't go all the way to the end before.
Hmm can anyone help me with the Text Adventure from the OT? I made mistakes first and got to the where I have to
open the wall. I do know what happened in Ar Nosurge so I selected "Open it" and the adventure ended soon after. Now I redid everything and did everything right this time till the wall and chose not to open it and it was still wrong o.o
Also do you really have to redo everything without any skip function once you fail? D:


Hmm can anyone help me with the Text Adventure from the OT? I made mistakes first and got to the where I have to
open the wall. I do know what happened in Ar Nosurge so I selected "Open it" and the adventure ended soon after. Now I redid everything and did everything right this time till the wall and chose not to open it and it was still wrong o.o
Also do you really have to redo everything without any skip function once you fail? D:

That's where it ends, it should give you a password and you can enter it for something interesting.

You are indeed suppose to open it, and that's where it ends. This little bit actually explains how and what happened with Delta, and I'm sure you can connect the dots on who was who.
That's where it ends, it should give you a password and you can enter it for something interesting.

You are indeed suppose to open it, and that's where it ends. This little bit actually explains how and what happened with Delta, and I'm sure you can connect the dots on who was who.

Well thanks for all the help Kiryogi! :) Yeah figuring out who was who was quite easy in context and
seems like I was right, he was being controlled like back with Nero although I'm sure Zill might have her hands in there too... hmm.
And huh okay I will do it again tomorrow then, I didn't look for a password since it gave me this SYNC_ERR or something after I
opened the wall
still but I have a feeling what I might have done wrong now actually, lets see tomorrow! :D

And god I can't get enough of this universe! :p

EDIT: Yikes when I just tried to enter Zill's Genometrics... that was something else alright o.o
Question, technically about Ciel nosurge Offline, but it seems there are people here who bought it.

The PSStore has no mention in the description of the First Print Bonus DLC (though the logo has a "First Limited Edition). Does it automatically get downloaded when you buy the game like some bonus DLCs?

Or for those who got it physical, is it a code?

5.5GB for the whole game @__@


Question, technically about Ciel nosurge Offline, but it seems there are people here who bought it.

The PSStore has no mention in the description of the First Print Bonus DLC (though the logo has a "First Limited Edition). Does it automatically get downloaded when you buy the game like some bonus DLCs?

Or for those who got it physical, is it a code?

5.5GB for the whole game @__@

I'll tell you in a week! Getting the Ciel nosurge Offline agent pack, should be shipped by next week >_<
I'll tell you in a week! Getting the Ciel nosurge Offline agent pack, should be shipped by next week >_<

Thanks, but I am hoping to have already bought it (digitally) by the end of the day if not early tomorrow. It's a long weekend, so I want to take advantage of it. :p

I'm asking mainly since there's a physical copy available at local stores but it's R3 (I use JP account so I can't use R3 codes). I was just wondering if this is somehow different from other bonus DLC since the store doesn't mention anything, while it does for Ar nosurge Plus.

I was thinking of maybe getting physical Ciel + digital Ar.


Question, technically about Ciel nosurge Offline, but it seems there are people here who bought it.

The PSStore has no mention in the description of the First Print Bonus DLC (though the logo has a "First Limited Edition). Does it automatically get downloaded when you buy the game like some bonus DLCs?

Or for those who got it physical, is it a code?

5.5GB for the whole game @__@

The First Limited Edition has a HUGE BGM pack included which is a seperate download, but you don't have to input any codes. Just find it on in the store.
Ciel and Ar both digital here :)

Also, it will download a lot of PlayView psp guides too...


Hmm how to change costumes? Or when does the game allow you to do so?

Regarding the OST, what is the song that plays in most purification sites called? And the one that resembles a music box playing during "sad" moments?
The First Limited Edition has a HUGE BGM pack included which is a seperate download, but you don't have to input any codes. Just find it on in the store.
Ciel and Ar both digital here :)

Also, it will download a lot of PlayView psp guides too...

Thanks for the reply. I didn't even know that there's a BGM pack (this is different from the 150mb Ar nosurge BGM thing, right?)

I'd assume no codes needed for the &#27700;&#37857; costume.


Neo Member
Ok I'm confused at Ion's Cosmosphere Lv1:
After clearing the first 2 tests, I'm at the third test with an nonsensical multiple choice question and I'm certain I've tried all combinations but get the same generic evaluation every time, and my score stays at 50.
I've also visited all other Cosmosphere locations available. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be something I should get back to later, but it seems weird since I'm getting Purification facilities along the way all the time. To make it even more confusing, I'm getting a textbox that says "Dummy" after every test, and I'm guessing it's a debug message that shouldn't appear at all, so I don't know if the Cosmosphere is bugging for me.


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
Ok I'm confused at Ion's Cosmosphere Lv1:
After clearing the first 2 tests, I'm at the third test with an nonsensical multiple choice question and I'm certain I've tried all combinations but get the same generic evaluation every time, and my score stays at 50.
I've also visited all other Cosmosphere locations available. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be something I should get back to later, but it seems weird since I'm getting Purification facilities along the way all the time. To make it even more confusing, I'm getting a textbox that says "Dummy" after every test, and I'm guessing it's a debug message that shouldn't appear at all, so I don't know if the Cosmosphere is bugging for me.

Did you finish
nay and kanon's
cosmpospheres for Ion? Also, that message is for failing a test.


Neo Member
Did you finish
nay and kanon's
cosmpospheres for Ion? Also, that message is for failing a test.
I don't have either of those available. So I guess the answer is 'do this later'... just seems odd, they could've at least dropped a hint instead of telling me to use purification sites in every other dialogue.


I don't have either of those available. So I guess the answer is 'do this later'... just seems odd, they could've at least dropped a hint instead of telling me to use purification sites in every other dialogue.

They kinda do if you go to the Junkyard. It's very vague.
I managed to properly clear the text-adventure now, thanks again Kiryogi! :) And whoa the ending alright I think I know what happened after you enter the password, interesting interesting :eek:
Got to the point where I switched control over to the robot and Ion.

Maybe it's the dungeons being shorter and not having as much time for drawn out JRPGs, but this is the first one in a while I'm having a lot of fun playing. Guessing the VN/character interaction elements also help with that.

Sucks TK couldn't dub as much due to the costs and whatnot, but outside of the randomly misplaced NPCs they did a pretty decent job. Gameplay engine seems like it drops frames, though.
I'm stuck on the first fight against
Zill when Casty sings CIEL_N_PROTECTA
but I refuse to drop hard mode yet since I am always this close to winning and the only reason I don't is that my shield timing against her sucks :(


Super-noob question: what's the best way for someone who's interested in this series and able to play in either language, but completely uninitiated, to jump in?

A year or so ago Dengeki Playstation magazine published a special edition that contained the entire OST of Ciel Nosurge on a CD insert, and, seeing what appeared to be a made-up language in some of the song titles (I'm a total sucker for that kind of thing), I bought it.

(There was also a song title,
, which looked like it might be a real-world easter egg, and it did indeed turn out to be so.)

Loved the music but never did try the game, and at the time I had no idea that it was connected to Ar Tonelico.

If I only play one game in this universe, which should it be? I prefer whatever makes the most use of that absolutely fascinating Hymmnos language. Sell me on what looks like an amazing series!


Super-noob question: what's the best way for someone who's interested in this series and able to play in either language, but completely uninitiated, to jump in?

A year or so ago Dengeki Playstation magazine published a special edition that contained the entire OST of Ciel Nosurge on a CD insert, and, seeing what appeared to be a made-up language in some of the song titles (I'm a total sucker for that kind of thing), I bought it.

(There was also a song title,
, which looked like it might be a real-world easter egg, and it did indeed turn out to be so.)

Loved the music but never did try the game, and at the time I had no idea that it was connected to Ar Tonelico.

If I only play one game in this universe, which should it be? I prefer whatever makes the most use of that absolutely fascinating Hymmnos language. Sell me on what looks like an amazing series!

Ar Tonelico 2. I've say it before and will say it again, it's was hands down the best RPG of the PlayStation 2 era. Fantastic songs, battle system and story. That said though, all 5 games make use of some sort of fantasy langauge. Ar Tonelico uses Hymnos, while Surge Concerto uses Keihansoukashi (Pact of the Emotional Song) and REON-4213. But both are in the same universe, EXA_PICO.

But the Surge Concerto series itself is absolutely fantastic too. As many folks have attested, even though they didn't play Ciel nosurge, but having read the summary instead.

On that note though, based off impressions here and elsewhere. Most of the negative ones definitely have to do with the characters not being of any interest. . .and the correlation between these reviews are folks that did not experience Ciel in any form. I don't blame them as they shouldn't be forced to read a summary or anything. But if you really want to enjoy Ar nosurge, you need to experience Ciel nosurge be it in summary form or the game itself. And again can't be said enough, Ciel is a very good read!

Also, here's some reviews out there, posting them regardless good or bad. Let you guys judge for yourself:


Finally, from the countdown festival for Ciel nosurge Offline and Ar nosurge plus, special twitter icons!



I finally, finally finished reading the Ciel nosurge summary late last night. Wow, my mind is blown! At least as this point I feel like I am ready to begin Ar nosurge and see if I can connect the dots, story-wise.


Neo Member
Did you finish
nay and kanon's
cosmpospheres for Ion? Also, that message is for failing a test.

This cosmophere is so weird. I'm phase 2 and done both of the cosmopheres above for Ion, and still can't get past the quiz. I guess it'll have some more specific trigger later...
I'd hazard a guess the missing message (dummy textbox) is supposed to tell me to do something/come back later.
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