Realistic characters with realistic, complex emotions, reactions and rationale is essential to storytelling. The story is also essential to storytelling. Metaphors are secondary at best and plenty of great movies existed without their help. Sure you can find metaphors in many great movies but the metaphor itself is not what makes a movie great, at best it adds to it by giving it another layer you later think about. Movies that prioritize metaphors and the "lessons" of the movie over interesting characters and stories are never good, they're empty boring husks that only satisfy the pretentious. Lars von Trier made allegorical movies but he also made sure his characters are multilayered and interesting. This new generation of pretentious Hollywood fucks neither know how to make interesting or likeable characters or to put metaphors in movies without hitting you over the head with it every few seconds.
And yes, my question shows irritation and is obviously hyperbolic but not just because the lesson of the movie is dumb but also because of the moronic way the metaphor is presented that prioritizes it over making a realistic character. So what am I supposed to take from this shitty character here if I disregard the metaphor? That she's a pathetic, unstable imbecile that decides to burn her own boyfriend alive because he was not emotionally supportive enough and because she saw him getting raped in a hut or something? What am I supposed to take from such a stupid fucking protagonists that just sit there and let things happen to them while making the most idiotic decisions imaginable? "bububububbu metaphors!" Fuck the metaphors, I want a real movie.