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Arcanum Anyone?


I've immensely enjoyed games such as Baldur's Gate II, Fallout I and II, and Planescape Torment. Recently, I've read a couple of previews about a game called Arcanum, which was supposedly created from exmembers of the Fallout team. Has anyone played this game? And is it worth a purchase?


Oh shit, you're post reminded me that I bought this months ago and don't even remember where I put it. Hell, I have the game and I want impressions now.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I have played it (2) and I really did enjoy it a lot. Like the Fallouts the world is pretty big and you kind of have to scrap your way through in the start. But it picks us as you move along. Real time combat sucks and shouldn't have even been in the game, and there were a few minor bugs one could easily exploit (throwing items don't cost Action points, bombs away!!) But all in all I loved the game and put many hours into it myself....


Running off of Custom Firmware
I didn't like it. It felt buggy and sloppy. The magic/technology thing was moderately interesting, but aside from that, didn't bring too much to the table, and was significantly outstripped in the gameplay department by earlier games.


Thanks for the replies... Hmm, I think I'll save my ten dollars. Now that I think about it, I don't really want to be sucked into another 100 hour adventure lol... Sitting in front of the computer is absolutely killing my eyes.


a buddy of mine got this and a couple of weeks later just dropped it off in my dorm room and didn't ask for it back (though I plan to return it)...

my guess is it's a good title for a little while, but not one that one can play for weeks...

I never was that interested in devoting computer resources to installing it (only 10 gig drive on laptop), but I may give it a try when I finish building a desktop...
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