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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton


My final impressions:

Well, moderately disappointed with this game. That's two AC in a row games that I haven't liked all that much. Revelations was fucking terrible and though AC3 doesn't quite sink to those depths it is still extremely uneven, with some sections being truly breathtaking and others a chore. I loved everything about the Frontier, first time I reached it I just messed around it for 4 hours straight, it is quite simply gorgeous. I had my doubts that another AC game might be able to reach the beauty of Venice but AC3 really does get close. It's just beautiful. However I don't think the game exploits that scenery properly. If you don't take the time to do the side stuff you won't really see much of it.

In contrast to the Frontier you have New York and Boston, which might as well be one city called New Boston because the two of them are virtually interchangeable with nary a thing to make either stand out from the other. What a goddamn waste of a setting for an AC game. Boring ass cities with ZERO personality, crappy parkour possibilities and just shitty, flat, dull, all-around poor design. It's what everyone feared a game set in this era would be like. The shittiness of these two places is only compounded by how awful the game runs in them. Not just content with having a terrible and unstable mess of a framerate, the game is ripe with stuttering when you are in New York or in Boston.

To expand on the crappyness of these two places, the side missions inside them are also pretty poor. Take the assassination contracts for instance. In AC2 and ACB the side-assasinations you could engage in were fairly elaborate and even came with a little story to them. The ones in AC3 are just nothing. You find a guy walking around the street and shank him. That's it. Lazy as all fuck.

The main missions are mostly okay, except for the stupid war ones. Again, devs simply not getting what the series is about. Frankly, I don't understand the idea behind sticking so relatively close to the chain of historical events. In previous AC games it was just backdrop, you were in a particular era but the stuff that went on was mostly an original story. In AC3 you're virtually the Forrest Gump of the American Revolution. Why? To better sell the game to American audiences? As a non-American I felt little from doing the whole Boston Tea Party thing and riding with Paul Revere(doesn't help those missions were shitty). Nevermind that Connor being such a staunch supporter of the patriots makes no sense at all, and it makes even less sense that he still helps the douches after their true, knwon by all intentions are revealed regarding the indian population. Wat? There are some good sections to Connor's story and I almost kind of felt for his plight, and he is pretty badass at times, but overall it's uneven plotting. The devs were more concerned with throwing you into events in the American Revolution than crafting a plot that made complete sense. And the Desmond stuff is just garbage, from top to bottom.

You know, I can't write at length about this game without pointing out how horrible the first several hours of the game are. Forced to play as another character, feels like an ultraextended tutorial with shitcakes missions and taking exclusively in a shitcakes city. I was just wanted to leave Kenway behind ASAP as I knew Connor was the real main character. I really couldn't stand it. For five hours it felt like the game hadn't even began. What the fuck? Seems to me the entire point of this idea was to "shock" the player with the twist at the end of Sequence 3. Seriously messed up priorities. The 30 minutes you spend playing as child Connor are better than all the hours you waste playing as Kenway.

Frontier aside, I also liked the Naval missions, which seems that have gotten universal praise. The graphics and productions values are really impressive as well, it's almost a generational leap over AC2 and ACB, it leaves them completely in the dust. Undoubtedly one of the best looking games on the PS360, even with its framerate issues. I was also glad to see a return to the more realistic character proportions of AC1, the cartoonish characters of AC2 and ACB have always bothered me.

Anyway, Ubisoft needs to think long and hard about what to do with the future of this franchise. Despite all the crap they've added and changed in AC3 it still felt extremely repetitive and way too familiar to the previous games. It's not the change-up AC2 was, it is merely an extension of it, almost a side-step. I still consider ACB to be the ultimate realization of the AC experience. AC3 is filled to the brim with cut-scenes, non-interactive sequences and lots and lots of dumb, dull, shitty set pieces. They might as well ditch the open world nature of the franchise if this is what they want to do, a linear game. Might be better off, even. Some of my favorite parts in AC2/ACB/AC3 are the linear dungeon-like levels, they remind me so much of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, I always thoroughly enjoy them. I was going to write something like "whenever we get AC4..." but I'm not sure if I'm going to give a shit anymore by that point.

Oh I didn't even touch on the noobified controls, I'll just say this is the easiest AC game out there, and it barely feels like you're even playing it.

Ubisoft has really ill-treated this series.


I literally just beat this and I'm having a hard time understanding how people can be okay with this ending yet made a huge, unwarranted deal over the Mass Effect 3 one. I mean at least in Mass Effect 3
you're given a choice as to how you want things to end. And I found the "good" ending to be perfectly acceptable. But ACIII, what the hell kind of ending was that? There's no explanation and you work so hard for 5 games to get to this point and it ended rather poorly IMO.


benevolent sexism
I literally just beat this and I'm having a hard time understanding how people can be okay with this ending yet made a huge, unwarranted deal over the Mass Effect 3 one. I mean at least in Mass Effect 3
you're given a choice as to how you want things to end. And I found the "good" ending to be perfectly acceptable. But ACIII, what the hell kind of ending was that? There's no explanation and you work so hard for 5 games to get to this point and it ended rather poorly IMO.

Is it because the Mass Effect franchise purported to be about taking player choices seriously and then the ending betrayed that, after people got really into the fiction?

(I haven't played any ME game, but that seems like an obvious difference between that terrible ending and AC's terrible ending.)

On topic: I got to what I assume is the final mission in the game. It's pure garbage. Feels like it was not playtested once. This game is the worst I've owned in 2 generations.
SD had terrible driving? What?

Yeah, basically every open world game after GTAIV has had shitty driving.

You surely don't play many games.

And is it that bad that you spent 25 hours on it? I'm pretty sure that the main storyline doesn't take 25 hours.

I've played 22 games that have been released this year. Huge backlog you see =/

Yes I blame myself for being stupid and assuming that this is going to be greatest game this year. I wasted about 15 hours during chapters 4-8 doing everything and collecting everything I could. Took me that long to figure out and admit that this game is really not worth it. So I just rushed the 4 remaining chapters to see how the story ends.


I'm quite enjoying this. I've played about 6 hours over the last two days, at the start of Sequence 9, and didn't touch a main mission that whole time. The Homestead stuff is really, really good and perhaps some of the best from any of the AC games, so the highs really are there. I'm also enjoying exploring the tunnels. From the mandatory tunnel bit in Boston near the start, it makes it look like they're just literally straight lines, so I really gritted my teeth and got on with it when I decided to find all the exits. But I found some fairly cool little platform puzzles down there that very slightly resemble the underground platforming sequences from Brotherhood and Revelations.

One question: I've found all the collectibles, defeated all the forts, etc, and 'you've unlocked a new trophy at the Manor' keeps appearing. Where do these trophies appear in the Manor exactly?
One question: I've found all the collectibles, defeated all the forts, etc, and 'you've unlocked a new trophy at the Manor' keeps appearing. Where do these trophies appear in the Manor exactly?

There is actually some stairs in the manor. When you go up theres like another 4 rooms in there. Nice job at pointing that out ubisoft haha.



The amount of contextless notifications that appear without any sign or explanation whatsoever of what they're talking about is baffling.


Letting the AI attack your convoys is the worst decision ever. Most of the time you're in a mission and even if you do manage to get to the convoy you not only have to kill the attackers but you also have to make sure that your allies don't die which makes it bs and far too cumbersome.

I want to make some money but can't since the convoys get attacked left and right, even though risk rate is at 10%. Makes the whole convoy system useless

Pretty sure you can send your recruits to go defend it for you in the Contracts screen. I've never done it but I've heard it can be done.


My final impressions:

I agree with this assessment, except for the part on Haytham. It's strange how I found him much more enjoyable than Conner. I even found myself hoping for him to show up just to show off his charismatic attitude. He's like the Colonial Batman, especially the opening opera house scene.

When you play Connor, it's breathtaking when you play him as a child, but after sequence 9, his story slides into a mess of narrative. He really is a pointless hero.

As an American, the historical bits really did nothing for me, other than show glaring bits of inaccuracy and a watered down portrayal of events. In fact, it seemed more like a farce than a respectful nod to its source material.

It really did nothing aside from hinder the game. For instance, there's only two cities that are small and bland. They could have used Philly due to it's importance in this period, but chose not to. Secondly, you only interact with Ben Franklin once (as Haytham) which is a far cry compared to his spiritial predecessor, Da Vinci. So when you play as Connor, you have to wonder why are you collecting almanac pages if Conner never met Franklin. Also, the inventions have no bearing on gameplay whatsoever. I had a hard time believing the patriots take a lone Native American assassin in a hood seriously without shooting him on sight. I also had to laugh at them taking out the part with the patriots dressing up as "indians" during the Boston tea party.

I'd rather them not have based it on the war of independence at all, or at least left it in the background, far away from the overall story.


Ok, all of Sequence 9 was fantastic. And I managed to get 100% on all the missions for once. I'm also liking where Connor is and the choices/dilemmas he's facing. Three sequences for it all to get messed up!

I'm about 70% through the Hunting, Frontier and Brawler tasks and as of the start of Sequence 10, no new missions for them have appeared anywhere. Are they going to all appear nearer the end?


Nork unification denier
It really did nothing aside from hinder the game. For instance, there's only two cities that are small and bland. They could have used Philly due to it's importance in this period, but chose not to.

That's one of things I really disliked about AC3, compared to its predecessors. Italy just felt so much larger than colonial America. I think one of the problems is that the Frontier was someplace you went to, instead of someplace you passed through when getting to NYC or Boston. Also, instead of cities, we got battlefields - incredibly lame. Still don't know why they didn't place this in revolutionary France. So much more potential there.


Any news on the PC version?

In case you've missed it :

Multimonitor and extra wide monitor support for both Eyefinity and nVidia surround.

Tessellation supported

Environment quality (normal, high, very high):
· Increases loading range
· Increases the LOD quality

Texture quality :
· Normal = console quality
· High = full rez textures we had available. Most of the world is 2x the rez, some stuff like animals can be 4 or 16x.

Anti-aliasing quality:
· Normal: FXAA (similar quality to console FXAA we shipped with on 360/PS3)
· High: FXAA with highest possible setting
· Very high: TXAA 4x (or FXAA+MSAA4x on AMD cards)

Shadow quality:
· Normal: console-like shadow map resolution and filtering
· High: 2x shadow map resolution
· Very high:
o 2x shadow map resolution
o new Hexagonal filter (as well as cross-cascade blending)
o Improved Ambient Occlusion algorithm

That should look grossly better than the console versions, similar to what happened with Max Payne 3 or Sleeping Dogs.
I can't wait to see where tessellation has been applied, the water is already confirmed (during the naval battles) to be enhanced by tessellation but I hope that artists have worked on other assets throughout the game.
Smoothing curves on characters' faces and models would be nice.

From Nvidia's website :
As for Assassin’s Creed III, check back nearer November 20th for the full scoop on Ubisoft’s impressive and technologically-enhanced PC version.


The uploader said it was max settings in the comments.

Yeah I edited my post.

I got carried away, normal settings = console settings (texture and AA) so this could not possibly be medium.

It looks very impressive, especially the faces which are noticeably more detailed. I wonder, has tessellation been used there ?

Nice ambient occlusion and shadows as well, two graphical issues I had with the PS3 version.


Unconfirmed Member
It is. It's one of many, many "activities" in the game where you can be sure that no one at Ubisoft ever bothered to ask the question "but is it fun?"

I've played the game so I know all about the pain in the arse that is lock-picking but the PC version seems so much worse.


I've played the game so I know all about the pain in the arse that is lock-picking but the PC version seems so much worse.


prob the mouse and keyboard, i always play these games with a pad though.

looks great, seems like we'll have 3 of the prettiest pc releases in ac3, hitman and far cry 3 all crammed within a week of each other

baking ubi kiev a sorry for doubting you cake now


Gold Member
I don't get the lock picking hate. Spin one stick, spin the other, mash the trigger. It's so easy.

The stick sensitivity is extremely high, so if you move either stick more than a fraction while mashing the button you have to start over. It's somewhat annoying.


Gold Member
You would thing so, but a lot a people play games like this....

Or they can just liberate a region and get the master key for all chests.

Holy fucking shit, is that where those keys are for? I saw the popups but never really understood what it meant, I thought perhaps there was some hidden treasure somewhere in a fort or something.



Holy fucking shit, is that where those keys are for? I saw the popups but never really understood what it meant, I thought perhaps there was some hidden treasure somewhere in a fort or something.


Fucking explanations, how do they work? Right, Ubi? Didn't know this myself.


I was getting pretty bored around Sequence 9 then I saw a weapon for sale that I was hoping was in the game. Chingachgook's blue wood club spike thing! Womping on guys with this thing is fun as hell.

Haha. Nice Last of the Mohicans reference. Just watched it. The devs must have watched the hell out of it too, and stole some foley sounds.

I got the limited Obindawong war club or whatever its called. Sick.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Holy fucking shit, is that where those keys are for? I saw the popups but never really understood what it meant, I thought perhaps there was some hidden treasure somewhere in a fort or something.


Haha what? Just finished the game and did not know that. They overexplained old mechanics and didn't bother explaining new ones properly. Really mixed feelings. Didn't hate the game, but at the same time probably my second least favorite game.

AC2 > Brotherhood >> Revelations > AC3 >>> AC1

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Those sections were a real letdown. They had a lot of potential and I hoped for a lot more but we got some pretty basic A-to-B stuff. I think if you are going to have those sections you really need to go all the way with them. They are going to be linear but that doesn't mean they can't go all out with them. Multiple paths, social stealth or traditional stealth, choose to engage or slip by enemies etc. They could do so much with the concept. I hope that if they do it again with the next game, they do it right.

I wanted to go Indiana Jonesing in the temple and solve some proper puzzles while doing so. Instead all exploration in there was limited to awkward platforming.
Fucking explanations, how do they work? Right, Ubi? Didn't know this myself.

This is my #1 complaint outside of the glitches. Ubisoft overloaded the game with mechanics and didn't explain what half of them do. Yet lock picking gets explained on every attempt.
Heh some of these full sync objectives are kind of "not fun". I like how you have to sink three frigates by shooting their powder stores, but exposing the weak point is completely arbitrary. Sometimes it shows, sometimes not. Oh and thanks, enemy ship, for sinking your homey for me during my 87th attempt.


An blind dancing ho
That ending man..that ending..kill it with fire. the worst ending in the series yet,holy cat that is bad.

Didn't enjoyed the game at all, Conner is boring, the setting is boring, naval battles need more work,the game felt "liner" when it shouldn't be,all the side stuff are uninteresting, the Conner story shat itself and by the end everything about the plot crushed, lack of focus and I don't feel like an assassin doing assassinations anymore,for me AC3 is as bad as ACR(even AC3:L with it's flaws was better than this).

Hopefully they don't continue the story after that ending,just wait for next gen and reboot the damn thing and give the studio more development time and make it about some random assassin in some random era and location no animus no first civilization chicks with agendas and other crap.



So, there is a special segment on the third mission of Sequence 9 where you gain access to an area of New York. DO NOT leave the animus, or reload a previous memory during this section. You will not be able to gain access to the area again.


That being said, if any kind soul out there has a PS3 game save at Sequence 9, I would greatly appreciate it. Hell, I'll even take something after the fact so that I can replay the sequences. Please, please help!

Thanks in advance.


Heh some of these full sync objectives are kind of "not fun". I like how you have to sink three frigates by shooting their powder stores, but exposing the weak point is completely arbitrary. Sometimes it shows, sometimes not. Oh and thanks, enemy ship, for sinking your homey for me during my 87th attempt.

That objective was so dumb. I'm pretty sure that only 1 frigate has its weak point exposed already. The rest, I've tried many times to expose the weak point by shooting it with little cannon but it just destroys them instead.

So, what do you do to expose them? You ram the front left/right side with your ship that's how. It sure worked for me to expose the weak point then you can shoot it with your canon and that'll fulfill the 2nd frigate requirement.

But yeah, at no point Ubisoft ask themselves "But is this fun?". Also, it was a GREAT idea to have your comrade ship blocking your shot when you try to shoot the enemy's ships.

News Bot

What on earth is up with
Achilles being "sick" or whatever towards the end? It looks so awkward. He's wearing the same clothes he has worn for the past 10 years or so, not under the blankets, jittery animation, generally looking not sick at all.

This game has so much unapologetic laziness. At one point, Connor had a buzzcut for me in a cut-scene before reverting to his original hair. Wat.


Finished this game last night, and like most of you I was disappointed by Desmond's ending, particularly because every other game seemed like it had a notion of where it was going. It reeks of making-it-up-as-you-go-along syndrome, where they had only a vague notion of what they wanted. It'll be interesting to see if Désilets ever comments on what, if anything different, he had in mind for the ending when he first coneived of the game.

That said, I'm not quite as disenchanted with Connor's ending, and I don't dislike him as much as some of you. Yes, he's a bit of a whiny ass, but he has good reason to be. I would actually hope to see more of him, and think he has enough positive traits to be redeemed.
With the stupid goddamn kids in the game just endlessly going "oop! oop! oop!" I'm really hoping at some point one of them just busts out OPPA GANGNAM STYLE

Edit: My favorite glitch/bug in the game has to be jumping off a sync point but not "locking on" to the haystack, instead just jumping off to your hilarious death.


With the stupid goddamn kids in the game just endlessly going "oop! oop! oop!" I'm really hoping at some point one of them just busts out OPPA GANGNAM STYLE

Just another element from previous AC games that Ubi ruined in this one. They had it right when you can pull out the knife/sword to scare off the singers in ACB (and their various reactions were hilarious "But my lord, I love you", etc). Now, you can't even do that because they decided to go with kids instead of adults.

Also, Connor's haircut in the last half of the game is Godawful. I wish I had redeemed my UPLAY points for Ezio's robe earlier so I didn't have to stare at the horror for the remainder of the game.

And oh, there's no jumping off haystack if you sync point from a tree, is there?


Just another element from previous AC games that Ubi ruined in this one. They had it right when you can pull out the knife/sword to scare off the singers in ACB (and their various reactions were hilarious "But my lord, I love you", etc). Now, you can't even do that because they decided to go with kids instead of adults.
Things like this make me think that AC3 really might have been in development for 3 full years, after all. Because there are certain annoying design elements like this that were solved for Brotherhood and Revelations. In ACB and ACR, all you had to do was grab and throw the bards and beggars.

Other small things from the original AC2 come back for AC3, too. For example, Revelations finally did away with those stupid posters and made it very easy (and fun) to keep your notoriety low--so much so that I never had to do a single tower defense in the nearly 40 hours I played. But the posters are back for AC3.

So, yeah, maybe they really did start making this game that long ago. Maybe they didn't realize just how good ACB and ACR would be.


Other small things from the original AC2 come back for AC3, too. For example, Revelations finally did away with those stupid posters and made it very easy (and fun) to keep your notoriety low--so much so that I never had to do a single tower defense in the nearly 40 hours I played. But the posters are back for AC3.

This is the first time I've ever heard anybody say this.


Screw the "Chasing Lee" segment. Just screw it. I DID hear though that it's difficulty was being tweaked for the next patch, so there's that...
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