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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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You're nothing like Erigu.
Well, we apparently agree about Lost, but aside from that...

"George Maharis Arrested in Men's Room", Gay Scene, December 1974: "Famous Hollywood actor George Maharis was arrested November 21 and charged with committing a sex act with a hairdresser in the men's room of a gas station in Los Angeles... He was booked on a sex perversion charge along with Perfecto Telles, 33, the hairdresser, and released on $500 bail, according to police." An earlier guilty plea for a Hollywood lewd conduct arrest on 15 December 1967 with a male is also documented.
Well played. Well played.
I'm not quite yet done (halfway through the Maebe episode) but I feel this new format would have worked brilliantly if the writers had been more subtle (aka didn't spell everything out).

A perfect example is Johnny Bark:

In Lindsey's first episode, Marky says he got stung by bees, fell out of a tree, and died.

Later in the Gob episode, it shows Johnny working at Gob's bee farm, but never show the actual death

It's an awesome little a-ha for the astute viewer. Unfortunately, for most of the season, they explain the jokes/references, which doesn't let you feel clever or special for picking up on them.

I dunno, there were still PLENTY of jokes that weren't spelled out. I think as far as revealed punchlines, that was a pretty small one


I just finished episode 3 -- in a little surprised that it was the best one so far, because I always found Lindsey to be one of the least interesting characters.
Can we talk about Maebe's award speech? When I first heard it it sounded almost like that sorority girl's letter to her sisters but that was way too recent for that to be possible. What's the reference? Seriously, I feel like some of the lines were almost exactly the same!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Just finished. Started off slow, but it really picks up. Definitely different with the change in format, but overall I thought it was very well done and fits right in with the rest of the series.


Just realized that Gob thinking the Christian cross that foiled his trick is a T standing for Tony Wonder is a reference to Maeby saying that she needs to get one of those necklaces with a T on it when she decided to become a Christian.

And I like how we almost got a George Michael chicken dance, and that he thinks chickens go "block block". And that he has no idea who Lucille 2 is.

Also "I have the worst fucking Shaman" might be my favourite line from this season

Anyone else had Go Away Getaway stuck in their head all day?


Nose how to spell and rede to
Debris sucks. Stop shitting on my Tobias episodes!

No way! I thought she was nicely subtle compared to some of the more overt joking, and in comparison/contrast with Tobias.

I wish Maria had played a high-strung neurotic person instead of a depressed druggie. Her impressions of the former is much funnier, and I was hoping that would be her role.

I'm starting to come around on Kristen Wiig in this. She definitely studied the character, and the impression is pretty good. It just feels like a weird choice for both her and Seth Rogan. I kind of wish young George Sr. was a lesser known actor because it's kind of distracting to see them together.

Kristen wiig was PERFECT and pulled it off amazingly. As always, Rogen is the problem unless he's playing a straight Seth Rogen character (god love him)

I'm not quite yet done (halfway through the Maebe episode) but I feel this new format would have worked brilliantly if the writers had been more subtle (aka didn't spell everything out).

A perfect example is Johnny Bark:

In Lindsey's first episode, Marky says he got stung by bees, fell out of a tree, and died.

Later in the Gob episode, it shows Johnny working at Gob's bee farm, but never show the actual death

It's an awesome little a-ha for the astute viewer. Unfortunately, for most of the season, they explain the jokes/references, which doesn't let you feel clever or special for picking up on them.

I see where you're coming from, but I feel like the in jokes had adequately accumulated by the end. I think you might change your tune once you watch them again? (I know I missed a lot, even though I also feel like I caught a lot)

Edit: forgot the main reason I came in here. Are we ever going to get the OST with full versions of the songs or are they going to continue screwing us (s1 DVD doesn't have all the good songs on it)


I was hoping for a better payoff in the end. I tried really hard to appreciate the new format but a lot of what made the show so charming was lost. I think I'll like the season more after a rewatch but so far I found it mediocre.

What I hated the most was Michael's story with the signatures. I was excited with the idea from the first episode with Michael, previously the most successful Bluth, finally getting what he wants and separate from his family only to instead hit rock bottom. I found it discombobulating that the first episode ended on a downer only to have the next Michael episode to be him meeting Ron Howard. The signatures for the rights of a movie was too meta for me and was a poor plot device to get Michael to see his family. By the end, I didn't care for a movie.

I found the whole time jump discombobulating in general but I figure that's something rewatchs would solve.

Have they ever explained why Lucille's trial was in a seafood restaurant? I assumed it was the same restaurant that has the huge breakfast platter.

One last thought. I wished they didn't beat us over the head with running gags from the previous seasons and trusted the writing to carry the new season. The show is great because their humor is subtle. I'm looking forward to catching jokes I missed because initial impression didn't meet the standards.


Is Steve Holt wearing a fat suit or were the last few years not good to him?



Just finished watching and... I think it was a pretty good season. Even if it was different in it's structure, it definetely wasn't much worse than previous seasons. I'm sure I won't skip this season on my rewatch of this show. And I'm glad they decided to make whole-season major storyarcs, with jokes that pay-off a couple episodes later or even make them funny in another way.

But to be honest, I was confused with appeareance of Annyong. He shows up at the last second of one of the episodes, and then suddenly gets deported. What was he doing at that restaurant? Why exactly he was deported? Did he appeared in that episode earlier? Has he done something significant in the course of the season?

To be honest, I even briefly thought that Annyong = P-Hound, but that doesn't seem to be right...


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Have they ever explained why Lucille's trial was in a seafood restaurant? I assumed it was the same restaurant that has the huge breakfast platter.

Maritime law. Her trial is to be held at a seafood restaurant till happy hour.


Is Steve Holt wearing a fat suit or were the last few years not good to him?


They just fucked with his hair to make him look older. As someone mentioned several pages back, they always joked about his age since he got held back so many times, and that might be why.

But he has gained some weight over the years, which even begins being visible during Season 3.



"George Maharis Arrested in Men's Room", Gay Scene, December 1974: "Famous Hollywood actor George Maharis was arrested November 21 and charged with committing a sex act with a hairdresser in the men's room of a gas station in Los Angeles... He was booked on a sex perversion charge along with Perfecto Telles, 33, the hairdresser, and released on $500 bail, according to police." An earlier guilty plea for a Hollywood lewd conduct arrest on 15 December 1967 with a male is also documented.

Holy shit this is amazing.


Can we talk about Maebe's award speech? When I first heard it it sounded almost like that sorority girl's letter to her sisters but that was way too recent for that to be possible. What's the reference? Seriously, I feel like some of the lines were almost exactly the same!

She definitely says cunt punt. I guess they recorded that more recently, and stuck it in.


I'm not quite yet done (halfway through the Maebe episode) but I feel this new format would have worked brilliantly if the writers had been more subtle (aka didn't spell everything out).

A perfect example is Johnny Bark:

In Lindsey's first episode, Marky says he got stung by bees, fell out of a tree, and died.

Later in the Gob episode, it shows Johnny working at Gob's bee farm, but never show the actual death

It's an awesome little a-ha for the astute viewer. Unfortunately, for most of the season, they explain the jokes/references, which doesn't let you feel clever or special for picking up on them.

Bullshit. You just haven't found them yet.


I don't remember if they explicitly stated this in the show, but Lem's father is Gerard Depardieue and he was conceived on the LEM since the Howard family likes noting where they found/made things in their names haha

Edit: Double post, sorry!


I think it's pretty incredible how they got this format to work and how everything comes together in the end. There's a few great episodes after a dodgy start, I guess it's good that they released them all at once. I think it was incredibly ambitious and they more or less pulled it off. I just want more now though. Specifically more ensemble interaction. Needs more Tobias, or rather more Tobias interacting with the Bluths.
I agree Season 3>>Season 4, but the highs of Season 4>>>> Season 3

It's only the fact of how they had to film this season with green screens and such that drags season 4 below season 3. The plot, while very well interconnected also managed to not really go anywhere even though this could be the last season which kind of pissed me off. At least season 3 wrapped things up.

Tobias 1 and Gob 1,2 are definitely top 10 AD episodes and Gob 2 is top 3 material


Oh, COME ON! I was trying so hard to figure out where I recognized him from. Yet I can never place him! Don't forget Moe from the Three Stooges movie.

I said she's cute. As The Office proved in season 5, there's a difference between hot and cute.
I prefer cute.
Shiiiiiit. That's who he was. He was a GREAT Moe, too.


I didn't really like this season that much. Though, I surprised myself liking the the George Michael's episode out of all the other episodes.

"You're a bad mother."

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