Princess Carl
Tbh, I didn't even notice the green screening lol.
I didn't even know there was green-screening before this thread.
Tbh, I didn't even notice the green screening lol.
I didn't notice any of the green screening besides Oscar and George Sr. being in the same scene.
They had to sit opposite each other otherwise it'd look bad![]()
I've got to say it's pretty genius of them to create a show that will require multiple rewatches to really understand the story. I wonder if that was just where they wanted to go with it, or if netflix had some input.
a 72 on Metacritic?
I don't see how you could not bee happy with this season. aside from the first few episodes it felt exactly like the first 3 seasons. I guess some people had unrealistic expectations. I mean it's been 6 years off air, it's not going to identical.
a 72 on Metacritic?
I don't see how you could not bee happy with this season. aside from the first few episodes it felt exactly like the first 3 seasons. I guess some people had unrealistic expectations. I mean it's been 6 years off air, it's not going to identical.
It was really disappointing they couldn't get George Sr. and Oscar's actors together for their scenes, the green screen was really obvious.
AD S4 on Netflix is available in HD right? Because for me it's not.
a 72 on Metacritic?
I don't see how you could not bee happy with this season. aside from the first few episodes it felt exactly like the first 3 seasons. I guess some people had unrealistic expectations. I mean it's been 6 years off air, it's not going to identical.
What do you mean?
It doesn't look HD to me when watching it via PC.
Some of the reviews were by critics who DIDN'T EVEN FINISH THE SEASON.
It's absurd.
As long as they disclose how much they watched why should critics have to watch the entire season to review it?
The drones are coming. Nothing matters now.
If it's not identical it's not going to be as good.
Arrested Development wasn't good because of an intricate story that plays out over 15 episodes. It was great because of the fantastic dialogue, editing and character interactions. Yet over the last decade or so the show has been diluted to "that show you rewatch to catch things" by fans, which has resulted in this ridiculous season where the enjoyment is supposed to come from "catching" things rather than it just being funny. A 72 is generous.
It doesn't look HD to me when watching it via PC.
If it's not identical it's not going to be as good.
Arrested Development wasn't good because of an intricate story that plays out over 15 episodes. It was great because of the fantastic dialogue, editing and character interactions. Yet over the last decade or so the show has been diluted to "that show you rewatch to catch things" by fans, which has resulted in this ridiculous season where the enjoyment is supposed to come from "catching" things rather than it just being funny. A 72 is generous.
When I watched, it didn't even have the HD icon to let you know if you were viewing it in HD or not. I'm guessing they didn't put the HD episodes up on pc yet?
All those things (minus editing--some scenes were clearly just too long) are still in season 4. What are you talking about.
On the positive side: I loved Meaby's episode. It's easily my favorite episode of the bunch, which really surprised me. George Michael's episodes were really good too. Watching that story unravel and having some scenes that can be interpreted in three different ways depending on the information you have was mindblowing. Just so many good moments in his episodes - his Spanish adventures, his almost-chicken dance, the fact that he doesn't know Lucille 2, his entire Facebook story, the FakeBlock party and the reveal why everyone was actually happy to have him there later... Man, so good. Maybe it's because it's easier to accept that the actors have changed with the kids, but their episodes worked far better for me than any of the others. The other episodes are growing on me too - they're definitely funnier if you know what happens later on. This entire thing wasn't 100% succesful, but it wasn't a failed experiment either. It took serious balls to make an experimental piece like this, build on a show that's so beloved/overquoted/overanalyzed. I hope they make more experimenal tv like this in the future. I don't really care if it's Arrested Development or not though.
Henry winklers scene with the family after Lucielle pilots the Queen Mary back to shore and is arrested looked like a green screen to me. He's wearing some kind of sailor costume.
Fuck me. I was wondering why you guys were talking about a punch then realised the AD I thought I'd finished a couple of days ago was only 14 episodes long.
Welp, free episode.
The cheap compositing came off more as a joke than anything else. Something I wouldn't put past this show to do.
That's a strange line of thinking. If it's not identical it's different, that doesn't mean better or worse.
You're just speaking for yourself, please don't speak for other fans. I liked the show for lots of reasons. I've found the new season to be very funny, and it has some of my favorite moments ever in the series. All those things you mention are still why I enjoy season 4, plus it has that puzzle aspect to of putting together pieces. It's an amazing thing to me.
Thanks for this, it's pretty damn amazing.Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but here's an interactive compendium of every joke in the show:
George does say to Oscar at one point, "Sit over here, I don't want it to look bad."
Entertainment Weekly said:The Bluth family may be back for another ride in the stair car.
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings told CNBC this morning that the company would be interested in commissioning more episodes of Arrested Development if the talent was willing. Hastings stressed that commissioning more Arrested really came down to cast availability — a problem that held up the fourth season of the cult favorite as well. If the cast is able to get together again, it’ll be interesting to see what form the next chapter of Arrested takes, as the fourth season of the show seemed to set up a long-rumored movie (as opposed to more episodic television).
Hastings declined to release the exact numbers of how many people have streamed the show since its debut Sunday, simply saying, “It’s been huge, just as we had hoped.” He elaborated that they aren’t yet releasing numbers because “Netflix is about being able to watch when you want … So we’re really not focused on the day-one ratings, it’s really over the first year.”
The first time you see it, the show makes you think it's still just a parody of the Facebook-movie, with George Michael as the cool guy and a group of employees insanely happy to be near him. Later you learn that George Michael is living in Sudden Valley at that point, among a collection of sex offenders. And the show keeps making references to the fact that George Michael still looks 16... Gives a whole new meaning to the shirtless basketball-game.
Loved it when that penny dropped.
This (and some of the shots of George/Oscar) are the only really bad green screen shots imo.
The scene in the apartment where all the family is together is pretty bad too. Not as bad as that scene though. The Barry scene is TERRIBLE. Looks like a joke.
Didn't see this posted, but EW posted this up at 11A EST: