Bitches love smiley faces
You shhh shhh shhh shhh.
What the hell happened to Maeby!?What the hell happened to Steve Holt!?
What the hell happened to Maeby!?
what was the hardest you laughed this season?
You shhh shhh shhh shhh.
fixedGob and Tony trying togaynormal-sex each other.
What the hell happened to Maeby!?
Hell nah. Maeby looks great.
Beautiful girl. Dirtiest mouth out of the family though. lol. Loved her F word screams when Lindsay came into the penthouse, and Gob and Michael at the Model House.
this season was also really dark. I wasn't prepared for that lol
Netflix hasnt released any numbers on how many people streamed the new season of Arrested Development, but CEO Reed Hastings said the show had met his hopes, and that the company would be willing to commission more episodes, if the talent was willing.
Which is funny, because before the new season popped up, they pretty much said this is the only season they're funding.
Money talks and all that, though.
Which makes no sense giving how unfinished it is with the current ending. This entire season felt like it was all buildup for a payoff that never happens.
Which makes no sense giving how unfinished it is with the current ending. This entire season felt like it was all buildup for a payoff that never happens.
so much narration
narrating every single detail and action
Let the actors breathe, Hurwitz. Jesus.
My only big complaint. The season's really picking up now.
Dear Netflix, make a season 5 happen.
I would even fund a kick starter for it...
Definitely the tumbleweed. Reminds me of when Tobias slipped on the vodka which was absolutely, hands down, my favorite physical comedy fall in tv history.what was the hardest you laughed this season?
Gob's trick killed me. and the whole To Catch a Predator bit
maybe it's because he's always been my favorite character but I feel like Gob was the stand out this season
New season was great, maybe 4 episodes I didn't like but I bet I will enjoy them after multiple views just like the other seasons, I want more!
Just finished. Without a doubt, this is one of the most impressive comedy pieces I've ever seen - if only from a technical standpoint. It's a show that really couldn't exist anywhere else than Netflix. Stories weave and intertwine with multiple layers that reveal themselves over time, yet the writing always shines through.
a 72 on Metacritic?
I don't see how you could not bee happy with this season. aside from the first few episodes it felt exactly like the first 3 seasons. I guess some people had unrealistic expectations. I mean it's been 6 years off air, it's not going to identical.
Fixed. That third "getaway" is a different kind of getaway. In that they're telling "Getaway", GOB's nickname, to get away. "Getaway" refers to someone who drives the car. "Get away" refers to telling someone to get the fuck away from us. So they're saying "Get away, Getaway." Or "Get away, GOB."Why don't you go away!
Stay away!
Get away!
You're Hopelessly Hopppppelessssssss!
Also, maybe it's just me but this season really killed all my interest in all the characters but George Michael and Maebe.
I think my big mistake was watching all the episodes in one day. It felt really bloated at times.
Still good though, but considering all the hype it got, how it was supposed to revolutionary, blah blah blah....eh House of Cards was better.
Also, maybe it's just me but this season really killed all my interest in all the characters but George Michael and Maebe.
It IS revolutionary. Please tell me one other show that could possibly do what they did with this season. There is not a chance in hell the format they chose to tell the story in would work on a normal TV schedule, what they did with green screens to work around the actors' schedules has never been done before. People might not like the format compared to the first 3 seasons but to suggest what they did to make this season happen was nothing special is ridiculous.
I agree with your post, except for the bolded part. I understand the green screen effects were a necessity and that they couldn't simply rewrite the plot all the time to account for actor avaialability, but it was so badly used that it made a lot of the episodes feel very cheap. They did the same thing in Star Trek and the most recent Doctor Who episode. It's better there because those shows are already very special effect-heavy so you don't notice it so much, but it always feels like such an outdated technique to me. It reminded me of a joke on one of the Monty Python dvd's (I think it was Holy Grail, but I could be mistaken). The fans were constantly asking for a Python reunion, and the Pythons played up the animosity between each other for laughs, and as an excuse for not doing the reunion. After getting sick of being asked about a possible reunion all the time, they did one as a dvd-special, but they're all green screened into the same scene, and they're just standing there for 10 minutes. The green screen effects are bad on purpose, but the worst thing is that the effects in AD didn't look that much better. The worst scenes were definitely the two Lucille's in the courtroom (I think that was the scene at least), George sr and Oscar in the sweat lodge in the desert and the scene with Winkler in his captain outfit. Horrible stuff. The overdubbing was even worse. Some actors were better at making it feel natural than others (Tobias was probably the worst), but it bugged the hell out of me.
Sorry for that angry rant. I'm mad at the show, not you. Carry on!
From the transcript...I loved the season besides the first couple of episodes that are probably gonna be much more funny on rewatch but i do have a couple of complaints:
I can understand Michael becoming a giant asshole after all that happened to him, but why Lucille Austero and Sally Sitwell? They were always portrayed as good people, especially compared to the Bluths.
Also George Michael did know who Lucille Austero was, Buster told him in Pier Pressure.
Buster: Oh! So I thought maybe you could help me get some weed. Its not for me. Its for Lucille 2, my girlfriend.
George Michael: Shes your girlfriend? Dad said you were her nurse.
Regarding all the 'What happened to Steve Holt' comments.
Look back at 'The Immaculate Election'. On the 'On the next Arrested Development' section 'Steve Holt finally tracks down his real father'
"Wow, Is that's what's gonna happen to my hair?
Can someone screencap some of the more glaring greenscreen moments? I'm usually allergic to compositing, but for whatever reason the only "eurgh" moment I've noticed so far is the sweat lodge.
Oh yeah, and some of the stuff in Ron Howard's office too.