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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton


All homestead mission can be done after you beat the game.

I'm glad that guide was wrong then. I got it from here.

Sadly, the process of leveling your artisans isn’t as simple as it would be in any other game. Gathering artisans and leveling them requires you to do various Homestead missions, which are somewhat easier than the other type of side missions in the game.

However, what makes the process a little fragile is that it can be easy to ignore the available Homestead missions (some are scattered across the map, depicted with manor icons). This can actually render some of the artisans incapable of leveling up later, which can severely damage your crafting and items progression in the game.

The real deal starts from Sequence 5 when you meet Achilles. You’ll need to sequentially start off and plan your Artisan side missions from here onwards for every sequence. Again, if you miss a couple in between, chances are that your artisan won’t level up even if you go all the way to Sequence 12 itself.
Man this game without all the edge jaggieness and a lock 30~60fps would be so much better. I think I really should have waited for the PC version and hoped for the best, the framerate is so bad it's really starting to affect my enjoyment :(

So true. I feel the exact same way. I let my impatience get the better of me. I'm hoping I can sell my game for $35+ as long as I can resist the urge to use that stupid multiplayer code.


Unconfirmed Member
Alright. Was wondering 'cause early on there was an Almanac page I missed and then it has never reappeared on the map, unlike the other Almanac pages I've stumbled across... :(

When you play as
? I missed some too but I can still collect pages after I have finished so I assume you can collect them all at any time.


-Why when fast traveling to an exit of the map does it not take me to where I was trying to exit to as opposed to the entrance of the exit for me to just look at 2 load screens instead of 1.
So why don't you zoom all the way out of the map of the place you are in and use fast travel then? Boom problem solved, only one load screen.
I can't tell if doing everything full-synch is making the game better or worse for me...

Trying to do all the secondary objectives was ruining the game for me, so I just don't worry about them anymore. The problem is those objectives make you play the missions in a very specific way. I think Assassin's Creed is more fun if you approach the missions organically, without a laundry list of tasks to check off.

Still, at the same time, I hate it when that little red X appears and I fail an objective. I won't go so far to say I wish they weren't included in the game, but they'd be less distracting if the fail states weren't so in your face.


benevolent sexism
Man this game without all the edge jaggieness and a lock 30~60fps would be so much better. I think I really should have waited for the PC version and hoped for the best, the framerate is so bad it's really starting to affect my enjoyment :(

The forest environment in particular is just ugly to me. I hate looking at all these jaggy ass trees when theoretically the environment is supposed to be beautiful.

The views of the city from atop a tower are also pathetic and underwhelming. Maybe my memory of the previous games is inaccurate, but there's really nothing awe-inspiring or aesthetically pleasing about looking at a bunch of washed out boxes with triangular roofs. I don't know if the PC version would improve on that much. If the level of detail is increased, then that should have a substantial impact.

However, I'm glad I have a physical copy and didn't wait for PC because no matter how I feel about the game at the end, I definitely won't spend the time to play it again, so I can trade it in.
The forest environment in particular is just ugly to me. I hate looking at all these jaggy ass trees when theoretically the environment is supposed to be beautiful.

The views of the city from atop a tower are also pathetic and underwhelming. Maybe my memory of the previous games is inaccurate, but there's really nothing awe-inspiring or aesthetically pleasing about looking at a bunch of washed out boxes with triangular roofs. I don't know if the PC version would improve on that much.

However, I'm glad I have a physical copy and didn't wait for PC because no matter how I feel about the game at the end, I definitely won't spend the time to play it again, so I can trade it in.

I think gametrailers said it in their reviews that AC3 shows the limits of PS3 and 360.


Didn't play AC1 - tried, but found it boring.

Loved AC2! Found Brotherhood to be a small step back but understand why people think it's the best in the series. Even finished Rev.

Point being that I've played a lot of Assassin's Creed. Finished this one but some thoughts are lingering in the back of my head.

Someone else mentioned it earlier but it really solidified what I was thinking. The game used to be a lot of fun running around the rooftops. In fact it felt faster than running on the ground. But as the series has progressed - it seems to get harder and harder.

In this game - I pretty much ended up avoiding the rooftops. I ran everywhere on the ground and it's a damn shame.

The guards have become annoying. At first it was kinda 'cute' that they would poke the hay stack I was hiding in - but now it's almost impossible to trick the guards. I find it simpler / faster to just man up and kill them all, which ruins the sense of being an assassin. The few times where I did manage to escape the guards - I never felt smart. It was because I hid under a bridge where the AI couldn't see me.


Forget about OCD, the problem is the inorganic, in your face "YOU DUN GOOF'D" design of the full synch objectives. I know it doesn't matter, and in other games, I don't care, but both this and Revelations implemented them in such a way that just pisses me off. This kind of stuff should flow naturally from the game, and it should reward you when you do it, not throw a big red FUCK YOU on the screen when you don't do it.

Yeah, I don't know what's going on with the crafting. I'm like 6 hours in in sequence 7 and I haven't done it yet and I don't know how it works, or for that matter, a lot of stuff in the homestead (and the game in general). It's still introducing new shit to me that belonged in a tutorial 5 hours ago. I understood the mechanics of buying shops, gaining revenue, upgrading your villa and all its extensions in Brotherhood and Revelations, but I just don't get a lot of it half a dozen hours into this one.

I don't disagree with anything you said, but for me I guess i'm just able to ignore it better then you can. I do think it's bad design to have a mission just throw you into the thick of it and expect you to read a 3-5 lines of optional crap for you to do. Again I stopped paying attention to it and it never ended up being a problem.

Also as far as all the additional systems are concerned like the crafting and acquiring resources, I didn't understand any of that so I didn't bother with it and the game doesn't penalize you not doing so. Me experience with the game was pretty much just exploring the amazing world and progressing through the story. If you let yourself get caught up in trying to understand all the systems or crafting or if you set out to do most of the side missions, something which really isn't all that important, I could see why you'd have a terrible time.

I thought Connor was an awesome character as well and thought his story was really good. The Desmond stuff I felt was worse then it's ever been, but my draw to these games isn't the Desmond storyline. The setting and Revolutionary time period just made for an awesome experience, also those naval battles were surprisingly pretty fuckin awesome. I went into this game having seen no media for it aside from the announcement trailer so maybe I just had the right expectations when playing it.


The views of the city from atop a tower are also pathetic and underwhelming. Maybe my memory of the previous games is inaccurate, but there's really nothing awe-inspiring or aesthetically pleasing about looking at a bunch of washed out boxes with triangular roofs. I don't know if the PC version would improve on that much. If the level of detail is increased, then that should have a substantial impact.

The PC version is said to feature "a higher level of detail across the board thanks to the extra power of home computers" according to Nvidia.
So yeah, stuff like pop-in, ugly textures, terrible framerate will be fixed on a decent gaming PC. And on top of that DX11 features/TXAA are in.

Now, how well will this be optimized...I have no idea. PC ports of AC games have been consistently superior to their console counterparts according to many people (I've even seen console guys admiting it), I'm eager to see if AC 3 derogates from this rule.
That said, even in the worst case scenario I can't see the PC port performing worse on my rig than what I'm currently experiencing on my PS3...Ugh

This begs question whether or not the Frontier and Boston walkthrough were really PS3 footage...And damn it looks nowhere near as crisp/smooth on my KDL-32CX520.
Didn't play AC1 - tried, but found it boring.

Loved AC2! Found Brotherhood to be a small step back but understand why people think it's the best in the series. Even finished Rev.

Point being that I've played a lot of Assassin's Creed. Finished this one but some thoughts are lingering in the back of my head.

Someone else mentioned it earlier but it really solidified what I was thinking. The game used to be a lot of fun running around the rooftops. In fact it felt faster than running on the ground. But as the series has progressed - it seems to get harder and harder.

In this game - I pretty much ended up avoiding the rooftops. I ran everywhere on the ground and it's a damn shame.

The guards have become annoying. At first it was kinda 'cute' that they would poke the hay stack I was hiding in - but now it's almost impossible to trick the guards. I find it simpler / faster to just man up and kill them all, which ruins the sense of being an assassin. The few times where I did manage to escape the guards - I never felt smart. It was because I hid under a bridge where the AI couldn't see me.

That's a pretty good summary. I applaud this.


Oh my god. Sequence 12 spoiler (need help).
How the fuck do you chase Lee? I keep losing him in the ship that's on fire.
This is 100000000x worse than the chase in sequence 8. So god damn frustrated.

I haven't yelled at a singleplayer game like this, well... ever. So much bullshit in the span of 30 seconds.


Been watching some videos of this since PC version isn't out yet. EARLY SPOILERS:

Why can't I play as Haythem!? That character was way more likeable than Connor so far.
Oh my god. Sequence 12 spoiler (need help).
How the fuck do you chase Lee? I keep losing him in the ship that's on fire.
This is 100000000x worse than the chase in sequence 8. So god damn frustrated.

I haven't yelled at a singleplayer game like this, well... ever. So much bullshit in the span of 30 seconds.

Follow Lee when he slides under small gap when you first enter the ship. Once he continues forward part of the ship will collapse, climb the wall to the right and hop onto the beam that will now be to Connor's left. Continue forward (swing from a rope and jump through a Y shaped support) and wait a bit for another part of ship to collapse, this will leave a hole in the wall you can jump through. After all this keep going forward and following Lee. You'll reach a part of the chase where you'll have to chase him from below: this is normal, don't stop moving until you reach a ladder.

You have already done the hard part, you can do this!
Returned it after a couple of hours. Maybe some other time, AssCreed, but you sure as hell made a mediocre first impression to end all mediocre first impressions.

EDIT: Also... Fair to say that this is the Uncharted 3 of the series?


Follow Lee when he slides under small gap when you first enter the ship. Once he continues forward part of the ship will collapse, climb the wall to the right and hop onto the beam that will now be to Connor's left. Continue forward (swing from a rope and jump through a Y shaped support) and wait a bit for another part of ship to collapse, this will leave a hole in the wall you can jump through. After all this keep going forward and following Lee. You'll reach a part of the chase where you'll have to chase him from below: this is normal, don't stop moving until you reach a ladder.

You have already done the hard part, you can do this!

Okay, got it! Thanks man :)
Indigo, I absolutely respect your opinion and think highly of you. But this game has flashes of brilliance that are marred by bad controls and design choices.

-After I skin why something does the camera stick in 1 direction without letting me move it for a few seconds?
- Why does the map control with the right thumb stick?
-Why does jumping around in trees solely stick to the right trigger and means I'm safe to go to the next branch but it'll launch me off onto a rock or some other bullshit if no other branches are there when I don't want to do that?
-Connors VO is supremely monotonous
-The HUD is super busy, shit is everywhere.
-Combat is really relegated to just wait for opponent to attack, hit B, attack or disarm, win. Which the series has really always done, but it seems even easier than before.
-I can be shot 4 or 5 times by a rifle before it becomes a problem.
-"Training" tutorial is 3+hours long and still manages to not explain the mechanics very well.
-Shit ton of frame rate drops.
-The level of detail is garbage and the shadows are dithered as hell.
-Why when fast traveling to an exit of the map does it not take me to where I was trying to exit to as opposed to the entrance of the exit for me to just look at 2 load screens instead of 1.
-Why must the beginning missions play like this, cutscene in dock, run to bar, cutscene to open door of bar, walk 15 feet once inside of the bar, cutscene for mission, walk back 15 feet to entrance, cutscene to open door, leave bar, meet person outside of the bar, cutscene with the person, start mission. It's bloated and unnecessary.

Point is there are design choices that are just not that great. It's not a terrible game, as some of the hyperbole would like you to think. It just has a shit ton of jank and should have been addressed before release, or bare minimum more thoroughly from reviewers. If your a fan of the series like me, these can be overlooked. I can't wait till the PC release so I can sell my 360 copy away. If it has proper PC support some of my gripes can be addressed one way or the other. That said, I've yet to touch the MP which I assume is great if it's anything like Brotherhoods mp. So there is that.

I completely agree with the majority of your complaints. There's strange design decisions in the game that bug me. The map is a big one. Sometimes the controls for free-running bug out. Some shit is so vaguely explained it gets lost. I think, had they taken some more time to clear up the messy technical stuff, the game would fare better with people. I'm deliberately avoiding the complete absorption of the game because I'm going to get it on PC after having rented it. I think the main systems of control and combat are much improved and have a flow about them, which makes the game (for me) play and feel much more liberally. Free-running is my favorite thing in the series and it feels much more natural to me now regardless of auto mode.

Plain and simple Connor reminds me very much of Altair, especially when he's caught in a philosophical mood with someone. As I've mentioned there is something about ezio that doesn't fit.

I do question some of the things they did but I really think there's a successful game here. It's a shame it's marred by some whacky bugs and annoying features like optional objectives (which I sometimes mistake for main ones) and the cluttered hud. When I play PC version I will no doubt remove that hud.
This game is FUCKED

Norris get your bitch ass out of the outhouse so I can complete this mission

God damn it this is the buggiest god damn game I've played all year


That's no bug, he is having a shit man, you have to interact with him through the shitter.

Oh my god. Sequence 12 spoiler (need help).
How the fuck do you chase Lee? I keep losing him in the ship that's on fire.
This is 100000000x worse than the chase in sequence 8. So god damn frustrated.

I haven't yelled at a singleplayer game like this, well... ever. So much bullshit in the span of 30 seconds.

That is honestly the most bullshit I ever saw in an AC game, must have tried it around 50 times.


Ha. Counter-jest? I mean it in the '1 step forward, 2 steps back' sense. The fundamentals seem to have gone down the pooper, much like UC3.

I guess you can see it that way. For my part it's still a progression, it has yet to reach AC 2's greatness but it's damn close sometimes.

Connor is an interesting character but truth be told I would have preferred to play as Haytham.


Anyone else get Hayden Christensen (especially Anakin Skywalker) vibes from Connor? Connor can be such an arrogant bastard. I can't unhear Hayden's voice.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Ubisoft wasn't kidding when they were emphasizing Connor's size compared to the past assassins. This guy is fucking jacked.


How the fuck do I buy oak lumber and bark? I never unlocked the convoy, so I need those to make one. Do I need to attack one of those random convoys in the frontier?


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
By the way, I don't know if I'm just crazy or what, but I cannot pull of a double assassination to save my life (in sequence 6). Connor clearly has double hidden blades but I just can't seem to get both people highlighted.


By the way, I don't know if I'm just crazy or what, but I cannot pull of a double assassination to save my life (in sequence 6). Connor clearly has double hidden blades but I just can't seem to get both people highlighted.

Hold RT.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Am I wrong or does Connor never get formally introduced to
George Washington
on camera? I feel like he just shows up and he's like, "oh hai connor wassup."

And the same is true of Haytham and
George. Oh hai, I will just be stealing your private correspondence now. George never even says WHO R U


Gold Member
Haytham is probably my favourite character in the entire series. Such a charismatic man, his voice actor did an amazing job.

Sequence 9 spoilers:
I love how he just blows that guy's brains out while Connor is half-assedly trying to interrogate
Am I wrong or does Connor never get formally introduced to
George Washington
on camera? I feel like he just shows up and he's like, "oh hai connor wassup."

And the same is true of Haytham and
George. Oh hai, I will just be stealing your private correspondence now. George never even says WHO R U

I thought he did.
During the Continental Congress Adams introduces Connor to Washington. It's right after Connor notices Lee's sitting behind him.


Well I was planning on getting all the achievements for this game, but if that requires getting every optional objective, then I might as well give up now.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I thought he did.
During the Continental Congress Adams introduces Connor to Washington. It's right after Connor notices Lee's sitting behind him.

You're right, I forgot that. Probably because he was only there for two seconds!


Unconfirmed Member
Am I wrong or does Connor never get formally introduced to
George Washington
on camera? I feel like he just shows up and he's like, "oh hai connor wassup."

And the same is true of Haytham and
George. Oh hai, I will just be stealing your private correspondence now. George never even says WHO R U

He gets introduced but its a pretty poor introduction. I don't recall Connor being introduced to the french army guy, he just shows up and they act like they are friends. Did i miss something?
Man, I had the most bizarre moment last night. I somehow got trapped in some never-ending loop of getting into a fight, killing some guys, their friends seeing them get killed, them running over, killing some guys, their friends seeing them get killed, them running over, killing some guys, etc. IT WENT ON FOR A LONG TIME.

I think by the time I was finally tired of the fight and ran, I'd killed like... more than 80 people in a single fight.

Here is a photo midway during that fight:

It was insane. Hilarious, but insane. I think bodies at some point just vanished so more bodies could take their place. The death animations were glorious though.


Man, I had the most bizarre moment last night. I somehow got trapped in some never-ending loop of getting into a fight, killing some guys, their friends seeing them get killed, them running over, killing some guys, their friends seeing them get killed, them running over, killing some guys, etc. IT WENT ON FOR A LONG TIME.

I think by the time I was finally tired of the fight and ran, I'd killed like... more than 80 people in a single fight.

Here is a photo midway during that fight:

It was insane. Hilarious, but insane. I think bodies at some point just vanished so more bodies could take their place. The death animations were glorious though.

That happened to me at the docks in Boston. They were just spawning directly in front of me.


Now that I've finished it, I have to say that I'm incredibly disappointed with the game. So many small things that I really don't feel like going into at the moment, but they all add up. Chances are that I'll never play campaign again... It was just missing that little something that ACII had that made it fun.


The problem is that with the new engine supposedly they did rework it from the ground up, which is probably why the majority of comments in this thread are about disappointing performance.

I dont believe that for a second.
That happened to me at the docks in Boston. They were just spawning directly in front of me.


Now that I've finished it, I have to say that I'm incredibly disappointed with the game. So many small things that I really don't feel like going into at the moment, but they all add up. Chances are that I'll never play campaign again... It was just missing that little something that ACII had that made it fun.

The docks were where I was!


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
I feel like an idiot not being able to chain kills properly like I did in past games. Is it timing based this time around, i.e. you can no longer just mash a direction and kill button after counter-killing a guard?
Goddamn game. (Post-end spoilers)
I'm in the Mohawk village for the epilogue mission/cutscene. Connor enters and sees a hunter sitting alone amidst the deserted village, and he asks them where everybody is. The guy tells him "they all went west". Two seconds later, a random Native NPC wanders by.
So why don't you zoom all the way out of the map of the place you are in and use fast travel then? Boom problem solved, only one load screen.

Had no clue I could do this. Have yet to try it, something that should have been explained. I don't need hand held, but damn if some of this just isn't it explained at all. This could have been avoided if everything was put inside of an instruction manual. We should have gotten an instruction manual and no tutorial, I hate when game don't have a proper instructions manual. Instead we get a half assed tutorial. Thank you for telling me this though.
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