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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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I don't know how to describe it, but this season, the comedy feels more obvious, less smart than it was before Netflix got their hands on it.

Netflix has nothing to do creating the show. If the writing feels off, it's because there was a period of several years where Hurwitz was writing things other than AD.


I think bringing this show back was a huge mistake. There I said it.

I'm about to watch episode 11 so we'll see if it can still redeem itself.


Ep.1 wasn't funny, but still good nonetheless.

I was hopeful for the rest to be better, but you guys aren't making it easier.


I might just be missing something but why (minor episode 1 spoiler)
does one of the papers from the roommate voting have DA crossed out and then Michael written under it?
Based on the hype. this season delivered. simple as that. If you were overhyped, it might disappoint you. If you were not, it will be overwhelmingly good for you, if you were hyped, it will be great for you


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know how to describe it, but this season, the comedy feels more obvious, less smart than it was before Netflix got their hands on it.
Again, it's not Netflix's fault.
They gave money to Hurwitz, and this is what he and his team put together.
Look up the writing/directing team. It's all people who worked on the original seasons, with the exception of one writer who worked on Up All Night and Modern Family.
Please don't tell me it's a disappointment guys. I'm starting it soon.

Please guys.
It's a disappointment.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm making fun of ungrateful fools who expect the second coming of christ.
I didn't expect the second coming of Christ, but I didn't expect the drop in quality to be this big, either.
It's getting some laughs out of me, but as with most late TV show revivals, I'm finding myself wishing they'd left a good thing alone.
The movie had better be worth it.
I might just be missing something but why (minor episode 1 spoiler)
does one of the papers from the roommate voting have DA crossed out and then Michael written under it?

George Michael started to write "Dad" but stopped and wrote "Michael" instead, symbolizing a couple things, namely GM's growing up and distance from his father. Also a sight gag: he stopped writing Dad so Michael wouldn't know he wrote it, but he would have figured it out anyway because of the Da and the unanimous vote

Man, writing it all out like that gives you a great appreciation for how multilayered this all is.

Mikey Jr.

Just watch episode 1.

I was generally confused. They were doing a lot of time skipping and it was kinda hard for me to keep track. Also, I had to put on subtitles because it was hard for me to understand anything sometimes.

Generally though, epi 1 wasn't great. Didn't really laugh.


These disappointed opinions are not good.

They don't hold well for this type of thing to happen again.

The sad part is is that it doesn't really seem like it's Netflix's fault. Netflix put everything in place for a great season to happen. Herwitz and the show's writers are just way off the mark.


Thanks for the responses guys. I was thinking too hard about it since it was on my rewatch, so I was cycling through characters in my head that might have started with da that had appeared later on in the season but earlier in the actual "timeline" haha.
The sad part is is that it doesn't really seem like it's Netflix's fault. Netflix put everything in place for a great season to happen. Herwitz and the show's writers are just way off the mark.
I wouldn't say everything. The budget seems pretty low.

As Stated many here seem to be overhyped. it wouldnt deliver in the least for them.
Oh please. There's been two episodes out of ten so far that have been as good as any random old episode of AD. That's not having high expectations.
I wasn't expecting Pier Pressure again, I just wanted SOME laughs. There are a few episodes that are completely void of that.


This season had enormously high expectations from people. It's not surprising that there are some disappointed with it.

I'm on ep. 7 now, and I'm really enjoying it. I wasn't expecting the world or some revelation -- it's all very well written and way better than the average show.


What are you guys talking about with Episode 4? The first three were way better than it. All this Ron Howard shit is so unfunny, he's awful.


Am I stupid for being shocked at how poorly James Lipton was walking? I know he is older than people thinks (he is 86!) but still. I wonder if that was put on or if he really is in that bad of shape.
We all know this show requires multiple viewings. I didn't find season 1 all that super amazing the first time I saw it. You can already see where they're throwing in lots of jokes in future episodes for it to come back and you to fully "get it" when you watch it again. I'm on the third episode, there is a joke about a plane seat. It wasn't funny. But you already know that's going to be referenced in a future episode. You'll watch it again and it will be better.

But no go ahead and judge it by watching the first episode one time. Go ahead.
I only watched the original seasons a few years ago, and I found it mostly "decent" with a few great moments. It was the kind of show that I didn't laugh out loud at much, but still found funny from time to time. Season four seems a bit worse than the first three, but it still feels pretty much like the same humor. I often found that AD fans I spoke to about it praised it to the high heavens and I think it probably contributes to the disappointment many now feel.

It's a mixed bag. Some of it is really great, some is okay, and some is just basically unfunny.

That's pretty much how I feel about Arrested Development in general.
About halfway in. Still withholding final judgment until I see it all together (maybe twice).

It's a mixed bag. Some of it is really great, some is okay, and some is just basically unfunny.

Initially I thought it was the structure of the season that was making it this way; however, when you think about how segmented it is by characters, then I really believe is was the inability to film together due to the actors that caused the inconsistency.


This show had enormously high expectations from people. It's not surprising that some people are disappointed.

I'm on ep. 7 now, and I'm really enjoying it. I wasn't expecting the world or some revelation -- it's all very well written and way better than the average show.

This is what I'm thinking, too.

I'm just gonna watch like 2 episodes per day and I won't expect it to be anything like the first three seasons.

I'm just happy I have 14 episodes of AD to watch. Because there isn't any other good stuff on tv right now.


Unconfirmed Member
As Stated many here seem to be overhyped. it wouldnt deliver in the least for them.
I came into this expecting that the writers could have lost it in the past eight years. A few minutes before it went up, I sent a text to an AD obsessed friend: "WHAT IF IT SUCKS?"
I lowered my expectations, and this thing is still a disappointment. There's a far lower hit ratio to the jokes than season 3, which is agreed upon by nearly everyone to be the worst of the original seasons. I was hoping they could at least put out something as good as any given season of Parks and Recreation, but nope.
Points for ambition, but the execution is really off.


Death Prophet
As someone stated, I think the longer episodes ended up hurting them. There are scenes that go on way too long.

Also to the people telling people their negative impressions don't count because they "overhyped" the show... COME ON! I'm starting to enjoy it now, but it's not nearly as funny as seasons 1-3.


I believe that fans were going to overhype it in their minds because of the excellent quality of the past three seasons. The show has gained such a rabid, fervent fanbase in the last 7 years, and the constant rumors of the show coming back have only stoked the fire. The show was destined to be a letdown to some regardless of the material. You could see Mitch Hurwitz attempting to temper expectations in the past couple weeks in the media because the show is inherently different than it was when it was on cable.

I tried to go into it with an open mind and found it to be, if nothing else, an extremely creative work unlike any tv show that I've ever seen, pardon the hyperbole. Was it as laugh out loud funny as the first three seasons? Probably not. Does that mean the show is worse? Not necessarily, and it could probably use a couple rewatches to come to full judgement, as has always been the case with Arrested Development.

biggest disappointment of all to me? No Franklin :(


I am still happy it is back but I do feel the characters perhaps aren't strong enough to carry episodes almost completely on their own. It's about the family together and bouncing off each other, I'm not so interested in seeing Lucille interacting with a load of people that for the most part are new to the show.

Anyway, my views may change on reflection and am I still keen for more AD. I just really miss the ensemble :/


So not worth it
Just finished the season.

Not a fan of the format, but I found the season very enjoyable none-the-less. Some good laughs and the overarching story was enjoyable.

As said, due to the format the episodes dragged a bit because they overexposed one character for 35ish minutes, while neglecting others for hours and hours. Like Buster and Maebe at the beginning and George Sr. at the end. Still I find it worthy of the previous seasons and well worth the watch.

Great use of Simon and Garfunkel for GOB too, love that song.

The ending of the season with
Michael George punching Michael was great though, loved the reaction shot. Perfect.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I'm going to hold off on deciding whether the season is 'disappointing' until I watch it all, maybe even at least twice. All I can say is I have laughed very hard at spots.

Biggest shock has been some significant character changes, namely Michael and George. Also, the first ten episodes have a severe lack of Buster.

Great use of Simon and Garfunkel for GOB too, love that song.
The GOB episode where
that song plays as GOB is smothered my Blank's family was hilarious.


What the hell...episode 6 they set up a really good joke, and then ruin it.

Oscar: Does Maisy even know about this?
Lindsay: No, thank god. [and then they ruin it with] And her name is Maeby.

It's like they're afraid of delivering anything that the audience might not understand right away.


Unconfirmed Member
We all know this show requires multiple viewings. I didn't find season 1 all that super amazing the first time I saw it.
I did. Seriously, I was blown away catching it on late night TV in 2004. I'd never seen anything like it on television.
I only watched the original seasons a few years ago, and I found it mostly "decent" with a few great moments. It was the kind of show that I didn't laugh out loud at much, but still found funny from time to time. Season four seems a bit worse than the first three, but it still feels pretty much like the same humor. I often found that AD fans I spoke to about it praised it to the high heavens and I think it probably contributes to the disappointment many now feel.

That's pretty much how I feel about Arrested Development in general.
I rewatched it at the beginning of the year. In retrospect, perhaps I should have waited.
As someone stated, I think the longer episodes ended up hurting them. There are scenes that go on way too long.

Also to the people telling people their negative impressions don't count because they "overhyped" the show... COME ON! I'm starting to enjoy it now, but it's not nearly as funny as seasons 1-3.

It might not be as funny as the first three seasons (honestly I liked it more than the third, but that could change after a second viewing), but the "I'm fighting my way through this, I want to stop watching so bad, why did they betray us like this" posts are ridiculous.

It's a great showcase for the Netflix format, at least. I think House of Cards was way better but with a few changes it could've easily been a cable show, this couldn't have.
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