okay 4 and 5 were spectacular. ANUSTART, Jerry's not getting off the boat, my daughter Maeby, daddy needs to get his rocks off, all you have to do is...
something it. Firing on all cylinders after a very rocky start.
2 things:
the set for the hallway in balboa towers is messed up right? or am I looking at it wrong? see this from season 1:
but in season 4 it looks to me like the hallway very obviously stretches all the way back to that next wall, so there's no corner to turn around. it's just a dead end. or have there just been really weird angles?
Oh, and I'm already super confused on the timeline of all this. For instance, Michael working at Imagine. He says to Ron Howard's daughter that he's already been kicked out of Cal by GM, but when we saw that happen in ep1 he goes to the bluth condo to find it wrecked with an ostrich. However he goes back to the condo in ep4 to find George Sr. and I believe the condo wasn't wrecked. AND the condo being wrecked would have to be in present day, but I thought the given time gap between the end of season 3 and Lindsay and Tobias going to India was about 3 years. IOENO.
bed now I think. more in the morning.