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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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Holy crap wait. I was rewatching this clip, and in all honesty other than a callback I don't see the relevancy of GOB freaking out about the woman having a five-year old. Is that woman Ann's mother since Ann has a five-year old? Probably not, since there's a big time difference and she would've noticed GOB was her daughter's runaway bride, but then again maybe that's how they know each other? So yeah, I'm confused.

Mrs. Veal is quite attractive and would have been hard to miss in that scene:


Unconfirmed Member
"Who do you think you're meeting here?"
"My daughter... Maebe..."

Probably the best scene of the entire season.


Just re-started the first season and noticed the first time they introduce Maebe the narrator says:

"This is George Michael's cousin... Maybe/Maebe"



Just re-started the first season and noticed the first time they introduce Maebe the narrator says:

"This is George Michael's cousin... Maybe/Maebe"


Pretty sure that was the whole point of her name however lol
Edit: Unless you're being sarcastic and I'm just an idiot. :(


finished it just now, i really enjoyed the last few episodes as everything started to clicks. I really need to watch it again


Is that the same "Jacqueline" taking care of both Ann and Rebel's children? A bit weird how they seem to go out of their way to mention her in the last episode...


Just re-started the first season and noticed the first time they introduce Maebe the narrator says:

"This is George Michael's cousin... Maybe/Maebe"


I didn't put it together until my first rewatch but yeah, that had to have been planned.


Okay so I'm gonna voice one thing that bothered me about the season:

Everybody looked different!

But it's not the people you think! Maeby, Lindsay, even GM didn't bother me that much. What bothered me was Tobias, George Sr and Oscar, Lucille, and even Michael a little.

I think one factor is the fact that they had to play themselves from 6 years ago.

Lindsay's looking different as younger her I can ignore and attribute to a wig, plus as long as she's skinny and hot those are the two main features of her personality, let alone her appearance. So that didn't bother me.

Maeby looked a little weird, but she's always been "mature" for her age (if that's what you would call her devious personality), plus she doesn't get a ton of screen time in s1-3, so it's an easier pill to swallow.

GM also, maybe with him and Maeby it's because it's easier to buy young characters looking more different as they mature. Also, I feel like they intentionally tried to avoid showing Ceras beak when he was playing younger him, which is the most striking difference in his appearance.

Who did bother me? (and I'm going to sound so shallow and judgmental lol)

Tobias. David Cross gained weight. I wouldn't mind, but it's so obvious in the first chronological scene in the police station, my brain just wants to think "time has passed." if it weren't for that scene I might not have noticed, but... I'm used to seeing Tobias half naked and blue so I'm going to notice when he looks different :(

George Sr and Oscar. Their switch was a great plot twist but it also was visually confusing. And the turkey neck. It was always there, but it's more noticeable now, to the point that, again, my brain wants to think that more time has passed

Lucille. Jessica Walters finally looks old in some scenes, and that makes it a lot harder to take her as the sexy evil hard ass matriarch from the first three seasons. I know her character ended up heading in a lighter direction, but it made it harder to buy some of the scenes of her being classic Lucille earlier on.

Finally Michael. Most of the time he looked like normal Michael, but every now and then you'd catch a glimpse that made you realize he's aged just as much. And that made the Rebel plot a tad strange at some points? (I dig the weirdness, I mean it made it teeter on the edge of unbelievability. I think they pulled it off totally, but it was still a fine line they were playing with)

So there you go!

Don't mean to be superficial, I think all the actors look great and did a great job and I loved the season, it's just some of the visual inconsistencies. I've always been amazed how the slightest changes in appearance can do a lot to change your perception of a character in long-running things like AD (see XFiles, 24, Seinfeld, 30 Rock, the Office, etc)

What do you think?

(again not trying to be judgmental, just trying to note how the small visual differences can make a difference in your overall perception)

I just watched so I'm sure I'm late but I don't really understand this complaint. With the exception of only a small handful of scenes, they're not playing themselves from 6 years ago, all that time has passed in the show


Some of the scenes that are supposed to take place right at the end of season 3 are pretty hilarious since it is surrounded by footage from the S3 finale and then you see George Michael looking completely different seconds later on the same day. Or Lindsay's old face and new face about a minute apart. And Micheal having pretty vastly different hair. That threw me off the most. I was surprised they didn't give him a wig to match the hair up a bit.


Death Prophet
"Who do you think you're meeting here?"
"My daughter... Maebe..."

Probably the best scene of the entire season.

I had to have it pointed out by GAF. Yeah pretty mind blowing when you realize it. :p

"Who do you think you're meeting here?"
"My daughter... Maebe..."

Probably the best scene of the entire season.

I also liked when he said something like "... I want to say she's 19. But I like to believe she's still 15."
Hahahahaha, re-watched both the Gob episodes, god they are so good.

When they fucking find him in the trailer on the hoarders like show, and he's still tied up and eating twizzlers, and he starts hissing at them, hahahaha. Then the checklist reads, "feral jesus" hahaha.


So I wasn't really sure about this format, but you know, having watched it all, I really liked this season. It was pretty great, actually. A few duds here and there, but overall quite awesome.


So I wasn't really sure about this format, but you know, having watched it all, I really liked this season. It was pretty great, actually. A few duds here and there, but overall quite awesome.

It was linked here earlier, but someone on Reddit re-edited season 4 to be chronological to how it all played out.

I've seen brief bits of episode 1, and it's pretty interesting. The person edited everything with what's available, so it may not flow as smoothly. Episode 1 immediately kicks off with the GOB flashback, for instance.


Holy crap wait. I was rewatching this clip, and in all honesty other than a callback I don't see the relevancy of GOB freaking out about the woman having a five-year old. Is that woman Ann's mother since Ann has a five-year old? Probably not, since there's a big time difference and she would've noticed GOB was her daughter's runaway bride, but then again maybe that's how they know each other? So yeah, I'm confused.
It's just a standard "oh, you have kids?" reaction.


poop meter feature creep
Holy crap wait. I was rewatching this clip, and in all honesty other than a callback I don't see the relevancy of GOB freaking out about the woman having a five-year old. Is that woman Ann's mother since Ann has a five-year old? Probably not, since there's a big time difference and she would've noticed GOB was her daughter's runaway bride, but then again maybe that's how they know each other? So yeah, I'm confused.

Maybe it just reminded him of Ann, who he obviously forgot about. And maybe for a second he thought it might be his.
I feel ashamed, but only today after writing her name in a UI mockup did I realize that Ann Veal sounds like Anvil. Low center of gravity, can't knock her over, has lots of mass. Way to plant.


I feel ashamed, but only today after writing her name in a UI mockup did I realize that Ann Veal sounds like Anvil. Low center of gravity, can't knock her over, has lots of mass. Way to plant.

I think we all feel ashame. My gawd, these writers are brilliant.
Looks like we could be getting a few Bonus Features on Netflix at some point for AD S4.

"• He approves of fans who have decided to re-edit the show and/or re-arrange the action in chronological order. “I love it. It’s like sampling, you know?…. The fact that they still have ways in which to play with it and to dig it apart and to enjoy it, that’s really great. I kind of even like it when people are critical of it – I say ‘kind of’ cautiously — because it’s like, ‘Oh good, they’re enjoying being critical of it. Anything to create a little joy out there.’” Hurwitz hinted that if he ever did an alternate edit of the season, it would look different than a fan edit because it would include new voiceovers and extra footage: “We have a lot of material that we’re planning on putting out on Netflix at a later time, probably, to tie in there.”"

I want this.

BTW is Netflix planing on releasing this on BluRay at some point?
BTW is Netflix planing on releasing this on BluRay at some point?

Yes, House of Cards is on DVD and Blu, and I do recall seeing an article saying they will eventually be coming,

Mitch has been killing it lately. Anyone watch the behind the scenes with the Contest Walk on Winners?

So that site with AD ringtones was updated with getaway!

Very nice, but I want Fantastic Four to show up sometime!


I rewatched episode 11. So good. It was season 1-3 tier of good. I'm actually gonna say S4 was worth it for that episode alone.

Would've killed for more Gob episodes.

Sadly when I do a rewatch I'm only gonna watch half of season 4. Lindsay's 37 minute episode is the worst ever.


AD's 20 most meta meta-moments.

Season Three, Episode Eleven
Justine Bateman, Jason Bateman's real sister, guest stars as Nellie, a prostitute Michael thinks is his own long-lost sister. (The episode is titled "Family Ties," a nod to Justine's old sitcom.) The episode ends with Michael saying to her: "Marry me! That is weird on so many levels."

I honestly didn't know most of these references.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
BTW is Netflix planing on releasing this on BluRay at some point?

I think it'd be Fox TV or whatever division it is, but yeah. I don't believe any of these deals preclude the production companies from doing home video releases.
Rewatching the first/pilot episode, it is really jarring how much Michael has changed in the first episodes of the new season. No, not physically, but his demeanor. He was the one who "kept them together" and he's just so wacky and gross this season. Also, I miss his bonding moments with Lindsay (I don't think the dinner with the politician counts).

It makes sense later on, but it is so strange initially that it is hard to get into the season.


I feel ashamed, but only today after writing her name in a UI mockup did I realize that Ann Veal sounds like Anvil. Low center of gravity, can't knock her over, has lots of mass. Way to plant.

It's been about 10 years since she's been introduced, and I've never noticed anyone mention this. Incredible.
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