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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

If I made an "American Interest Club" in China for myself and a bunch of other Chinese people, and we decided to throw a "Country Fair" party where we put on fatsuits and ate deepfried food... and ran around with fake guns going "BANG BANG YOU'RE DEAD FREEEEEDOMMMMMMM" I can see where it would be weird, wrong, and offensive to some people.

Fuck...I guess there goes my weekend party plans...


Now all I can think about is whether or not a fatsuit would actually be beneficial in blocking some of the pain of getting shot with a paintball gun T___T

People say layers helps but layers have never helped ME. The bruises I got were never worth it...

I feel like Master Chief was dressed ideally for paintball. Maybe a Master Chief costume would be just the ticket.



I think Rooster is being sarcastic, haha.

& to address your post Zoe, that's... not the issue. The reason why it's funny is because there's an actual group of Japanese Americans that get to exist in the same realm as a group of people that are turning their culture into an identity.

Also, culture clubs are not about doing culture-specific things with people with common interests. It's about doing culture specific things with people clearly not in that culture (at least, when there is both a Nihon Club and a Japanese Interest Club).

When the Japanese Interest Club considers themselves sisters of the Anime Club, and the Anime Club is throwing a "Maid Cafe" party, it seems pretty clear that there may be some weeaboo fetishization and "lolololol Japanese people mirite" going on. I'm not sure if you really don't understand why the actual Nihon Club, and other people, may look at this askance.

If I made an "American Interest Club" in China for myself and a bunch of other Chinese people, and we decided to throw a "Country Fair" party where we put on fatsuits and ate deepfried food... and ran around with fake guns going "BANG BANG YOU'RE DEAD FREEEEEDOMMMMMMM" I can see where it would be weird, wrong, and offensive to some people.

Guess the culture clubs around here are just different then.

We have both kinds of groups at the university and city level that coexist just fine. The university club has done the maid cafe thing before (driven by the girls who love to cosplay), and this year's big push has been dressing up in kimonos (thanks to a community member who left behind several kimonos after her death). All of the large events thrown by the university club have similar content to the ones thrown by the city-wide organization run by Japanese expats, and those actively involved in the ethnic groups usually show up to the culture events.

Of course there are going to be some creeps that attend these things (we get those within the ethnic events too), but I wouldn't label any of the events around here as coming from the wrong place.
I think Rooster is being sarcastic, haha.

& to address your post Zoe, that's... not the issue. The reason why it's funny is because there's an actual group of Japanese Americans that get to exist in the same realm as a group of people that are turning their culture into an identity.

Also, culture clubs are not about doing culture-specific things with people with common interests. It's about doing culture specific things with people clearly not in that culture (at least, when there is both a Nihon Club and a Japanese Interest Club).

When the Japanese Interest Club considers themselves sisters of the Anime Club, and the Anime Club is throwing a "Maid Cafe" party, it seems pretty clear that there may be some weeaboo fetishization and "lolololol Japanese people mirite" going on. I'm not sure if you really don't understand why the actual Nihon Club, and other people, may look at this askance.

If I made an "American Interest Club" in China for myself and a bunch of other Chinese people, and we decided to throw a "Country Fair" party where we put on fatsuits and ate deepfried food... and ran around with fake guns going "BANG BANG YOU'RE DEAD FREEEEEDOMMMMMMM" I can see where it would be weird, wrong, and offensive to some people.

Wait so the Japanese Interest Club is separate from the Anime Club so what does the Japanese interest club do as I'm assuming it's not calligraphy,Kendo, origami ,tea ceremony ,Specific Holiday celebrations and stuff an actual culture club would do so is it abased on pop culture stuff like Jpop or something like?

Anyways with the Maid Cafe I'm going to assume it's innocuous enough as it's most likely being done with the the logic that School Based anime always seems to throw either an Maid Cafe or a Butler Cafe at least once. Admittedly you made it sound like it only bothered you after talking to one of the member so I don't know what he actually told you which caused you to believe their could be a racist implication to it.
You know.... I can say alot but most of what I say will come off as the Angry Asian Man (fuck you reddit, your shit is fucking toxic) and ignorant.

But yes, that thread is at least better than many other threads before it when I was a lurker.


FGC Waterboy
The worst part of taking a shower is leaving the shower.


People really do get defensive when Asians decide to defend themselves don't they.

They think they're the Rock - we're supposed to know our roles and shut our mouths. :p


Now all I can think about is whether or not a fatsuit would actually be beneficial in blocking some of the pain of getting shot with a paintball gun T___T

People say layers helps but layers have never helped ME. The bruises I got were never worth it...

It hilariously does. However, it also increases the chance you get shot repeatedly. So there is THAT problem.
Watch for that sky-anchor baby thread, guys. Don't get banned!

Also, I see that one of you guys is posting pics of pastries on Facebook that you already took a bite out of.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Lord, the anime club at my school is having a "Maid Cafe" as their Halloween party.

I found this out today when I was talking to a guy in both the anime club and the game club.

................................... my god my skin is crawling. Something about that is megacringe to me.

Then again, a bunch of 20 year old weeaboos.... I guess it's to be expected?

*edit: Just remembered something amusing. I was remarking to one of my nonAsian friends how funny it is our school has both a Nihon Club and a "Japanese Interest Club." The Nihon club, of course, is filled with actual Japanese Americans, whereas the Japanese Club is... well, you can imagine. They're the same kind of people that want to throw a Maid Cafe party.

First words out of my friend's mouth- "Why? Are the Japanese like, racist or something?"

............... uh, what about perhaps they don't want to be associated with a group of people fetishizing their culture and ethnicity?

(No, that's not what I said. I just laughed and shrugged when it was obvious this kid was NOT going to understand the dynamics/politics.) I mean, I get there's a problem in Japan with the concept of a gaijin, but that's entirely not the point :x.

You know, I went a birthday party a couple months ago that really surprised me. Most of the people there were Asian, but they were also mostly weaboos, too. There were a bunch of Asian girls dressed as maids and I was thinking to my self "this is what all those geeks fantasize about, and somehow it's actually happening here."

There was also a girl dress in the same outfit as Mrs. Kensington and Vanessa Kensingon from the first Austin Powers movie. I asked her if that's what she was dressed as and she gave me a dirty look and said she didn't know who that was. She avoided me the rest of the night, I'm assuming she must have thought that Vanessa Kensington was a porn actress and I was being a creep :(
At Benihanas. I don't think I'll post pictures. I did take some pictures of the winery and liquor store in the Mall of America though. On mobile so I'll upload later folks.
How have you all been? I try to peek in here when I can.

Been doing great; my Mandarin Class has it's second mid-term (Yes we have two mid-terms a semester neither actually in the exact middle of the semester) which I will need to practice my pinyin tones . It's funny how different this is from Japanese which is like ignore Romaji like the plague after a day of looking at it ; Mandarin is like no, you need to study the pinyin as well the character as you have to know the tones marks.


Don't know if I want to read the whole thread, but let me guess (and you can correct me):

-People not understanding the historical context of blackface
-People not understanding the current racial climate re: african-americans in america right now
-Well I was gonna type more but I think the previous point sorta just covers everything.

Did I miss anything?


Don't know if I want to read the whole thread, but let me guess (and you can correct me):

-People not understanding the historical context of blackface
-People not understanding the current racial climate re: african-americans in america right now
-Well I was gonna type more but I think the previous point sorta just covers everything.

Did I miss anything?

That about covers it. Well, I'd say not understanding/being willfully ignorant.

This was probably the cherry on top, though:

Serious question: at some point, will black people let it go? Maybe 300 years from now?

Asian people were brought here and exploited as slaves to build America's railways and as slave labor in gold mines.

There has been a history of yellow-face (e.g. The King and I) as well not to mention the continued white-washing of Asian roles in movies (e.g. Avatar, GITS, etc.) Asians generally continue to be portrayed as feminine, nerdy; they are rarely featured outside of martial arts films.

I'm not salty about it at all. My sister isn't. My mom isn't. I dunno, at some level, you gotta just it go.

Americans mocked Japanese people during WWII, rounded Japanese Americans up and put them in a camp, dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. The Japanese don't seem that salty about it.

Even if you look at China and Japan and the atrocities carried out during WWII including the Rape of Nanjing. Despite all of that, China is Japan's largest trading partner. At some point, you just gotta let it go, IMO.

Extra points for trying to turn it into black people vs. Asian people.


Asian gaf, first post in here. Signing in from the motherland China. Here for the next 2 weeks with my moms.

Following this Chinese tour of Shanghai and places within 3-5 hours sponsored by China (great for moms not so fun for me.) feeling so banana since my madarin is terrible. I'm guessing I'll feel more at home in Guangzhou, toisan when I can actually interact on my own.

Surreal experience and not knowing what to do expect. Lol


Asian gaf, first post in here. Signing in from the motherland China. Here for the next 2 weeks with my moms.

Following this Chinese tour of Shanghai and places within 3-5 hours sponsored by China (great for moms not so fun for me.) feeling so banana since my madarin is terrible. I'm guessing I'll feel more at home in Guangzhou, toisan when I can actually interact on my own.

Surreal experience and not knowing what to do expect. Lol

Post food pictures.
More dangerous than The Purge.

Which, incidentally, was a scare zone at HHN this year!

We went this past weekend, and IT WAS SO FUN. I also lost my voice screaming. The mazes were amazing. My partner was wonderful. He served as our first line of defense... so there's this one dude with three chicks clinging onto him for dear life in a dark, narrow area. I guess it could be worse :p

If any of y'all are in so-cal, I highly recommend you check it out. Get Front Of the Line too, it's totally worth it.
Meanwhile, Mickey's Halloween Party was pretty weak this year. It's so crowded now that it's basically just like going to the park normally now. And the candy lines, at least early in the evening, are like Space Mountain lines.


More dangerous than The Purge.

Which, incidentally, was a scare zone at HHN this year!

We went this past weekend, and IT WAS SO FUN. I also lost my voice screaming. The mazes were amazing. My partner was wonderful. He served as our first line of defense... so there's this one dude with three chicks clinging onto him for dear life in a dark, narrow area. I guess it could be worse :p

If any of y'all are in so-cal, I highly recommend you check it out. Get Front Of the Line too, it's totally worth it.

When we went, nearly every line for each maze was 10 minutes and under so we didn't end up using our front of the line passes on the first runs. Scare-wise, Insidious and Crimson Peak were my favorite mazes. Design-wise I liked This is the End just because of the trippy paint and attention to detail (fricken Michael Cera impaled on a street lamp outside the maze). We just went back to everything later when the lines got a little longer and used them then. Did you have time to watch the Jabbawockeez show?

With HHN and Knotts out of the way, my October is pretty much done since no one's having a costume party this year and I don't feel like throwing my own so I didn't put the effort in to find a new costume because I didn't want to go as Ash Ketchum again. I still have horror movies to watch though. Speaking of which I saw the latest Paranormal Activity. For a last installment I still have a lot of questions, and the ending was pretty meh.


FGC Waterboy
Don't know if I want to read the whole thread, but let me guess (and you can correct me):

-People not understanding the historical context of blackface
-People not understanding the current racial climate re: african-americans in america right now
-Well I was gonna type more but I think the previous point sorta just covers everything.

Did I miss anything?

We'd have to care about and understand others in order to make sense of why blackface is a big no-no currently (Maybe in 100-200 years its OK...not now). That ain't happening. We like our self-selected bubbles.

The best part is watching Americans lose their minds about how blackface still exists and how bad the US is compared to the rest of the world, and then heading to India and liberally seeing blackface / yellowface / whiteface halloween make up. Man, the fact the US even has discussions about this shit puts it basically miles ahead of most other cultures IMO. I've seriously debated posting some of the pictures I have from various African nations of whiteface / yellowface / brownface make up being sold in stores. (South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt) But I'm afraid it would break GAF.

But it does serve a reminder as to how similar we all are, ultimately, and what we always tend to think are local problems are often found everywhere else in the world.

About that diversity thread...gonna just post my rant here because I don't want to spark a war in the thread.


This is why I roll my eyes whenever people lose their mind over "there aren't enough XYZ type of superheroes in movies" or "this small subgroup isn't perfectly representative, ergo it is some -ist", or "why aren't there black people in the Polish mythology based RPG game set in medieval times?" (Witcher 3 for the uninitiated)

That bullshit are the SYMPTOMS of a lack of actual diversity. You do not fucking fight a cold by taking tylenol. We (progressives) seem to care far more about the fucking optics of the situation then we do the actual policies that would help try to make things slightly more fair. Good representation is the natural outcome of good policies, honest effort, and time. You can't force rush to the outcome and magically hope it works backwards. It's the diversity equivalent of trickle down economics.



FGC Waterboy
Heh, that thread. I mean, at a certain point, I feel like some people in that thread needed to let go and stop talking if they didn't want to get banned. Is fighting for the right to be deaf to microaggressions really worth a ban @_@?

I agree with your rant, though. I don't think the rest of GAF is necessarily ready for it, though :x.

Lol, amen. It's one of those things that while I may not understand it completely, I can empathize with it enough to know that it shouldn't be done.

As for my rant...

I'm a systems and processes guy, as opposed to an outcomes person. Always have been. So seeing so much emphasis placed purely on the outcome and not the process to get there, and then everyone becoming confused why it isn't sustainable, drives me up a damn wall.
Quick question Asian GAF...

Why don't we have a facebook group? Or a GroupMe? Or a Skype group? Or LINE? etc etc etc

I like FB (closed, secret groups) but I understand if some of y'all don't want others in your business. BUT WHAT ABOUT OTHERS :eek:

I don't use any of those except for groupme. I already know CDY, but the rest of you sure why not!
Quick question Asian GAF...

Why don't we have a facebook group? Or a GroupMe? Or a Skype group? Or LINE? etc etc etc

I like FB (closed, secret groups) but I understand if some of y'all don't want others in your business. BUT WHAT ABOUT OTHERS :eek:

Here we go again...retreating into our ethnic enclaves...

Also I don't have Facebook.
Quick question Asian GAF...

Why don't we have a facebook group? Or a GroupMe? Or a Skype group? Or LINE? etc etc etc

I like FB (closed, secret groups) but I understand if some of y'all don't want others in your business. BUT WHAT ABOUT OTHERS :eek:

I dislike Line. We can do FB.

Here we go again...retreating into our ethnic enclaves...

Also I don't have Facebook.

We deserve the racism.
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