6.6 million copies LOL .....dude, if you're going to trouble yourself looking for the most fringe sources to fight for your cause, at least learn how to READRedirect Notice
$400,000,000.00 in week 1 sales
$60 dollar game
That's 6.6 million copies sold in the first week.
And in October of 2015, Microsoft most likely didn't have between 20-25 million XBO sold, as I said.
They probably had around 15 million sold.
Vs 80 million PS4s on the market at GoW 2018 launch.
Good luck, God of War people.
$400m in global sales of Halo 5: Guardians games and hardware.................. AND HARDWARE.................whatever the f...that means.. .lol, Microsoft had to throw in all the numbers from Xbones sold in that week worldwide too? No surprise, that's the level of pathetic they had stooped down to....If anything Halo 5 sold 6.6 million in its lifetime, lmao