Maybe scum didn't make a kill last night and just used their abilitiesSo,
Sorian's shot got roleblocked
Scums kill got ???
Someone gave Fat a double vote
Someone blocked Fat form voting
Did I get all that?
Maybe scum didn't make a kill last night and just used their abilitiesSo,
Sorian's shot got roleblocked
Scums kill got ???
Someone gave Fat a double vote
Someone blocked Fat form voting
Did I get all that?
Sorian's shot got roleblocked
Scums kill got ???
Someone gave Fat a double vote
Someone blocked Fat form voting
Did I get all that?
Maybe scum didn't make a kill last night and just used their abilities
Incredibly doubtful.
Under a very specific situation, it would be beneficial for a scum team to not night kill and back that up a town claim with manufactured results (like saying they saved me).
Ok so here is a theory about why scum blocked Sorian. He was definitely going to shoot scum Bronx-man.
I just don't see how that would confirm weemad town. How would we even know that you would be their target?
I see your point, it's possible, I just don't think it happened.
He literally opened the day with a post about how great a doctor he was by saving Fat.
I am very dubious especially with his lack of name claiming.
I was being too cocky earlier on. I am Deathstroke.
Yeah, and no one believes him. It's a stupid plan, if that was their plan.
What do you make of the situation where you were seemingly double-targeted by scum?
Actually, I think my point still stands? Any reason for believing Fat was scum's target last night? Other than weemad saying so.
Unless I'm misunderstanding something on a very basic level, weemad claimed doctor, which can cure poison and protect, effectively counterclaiming zipped.
If all that is true, I can say with 95% certainly that Fat4All was not targeted by scum last night.
If our alleged Doctor claimed to protect Fat and there were no kills, who did scum target? Unless they didn't target which you said was unlikely.
Bulletproof, thunderdome???
I don't know why scum would go out their way after yesterday...ding ding ding
Because he had batsnacks' lost bulletproof vest of course.
I claimed to target FatDog. I did not specify thata scum must have targeted him . The lack of night kills speaks for itself there. I the best doctor in gafia? At 100% saving?
I may just be.
I saved FatDog last night, because as far as I'm concerned he's the only 100% townfolk folk in this dang game.
uh huh
Sure sounds like you were sure of yourself.
Because he had batsnacks' lost bulletproof vest of course.
I claimed to target FatDog. I did not specify thata scum must have targeted him . The lack of night kills speaks for itself there.
You put that together rather quickly.
Was the BP vest on anyone elses radar?
Seems like you have been milling over why Time survived for a while.
I don't know why scum would go out their way after yesterday...
Well, yeah, you made a really big deal about being bulletproof the night before you used your powers so...You would say that.
Since Timey baited scum into taking a potshot at him by thumbing his nose at them. That was ages ago, day three i think.
Does kind of seem like scum were hanging on my every word waiting for the BP reveal to come up, huh? Weemad comes in directly after I pose the question.
Unless I'm misunderstanding something on a very basic level, weemad claimed doctor, which can cure poison and protect, effectively counterclaiming zipped.
We're just about the only one's here right now. Unless in your mind there's a reason to purposely gather in a chat, go into the thread and then shoot the shit with you sequentially. For what?It's like you and Vere are posting in sync, it's cute.
Monitoring the thread but not posting.
It wasn't even clear that Batsnack gave away a BP vest, he could have given away a kill.
Your statement is exactly correct.
So, perform this thought experiment.
Why does Wee, as a town doctor, counterclaim zipped for poison doctor?
Why does Wee, as a mafia member, counterclaim the town doctor zipped, guaranteeing end of life within two game days?
Keeping in mind scum team is down two members, and probably has no more than 5 since there's a pair of neutrals.
I think the biggest thing to weemad potentially being scum is what that role has done so far. The role claim happened, scum never seemed to go after them fully, nor did the role get a lot of heat until very recently. It's also a role that hasn't produced any results for town seemingly until today.
If it's a scum strategy to claim as a doc, then they need to reinforce the doctor claim hard, and that could explain not night killing anyone.
Your statement is exactly correct.
So, perform this thought experiment.
Why does Wee, as a town doctor, counterclaim zipped for poison doctor?
Why does Wee, as a mafia member, counterclaim the town doctor zipped, guaranteeing end of life within two game days?
Keeping in mind scum team is down two members, and probably has no more than 5 since there's a pair of neutrals.
Yup, and I don't even think the vest had been discussed much (if at all). And yet they had it locked and loaded because they'd been chewing it over after they'd made the mistake.
I dunno, why did you guys try to shoot me after I told you I was bulletproof yesterday? Y'all are making weird decisions.
This sound like your thought resulted in "Wee is an idiot scum". I'll grant you that would be an idiot scum move. May I ask why you skipped over the part where you thought experiment that I'm the town doctor/poison doctor?
Because Nudull was playing very badly.
I think this is just arrogant scum thinking they could get away with a few things, and failing hard. They didn't believe my BP challenge, and they thought they could easily counterclaim zippped since he's not in the thread too often.
But counterclaiming zipped AS POISON DOC in my first post of the game [I think it was] was unnecessary if I was mafia. There could certainly be a reg doc and a poison doc, but not 2 poison docs when we've only had one poisoning in four (?) game days [unless someone isn't sharing their imminent death].I'm not saying you're an idiot, you gotta do what you can with the cards your dealt.
And as to why I don't think you're the town doctor. That's easy. You are still alive.