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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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The Light

Sara stuff just seemed shoved into the episode. It was odd how she was just there to go out in the field and kill. These set up episodes for LoT have not really worked.
The ep was okay for what it was which was a semi relationship ep.
Good that they also sort it out in the one ep alone .
Also it was great seeing oliver and dig being drinking buddies again .


the episode was fine

y'all are on some Bitch Eating Crackers level of complaints about Felicity at this point


the episode was fine

y'all are on some Bitch Eating Crackers level of complaints about Felicity at this point

This episode was obvious pandering to tumblr fans, needless drama, tried to juggle too many plots in Sara, Ray and the flashbacks. It felt like a collection of scenes.
And don't even me started on mama Smoak and Lance.
This episode was obvious pandering to tumblr fans, needless drama, tried to juggle too many plots in Sara, Ray and the flashbacks. It felt like a collection of scenes.
And don't even me started on mama Smoak and Lance.

Truth is the drama was not that bad even it seem force somewhat .
Also it nice to see how laid back oliver has become .
Man has done a 180 compare to first 3 seasons characters wise in almost every way .

But yeah to much things happen in this ep .
Should have gave the sara part more room or a ep it's self .


#407 "Brotherhood" Promo - spoiler tag the big spoiler!

Today's episode was a step down tbh. Not awful or anything but it tried to hit too many character beats - like last week - and they all sort of fell flat. Sara got shafted again, I guess they can deal with her emotional state on Legends so they just gave her the requisite few scenes. I like Felicity as long as she's not crying. Her code name shenanigans were fun.

Was great to see Ray again. After eighth months in miniature hell, he returned with only one goal. To show Oliver that it doesn't mean you have to get all dark and mopey about it.

And the drinking scene with Dig and Oliver. We needed one of those.

Who else was scared the stinger would be Donna seeing a picture of Damien and going "oh that's your father"? Thankfully we know what the big secret for next week is now phew.


One way or another Lance is going to end up Ollies father in law.

Episode was cluttered.

Still miss when team arrow was just Ollie/Felicity/Dig.

I like Thea but her and Laurel add nothing.


If they broke in at Ted Kord Industry..wouldnt the news or media play something like the green arrow breaking in? It when unnoticed.
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