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Are you hyped for Metal Gear Solid 3?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Schafer said:
I despise MGS 2, what I've seen of this makes it look very similar to that so no. No hype.

It doesn't look anything like MGS2 to me...I'm not going to start pulling out the features list, but I don't see how it could be any different while still being a stealth game.


Considering that it's my #1 candidate for 2004 GOTY, I'd say hell yes.

I just need to order some pizza, have a 12-pack of Diet Pepsi near by, play on hard from the start, and not leave the house for the next 36 hours while I DFO the game, only stopping for sleep.


I've never preordered a game in my life. But after that MGS3 demo i did. The game is friggin awesome, i can't wait to test my close combat skills on some harder enemies than are in the demo. And i'm no huge fan of the series, only played half of the first one and never tried MGS2.


Marconelly said:
Uh, you think so? As in the same thing as a Japanese special edition? I doubt it. :(

As in an upgraded version coming out in the next year or so. Look at it like this:

MGS2:SoL --> MGS2: Substance
MGS3:SE --> ?

I'm sure we'll see an upgraded version with newly added material. This is Konami's cash cow, after all.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Twin Snakes took years to be released and was only created due to its release on another platform. Substance was the result of that promise Konami made with MS to release MGS on XBOX. They just ended up using that content to make a PC and another PS2 version as well...


Especially with no map. It makes it extremely hard and extremely frustrating to see enemies in front of you or to the sides. I love the first person shooting, that part is great

I felt that too. Playing the demo felt a little tired because I don't like being restricted like that anymore. I also was immediately reminded of the extra long codec scenes in MGS2. Not excited.

BUT, I do want to see what happens next in the series, and I'll at least rent it for that. One of the good things about having a story driven game, I actually don't care much about the gameplay in this case, and more of the same will be ok
Future said:
Especially with no map. It makes it extremely hard and extremely frustrating to see enemies in front of you or to the sides. I love the first person shooting, that part is great

I felt that too. Playing the demo felt a little tired because I don't like being restricted like that anymore. I also was immediately reminded of the extra long codec scenes in MGS2. Not excited.

Practice with the original games with the radar off. It takes some time to get use to especially if you've been using the radar to play all this time, but it works well once you aren't relying on the radar anymore. You'll start using the wall view and FP alot faster and smoother then.


The think I didn't like in the demo so much was that while moving southward, Snake would be too close to the lower border of the screen, making it difficult to see anything even a couple of feet in front of you. This doesn't happen when you're moving in any other direction.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The think I didn't like in the demo so much was that while moving southward, Snake would be too close to the lower border of the screen, making it difficult to see anything even a couple of feet in front of you. This doesn't happen when you're moving in any other direction.
Push the right stick down, click with it to lock the camera in place. Problem solved :)


Tag of Excellence
I'm in the "I hate MGS2" camp as well but I'm excited for this game. I've been a big fan of the series from the NES/MSX days from when I was a kid, I even enjoyed the hell out of the GBC game! I'm not all that hyped for this title since I know little information on it, it's mostly just excitement from it being a new MG game. I didn't want to ruin the experience so aside from the TGS/E3 trailers that's all the information I have to go by.

So yeah, bring it on! I can't wait for this game to be released.


Practice with the original games with the radar off. It takes some time to get use to especially if you've been using the radar to play all this time, but it works well once you aren't relying on the radar anymore. You'll start using the wall view and FP alot faster and smoother then.

This I disagree with big time. I've beaten MGS, MGS2, and MGS:TTS on extreme\Very hard and the experience in those games is nothing like MGS3. In the other MG games, it was pretty simple to get a specific angle when hugging a certain wall as you always knew what view you'd get based on the position of the wall and the direction you'd face if you pressed against it, but it's a little randon in this. Will there be a tree or log up ahead to press up against? If you press up against it, will your arms stick out of the sides and be spotted? Plus it's fairly random if you'll get the desired angle you want given that the tree is rounded and pressing against it can achieve weird angles. There's plenty of rock faces to hug, but you don't know what angle you'll get there, especially if it's not 90 degrees.

So what's left? FPV.

FPV is great and all, but I NEVER had to use it as much as I did in the demo for MGS3 I played today. I went through it 3 times and each time, just to see ahead, I had to go to FPV as there was no good cover terrain to see what was up ahead for me to hide behind -- nothing like the other MG games. If Kojima wanted us to use the FPV so much, why not just make the whole game an FPS? It would certainly end a lot of the unnecessary crud brought up from the standard camera angles.

That's just my .02 cents though. I used to LOVE the MGS series, but this has turned me off to the whole idea of the game. It just feels too bloated to me now.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Well, my buddy Ryu finally played it, and after hearing his impressions, I had to pop in my demo too. I've had it for a bit over a week but hadn't touched it yet. He's by far the most hardcore MGS fanatic of my little coterie, so hearing his positively underwhelming impressions (especially after the hard time he had in securing the demo to begin with) I just HAD to try. (I'm the resident MGS hater in the group, to be honest.) Even though my opinions of the series have softened a bit.

All in all, my impressions weren't quite as negative as his, I think. The music was disappointingly nonexistant, the background graphics are pretty fucking bad, and the camera was VERY fucking bad. But one thing which always intrigued me since its conception, the camo rating, turned out pretty frickin' nifty so far. And I had a bit of fun hiding in the grass with 95% camo rating and sniping the morons off the suspension bridge, for one. Or climbing to the top of one part of the factory's roof and sniping some guards. Or hiding underneath the raised floor of the factory and killing me some snakes and mice (and guards.)

That is, after the atrociously boring first 15 minutes of bullshit codex cinematics.

It's got a ways to go, but if it keeps up, it has to be better than MGS2. Ugh.
I've never been a huge MGS fan. I like the style, the characters, the level designs, and even the dialogue yet something about the control scheme for MGS just bugs me. Maybe it made sense on ps1 but when they brought it over to ps2 with MGS2 I was scratching my head. Now things have changed a bit with MGS3 but I'm still scratching my head a bit from playing the demo. I'd far prefer a different camera system and to not have to switch between that first person and the first person viewpoints just to get a good look at things.
I think it's a Kojima trademark to hide a simplistic game behind odd control schemes.


Bish loves my games!
I just hope MGS3 doesn't induce the same case of blue balls that MGS2 did for me. You know 5 minute cinema, a couple minutes gameplay, another 5 minute Codec/Cinema etc.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Marconelly said:
Push the right stick down, click with it to lock the camera in place. Problem solved :)

Damn didn't know that! Now I have to play the demo for the 34th time just to appreciate that :)

By the way marc, is there a way to toss a living snake *ON* a guard rather than near him?

I love how you can hold up guards pointing the gun from brushes whatever the direction they face. In MGS2 u was able to do that only from behind. Oh of course I love their new "body shake" animation :)


Just got the demo today. As expected, it's pretty sweet.

The story is kind of irritating, though. I think it's going to be good, but I can't help but get bored with all the dialogue. It's like if you made Mission Impossible five hours long with scenes where people would just stand and talk about this and that for five minutes at a time.

And I'm not loving the camoflauge, even though it's a great addition. It's just not all that intuitive. After a while I just quit using it.

CQC is awesome. Nothing better than taking a hostage, having him pass out, then holding him as a shield while picking off his buddies as they watch helplessly. It makes things a little too easy in the demo, but it'll be more balanced later on in the game, I bet.

No problems with the camera here. It takes some getting used to, and it's still necessary to use R1 to look in front of you at times, but nothing bad.


So, in short, I am hyped. I think MGS3 is going to be a fantastic game. Especially if they include an area in Russia that is covered in snow, which I've convinced myself will happen.
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