For a giant, open world?
This gif is amazing
For a giant, open world?
There is no way that an open world game with tons of AI like ACU will ever look like this on ps4 and xb1.
The e3 demo is the pc version.Game will be better on pc anyways. I guess. That blur is awful.
They said that they were targeting it, not that it was confirmed to be 60fps. And at e3 the framerate went over 30fps multiple times. And for the love of all that's good, people, AC games are not made in only a year, this game has been in development since 2010,every AC game since AC3 has had at least three years of dev time besides the spinoffs.Yeah it's a little exaggerated from me. But drop the 60fps to 30fps, cut some NPC's (300 at once is still impressive), tweak the shit out of it (no annually release so that the devs can take their time) and use the advantage of each console and maybe we could see such open world game with this IQ on a 400$ box
I think that's because right now the consoles are being pushed. People seem to forget that this is one of the first true next gen games that isn't just a tech demo or the actual scale of the game.Yeah sure I do realize that. Problem is, some dont. Hence the "No shit Sherlock" comment towards those who say "what do you expect from a 400$ box"...
then stop implying or supporting that notion.
With the framerate of GTAV on the ps3 and a very barren but pretty open world maybe. Or on PS5. And years down the line on ps4, and by that time, who knows how good an AC will look like? Point is, the uncharted 4 pic is not a valid benchmark for open world at all.Rockstar north are the only ones that could do it.
People speak about the crowds in ACU as if it something impressive. In the videos and screenshots we have we see in any frame, the same NPC with atleast 4-5 clones... If you think about it the total number of different NPCS aint more than 20 at best from the looks of it. Not to mention the fact that the amount of pop in when it comes to NPCs is kinda ridiculous.
Also, the much advertized "AI", well I am willing to bet that it is nothing special even worth mentioning. In fact I havent seen anything special about it compared to previous games. More animations I guess, building on an existing rich Ubisoft database.
I just said that you might be able to get better graphics if you do a closed corridor game, you can not expect an open world game like Unity to look like that Uncharted reveal, at least not with the current console hardware.
What open world game on consoles has the density of AC Unity's Paris along with the same maount of npcs that also have tons of variation, systemic interactions with each other. Please enlighten me, cause it sure as hell isn't Infamous SS or DR3. You're saying "Look at the difference between the first next gen games on ps3 to the games at the end of the generation." And applying that logic to the ps4, at the beginning of it's life cycle. And stating the complete obvious, like "games that come out after this game will look better." Well ofc they will. No one is faulting you for thinking that the ps4 will have better looking games at the end of this generation.I agree with this. Never quoted you on the Uncharted thing.
But saying "what can you expect from a 400$ box" is equally wrong.
I am sure as hell expecting a lot better than what I see here so far. And I am willing to bet that PS4 is going to provide open world games with much better graphical quality compared to what ACU is offering now. In fact I already think there are much better looking open world games for the system.
So I can expect a lot from a console like the PS4 and history is there to prove me wrong. Look at resistance 1 on PS3 and then look at TLOU. Look at COD2 on 360 and then look at Halo 4. It is like palying in a different console.
With the framerate of GTAV on the ps3 and a very barren but pretty open world maybe. Or on PS5. And years down the line on ps4, and by that time, who knows how good an AC will look like? Point is, the uncharted 4 pic is not a valid benchmark for open world at all.
It doesn't seem to be that much more impressive than Dead Rising 3's zombie count, but the NPCs in Unity amazingly seem more stupid.
What open world game on consoles has the density of AC Unity's Paris along with the same maount of npcs that also have tons of variation, systemic interactions with each other. Please enlighten me, cause it sure as hell isn't Infamous SS or DR3. You're saying "Look at the difference between the first next gen games on ps3 to the games at the end of the generation." And applying that logic to the ps4, at the beginning of it's life cycle. And stating the complete obvious, like "games that come out after this game will look better." Well ofc they will. No one is faulting you for thinking that the ps4 will have better looking games at the end of this generation.
I remember them saying they dumped the day/night cycles so for now it's one pre-bake per level load.
For a giant, open world?
Unity doesn't exactly scream "giant" to me, but whatever.
I think compared to past games the city is much larger and they have 5000 max npcs vs 200 last gen. Also apparently 10000 npcs in one particular scene.
Unity doesn't exactly scream "giant" to me, but whatever.
What exactly is the point of that if it means compromising everything else? It does nothing to improve the game.
It's a ridiculous "no shit sherlock" thing to say, and yes, you'd be surprised how hard it is to have npcs hold hands in a non scripted sequence.I thought the same thing when I played rockstar games presents table tennis. I thought no way in hell they could get an open world game look like that. Sure enough GTA V came and surpassed it.
But now they can hold hands!
They may not impress you, but let's not pretend like the crwds are not imrpessive, I can't think of a game that has this many npcs that on their own have 7000 animations. That is a ton of attention to detail.And I do all that because someone says "what do you expect from a 400$ box".
And all that is an indication of what I expect.
What I am saying is the obvious answer, but towards someone who seems to ignore the obvious.
The much touted ACU crowds are nothing impressive. Clones and pop ins everywhere aint even close to what they originally showed. At least from the footage we/I have seen so far.
Unity is bigger than all of the combined landmasses of AC4 combined, with a quarter of the buildings now being enterable, the city is also very dense, with 1:1 scale monuments, and that's not mentioning the catacombs, and this is a pretty big spoiler,Unity doesn't exactly scream "giant" to me, but whatever.
I agree with this. Never quoted you on the Uncharted thing.
But saying "what can you expect from a 400$ box" is equally wrong.
I am sure as hell expecting a lot better than what I see here so far. And I am willing to bet that PS4 is going to provide open world games with much better graphical quality compared to what ACU is offering now. In fact I already think there are much better looking open world games for the system.
So I can expect a lot from a console like the PS4 and history is there to prove me right. Look at resistance 1 on PS3 and then look at TLOU. Look at COD2 on 360 and then look at Halo 4. It is like palying in a different console.
Disclaimer: dont bring the PC comparison to my post. I am talking about consoles ability to always get more juice because of the close system and "to the metal" coding. Pc will always be the best option, but that doesnt mean that when devs like Ubisoft fuck up, it is PS4's problem. FFS Ubisoft has fucked up most PC ports of their games with their insane requirements, so that should give you a good idea of how much they exploit any given hardware.
Is this supposed to be an improvement?What a minute...
is this in the OP? This is what the game looks like with ps4 using the screenshot feature on the ps4.
Apparently the blurry videos look better than the blurry screenshots!Can we reach 50 pages of pixel counts and nitpicking of a few bad screencaps from a blurry video file? We can do it guys!
Also, I'll take good art direction/animation/presentation over graphic fidelity any day of the week. Some of you will never be pleased sadly.
This sarcasm might actually work if Ubi didn't consistently use bullshots with the bullshit cranked up to 11. They have a reputation for a reason.Don't let Ubi FOOL YOU with their BULLLSHOTS.
Yea, blurry compressed videos at a lower resolution look better than blurry screenshots, if that's the case then I wonder what the game looks like uncompressed.Apparently the blurry videos look better than the blurry screenshots!
Are you viewing these blurry videos fullscreen 1080p (or 1:1 pixel on higher res display) the same as the screenshots?Yea, blurry compressed videos at a lower resolution look better than blurry screenshots, if that's the case then I wonder what the game looks like uncompressed.
The day 1 patch isn't hypothetical as it's been confirmed that they'll be working on it until release. It's unknown what it contains though.
Link to this 1080patch report?
Yes full screen. To the detriment of my vision. >.>Are you viewing these blurry videos fullscreen 1080p (or 1:1 pixel on higher res display) the same as the screenshots?
I said that the existence of a day 1 patch isn't hypothetical as they already confirmed that it will have one since August. to this 1080patch report?
Yes full screen. To the detriment of my vision. >.>
Ok, which video(s) so I can compare the image quality for myself.
What exactly is the point of that if it means compromising everything else? It does nothing to improve the game.
The quality of that video's atrocious, how could you possible think it shows the game in a better light than the screenshots in the OP?
You can do.It would be amazing if you could play with French voice acting and English subtitles. Please let this be an option.
Yea I am not playing this game in English, can't be dealing with games/movies putting British accent whenever they want to use English for a foreign setting. I can understand French so I hope the voice acting is atleast decent, and that's the least I could expect from a developing studio based in Qubec.It would be amazing if you could play with French voice acting and English subtitles. Please let this be an option.
It would be amazing if you could play with French voice acting and English subtitles. Please let this be an option.
The quality of that video's atrocious, how could you possible think it shows the game in a better light than the screenshots in the OP?
The images have been around the web. I see them all over again on foreign websites. Just like the video. It's a bit out of control ... and it saddens me a bit...
The problem is that I see people tearing and criticize the game (especially on NeoGAF) and it becomes ridiculous. Some even wonder if the images were retouched. As they quote and translate my posts, I want to say that the images are taken directly from the screenshot function of the PS4 and that function deteriorates - a little - the images ... As I often take screenshots with FRAPS when I am gaming in 4K resolution, I can tell that the screenshot function of the PS4 is not very good.
You have to know that the game is much better/beautiful when moving as shown in the videos. So, yes there are times when it's a bit ugly and others where it is very beautiful. You must understand that Ubisoft had to make a compromise between graphics and falling population density + animations streets and plenty of small details. When you will have your copy of the game and after you take a step back, you will realize that this game is really innovative in its way. I have never seen so many people, so many little animations and when I let the controller and listen to the conversations of the NPC, I can not imagine all the work that there is behind.
Paris is huge, vibrant and deep and it is a success. Perhaps we will be entitled to a day one patch too.
Well yes Ubisoft LIED on screenshots posted and published videos so far and it does not hesitate to criticize them. And the big point is the low quality textures in the distance.
But this game is still beautiful, lively and really fun to play. I know the graphics are important to many people, but please guys... Ubisoft gives us an AC in France, in Paris during the French Revolution, be happy and enjoy the game...
If someone from NeoGAF see my post, thank you to transcribe my remarks to temper some people's reactions - sometimes irrational -. AC Unity is a good game and I think people who already have it, can confirm.
- For the "graphic gamer" : I play very often on a 4K TV 140cm with SLI Titan and yet I find that this an interesting game graphically speaking. It is limited by a 400 euros hardware so we must also take this into account. And frankly this game is an excellent value for money.
Thank you for reading my post.
It would be amazing if you could play with French voice acting and English subtitles. Please let this be an option.
That's the 720p video downloaded with 4K Video Downloader.Maybe watch in HD and take some decent screen grabs?
It's a 720p youtube video of one of the leaked facebook videos. It certainly shows off impressive looking visuals despite the compressions and a way more stable framerate than last month's xb1 footage. quality of that video's atrocious, how could you possible think it shows the game in a better light than the screenshots in the OP?
Going by that video, the game looks awful in motion and even blurrier than the screenshots in the OP.It's a 720p youtube video of one of the leaked facebook videos. It certainly shows off impressive looking visuals despite the compressions and a way more stable framerate than last month's xb1 footage.
And shows that the game looks better in motion than in these blurry screenshots.
From the french guy who posted the screenshots and the videos yesterday (I don't think it has been posted yet)
Another guy who completed 80% of the story has the same opinion, especially about the graphics ("When I started to play the first thing that struck me was the beauty of the game")
About the present setting, it is nearly inexistant so far. It may explain why we didn't see any press releases, screenshots or videos about it.
For having listened to French dubbing in previous AC games...You will get back to English voices real quick. It's not bad, it's beyond awful.
This is from a native French speaker.
Man, that saddens meFor having listened to French dubbing in previous AC games...You will get back to English voices real quick. It's not bad, it's beyond awful.
This is from a native French speaker.
From the french guy who posted the screenshots and the videos yesterday (I don't think it has been posted yet)
Another guy who completed 80% of the story has the same opinion, especially about the graphics ("When I started to play the first thing that struck me was the beauty of the game")
About the present setting, it is nearly inexistant so far. It may explain why we didn't see any press releases, screenshots or videos about it.
The French actors are not really great (since it's not the original language) but I think it is ok if you're not familiar with that tongue.
Maybe they had the Qubec accent?![]()
Looks decent...honestly what do you guys expect from a $400 box?
Sorry, I just think it's a pretty substantial difference between the pics posted and don't see the 'blurry shit' in Arno's face there at all.
I mean, damn.
ignorance at it's finest.
corridor game
From the french guy who posted the screenshots and the videos yesterday (I don't think it has been posted yet)
Another guy who completed 80% of the story has the same opinion, especially about the graphics ("When I started to play the first thing that struck me was the beauty of the game")
About the present setting, it is nearly inexistant so far. It may explain why we didn't see any press releases, screenshots or videos about it.
The French actors are not really great (since it's not the original language) but I think it is ok if you're not familiar with that tongue.
It's confirmed that the ps4 wrecks the screenshot quality. Which is something that many people knew, but forgot. Making a new thread about this.don´t get me wrong. i see the huge improvements. i preordered the game - as always - and i will enjoy it tremendously -as always.
The only thing that i don´t understand is the funny look of the screens. Dunno if its the compression or something it just annoys me a bit. Not enough to not enjoy a great game, but still.
these aren't 900p images, these are "content rendered in 900p upscaled to a 1080p output" images. But that's not because of a physical 1080p display, but rather due to it happening straight within the game. The GAME outputs 1080p, under the hood the content is rendered in 900p though. There's no actual way of getting 900p screenshots, as the output is locked to 1080p.
Hope that helped.