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Are you hyped for Metal Gear Solid 3?


We have a demo. We are getting new information. It sounds like the game is going to be much better than Metal Gear Solid 2. Yet, at the same time, I'm just not too interested in MGS3. Much of it has to do with the impending release of Halo 2, Half Life 2, and yes, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (SINGLE PLAYER). But as I was playing the demo, as cool as the cinematics are, I feel the game is a bit lacking in the gameplay department. Not so much that it plays bad, but I have to say I do not like the over the head angled viewpoint the game gives you. Especially with no map. It makes it extremely hard and extremely frustrating to see enemies in front of you or to the sides. I love the first person shooting, that part is great. I almost wish the game deployed an over the shoulder 3rd person viewpoint. That would alleviate many problems with not being able to see your surroundings. I'll get the game, eventually though, because it is Metal Gear Solid and I loved the first two.


I went on everyone's word and purchased MGS:TTS and found the gameplay to be terribly flawed, while the cinematics and story telling were wonderful.
I'll be interested to see MGS3 cinematic and see more of the amazing graphics, but the game doesn't interest me in the least.


No, I barely ever even think about it. I haven't seen any of the vids since E3 2003 and I haven't been following any of the previews or spoilers. There's just been too much out for me to care. It's not like I'm not going to get it though. I'll be there on day 1 and it'll probably be a GOTY contender for me...I'm just not really anticipating it. Same with GTA and KOTOR 2.


The most recent trailer was incredible, but the playable demo isn't too exciting, to be honest. Maybe I've just grown tired of lenghty codec/radio conversations and stealth gameplay.


Yes and no. Yes I really want it, but no I won't be getting it right away. I'm probably gonna rent it, and wait for the more than likely Substance version that'll come out next year.
Mrbob said:
The trailers rock, no doubt about it.

Iawtp. I am hyped for it. Sure you pay $49 for the game but it'll be extremely entertaining and knowing Kojima; he'll stuff it full of surprises and bonuses things to go back into the game for.



Spike said:
Yes and no. Yes I really want it, but no I won't be getting it right away. I'm probably gonna rent it, and wait for the more than likely Substance version that'll come out next year.

That's true. We know a special edition will be coming down the pipe.
nope couldn't care less. MGS:TS was the first time I'd ever played through a MGS game and I thought it was an alright game but nothing spectactular, tbh i dont see the big fuss. Same with Halo really
No, MGS2 was a let down but MGS1 was great. The MGS3 E32002 or 2003 trailer was awesome though.

I will buy the game the day it comes out but I am just not hyped about it.

My most hyped title is Ace Combat V because Ace Combat IV roxx :D
I will buy it if the reviews say the story is a bit less retarded than 2 (the Otacon stepmother thing and the lengthy conversations with Rose that I snored through while trying to save were the two things that bothered me the most, but there were a few other annoyances. I liked the story more than the haters, but less than the superfans). I will seriously buy this based on story impressions, as I know it will play well.


Steroid Distributor
I'm not hyped for this at all right now. I just got the demo though so I'm gonna give that a try this weekend.
But The Halo hype has gotten me.
i'll probably still buy it, but to be honest the demo sort of soured me on the game a little. Its not the leap i was expecting gameplay-wise, and feels like more of the same. Hopefully in the final game, they will have toned down the Codec shit and the plot won't be as shitty as MGS2.


It's more difficult to get excited about it after two Splinter Cells but I'll be picking it up the day it comes out .


E3 2003: Wow, this is going to be the most amazing game to ever grace a console.
E3 2004: Wow, the game looks pretty cool. I'd like to give a try.
Demo: This is sorta interesting.
Now: Maybe I'll buy it next year.

evil ways

Yeas, a lot. I've played through the demo 3 times already, and everytime I get better and find a different way to deal with enemies and obstacles.


but I have to say I do not like the over the head angled viewpoint the game gives you. Especially with no map. It makes it extremely hard and extremely frustrating to see enemies in front of you or to the sides. I love the first person shooting, that part is great. I almost wish the game deployed an over the shoulder 3rd person viewpoint. That would alleviate many problems with not being able to see your surroundings. I'll get the game, eventually though, because it is Metal Gear Solid and I loved the first two.

My thoughts exactly! Thats the impression the MGS3 demo left on me also. I'll rent it for sure but i'm not that excited like I was for MGS1/2. With so many other great games coming out for the holidays it wont be missed if it does falls short.


Doom_Bringer said:
No, MGS2 was a let down but MGS1 was great. The MGS3 E32002 or 2003 trailer was awesome though.

I will buy the game the day it comes out but I am just not hyped about it.

Same here.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
but I have to say I do not like the over the head angled viewpoint the game gives you. Especially with no map. It makes it extremely hard and extremely frustrating to see enemies in front of you or to the sides
I guess you know that you can move the camera around using the right stick. That helps when you want to look around.

That's true. We know a special edition will be coming down the pipe.
Uh, you think so? As in the same thing as a Japanese special edition? I doubt it. :(


Marconelly said:
I guess you know that you can move the camera around using the right stick. That helps when you want to look around.

Yeah but I'd still prefer a behind the back viewpoint. You can only move the camera so far.


I am not hyped... yet. Strangely, I am not excited, me being a MGS fan...

I played the demo and felt bleh... hopefully this will change with the full version.

Musashi Wins!

No, but I sure as shit know people who are. I'm not buying it this year. Twin Snakes killed my desire to play this series for awhile.


Not really.

Liked Solid 2 (PS2) - but the confusing (to say the least) storyline really ruined it for me in the end.

Played MGS on GC about 2 months ago, and I was shocked how bad the gameplay was - has not aged well at all.

I'm probably going to pass on 3 - while the trailers are awesome - it really gets me psyched for another go - there are just too many other games I want more, and I fear MGS3 is going to burn me like 2 did.

Remember how everyone was going crazy over the MGS2 trailer... then we played the game and a lot were let down... thats my prediction for 3.


not an idiot
No, nope. Negatory good buddy. Not at all. Hated the last game, the first one was pretty good though back in the day.
MGS3 seems to be in the same boat as Metriod Prime 2 regarding hype. The hardcore Metal Gear and Sony fans are pretty excited, but pretty much all the casual gamers are going crazy about GTA:SA and multi-system gamers are going banana's over Halo 2. Owning all 3 systems, I'm most anticipating MP2 and GTA:SA, but I'll probably pick up MGS3 eventually.
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