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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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Seems like a silly question, but do they have plans for another season? I know it just came out yesterday, but I can't get enough of it. This was a great season, and I think they can really nail it for the next one.

Really seems like a movie next doesn't it, I mean considering one of the sub-plots and the last scene with Ron and Brian....


Really seems like a movie next doesn't it, I mean considering one of the sub-plots and the last scene with Ron and Brian....

Oh right, I assumed that was going to be a part of the show. Like making a movie within a show sorta thing. Or like the next season would take place after the movie was made, and we'd see the reaction to it.


It's more smart then funny at the moment, but that's just on the first watch. It's a shame they couldn't get all the cast for every episode though.


It's not "flat." He says that there's another forty because the flip-flop will cause a "flap." But yeah, it was a funny line.
Oh good! I heard it as flap the first time but ran it through my head so many times that flap didnt seem to make sense and I figured i had it wrong


The movie should be the making of a tv show in a movie of a tv show. And Jesse Eisenberg would play George Michael. I thought the Fakeblock thing was an intentional reference to Jesse Eisenberg and The Social Network.


For people complaining about the giant "HER" in the church during the wedding.

It stands for The Church of Holy Eternal Rapture.
I didn't care for this season that much. It just jumped around too much and nothing seemed flow. It had some funny moments, but I just wish they would organized the storylines better. I have so many questions after watching the season.
Oh right, I assumed that was going to be a part of the show. Like making a movie within a show sorta thing. Or like the next season would take place after the movie was made, and we'd see the reaction to it.
True, you never know, could be anything really. One of the best thing about these guys is not playing to a conventional structure!
I really think it's extraordinary how great this ended up being.

My biggest fear is that it would rest on its laurels and do little more than rehash old gags just to placate the diehard fans.

What we got was a fundamentally different show - a completely different structure with a substantial refocus on serial narrative.

That took balls. Satiny and smooth, probably.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Just re-watched the first episode. Probably one of the worst in the entire series. Pathetic Michael isn't funny.
For people complaining about the giant "HER" in the church during the wedding.

It stands for The Church of Holy Eternal Rapture.
It could have just been something in the background that might catch your eye. Instead they have it fill the entire screen for a long period of time.


I really think it's extraordinary how great this ended up being.

My biggest fear is that it would rest on its laurels and do little more than rehash old gags just to placate the diehard fans.

What we got was a fundamentally different show with a completely different structure and a far more substantial focus on serial narrative.

That took balls. Satiny and smooth, probably.

Yep. It's amazing.


They should have had Jesse Eisenberg just play George Michael whenever Cera was unavailable and not bring any attention to it. I feel like AD could get away with that.


Any chance Mark Cherrys song "Practice Kisses" is what his old manager would tell him they were doing when he would make Mark "do stuff" with him?


Hey Joe with a bee.

On the mirror, haha that's great. Could be just how he told them to pronounce his name, or that he has bees.
Like House of Cards, I'm assuming this will be eligible for the Emmys in the fall?

God, I'd love to see this retake Best Comedy after a decade off the throne.
I'm on episode 13 and my favorite line so far is still from episode 1 when Michael says to P. Hound
"Have you ever even been in a plane you piece of shit?"

It came out of nowhere and made me laugh so fucking hard.
One of my favorite parts, though it was kind of a small joke, was when Buster and Lucille arw watching a show and someone says "Hot Mess". Both of them seem to really like that name. Then a few episodes later they start calling each other a hot mess.

I don't know why I laughed so hard at that.
I think the GOB episodes were my favorite in that they felt like old AD episodes, although I do like the direction taken for this season after warming up to it. Tobias' had me dying laughing though.
I'm on episode 13 and my favorite line so far is still from episode 1 when Michael says to P. Hound
"Have you ever even been in a plane you piece of shit?"

It came out of nowhere and made me laugh so fucking hard.

Michael lost it so many amazing times. The way his accident descriptions so subtly dovetailed into him bitching out George Michael was so incredible.

"They'll probably find the body of the kid in his dad's lap with the stick in his hands but I guess that's what you get for trying to be a good dad."

Robot Pants

"Is there anyone you'd like us to contact in case of an emergency?"

"...... My dad."


"I'm sorry but we're gonna need an actual na-"
*next scene*
I still think they need to do a better job at getting the whole cast together if there's another tv season/movie, but my opinion of these episodes has really improved after the first few lukewarm episodes. Minus the cast issues, I do think this season did need some more time in the editing room, it's great that Netflix frees them from the 22 minute restriction but many scenes and episodes get a bit too long-winded.
Just got through it, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked the old structure better, with more characters per show, and more interaction between those characters. I felt like a couple of episodes were weaker because of it, with either a (would be) weaker B-plot taking the focus, or just less favored characters. Of course, some were better with a tight focus on a great plot for the duration.

I did find the chronology to be a bit confusing, as I had a hard time telling when one event happened relative to other characters until it actually showed them interacting in their respective story lines, which I suppose is why they did it. Overall, though, I'm quite happy with what we got, quite a few laugh out loud moments.

I feel like Buster really got short shrift, as he seemed to be neither seen nor heard until his (late) episode. But little things like George Michael having no idea who Lucille II was was also a pretty great moment.

As others have said, it did feel like a different show, and it also felt thoroughly unresolved. Still, I'm glad we got it, and I'm glad I enjoyed it, but where does it go from here? What is the measure of success for a Netflix show?

Oh, did the Steve Holt please cast me video thing have any effect? Or was he just trolling along with the show so we didn't know if he was coming back? And how long ago did they finish filming? Just curious if the Maeby Opies Lifetime Achievement scene was a reshoot or if they were going down the wire when they were making it.
Speaking of Michael. Making
George Michael tear up the check during his graduation party was fucked up.

Yeah Michael always had some shitty dad moments but I thought they went too far off the rocker with him this time, like the dorm stuff. Other then that I think they treated the characters very well.


I also can't believe this show got away with a daughter selling her mother off for prostitution and still made that daughter likeable.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Gah this thread moves so fast! Has the Homeland gag with Tobias and Love been discussed? That's probably the part where I lost it the most
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