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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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I've watched them all. :p
Unless you're saying Marky Bark is an albino black guy which would be weird seeing both his parents are white

"Lindsey felt the way she felt when she met Tobias for the first time."

When meeting Love.

Tobias is an albino black man. It's a joke that, even though they had foreshadowing, the series was canned before they could get to it.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
"Lindsey felt the way she felt when she met Tobias for the first time."

When meeting Love.

Tobias is an albino black man. It's a joke that, even though they had foreshadowing, the series was canned before they could get to it.
Ah yes I remember that. The statement just sounded wrong because of Marky Bark.


"Lindsey felt the way she felt when she met Tobias for the first time."

When meeting Love.

Tobias is an albino black man. It's a joke that, even though they had foreshadowing, the series was canned before they could get to it.

The fact that they keep mentioning it means that they haven't dropped it.

They might just be setting up for the longest payoff in TV history.
So I just finished it.

Absolutely loved it. I do have a few qualms about the character-specific episode format (not enough of Buster, and certain characters taking a backseat after their episodes were over), but the way the writers used the format to deliver an incredibly well-written and clever intertwined story that progressively opened up as the series progressed, more than made up for those negatives.

This fourth season encapsulated the: "I can't believe they planned this all along" feeling of the first three seasons.

I really wish we had seen more of Barry though; surely they could have squeezed him into a few more episodes. I was also hoping we'd see Franklin, at least once.

The Real Abed

It's so weird that they put the credits before the "On the Next..." It's like they purposely wanted people to turn it off thinking it was over and wondering why it ended with
George Michael punching Michael in the face
I just want to say I fucking loved that there were
Mystery Science Theatre
segments in there.

I did also laugh at
in the last episode. That's definitely a joke that would go over the heads of more people if this were on TV instead of Netflix.


aka funkky
It feels like it was just half a season with the ways things ended.
Are they even confident that they can make more episodes/ a movie?


Finished it and loved it. Scheduling definitely made it feel like a different show, but I enjoyed all the new minor characters.

The overarching plot was really genius. I love how a joke would first be introduced and the fact that it was a joke wasn't apparent until later but it turns out that what was funny about wasn't even the joke. mindblown.jpg

Can't wait to rewatch in a few weeks once I digest it all.
I'm about to start the second episode of George Sr. I want to get to at least a GOB episode which seems to be the next one. I think the first one is decent, the second one is bad, the third one is good, and the fourth and fifth ones are fantastic.
So I laughed pretty much constantly through episodes 7 and 8. It seems as though when everything keeps compounding, the funnier it gets. Going to savor these and watch more tomorrow.


I don't think these are jokes though. They're just plot points. It's not funny to know that George Michael is in a photo booth when Michael is talking to Ron Howard. It's just a thing that you can see and understand the timeline. It didn't seem to have much on the level of the Buster hand/seal foreshadowing that was amusing to pick up on on rewatches because everything is explicitly shown to you.
If you weren't tickled by how it played out, I don't know what to tell you. It was incredibly ambitious and executed very well. There were so many multilayered jokes, and I'm sure many won't become apparent for months.

Why does a season for diehard fans spend so long explaining even the most major and memorable jokes and plotlines from the previous seasons?

I think that was more of a by product of the initial plan to allow the episodes to be watched in any order.


Just got done watching the 1st episode, feels so good to finally watch it. Thought the showstealer pro watermark was kinda funny.


Should have expected it, but just turn on a random episode after finishing my run and the
thing was established canon. Completely forgotten about it.

Overall, it's a great season, but would have been maddening if you have to wait a week in between episode. The new format was interesting, but did lead to a few hiccups. Toward the end, the episode sometimes takes a detour into other characters drama probably because they don't have anywhere else to put it. Also, I think it was a mistake to try to cover the five-years gap. Led to scenes where the episodes seems to be in fast-forward and the narrator just tells the story rather than show it.


Done! Comes together near the end, and as silly as it sounds, you can't judge it 10 episodes in. The last few feel like classic Arrested Development episodes. Still mixed on the ending.

Biggest problem that plagues this is that it wasn't an ensemble project. You can tell everyone's individual schedules led to some ridiculous scenes, such as Lucille and Lucille 2 going back and forth - you can tell they weren't in the same room together, classic double "back only" shots.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I thoroughly enjoyed the season in its entirety. A few episodes were weaker than the rest, but once Buster, Gob, Tobias, and Lindsay started getting screentime, it was an enjoyable ride until the end. I didn't particularly like George Sr. on his own, but when he was able to interact with his family, it was much better.

I look forward to the next Netflix series, along with whatever happens to Arrested Development. I'd rather see another TV series to conclude the show with 10-13 episodes if given the option between a TV series or movie.


Done! Comes together near the end, and as silly as it sounds, you can't judge it 10 episodes in. The last few feel like classic Arrested Development episodes. Still mixed on the ending.

I bet you they did that to make fans clamor for more.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
The structure of this season is the strongest thing about it.

That and seeing michaels deceased wife. Golly that was awesome. I look forward to re-watching these with my roommates soon.


Death Prophet
I actually found episode 3 (Lindsay's) a lot stronger than 7 (Gob's). Gob's was funny, but I just thought Lindsay's was great. Maybe it was because I was disappointed after 1 and 2.

The Real Abed

I mentioned it before but I loved Ron Howard's haircut meeting. He refused to take the hat off and wanted him to just cut what you could see. Brilliant. Cannot wait for a second watch.


Is there some Arrested Development megafan site that will eventually have every reference and callback listed and explained?


One thing I loved was when Michael gets the signature from George it seems so simple, but then it keeps going back and they keep one-upping each other with favors.



Watched episode four and I still don't like it. It's both great and discouraging to hear that it all pays off in the end. I'm not paying enough attention along the way so it's not even gonna matter. It's boring me into oblivion.

Oh well.


There are tons of callbacks. The one well known gag that had little prominence was the chicken dance. I only saw it referred to once and by a character who never performed a dance in the first three seasons.

Also, maybe I missed it, but I don't know what happened to
Lucille 2 at the May 4th party. I thought Buster saw her laying on the bloody stair car before disappearing. I don't believe that much blood was Michael's.

She either got a touch of the dizzies while climbing the stair car to give her speech, or someone killed her. Her body disappears in an instant in front of buster between fireworks flashes. Who would do such a thing? Who could do such a thing?

Sally Sitwell & Tony Wonder

Also, check out what the caricature artist is drawing when the
mongol horde attacks
You might need to freeze frame.
This new format idea was completely retarded. The writing is as good as (or very very close) the old seasons, but it just doesn't work it's magic when they spread it out like this. It was an ensemble cast show, goddamnit!

I was particularly pissed about Buster's near-total absence until episode 10. Almost 5 hours into the season and he's had less than 5 mins airtime? He's like the 3rd most popular character!! It's just not right...

My congratulations to the writing team, they did it again.

As for whoever the retard (I'm assuming it was Hurwitz... no surprises there) that decided to switch over to this character-centric format is, what the fucking fuck, dude? Why would you blemish something this good in such an unecessary way?

The whole Rashomon thing is cute, but ultimately proves quite fruitless, from a humor POV.

All in all, I'm quite pleased... but can't help but feel that had it been shot in it's traditional format, it would've been quite more satisfying.
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