I thought the day was over already.

I thought the day was over already.
You say that but I don't see a vote. Gee I wonder why that could be.I would take that.
Convenient distraction I guess.Yeah Bronx let's hear it.
You say that but I don't see a vote. Gee I wonder why that could be.
Convenient distraction I guess.
Why not vote for yoursef. You were willing to do it earlier when no one was going to be around. Not like one less vote on Verelios is going to matter.I don't have an override. If people come in and put there vote on me there is nothing I can do to stop them.
Why not vote for yoursef. You were willing to do it earlier when no one was going to be around. Not like one less vote on Verelios is going to matter.
Been busy getting a haircut.I guess Bronx decided to vanish once we wanted their claim. Suspicious?![]()
Been busy getting a haircut.
Some of us actually have lives outside of roleplaying games on a canadian nerd messageboard![]()
Oh man, what a surprise everything's quiet today. Whoever could've seen this coming
Anyone else convinced enough I'm scum to want to kill me? Come on. You have a chance right now.
When I blow the crap out of you, it will be very well deserved. Either you are scum or the most incompetent town player.
We all know you aren't actually a lynch bomb Faddy, pls
Why don't you vote for me and find out.
The Cage match finally ended and the survivors start leaving the ring. Only one is left behind. Ra's al Ghul is left for dead in the center of the room when the rest of the inmates decide to go to sleep. But Ra's al Ghul isnt completely dead yet. With the last of his strength he begins to crawl toward his Lazarus Pit, the one that will give him another chance.
After some time and a lot of pain Ra's al Ghul uses the last of his forces to reach his quarters, where he keeps the pit. After all his effort he feels so close, he just have to turn the corner and open a door to reach the pit, and his revenge. They will pay for what they did to him.
But not everything is so simple. Ra's al Ghul is astonish when he finally turns the corner and find this sign at the door:
Those where the last words of Ra's al Ghul, leader of the League of Assassins.
You are Ra's al Ghul and you are part of the Arkham Inmates (that means you are town).
You are the leader of League of Assassins and also the father in law of Batman. There are obviously several family issues there.
You are a Reviver. As long as you have your ability, every night you will receive a PM 1 hour before the day start with a list of the players that would die during that night phase. Before the day start you may use the command LazarusPit: <Playername> to prevent the death of one of the players. This is a one-shot ability.
You also have the power to vote. Use Vote: <Playername> during the day phase. The usual drill.
The game thread is Here
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
Its midnight in the asylum and Two Face decides to leave his room to get a snack. He began to go towards the kitchen when he found something that he didnt expected. Right there, just exiting the bathroom is Batman. He couldnt believe his luck. That goddamn Bat, who has been eluding them, is right there.
Two Face prepared his gun and went to the encounter of the Bat.
-Two Face: Finally I found you Batman. Now is time for you to finally die. I just need to decide how you will die.
-Two Face: If the coin flips heads I shoot. If it flips tails I throw you from the window.
- Two Face: Any preference? No? Well, here it goes.
- Two Face: Whaaaaaat? WFT!!!???!?!?!? This is the first time it happened to me!!!!!
Two Face keeps shouting as he is dragged by Batman to his arrest.
Day 6 BeginsYou are Two Face and you are part of the Arkham Inmates (that means you are town).
Your true name is Harvey Dent, a Gotham attorney. It wasnt bad enough for you being an attorney that you needed to step up your game.
You are a Doublevoter Bestower. Every night you may use the command Doublevote: <Playername> to give your target a double vote during the next day phase. You only have 3-shots at your disposal.
You also have the power to vote. Use Vote: <Playername> during the day phase. The usual drill.
The game thread is Here
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
At least wait for everyone to chime in first. Curbing discussion only benefits scum.
My vote should be obvious they are directly contradicting my claim, and since I know I am the poison doctor and not weemadarthur. They HAVE to be scum.
No, I'm not a doctor...I can only act after someone has died, hence the lazarus pit. So it's not a list of people who are about to get NK'ed, but a list of people who have already died. And no, I haven't used it yet since I thought it would have better utility with a small pool and on the off chance I revived scum/neutral.
"The Bat deserved to meet his doom at my hands -- at the hands of someone who hated yet respected him! Mortal enemies deserve at least that. If I was fated to meet my own doom at the Detective's hands I would have been satisfied -- it would have been a good death. It would have been right. It would have been proper. But instead this charade is perpetrated. Gotham and the world should be celebrating the life and death of a man who has pulled them away from the brink of extinction countless times instead of believing their Dark Knight still patrols the city's streets. A hero of Batman's caliber should not have perished in the shadows. A hero like Batman should have been killed in the bright light of day for all the world to see. That would have been my final gift to Bruce, a revelation and celebration as I, and I alone, pulled the mask from his lifeless face in victory! Now, as the centuries blow past me like a gentle breeze, I will always mourn the fact that I will not be remembered for killing the Batman, who, after all, would have been the only man I ever killed worth remembering."
Ra's al Ghul