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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton

I just watched the Giant Bomb Quick Look, and I think I may pass on this game for now. It's not that it looks BAD, it just looks like it's really more of the same. I was under the impression that it was gonna be dramatically different then the Ezio games in terms of mechanics and gameplay. Watching the video I was like 'nah, I'm not in the mood to do this all again."

I'll probably grab it on Steam someday when it's cheap and I'm ready for more AC.


tagged by Blackace
Playing on the PS3, frame rate is all over the place. Is this the same on the 360 SKU?

Also, I finished the first "sequence" and it said an almanac page was lost, come back later to get it. Does this mean I have to re-play that entire sequence to go and find the page?
The pages are floating around the city and you can get them at any from the looks of it. Don't know what will happen as time progresses though, I got my first in Sequence 2.

Also yes, frame rate problems are incredibly noticeable on 360, uninstalled.


Just left off at the start of Sequence 3. I like the slow start to it, quite interesting. Some gameplay annoyances here and there, but nothing too bad so far.

I like playing as Master Kenway. Wish he was the main protagonist. :p


well not really...yet
Kinda shocked that the first 3 sequences
star your father, and the 4th is you as a kid
The rest of the game must be pretty long if
its taking this long to set up your main character



This game is fucking infuriating:

  1. Don't flash instructions on the screen for a split second and expect me to calmly read it while I'm running, fighting, thrown randomly into an event. This happened the first time you use a human shield and it was fine because it paused game-play. It happened several times, but the worst offense was while chasing a guy on horse back. I slam my horse into a wall and it is unable to do a 360 turn... desynchronization.
  2. Controls suck. In an escort mission, don't be in the thick of things and assume you can pick up a weapon from the ground if your partner is near. Spam the pick up button all you want, but you stare at the gun on the ground repeatedly yelling "wait" and "come on" because the same button assigned to grab things from the ground happens to be the same one to tell your buddy to follow. What? Instead, you have to lead the guy somewhere, then go back to pick up said weapon. May not seem like much at first, but its a real chore.
  3. Camera puts you in shitty predicament time and time again. I'd like a raised angle with a higher view so you can see guys who are looking right at you, because that foliage will conceal view just a little bit... and usually someone is looking dead in your direction in that tiny blind spot. This leads me to...
  4. Auto crouch in foliage does not always auto crouch... You sneak into foliage, oh no you're not: You're standing strait in sneak grass like a nimrod, and hunter becomes prey.
  5. Controls are still janky and glitchy. Had a horse stuck in creek mud. Tried to hop down a ledge into a clearing, instead character jumps climbs up rocks or a building into plain sight.
  6. And I never thought children's laughter could fill me with such sheer terror. I hear "ha ha ha" and I take off running. After a block long sprint, I swear I hear the demons still coming.

Don't get me wrong, I like the game, even this prologue is taking hours (I likey), but these things are making me angry, and I hate bitching. I'm sorely tempted to just say to hell with %100 synch and go on mission killing sprees.
Playing on the PS3, frame rate is all over the place. Is this the same on the 360 SKU?

Also, I finished the first "sequence" and it said an almanac page was lost, come back later to get it. Does this mean I have to re-play that entire sequence to go and find the page?

I've been playing the 360 version to the second sequence and the framerate has been pretty stable so far.
GAF, I accidentally killed George Washington. I have doomed the country.



I think it's safe to say that I know the stealth mission that so many reviewers we're having trouble with. Oh wow that was crazy annoying.


I just watched the Giant Bomb Quick Look, and I think I may pass on this game for now. It's not that it looks BAD, it just looks like it's really more of the same. I was under the impression that it was gonna be dramatically different then the Ezio games in terms of mechanics and gameplay. Watching the video I was like 'nah, I'm not in the mood to do this all again."

I'll probably grab it on Steam someday when it's cheap and I'm ready for more AC.

To be fair, that was probably their worst QL in quite a while. They spent half an hour on the worst level of the game and spoiled half of the story... At its core it is most of the same mechanics, but the flow of the game is dramatically different from the previous games, at least if you invest in the insane amount of optional content. There's a lot more breathing room, sort of like what RDR is to GTA 4 in that regard, and just exploring the world was a lot more interesting than in the Ezio triogy.

I just finished it and in the end loved it much more than the other games despite the jank and the underwhelming ending (don't expect anything from the Desmond arc). Unlike previous entries, the narrative of the ancester was actually engaging, and used the historical background more intelligently. The core gameplay (combat/freerunning) was also way more enjoyable.
I just watched the Giant Bomb Quick Look, and I think I may pass on this game for now. It's not that it looks BAD, it just looks like it's really more of the same. I was under the impression that it was gonna be dramatically different then the Ezio games in terms of mechanics and gameplay. Watching the video I was like 'nah, I'm not in the mood to do this all again."

I'll probably grab it on Steam someday when it's cheap and I'm ready for more AC.

'Tis how I feel also. I remember having the best time with AC2, a less amazing time with Brohood and I couldn't even play an hour of Revelations. To say it felt "dated" and "been-there-done-that" would be a grand understatement.


Brotherhood was my favorite, great expansion of 2, but I played Brotherhood before 2. Rev was so much of a rehash and was pretty boring most of the way through. I didn't get anything from revisiting the places from 1, and it drained all the color and vibrancy of 2 and Bro.


tagged by Blackace
Impressions after playing the first 3 sequences, 360 version uninstalled:
  • Framerate is all over the place. I'm not good at estimating FPS, but I would hazard a guess of it falling as low as 5FPS in areas with lots going on.
  • Pop-in is very noticeable. Stuff pops in at about 20 metres away, I've had horses pop in at that range. Really strange and jarring. But hey, bugs in the new Animus, right?
  • Production values feel through the roof but not refined in any sort of way. This may be the AC with the least polish I've ever seen from graphics to everything else.
  • New movement and stealth mechanics are annoying. I heavily dislike my character getting glued to walls and whatnot if he's within a metre of them, I should actively have to push up against a wall to go up against it, not be somewhere vaguely in the same vicinity.
  • Seeing Desmond share the same animations it seems as
    the templar you play as
    is weird to say the least, should have been some differing variation there.
  • It's very weird to me reaching all the viewpoints available and still not having the entire map visible, and having places still greyed out. It fucks with my OCD and I don't understand the reason for this change for the worse.
  • Buggiest "AAA" game I've played in a long while. I've had guns floating in the air, my character getting stuck on ledges, objectives failing to trigger, and more I can't remember ATM. I've seen more bugs already compared to all of Revelations.
  • Is the lip synching terrible or delayed for anyone else besides me? It looks like they had the right idea and just put the audio tracks ahead or something.
  • A lot of long awkward pauses in conversations I'm noticing. Not a big deal, but definitely annoying.
  • Overall, I'm enjoying it, but I feel like I only am because I feel like it gets much better later on. It's lacking a sort of hook right now, though the story is providing me with motivation to push further and more stuff has happened already compared to other games in the series so I'm kind of happy there's actually a decent sense of progression again. I'm kind of disappointed, I thought this would be crack. I don't agree with "it's more of the same" because it isn't in a lot of ways, but it just feels rough so far. No better word I can think of.


Just made it to sequence 4... I take it back, this game is amazing.

But those issues still piss me off a bit.

How many sequences is this game, and do I need to eventually look for "The Truth" glyphs like previous games?

I also have a theory
Every time we see Desmond, there's like a slight glitch effect during scene transitions. It makes me wonder if someone else is replaying this memory of what Desmond did (and remembered from the Animus) in a future Animus. Then again, maybe its just Ubi trying to be artsy.
Definitely more than its fair share of glitches/bugs in this game, but the only one that really bothers me is the audio. (Anybody talking behind you sounds like they are on a radio somewhere...)


AC3 is amazingly fluid. I think at some points it's even above 30fps, right? When you're scaling?

I love all the new animations. Sprinting looks really cool and I've never seen clothes move like they do in this game. Simply gorgeous.


I just spent 20 minutes chasing a dude around in circles. I couldn't catch up to him for the life of me and the random running up walls was making me want to stab my eyes out.

The game is kinda pissing me off. I haven't been able to do a sequence 'correctly' yet. If it needs stealth I'll find a way to fall into a group of guards or jump around like a glitchy idiot. I try to find the good line to take to get an air assassination but end up getting spotted. I may just really suck but it is Really Goddamn Infuriating most of the time.


Oh Franklin you pervert.

Aha, seriously! His conversation interludes are strange...!

Loving every moment of it. Everything feels so slow (only in Sequence II) but in a great way- I've just meandered in Boston for nearly an hour~

It feels good yo!


The game is kinda pissing me off. I haven't been able to do a sequence 'correctly' yet. If it needs stealth I'll find a way to fall into a group of guards or jump around like a glitchy idiot. I try to find the good line to take to get an air assassination but end up getting spotted. I may just really suck but it is Really Goddamn Infuriating most of the time.
I'll agree with this. I think I reloaded the checkpoint over 5 times where you had to
pickpocket some guards for a key
(Sequence 2?).
Really liking the game so far. Shocked at how huge it is. Amused at some of the bugs. I'm not sure whether it's rushed or hugely ambitious -- probably both.

7he Talon

Loving the game so far! I've had a few camera glitches and one weird glitch in sequence 4 when
I had the hidden blade as a child (unless that's normal?).


Just finished AC: Rev, about to pop in AC3.

Rev was pretty interesting in that it was a lot of filler but man that last 20 minutes was a hell of a payoff if the story matters to you.
Playing on the PS3, frame rate is all over the place. Is this the same on the 360 SKU?

Also, I finished the first "sequence" and it said an almanac page was lost, come back later to get it. Does this mean I have to re-play that entire sequence to go and find the page?

PS3 frame rate has been very stable, so far.

And holy crap, that twist!

Knocked me right on my ass, wasn't expecting that, haha.
Well, all the multiplayer items not only cost far more abstergo credits than anything every did in Revelations, you also get far less per match.

It's going to be enough of a pain just getting all the abilities I want, let alone all the persona customization crap


Love it. It's Assassin's Creed, but finally in a more interesting setting. The combat has never been deep, but the sword play never felt better. Unfortunately, the AI is still dumb as a box of rocks, but everything else makes up for it. Just a great game.

Also, I have to say how surprised I am at
how long we get to play a as Haythan. I have got to the point to where I realize he is Connor's dad.
I really like him as a character. Truly a gentleman, a scholar... and a badass.

I just slaughtered about 20 guards while Sam Adams kept yelling "he's just a boy! He's done no wrong!" "You have no right to treat him that way!" "He's just a kid! Let him go!
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