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Ar nosurge |OT| – Class__EXPAJA;


So wait, is it really inadvisable to play Ar Nosurge before Ciel Nosurge? Then what's the point? NIS can't possibly expect more than a fraction of the potential audience to actually seek out a plot summary in preparation for this game, can they?

KT not NIS XD And nope they're not doing much to help either, but as current fans that's why we're spreading word of mouth as it actually further enriches the experience. But at the same time you can't blame them for what they're doing here. As discussed earlier, Ciel is a very niche game that would have been a financial bomb for KT to localize, but Ar on the other hand is something on the more traditional side that could appeal to JRPG fans in the west.

If I had to make a common comparison here, it's like playing the Milla branch first over Jude's branch in Xillia, you're going to be missing out on a lot of details, but you can still enjoy it.


Well geez, that's a lot of info to digest before playing. That's a total buzzkill honestly.

As someone desperate for console jrpgs, but not typically interested in the more "otaku" friendly ones I was slightly interested in this because of some of the sci-fi trappings. I'm not interested in what nis, Idea Factory/CH, and normally Gust put out, but I thought maybe I would casually try this one. Is that not recommended?
KT not NIS XD And nope they're not doing much to help either, but as current fans that's why we're spreading word of mouth as it actually further enriches the experience. But at the same time you can't blame them for what they're doing here. As discussed earlier, Ciel is a very niche game that would have been a financial bomb for KT to localize, but Ar on the other hand is something on the more traditional side that could appeal to JRPG fans in the west.

Oh duh, I keep forgetting K-T does these now.

I get that Ciel is a) impossibly niche and b) crucial to the story, but I was hoping K-T would at least throw newcomers a bone and do, I dunno, a recap video in the game or even a YouTube video or blog post, given that lots of people are going to be playing this without the background from Ciel.

I did, at least, finally secure a copy of AT1, so that backstory will get filled in for me. Once I get around to playing it, anyway!
Well geez, that's a lot of info to digest before playing. That's a total buzzkill honestly.

As someone desperate for console jrpgs, but not typically interested in the more "otaku" friendly ones I was slightly interested in this because of some of the sci-fi trappings. I'm not interested in what nis, Idea Factory/CH, and normally Gust put out, but I thought maybe I would casually try this one. Is that not recommended?

I'm in the same camp as you. Desperately love JRPGs, but the fanservice/pandering is typically a huge turn off for me.

*I do like the Atelier series. It's not even close to the other NIS/IF/CH games that clearly aren't made for me.


Well how much of a turnoff is fanservice detrimental to your enjoyment of the game in the end? BluWacky's had a good idea if you can tolerate it.

I am sure it's going to be irritatingly fanservice-y (nice job on the Purification screenshots not showing the female character from the neck down so you can't see her in her bikini like you do in game, and it doesn't capture the cheesy dialogue like "do you have a foot fetish or something?"), but there are so many good ideas in the Ar Tonelico series that I am hoping I'll just roll my eyes and get on with it. The music is brilliant, the battle system intriguing, and I'm sure that behind the aesthetic there will be an interesting story.

Even Aeana enjoyed AT2.

Oh duh, I keep forgetting K-T does these now.

I get that Ciel is a) impossibly niche and b) crucial to the story, but I was hoping K-T would at least throw newcomers a bone and do, I dunno, a recap video in the game or even a YouTube video or blog post, given that lots of people are going to be playing this without the background from Ciel.

I did, at least, finally secure a copy of AT1, so that backstory will get filled in for me. Once I get around to playing it, anyway!

You know, it's a good question to tweet that to KT Europe, but maybe at the same time it could be like, they could localize Ciel, so why ruin that? Or hell, PR dollars to do so. Who knows.

Well geez, that's a lot of info to digest before playing. That's a total buzzkill honestly.
You could also read up on Ciel after Ar, it's just up to you what kind of experience you want out of it. But also how you process the experiences and information, IE personally, I love spoilers, because to me, despite knowing the end result, it's more about the journey there.
I suppose its because its Ar Tonelico 3, and there's very few out there that actually see merit in it's battle system, which is seen as it's weakest link. It's great that you actually do like Ar Tonelico 3, the more Ar Tonelico love the better! But all the defensiveness is from how you're discounting Ar nosurge's battle system.

This is Casty annihilating an encounter with a 40 wave chain that's probably originally a 70 encounter? Song Magic is not pointless, and you want to be able to clear out the encounter chain before your turns are up ideally. It's actually a decent balance between singer and vanguard's ability. As awesome as the vanguard can be at clearing enemies in a shot or two, they can't clear an entire encounter chain within 9 turns, that's where Song Magic comes into play.
I didn't mean to give the impression that I thought AT3 had an awesome battle system; just that I enjoyed how much more powerful song magic was than physical attacks in the game, despite controlling the vanguards, and that I wasn't seeing that in the video. I'm really looking for an excuse to pick this up, because I did ultimately like AT3, and was really hoping to be reassured that song magic is indeed going to be more powerful than physical attacks and not just a way to mop up the rest of the encounter after the Vanguard clears 70% of it.

That screenshot is actually pretty reassuring. Assuming every wave averaged 3+ enemies like in the video, that is indeed stacked in the favor of song magic and that is exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks.


KT not NIS XD And nope they're not doing much to help either, but as current fans that's why we're spreading word of mouth as it actually further enriches the experience. But at the same time you can't blame them for what they're doing here. As discussed earlier, Ciel is a very niche game that would have been a financial bomb for KT to localize, but Ar on the other hand is something on the more traditional side that could appeal to JRPG fans in the west.

If I had to make a common comparison here, it's like playing the Milla branch first over Jude's branch in Xillia, you're going to be missing out on a lot of details, but you can still enjoy it.
How text/voice heavy IS Ciel? I kind of figure they'd just make it a Vita DD exclusive and be done with it, and if it doesn't actually get too heavy there it might be reasonable as a $30 title or whatever.

Maybe should see about a console port too for that matter to hedge their bets, Vita's definitely safe for these more niche games but you probably have a lot of them on PS3 just because the big new RPG is there.


So wait, is it really inadvisable to play Ar Nosurge before Ciel Nosurge? Then what's the point? NIS can't possibly expect more than a fraction of the potential audience to actually seek out a plot summary in preparation for this game, can they?

Niche markets are usually willing to do more then most. So the ones who care a lot come in now, and the later ones come back once Ciel no Surge gets it's offline version and then later gets an english release.

After that they've already got Ar no Surge out.

This is all presuming the niche show there's enough gas in the tank for the series.

I personally have no problems playing this without complete Ciel knowledge. The important thing is the feel of the world and the capability and texture of the story.

Hell, I'll get to enjoy it twice, once as a stand along contextual learning item, and a second time in sequence.

After all, Ion and Robo-man are only half the story.


After all, Ion and Robo-man are only half the story.

Actually all the characters I featured in the OP have been featured very prominently since the dawn of Ciel. I was not kidding in that these characters grow together since the beginning.

Here's Delta/Ion/Casty in Ciel.

How text/voice heavy IS Ciel? I kind of figure they'd just make it a Vita DD exclusive and be done with it, and if it doesn't actually get too heavy there it might be reasonable as a $30 title or whatever.

Maybe should see about a console port too for that matter to hedge their bets, Vita's definitely safe for these more niche games but you probably have a lot of them on PS3 just because the big new RPG is there.

Very. D: Have you looked at the detailed Ciel summary? It's immense, spanning 13 chapters that released over the course of 2 years. It's a full on VN experience on the story portion itself. Voice wise yeah, its just as immense too. There's a recent interview with some of the voice actresses talking about how attached they've become to the project, having been involved for the last 2 years. They were actually crying now that it's finally over. Makes you really appreciate the scope and scale of what Tsuchiya executed with Surge Concerto to date.


Very. D: Have you looked at the detailed Ciel summary? It's immense, spanning 13 chapters that released over the course of 2 years. It's a full on VN experience on the story portion itself.
I wonder if leaving it undubbed is a serious option. That's the kind of thing that could make it go from "this is insane!" to "this is a bit heavy." It's kind of surprising how light in text some of the more story focused games really are, it's usually NPCs, item descriptions, and all sorts of miscellanous text that ratchets up a game's text volume. I recall Ys Origin was a lighter effort than Ys I & II for this reason, and Ys I & II combined have relatively little in the way of cutscenes and whatnot.
I've been listening to the Ar Tonelico soundtracks for the past few days and I'm impressed. Great stuff.

Now I see that there's a new game coming out in the west that expects you to have played a japanese only Vita game. Is there any hope of that one coming out over here?


I've been listening to the Ar Tonelico soundtracks for the past few days and I'm impressed. Great stuff.

Now I see that there's a new game coming out in the west that expects you to have played a japanese only Vita game. Is there any hope of that one coming out over here?

Yeah, if you buy this one.


Well geez, that's a lot of info to digest before playing. That's a total buzzkill honestly.

As someone desperate for console jrpgs, but not typically interested in the more "otaku" friendly ones I was slightly interested in this because of some of the sci-fi trappings. I'm not interested in what nis, Idea Factory/CH, and normally Gust put out, but I thought maybe I would casually try this one. Is that not recommended?

I won't recommend it, but I won't know what people are going to miss/not understand due to the lack of knowledge about previous game.

It's already a miracle that this game come out. I doubt they will touch the first game since the genre is even more niche than this. Especially when people keep calling it's otaku pandering and ignore what it offers.

In my ranking list, the Ar tonelico series is higher than FFX just for the world building alone, and it's massive.


I won't recommend it, but I won't know what people are going to miss/not understand due to the lack of knowledge about previous game.

It's already a miracle that this game come out. I doubt they will touch the first game since the genre is even more niche than this. Especially when people keep calling it's otaku pandering and ignore what it offers.

In my ranking list, the Ar tonelico series is higher than FFX just for the world building alone, and it's massive.

As discussed in another thread:

I wouldn't agree with that. I think fanservice crap is stupid, but it's not super prevalent in AT1. It's a bit more there in 2 but not so bad. I don't know what it's like in this game, but if it's at all comparable to AT1 and 2 then it shouldn't be an issue for most people either. The worst it ever really got in AT1, for example, was that silly scene where they talk about inserting crystals and it's full of innuendo and "IT'S OKAY IF IT'S YOU"


Luckily, I just happened to stumble upon it while looking for the other summary again one day. It's a really good read.

On the subject of fanservice and what not- I haven't played Qoga as that just seems like too much (though I'm wanting to give it a try at some point just to see how bad it is), but I really enjoyed AT1/2 despite the fanservice (and I am not a fan of that kind of stuff at all). I get that some people won't like it and that's completely understandable, but I do think the games are enjoyable enough to give a try if you are able to overlook that.

All of the OPs are excellent- AT2 and 3 OPs are my most listened to songs on itunes.


Waiting for Natural Doctrine instead of this...I know they are not the same genre but I cant get both for now...
I'm kinda gutted that it seems pretty unlikely we're going to get Ciel over here (and that we're not getting it before this game). But still, I can't really fault them from what I've read about the game (it's only now we're getting an offline version!)

I pre-ordered this today. Although it's my first foray into the Ar universe (I know, I know, I should play the first game), Gust have just grown immensely popular in my books the more I've played of the Atelier series. It really is something special, and they've earned my trust so I want to see what this series is like.

I've a feeling I'm going to be burned with this though and they're just going to release the Plus version on Vita in a few months. Though, I suppose they haven't even got around to releasing Atelier Ayesha Plus over here yet (which is kinda odd now I think about it).


Can't wait for my copy to arrive! Unfortunately, I may not be able to play it right away, but I decided not to hold off picking up a copy so I can show my support day 1. I've played AT1/2, but the OP mentions playing/watching 3 first as well. How necessary is that?


Can't wait for my copy to arrive! Unfortunately, I may not be able to play it right away, but I decided not to hold off picking up a copy so I can show my support day 1. I've played AT1/2, but the OP mentions playing/watching 3 first as well. How necessary is that?

Uh, it's probably the least bit necessary out of all the other demands listed. If you could get away with only playing one of the AT games, AT1 is all you need.
I've a feeling I'm going to be burned with this though and they're just going to release the Plus version on Vita in a few months. Though, I suppose they haven't even got around to releasing Atelier Ayesha Plus over here yet (which is kinda odd now I think about it).

Ar Tonelico/Nosurge is, I think?, a less popular series than Atelier, so I don't know if it's a given that the Vita version will come over (especially given how the bottom seems to be falling out of the Vita market lately). As for Ayesha Plus, I think that's just because Rorona Plus just came out this year, and not too far from Escha & Logy either. The series is already suffering a bit from overexposure in Japan, so if K-T was smart they'd space out the releases a bit. I don't really expect Ayesha Plus until next summer at least, after Shallie.
Ar Tonelico/Nosurge is, I think?, a less popular series than Atelier, so I don't know if it's a given that the Vita version will come over (especially given how the bottom seems to be falling out of the Vita market lately). As for Ayesha Plus, I think that's just because Rorona Plus just came out this year, and not too far from Escha & Logy either. The series is already suffering a bit from overexposure in Japan, so if K-T was smart they'd space out the releases a bit. I don't really expect Ayesha Plus until next summer at least, after Shallie.

True. I looked at the release date difference between Meruru Plus and Rorona Plus and it seems there is still time yet!
Posting in a great thread.

Seriously , this game is already preordered , along with a new sound system.

Gonna enjoy those lyrics.

Finished AT 1, AT2 , AT3 ( platinium ) , waiting for an opportunity to grab the ciel no surge offline edition when i can


Uh, it's probably the least bit necessary out of all the other demands listed. If you could get away with only playing one of the AT games, AT1 is all you need.

I think I'll follow that route.

AT1 > Ciel digest version > Ar

I'm still hopeful to find a copy whenever it releases. Also, I really need to get moving with playing AT1...


I did not play a single Ar game. No Tonelico, no Ciel nosurge, nothing. But I'm getting this one for sure.

Any ideas on whether I'm gonna be lost as hell? I WILL read the Ciel Nosurge story summary, since it does seem necessary to enjoy this one.


NISA charged me for the LE. Yassssssssss

Same. The game is almost here! I need to finish reading that Ciel Nosurge expanded summary.

Edit: Ah, I started listening to Mikazuchi and had to tear myself away before I started listening to the entire soundtrack. It sounds so good lol.


Never played an Ar game before, kinda disappointing to hear I need to know/play Ciel no Surge to fully enjoy this one :(
Don't feel like reading what happened in the game because I know it won't be the same as playing the game ( you don't get to know the characters as well and reading events and story is not the same as playing it for me)

Guess Il play Fairy Fencer F first .....
Christ Jesus. That Ciel no surge summary is like playing FFXIII again, with the inundation of bizarre terminology.

I'm like 90% sold on Ar though so we'll see if I can truck through.


Christ Jesus. That Ciel no surge summary is like playing FFXIII again, with the inundation of bizarre terminology.

I'm like 90% sold on Ar though so we'll see if I can truck through.
This is actually one reason I like the longer summary over the shorter one. It's easier for me to understand the sequence of events and what's going on.


Wait, so Ciel is crucial to understand this game but it hasn't been released in the West yet? Am I getting this right?

Yes. The core gameplay of Ciel won't sell at all in the west so they are not doing this. Reading through the pastebin in the OP is our only way to understand the necessary information for Ar nosurge.

I don't think I could be tired of listening to this franchies' OST. It's just so good.


Have the game pre-ordered, but I think I'll hold off playing on it. Despite knowing most of what happens in Ciel, it would feel weird to play them out of order.


I'm not going to be in the country when my copy arrives, but I have the LE preordered. I guess I'll read the Ciel nosurge summary in the meantime.

I also hope the AT2 retranslation project is finished soon.


Don't forget as a reminder, there will be another Ar nosurge Livestream tomorrow from Koei Tecmo Europe along with giveaways! I imagine Europe only D:


for those of you that would be scared off by a vita version of this game and would rather just wait...

have a trailer for the vita version of the game :p

I'd be tempted to cancel my LE of the ps3 version if it wasn't sold out and thus will be worth a decent amount (I can always just buy a vita LE as well :p though knowing them it will likely be digital only ><)


Just finishing reading the Ciel nosurge indepth summary. Incredibly good. If folks don't read it now, then at least read it after finishing Ar nosurge. There's so much development and mysteries that get shed upon, not to mention the story to Ciel itself was really really good.

I've made some more adjustments to the OP and added some new links to supplement Ciel.


for those of you that would be scared off by a vita version of this game and would rather just wait...

have a trailer for the vita version of the game :p

I'd be tempted to cancel my LE of the ps3 version if it wasn't sold out and thus will be worth a decent amount (I can always just buy a vita LE as well :p though knowing them it will likely be digital only ><)

Well, not buying the PS3 version will only decrease the probability of ever getting the Vita version.

Stage On

Not to mention as it sounds with the current KT release schedule, the Vita version would be a year away at the very least

Assuming they even bother to bring the vita version over at all which is no guarantee depending on how the ps3 version sells.

Right now I'm debating if the preorder bonus from Gamestop are worth buying it at full price or not or if it'd be better to wait for the price to drop a bit


Assuming they even bother to bring the vita version over at all which is no guarantee depending on how the ps3 version sells.

Right now I'm debating if the preorder bonus from Gamestop are worth buying it at full price or not or if it'd be better to wait for the price to drop a bit

o-o I don't think I've really seen price drops at least on the retail side for Gust titles, unless you mean digitally on PSN.


What's the likelihood of reviews being out before release date? It doesn't make any difference - I'm buying the game regardless as mentioned above - but it would be interesting to have a few more perspectives on the game to read as not many of us have actually played it as yet!


Anyone catch today's livesteam? Here's the recap!



JYB is so fitting of Delta.

Also European fans, looks like KT Europe is gonna give out a copy of the game and soundtrack! Stay tuned!


We have prepared a set of gift for #KTfamily - #Arnosurge Game, OST, Concert CDs and Artcards. Details coming soon.

Finally regarding Ar nosurge Plus:

Regarding #Arnosurge for the PS Vita, it hasn't released in Japan yet but it's playable on TGS 2014. We'll be looking into it. #KTfamily

What's the likelihood of reviews being out before release date? It doesn't make any difference - I'm buying the game regardless as mentioned above - but it would be interesting to have a few more perspectives on the game to read as not many of us have actually played it as yet!

Honestly, don't know! But you can bet I'll be on the watch for them!

Wait there's more! I'll be giving away a NA copy of Ar nosurge too! Post here or tweet @kiryogi with hashtag #exapicopassion alongside a moment/song(and or) in EXA_PICO history (Meaning Ar Tonelico 1/2/3/Ciel nosurge/Ar nosurge) that moved you the most. Explain in a creative detailed manner! The most passionate and/or creative entry will win! Folks outside of NA can enter too, but they'll have to cover shipping. I will also feature the winning entry in the OT! And by creative, it could be a photo/image or video. Show that passion for EXA_PICO!
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