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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton


In cities, you'll have a few 'Liberation Contract' icons on your map. The first time you meet these guys, they'll tell you how shitty conditions are, and that they like what you're trying to do. They might even give you specific tasks: like a doctor in New York telling you to get rid of blankets infected with smallpox. You'll also have several 'Liberation Missions' on your map. These range from defending a farmer as he harvests his land to putting down rabid dogs or the aformentioned burning of infected blankets. Each one you do (I think there's three of each type) adds up to your total control of that particular district. Not every mission will appear on your map, so just keep an eye out while you're exploring the cities if you're still short a few. You can also check your progress in the Log section of the map, and see what kinds of missions you still need to do.

Once a district has been liberated, head back to your contact, who will be marked on the map with a black 'Liberation Mission'-icon. In a cutscene, your contact will point you in the way of the chief Templar overseeing the district, and volunteer to help kill him. During that mission, you'll also unlock that Recruit's specific ability: for instance, starting a riot or setting up an ambush. Once that mission is complete, your contact will swear allegiance to you and you'll have a new Assassin trainee.

Each trainee starts at level 0, and maxes out at level 11. They'll gain XP by coming to your aid in the overworld, but you can also send them on missions like in the previous games. Hold down the RB button (on the Xbox) to open up the Assassin menu. You can select one of your recruit's abilities from there, but if you press X you open the map of the Colonies. Each colony has a few missions tied to it. You'll need to build up your Assassins' skills before you can send them on the high-risk missions: this takes a longer time than it did in the previous games. XP is also earned a lot slower, and once you gain control of a Colony, the Templar's can't take it over again like they could in Revelations. At least, not to my knowledge.

Completing missions brings in coin and the occasional item, alongside XP for your Recruit. At higher levels, they're stronger and more resilient and can come to your aid more often. Assuming they're not on an adventure in the Colonies, that is.

Hope that helps for everyone having trouble with the system.

This is a great guide man. Was that so hard Ubi?

I'm saving this post for later use.


That's because renaissance Italy was an epitome of art, culture and architecture whereas 1775 Boston is a shithole pulled out of the mud.

At least 1775 Boston didn't have the Red Sox, so there's one checkmark in its favor.
I'm still stuck trying to liberate northern Boston. I cleared all the Liberation quests and have only 1 left in the whole of Boston. I go inside the building where there icon shows and nobody is there. I think its a bug :/

I have that same issue.

Also another thing which I noticed is that Connor's outfit stays wet only for like 2 seconds after he gets out of water. With Ezio he stayed wet for like a minute or two. Was a nice effect and its a shame that they have marginalized it.
I'm still stuck trying to liberate northern Boston. I cleared all the Liberation quests and have only 1 left in the whole of Boston. I go inside the building where there icon shows and nobody is there. I think its a bug :/

You haven't done all the missions yet. A few don't show up on your map, whether by bug or by design, I dunno. Check your log to see which ones you haven't done yet, and just run around the district. You'll come across them sooner rather than later.
Yeah, as much as I'm enjoying this game I really don't understand how the fuck they messed up the UI so badly. New health system and minimap, sure. But then...

-Why are the four face buttons now in a weird diagonal line instead of in a recognizable pattern?

-Why in god's name do I need to hold down the left button to pull up the Assassin management menu, something that would have been just fine in the start menu?

-Why do some menu items respond to the left stick and other with the right stick?

-Why is the weapon wheel an entirely separate screen now, rather than an overlay like it was at E3 and PAX?

-Why can't you check emails, the stockpile, and all that business right there in the pause menu, rather than having to go look at a book or computer?

-I like the new zoom/soft lock system, but why is there no way to hard-lock at all?

-Why, in a game that is set primarily in the snow or in cities with gray cobblestone everywhere, is the aiming reticle... transparent white?

-Why in the name of everloving fuck is the map dual-analog?

-Why can we no longer see our progression toward different stages of notoriety on the notoriety icon?

Considering how the original AC1 UI was pretty much perfected in Brotherhood and Revelations, this game's menus are a goddamn mess.
I'm still stuck trying to liberate northern Boston. I cleared all the Liberation quests and have only 1 left in the whole of Boston. I go inside the building where there icon shows and nobody is there. I think its a bug :/

You just have to run around North Boston until you see a red square on the map, and do whatever needs to be done. That's what I had to do.


Unconfirmed Member
The UI isn't very good either actually. I still don't know what the fetch quests are about. No idea where to get half that stuff or how to refer back to the lists.

I agree. Trying to work your way through the menu is like a game in its own right. The UI overall was poor.

The horse riding was terrible too. They should have just copied RDR and be done with it.
You haven't done all the missions yet. A few don't show up on your map, whether by bug or by design, I dunno. Check your log to see which ones you haven't done yet, and just run around the district. You'll come across them sooner rather than later.

Ah ok thanks, I'll have to go find those then, need me my 10% risk rate lol

O one thing I forgot to mention about the Caravans, prices will fluctuate at all of the general stores based upon what Sequence you're in.


Gold Member
O my god the
chase [sequence 8] is the worst thing since Battletoads.

What the fuck is this rubberbanding AI horseshit, I am so angry right now. Why does this guy keep gaining distance from me, how is this even possible? And when I try for the 6th time, get a straight line and shoot him with my bow I get desynched because appearantly he's the one chase target in the entire fucking game I am NOT supposed to kill.

Well fuck this mission, fuck this game, I'm done. This game sucks, I'm gonna play some Hotline Miami or something.


Unconfirmed Member
O my god the
chase [sequence 8] is the worst thing since Battletoads.

What the fuck is this rubberbanding AI horseshit, I am so angry right now. Why does this guy keep gaining distance from me, how is this even possible? And when I try for the 6th time, get a straight line and shoot him with my bow I get desynched because appearantly he's the one chase target in the entire fucking game I am NOT supposed to kill.

Well fuck this mission, fuck this game, I'm done. This game sucks, I'm gonna play some Hotline Miami or something.

He runs in a circle and takes the same route every time. I had the same problem but if you know the route you can take shortcuts and get closer to hime. A bit of luck helps too.
Is there a faq anywhere that explains the Homestead and how to make money? How do you get more caravans? I lost mine shortly after the initial tutorial and I don't know how to get more.
Is there a faq anywhere that explains the Homestead and how to make money? How do you get more caravans? I lost mine shortly after the initial tutorial and I don't know how to get more.

You can build more using your woodworker in the crafting menu, just search by recipe. You can have up to 3 at a time and increase each one's capacity

here's what I wrote a few pages back

Yea the game does a piss poor job explaining half the systems, I'm just glad my roomie is an Assassin's Creed nut and bought the guide :p

Artisans are unlocked via doing specific Homestead missions and they can appear on your Homestead, in the Frontier and within cities. Ok so to level up the artisans you have to do their specific Homestead missions. Each time you do a Homestead mission for an aritsan they'll go up one level and unlock more items you can buy from them to either sell via the wagons or use in recipes. Some artisans won't be available to you until a corresponding Homestead mission is done, you reach a specific point in the main story line or even time of day (I believe there's a few that can only occur during daytime).

To make money in this game, you need to use that weird wagon system. Essentially, the reason why you want artisans in your homestead is to have access to their goods so that you could resell at a higher price to General stores. For this system to work you need to first unlock general stores in the cities and frontier, once you've found them, talked to the owners and they should be available as your customers. Note that each store puts a premium on specific items so you'll see varying prices that they will be willing to pay for your goods based. The menu they've devised for this system is a pain in the ass but essentially each slot on a wagon allows you to sell 1 item to the general store. The initial wagon starts with 3 slots but can be upgraded further. I'm on sequence 7 right now and I seem to be capped at 3 wagons, each with 10 slots of goods.

Regarding the wagons and profitability, you'll see that there is both a tax and risk involved. Tax is pretty self explanatory, you get taxed a % of the items you sell to a general store. Risk is the % chance that the British will be douchebags and assault your caravan. If you're caravan is raided and you do not go and defend it within the time limit, you will lose all that caravan's cargo (you get 5 minutes to do so and I think the attacks always occur in the Frontier so just fast travel to the closest spot and defend your stuff). You can reduce both the tax rate and risk by taking out British forts or liberating parts of the city where the general store is.

How I've been making money is by either going out and performing beaver genocide along the river banks of the homestead map or by buying beaver pelts from the Hunter lady. I'd send wagon fulls of beaver, bear, wolf, deer pelts off to the general store and get ~10k in 12 minutes. The artisans do have a limited amount of each item so you'll have to check back later if they've already sold you your allotted 10 of something. As for crafting, it seems like you can experiment with it if you'd like by first selecting what artisans to use and what materials you'd like to experiment with. It'll unlock a recipe if your experimentation is successful but you'll lose your mats if you fail.

Hope this makes some sense
O my god the
chase [sequence 8] is the worst thing since Battletoads.

What the fuck is this rubberbanding AI horseshit, I am so angry right now. Why does this guy keep gaining distance from me, how is this even possible? And when I try for the 6th time, get a straight line and shoot him with my bow I get desynched because appearantly he's the one chase target in the entire fucking game I am NOT supposed to kill.

Well fuck this mission, fuck this game, I'm done. This game sucks, I'm gonna play some Hotline Miami or something.

Try the rope dart, it'll temporarily stun him and makes him lose his momentum, when you run into guards, make sure to hold B/O to tackle, that way you won't get knocked flat on your ass.

Also, one sweet thing about the rope dart is that in a fight, it will disarm/knock down ALL enemy types and lets you come in for the backstab :)


For people having issues with chase sequences where they get stabbed by standing guards, turns out you can dodge. Just press the dodge button when you're getting close to the guard and Connor will roll in that direction.

Why Ubi did a piss poor job of telling people this is beyond me.


For people having issues with chase sequences where they get stabbed by standing guards, turns out you can dodge. Just press the dodge button when you're getting close to the guard and Connor will roll in that direction.

Why Ubi did a piss poor job of telling people this is beyond me.

Dodge... button?


B or O, whichever console you own.

That's the dodge button?! I thought that was the grab/counter/parry/interact/shove/throw/drop/dismount button!

EDIT: I've edited this post three times just remembering extra functions lol


Yeah, I meant to write counter, parry... whatever else. He just happened to dodge the attack during the chase so I worded it that way :p.
So I'm in sequence 6 and I'm running around the forest without a hood. I searched if there was a toggle button and found out there isn't, and even worse, the final outfit remains hoodless and has created an outcry from fans. I would friggin love a hood toggle button. How did they not realize how cool that'd be?


Great, my game is glitched. A challenge is to discover the location of the 7 forts. Just went to the location of the missing fort and of course it's already liberated, as is everything. No icon whatsoever, well I guess that's that and here I was going for 100%. I'm at 80%, that sucks.


Great, my game is glitched. A challenge is to discover the location of the 7 forts. Just went to the location of the missing fort and of course it's already liberated, as is everything. No icon whatsoever, well I guess that's that and here I was going for 100%. I'm at 80%, that sucks.

No it is not. You just didn't find the right fort.

The only glitch that will prevent you from getting 100% right now is scanning the homestead people. That should be the last thing you should do and it could still glitch on you.
If it's that room in Ft. Wolcott, I was able to use the tomahawk to kill one and then the other before he alerted.

That was Ft Wolcott. I had a poison dart, so I used that. It's funny, because the guy gets the heebee jeebees and then dies, and the other guy notices and looks at him for a second, then gets back to looking at his map on the desk like nothing happened. Then I stabbed him.
This is the first time in the series I've felt the stealth elements actually have been built out to a point where I can consistently rely on them, so I'm surprised you guys are unhappy with them to the degree you are (vis-a-vis AC1/2).

I'm OK with the stealth elements, but what I'm NOT OK with is failing the mission because you get detected. For instance, in Ft Wolcott, I tried using the spear hook to kill one, but that gets me detected, so I fail. I try to do a corner assassination in kind of a weird corner, and that gets me detected. Then there was the pair of guys that I didn't know how to double assassinate because you can't do that from low profile anymore apparently.

It starts to break down when the controls get overly automated and clumsy as well, like when you accidentally stand up from a stalking zone for no reason or jump off a roof by accident. Part of this is my genuine, inborn hatred for playing almost every game with console controls. Camera control, movement control, it all feels super inaccurate and clumsy to me. Normally I would never even consider playing a cross platform game on consoles, but Ubisoft is stupid and keep delaying PC versions.


Just finished the exclusive PS3 missions....1 hour of gameplay my ass it was more like 30 at most, 10 of those minutes due to a drawn out follow mission. The last mission was fun at least if not for the broken controls making connor bump into or try to climb everything when you have precious few seconds to handle what they want you to.

Yet another case of exclusive missions, whether they be through preorder DLC or whatever, are never worth it the selling point.


No it is not. You just didn't find the right fort.

Dude, I already raised the flag there, it didn't recognize it, the Patriots are already in the fort additionally there's no fort icon at all(no liberated nor non liberated), yet it shows me 100% liberation in that zone so it's glitched but please tell my why it isn't the right fort.
When I first got control of Connor, I set some British place on fire and rose a Patriot flag. Was that too soon(how on earth did Connor know to raise that)?

Anyway, I just finished the first ship battle. I never knew I'd have to much fun controlling an 18th century war ship lol.


Achilles' death is nicely done. Pretty cool idea to dig his grave while you listen to his letter.


Wait what? There's something about that?

Huh. And it eluded me all this time. I assume it's related to HomeStead missions? I did not dig into those.

Color me surprised!

Yes, you finish all the Homesatead missions and Achilles dies. It's a nice scene. Then you're granted his outfit and Connor can go up to the grave and do a little monologue. The outfit is pretty cool on top of that.

Now off to collect all the feathers and get Altair's outfit.

Come on. That spoiler tag is just ridiculous. I was already spoiled about that, but seriously. You've just got a black bar... with absolutely no context about what you're going on about beforehand.

I thought the stance on spoiler tags was not to put them half-way into the sentence?


Anyone? I was hoping there would be an achievement to motivate me to get them all. I know I won't get the complete 100% because of the full synchronizations.

Well yeah there is an achievement for that, kinda. The completionist achievement requires you to get 100% in everything the game has to offer. Basically just take a look at the DNA tracker and well this is what you have to do. Everything 100% including all of the side stuff.

Dude, I already raised the flag there, it didn't recognize it, the Patriots are already in the fort additionally there's no fort icon at all(no liberated nor non liberated), yet it shows me 100% liberation in that zone so it's glitched but please tell my why it isn't the right fort.

If you are absolutely sure about that I will forward this to the devs along with the other glitched side stuff we encountered so far. Because we haven't heard of a fort getting glitched before.

My apologies for calling you out in that case then.
Dont tackle or shove anyone while the guy youre chasing throws money everywhere to delay you and the guards attack only you...what the fuck is this shit


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Dont tackle or shove anyone while the guy youre chasing throws money everywhere to delay you and the guards attack only you...what the fuck is this shit

Climb a building and chase him?


I thought the stance on spoiler tags was not to put them half-way into the sentence?

It is. Instead of doing the following (following spoilers aren't real, just examples, btw):

In AC3 you play as Connor


Man, I can't believe
was an
after all these games of playing as him. He fooled everyone!

It's common courtesy to give some context, IMO. Like:

(Sequence 1 spoilers ahead)
We don't play as Connor here! wow


So I just got to the first twist all I can say is =O

Also is it just me or are sometime the shadows on the humans faces blocky and fuzzy looking?


Climb a building and chase him?

I tried this when I was doing the mission and by the time I got up the building he was already too far away. Controls are so clunky... Connor just goes in any direction. Somehow much worse than the other games.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
OMG the maps are so fucking bad. The left stick should MOVE THE MAP. the right stick should ZOOM. WTF IS THIS SHITTTT UBISOFT


Man I thought Boston's framerate was pretty shaky.
New York
blows it away which is strange because it looks like it's smaller.


Is anyone else sort of not really blown away by the graphics? I feel bad because I feel like I'm being picky, but there's quite a few visual problems that I feel bring the graphics down. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful, but nothing mind blowing. It's a very small step up from 2/B, and I feel like this game has some more glaring issues that those games either didn't have or had in smaller quantities.

Again, I'm probably reaching.

Anyway started sequence 5, one more sequence before 6, which is what I've most seen hailed as when the game truly begins. Excited.


Anyone know what I can do in regards to my multiplayer disc? I know quite a few people in the same situation as me (the disc will just freeze when you try to play multiplayer. You get the welcome message and then it just stops working. Doesn't matter if you install or not. Discs have no scratches on them).

I don't have the receipt as I ordered online and accidentally cleared my emails out.
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