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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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Was so sad not seeing a new GoT.

Then all of a sudden, AT.

I have no doubt it will be amazing. Speak of the devil, back later.

0--wat do you guys mean so far? It's only 1 episode out right?

10 episodes??!?! wtf!
Hahaha I just finished e5. Holy cow this is great. I know I'm missing a lot of little details, but I thought it was funny that at Carr's funeral (Ed Helm's character) there was a procession of Postal vehicles entering the cemetery in the background. Guess the funeral for the mailman who died in front of Micheal was happening that day too!
Was so sad not seeing a new GoT.

Then all of a sudden, AT.

I have no doubt it will be amazing. Speak of the devil, back later.

0--wat do you guys mean so far? It's only 1 episode out right?

10 episodes??!?! wtf!
You like the show and use the Internet and somehow missed the news? There's been plenty of threads here.

The whole season is out, 15 episodes.
How perfect of them to do this on Memorial Day. I bet there are so many people spending their day off binging all these. Which, it's immediately obvious, is the way they were made to be seen.


Dammit. I finished the final episode not realizing it was the final episode.

So good but too short omggg

I watched the final episode thinking it would be a real ensemble episode that would tie everything together, so on that level I was disappointed, but upon a rewatch I love the episode taking it for what it is.

Actually, that last song they played after GM punches Michael (Boomerang) has been on repeat for the last hour. So good.


Rewatching the season now. The early episodes have improved on second viewing, for me. The funny is turned down though in favour of narrative, which is a bit of a shame - and I think that comes from the main cast not interacting with each other enough.

However it definitely has layers, because already I am getting more from it on this second viewing, in terms of humour and narrative, and much more makes sense.


Done. Overall I found it way less funny than the original seasons, but honestly I didn't care as it was great seeing the cast back together. Just pure nostalgia overload...the feels.


The one thing I wish they did was spend an episode fully on michaels fall and stay there for a bit. As it was it starts saying he's $700,000 I'm debt and then we see him take over Sudden Valley and then take the loan. And then he's in college. Would have been fun to see him trying to make ends meet on his own (including working as Mr. manager at the banana stand) and other bits before deciding on going to the college.

He even appears in the banana stand uniform in some scenes!

Maybe it was cut.


Been skipping around.

1, 2, 3, 7 have been watched.

7 starts a bit shaky but really gets going once the story hits. The writing is still not as tight but this was the definite highlight of the first 4 I've watched.


I expected this to be good, but it was better than I had hoped. So good. I hope there is another season and a movie. I wonder how much work it would take to cut the season in chronological order. I think it is great that no one really stopped playing those characters after the show ended. Gob, George Michael, and Michael have lived on in every production those guys were in in the past 5 years.

Maeby's boobs were show stealers.


One of the greatest jokes is when Maeby gives George Michael the old car that Lucille 2 no longer used.

George Michael is all "Lucille 2? who are you talking about".

Now I need to watch the earlier seasons to check if GM and L2 ever interacted.


Been skipping around.

1, 2, 3, 7 have been watched.

7 starts a bit shaky but really gets going once the story hits. The writing is still not as tight but this was the definite highlight of the first 4 I've watched.
Why are you watching out of order? They're meant to be watched in order.


I liked the gag about Carr's assistant or whatever calling to tell Tobias he got a callback for The Big Bang Theory.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Loved the part in ep. 15 where George Michael
(read: Scott Pilgrim) tells Rebel, "I'll fight anyone I have to for you."

Definitely not a deep joke, and I'm sure everyone made the connection, but I still loved it, mostly because I loved that movie.
I love how in the George senior episode you can see Tobias and Lindsey argue in the background. you can see Tobias spin and say "fallacy"
In a Tobias or Lindsey episode, you can hear Maeby coughing in the background during that scene when Lindsey says they have nothing holding the marriage together.

It was extra funny to find out in a later episode that she was doing it for attention.


Wasn't Dancing With The Stars the show that took over AD's slot? I remember the Skating With Celebrities jokes from season 3 as a meta joke about that.

What was the line they said making fun of DWTS?


Bitches love smiley faces
I don't know if it's just because I got used to the look, or because whatever surgery she'd had done settled towards the end of filming, but I felt she looked a bit more normal towards the end of the season.

I had the same issue. I had a hard time with the first Lindsay episode just because she's almost unrecognizable. I think we're just getting used to it. I'm rewatching and it just doesn't bother me as much.

Edit: Nevermind. Just started Lindsay's first episode and there's a definite difference.
Enjoying it very much. Doing about 3 episodes a day/night.

Expecting to treat it as an 8 hour episode and let it play out before judging, but, so far, feels very good. Certainly will enter the rotation when I rewatch seasons and that's about all I can ask.


Reflecting on the show a day later, I think my only real complaint was that I was confused a bunch of times in regard to the timeline.
I kept forgetting what they were showing was representative of several years for many of the characters, but for others it was just a week or so.
Didn't make it less enjoyable - but would like to see someone online create a timeline of events. Sure it will happen.


beard: "hey there's a raccoon on the back porch"
tobias: "bullshit!"

the way he says this was fucking hilarious, i loved the entrap a local predator part.


Neo Member
really enjoying season 4 ! heres hoping they release a 1-4 blu-ray set

loved the part in episode 1 with the vulture outside the housing development
"thats not a good sign"


Been skipping around.

1, 2, 3, 7 have been watched.

7 starts a bit shaky but really gets going once the story hits. The writing is still not as tight but this was the definite highlight of the first 4 I've watched.

"I walked into the movie 45 minutes in, I don't really get the plot. This writing is terrible."
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