Sony are fucking up.
They are continuing to fuck up, their lack of clear communication, piss poor clarification over features and functions of the platform, to their lack of urgency when you realise we're so close to the console's launch and we've seen next to nothing.
Clown on Xbox for their no Exclusives and that dreadful live event, god knows I have, but they are at least trying something and have outdone Sony in every way so far with their marketing.
It could be desperation on their part to get as ahead of Sony as possible, and Sony really only need to reveal a few select Exclusives and all their mistakes will be forgotten, but we can't deny how well Xbox have handled this promotion battle so far.
From influencer media open days, to many articles clarifying the most minute of features, they've done so much to show their fanbase what they're doing and how they're doing it.
Sony we've had a few so so Wired articles, a fucking logo reveal, a controller reveal (which was only due to fears of it leaking beforehand), and a long talk that was promoted for the completely wrong crowd when Sony should have done more beforehand to clarify it was a developer centric conference.
Now we've had their rightful (albeit deceitful) postponement of the first event where it felt like Sony were starting to do the right thing.
I'm not saying Postponing it was a bad decision as I fully believe in the riots and protests and stand for getting justice for George Floyd. But Sony don't care about that one bit, they're doing that to save face in the PR department and as they know they won't get as many views during this time. It's a selfish business decision wrapped up as a humane action for the better of society.
The problem with this? A lack of communication to the fans, who are quite rightly pissed and left wondering what is next, we're having to delve into the shit storm known as 4Chan to find any news of what's next and that shouldn't be the case.
I'm sure Sony can and probably will bounce back, but they shouldn't be excused for how poorly they've handled this so far.
Who do I blame? Jim Ryan.
Let me know if you agree or disagree below. And let's try and keep it civil!