Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
Someone please tell me that
isn't the last Christina memory.
Venice carnivale
mileS said:haha.. nope
Stallion Free said:Someone please tell me thatisn't the last Christina memory.Venice carnivale
Ether_Snake said:Yes it is.
Oh hell yes. I have been enjoying the hell out of it. I love Ezio and to get more of his backstory is a real treat.SketchTheArtist said:No. Press on. It's a really well-written and acted side-story.
Diablohead said:Small question, I bought both brohood and creed 2 last week and playing them in order, I enjoy 2 so far but there's a few things which annoy me a little like not learning half of ezio's stealth moves untill multiple hours in, how much of an improvement is brotherhood?
Great game, should have jumped in sooner.
Stallion Free said:Oh hell yes. I have been enjoying the hell out of it. I love Ezio and to get more of his backstory is a real treat.
we also have 16x AF to thank, among other things.mileS said:yea the only difference is AA right.... why even bother
Zenith said:No spoilers, but when do the last 3 areas of the map unlock (with the last 3 towers, glyphs, etc)? I just started Sequence 6.
mileS said:Sorry but there's no point in trying to argue anything here. The PC version has better textures.
theignoramus said:we also have 16x AF to thank, among other things.
Blast Processing said:They'll open in sequence 7 & 8, I think.
Question about the end of the DLC:The coordinates are 43 39 19 N 75 27 42 W, which put into Google Maps pull up Turin, NY. Any ideas?
Moscow in the 19th century could be cool, Tsarist Russia isn't exactly a common game setting. Sadly it's unlikely they'll ever set a game in the 17th century Dutch Republic, would be an amazing setting, but about as likely to be chosen as 14th century Iceland.Stallion Free said:Ugh that would be so stupid. I want 3 to be set inMoscow in the 1800s
You can only imagine the old dutch phrases in between the English. Wonder what kind of accent they'd give the characterKabouter said:Moscow in the 19th century could be cool, Tsarist Russia isn't exactly a common game setting. Sadly it's unlikely they'll ever set a game in the 17th century Dutch Republic, would be an amazing setting, but about as likely to be chosen as 14th century Iceland.
What mode are you trying to play? I'm on PS3 and typically don't have to wait very long. Wanted, Manhunt, and Assassinate should get you in pretty quickly. Also, choose Ranked matches rather than Player, and if you're stuck waiting for one session longer than a minute or two, cancel out and try again.fna84 said:Is anyone else having problems finding online matches in the ps3 version?
It takes me around 5 minutes to find a match...
iNvidious01 said:
iNvidious01 said:also found this, usermade from deviantart but looks cool
SketchTheArtist said:Hahaha! So fake.
iNvidious01 said:I think its going to be set in 18th century france, at the end you see the symbol which appeared on the declaration of the rights of man, shaun is cut off right before he is about to tell everyone he recognises the symbol.
also found this, usermade from deviantart but looks cool
Tamanon said:Well.....Shroud of Turin? Also, maybe if AC3 is in New York, the animus can have him be in a 1920s or 40s mob as a hitman, lol
Err well I would recommend you play this series with a pad but the port seems fantastic. It runs well and looks gorgeous most of the time thanks to the massive leap in image quality.faceless007 said:Any word on what the PC version is like now that it's out? Optimized, polished, any "Press Start to begin" crap?
It's pretty good yeah. Runs on low end PCs if you want to (and looks really nice maxed), plays well with kbm. Maybe some of the extra ubisoft shit might piss you off but doesn't really bother me. I'm running it with everything maxed except shadows, reflection and some other thing and it looks and runs great on my laptop. I don't see a windowed option however but I figure there's ways around that.faceless007 said:Any word on what the PC version is like now that it's out? Optimized, polished, any "Press Start to begin" crap?
RedSwirl said:I haven't played the DLC yet, and I agree that 18th century France makes the most sense for AC3, but NY isn't impossible. I'd rather it be Mid-19th-century New York during the Five Points era.
RedSwirl said:I haven't played the DLC yet, and I agree that 18th century France makes the most sense for AC3, but NY isn't impossible. I'd rather it be Mid-19th-century New York during the Five Points era.
faceless007 said:Any word on what the PC version is like now that it's out? Optimized, polished, any "Press Start to begin" crap?
iNvidious01 said:I think its going to be set in 18th century france, at the end you see the symbol which appeared on the declaration of the rights of man, shaun is cut off right before he is about to tell everyone he recognises the symbol.
also found this, usermade from deviantart but looks cool[IMG][/QUOTE]
Wow thanks for that - saw the title and almost peed my pants for a second... damn you!
Did you get the Armor of Brutus?Stallion Free said:Just beat it and goddamnnnnnn son. Goddamn. I can't wait to dig into the DLC and 100% it (just some flags, chests, guild challenges and 100% syncs left).
So fucking good. I loved pretty much every second of it.