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Assetto Corsa: Early Access |OT|


It can´t have mods?

I´ve always thought AC would be great once the modders could supply us with all the cars we wanted... if you mean, can´t have mods on consoles, i don´t think there´s any restrictions this time... or maybe i´m just out of the loop.

I thought modding would never be a problem.

I´m still trying to configure the DS4 for some quick mindless fun and i got nowhere.

Shame my stupid PC can only run 8 cars at once. Ouch. Handling on this game is almost perfect, they just need to correct some imput delay that seems to be in place when you compare to a game like GT6.

I´m not talking about realism, just the pure joy of driving. AC is almost there, but they need to keep working on it.
Its technically possible to have mods on the consoles, but there's no good way to do it as far as I'm aware. Best solution is really just having the developer handpick good user mods from the PC and then porting and integrating them on the consoles. Which isn't really modding at that point.

Well, for certain I wouldn't be selling it for $40. The rest of it I have to disagree with. I think there's plenty of market to make it worth their while. $25, 30 cars, 10 tracks, a little career, multiplayer. You're telling me the percentage of interested GT/Forza players would be too small to justify a port? Yeah, I've got to disagree. Those franchises are flatlined at the moment too. That space is ripe for offering something different, even if it's scaled way, way down. See the popularity of AC now on PC with so many controller users. I think that's great.
You don't just sell a $40 PC game for $20 on the consoles. If you want to do that, you sell a $20 PC game. A lot of people just assume lowering the price of something gets you equal or better return on investment by increasing number of sales and it doesn't work like that or most products would be priced far, far lower than they are. I'm sure the game costs $40 on the PC for a reason. Its not just your average 'indie game'.

And no, I don't think there'd be much lasting interest from most GT/Forza players. I'm sure it would get some interest, but it would be short lived. The novelty of the realistic handling would wear off and people would bore of the minimal content available and likely minimal single-player campaign. I think you overestimate how many people play these games for the heavy 'sim' aspects. Its something that probably sounds nice in their head but people love the high production values, the wealth of content and the long, fleshed out career modes where you level and unlock stuff and earn money and have that carrot-on-a-stick effect that AC simply wouldn't have.

You also bring up a good point about controller users. Controller support *isn't* great. Its passable, no doubt, but its far from ideal. I also don't think its quite as popular as you think. Yes, we've had a few people popping in here to ask about the game and how it is with a controller and people saying they'll buy it but how many of these people post even somewhat regularly? That's no proof of anything, but I think it is symptomatic of how people like the idea of a hardcore sim more than they do actually playing it for any length of time.

I think I'm somewhat an outlier in that I'm actually a hardcore racing fan but still use a controller. I do that because a decent wheel/pedal setup that I'd be happy with is expensive and I'm still a little unsure of how I'd incorporate it into my PC gaming desk/chair area. So don't think of me as some prime example, either.

And lastly, games like this are very unlike console games in that they are setup for longevity. Assetto Corsa isn't going to burst onto the racing sim scene on final release, guns blazing. It will have an impact, but its success will be measured long-term, not how many copies it sells within its first couple weeks. Its mean to be something to be honed over years, like other racing sims, not just blown through and traded in as people wait for the sequel. Is the audience really going to be there for this game in 3 years on consoles, assuming AC releases tomorrow on the Xbox One and PS4?

The market just isn't there. I would much rather them focus on the platform where the niche audience exists and improve on that. That's where people are enthusiastic about this game. Not just interested, but enthusiastic. And that's what you need when talking about a niche genre like this.

EDIT: Just to end on an unrelated positive note:

This game is officially my most played game on Steam. I've only been playing since August, but still, its beaten out Borderlands 2, Dark Souls and Fallout New Vegas, which is no small accomplishment for an Early Access game with no campaign or multiplayer!


I think I'm somewhat an outlier in that I'm actually a hardcore racing fan but still use a controller. I do that because a decent wheel/pedal setup that I'd be happy with is expensive and I'm still a little unsure of how I'd incorporate it into my PC gaming desk/chair area. So don't think of me as some prime example, either.

Skip your next GPU upgrade and get a G27.


Skip your next GPU upgrade and get a G27.
My next GPU upgrade isn't gonna happen til early next year at the earliest. And my main reason for getting it is because I'll be getting the Oculus Rift and would like something decent to power it. And that plan isn't going anywhere, even if I have to sell my soul. This game is actually one of the big reasons I'm looking forward to VR so much.

I plan on having a wheel well before then. I'm not broke or anything. I'm just not entirely confident of what to get and I'm unsure of how it'll work with my arrangement here with my PC area. I cant have some dedicated racing setup like some of y'all have. Its just not possible. And I dont have a whole lot of room to store some stand, either. I've got a small room and also have guitar equipment I need to have room for. My bed is fairly low to the ground so even a folding stand is unlikely to fit under my bed when not in use. In terms of desk mounting, that's probably my best solution, but I'm worried about the pedals not being locked down and me being in a rolling, swivel chair.

So basically, I have the money, but I'm not going to spend it til I'm confident that what I get will be suitable for use.


I understand storage needs. In my dream world I'd have one of those Obuttos with the keyboard, mousepad, three screens, steering wheel, flight joysticks, etc. but I realize that you essentially need a room dedicated to that and it's not something most people have. Even the Playseat Evo I use is pretty bulky and takes up like 20 cubic feet of a room. Plus it's heavy and bulky.

Look Sean, I'm happy to agree to disagree.

I see no point in differentiating between a worthwhile, niche, indie title on PC versus a worthwhile, niche, indie title on console. I think it's a bit antiquated to look at these various platforms as wildly different. The biggest differences have been, at least in part, and in theory, been stripped away. Digital-only downloads, self publishing, and cheap dev kits. They should dramatically change what should be considered "worthy" console titles *. If you don't think console players don't have the stomach for niche, I'd argue, at least in recent times, they've never been given much of a chance to prove that since it's all boxed copies, and million copy break-even points. Classic chicken or egg.

* if this doesn't change, I think these consoles are in for a rough ride.

I know I brought GT/Forza into the conversation, but it's really incredibly unfair to make those first party mega games the benchmark for an indie title. These things need to be able to coexist like blockbuster and indie coexist in every other genre.

The price thing. First off, you strip the mods away from a title that's hoping to be mod heavy, and it's not the same game. Price it differently. Secondly, and I know racing sims don't have much of a track record for this, but today's $40 game is tomorrow's $10 game. They can price it at however much they feel people will pay for it. A console port a year later with no mods, that's a different asking price. That's sound fair to me.

Controller viability/use, whatever, they can make it better. They will make it better. The official forum is packed with controller people. Longevity, I dunno. No? Does it really matter? Might as well cancel every other console game if that's going to be the standard.

If they can't afford to port it, yeah no problem. Like I said, they've got plenty of work left to do, and they are a tiny team. If they had the money, if they had the people, it sounds like they'd do it. That's really the only answer we need, right? They'd do it.


I see no point in differentiating between a worthwhile, niche, indie title on PC versus a worthwhile, niche, indie title on console.
I think the point is that Assetto Corsa is not a traditional 'indie game' whatsoever. Its a $40, hardcore racing simulator.

I think it's a bit antiquated to look at these various platforms as wildly different. The biggest differences have been, at least in part, and in theory, been stripped away. Digital-only downloads, self publishing, and cheap dev kits. They should dramatically change what should be considered "worthy" console titles *. If you don't think console players don't have the stomach for niche, I'd argue, at least in recent times, they've never been given much of a chance to prove that since it's all boxed copies, and million copy break-even points. Classic chicken or egg.

* if this doesn't change, I think these consoles are in for a rough ride.
Look at digital pricing on the consoles. It is no cheaper than retail.

Self publishing? Sure, but it doesn't change what we're talking about. It just means there aren't any hoops to jump through.

Cheap dev kits? This is probably one of the most miniscule aspects of a port budget out there. The bigger deal is getting your hands on one. I doubt the cost is really that much of an issue.

And yes, you're taking the route that because the hardcore racing sim market hasn't been explored enough on the consoles, its somehow just sitting there for the taking. But the fact that you're even acknowledging that this is a niche product is already one step towards realizing that the market just isn't there. Its already a niche product on the PC. On the consoles, its a waste.

I know I brought GT/Forza into the conversation, but it's really incredibly unfair to make those first party mega games the benchmark for an indie title. These things need to be able to coexist like blockbuster and indie coexist in every other genre.

The price thing. First off, you strip the mods away from a title that's hoping to be mod heavy, and it's not the same game. Price it differently. Secondly, and I know racing sims don't have much of a track record for this, but today's $40 game is tomorrow's $10 game. They can price it at however much they feel people will pay for it. A console port a year later with no mods, that's a different asking price. That's sound fair to me.
I think you're quite off on how pricing works with games. You don't just charge less because there's no modding ability. If that was the case, then Skyrim should have cost a fraction of what it did on the PC and we all know that's not how it works.

Its not about what sounds fair to you. Again, this idea that you just sell things cheaper to get more sales does not work out that ideally in practice. If so, most products in this world would be much cheaper. You have to judge demand and cost production to come up with a price you think will earn you money. On the *PC*, which is what this game is designed for, Kunos figured this price was $40. What makes you think that selling it for less on a platform that is unproven and very likely has less demand for it, at a cheaper price, is going to make them any money?

Controller viability/use, whatever, they can make it better. They will make it better. The official forum is packed with controller people. Longevity, I dunno. No? Does it really matter? Might as well cancel every other console game if that's going to be the standard.

If they can't afford to port it, yeah no problem. Like I said, they've got plenty of work left to do, and they are a tiny team. If they had the money, if they had the people, it sounds like they'd do it. That's really the only answer we need, right? They'd do it.
Can they make the controller use better? I think that's something that needs to be seen first. Cant just assume that's a given.

As for longevity - you're again showing why the two markets are not so similar. Yes, longevity matters. A lot. Normal console games aren't expected to have longevity. This is. That is precisely how they're very different markets. Its not a game you just play for a couple weeks, beat, and then put away.

I hate to not accept the agreement to disagree, but I think you're just flat wrong here, man! This is a PC game for a PC market through and through. Its a $40, niche product that is going to rely heavily on mods to provide long-term appeal. That's simply not what consoles are good at fostering.
II hate to not accept the agreement to disagree

Oy vey, yeah I can tell.

If you'd like to make a case why games shouldn't come out on machines that play games, you're more than welcome to. I'm not going through this shit line by line, but there's very little that you wrote that I agree with. I'm going to leave it at that. I understand your stance, I just don't agree with your reasoning at all.
Normal console games aren't expected to have longevity. This is.
I don't agree that a lack of mods on a console version would be a problem for longevity. People used to play racing games with a few cars and a few tracks for years on end. There will be a large number of console-only gamers who are completely unfamiliar with the concept of mods and would buy a console version of AC with absolutely zero expectations about mods. Plenty of gamers could enjoy the out-of-the-box content in AC for years on end.

I think AC has a lot of potential to go to console. If PCARS can do it, AC can too. They're both more compelling to the mainstream gamer than any previous hardcore driving sim, as they are not way behind the times in visuals like the ISI-based stuff was for years, and they're including famous road cars like your Forzas and GTs, rather than just race-spec stuff. AC is much closer to something like Gran Turismo in terms of accessibility and content, compared to the last time someone tried to put a hardcore PC sim on console - Simbin's Race Pro, which was a bit of a disaster. That was Kunos' plan all along - they have said that AC is designed to get in on that GT/Forza market.

Is there room for that major first party sim, plus PCARS and AC in somebody's console game collection? I'm not sure.... but they'd be the most impressive attempts so far.


Oy vey, yeah I can tell.

If you'd like to make a case why games shouldn't come out on machines that play games, you're more than welcome to. I'm not going through this shit line by line, but there's very little that you wrote that I agree with. I'm going to leave it at that. I understand your stance, I just don't agree with your reasoning at all.
Well shit man, I just made quite a comprehensive argument for why it wouldn't work in this case.

If your entire argument rests on 'it plays games, therefore game should work!', then you're just not seeing things realistically. I get what you're saying, but its an idealist's perspective.

I don't agree that a lack of mods on a console version would be a problem for longevity. People used to play racing games with a few cars and a few tracks for years on end. There will be a large number of console-only gamers who are completely unfamiliar with the concept of mods and would buy a console version of AC with absolutely zero expectations about mods. Plenty of gamers could enjoy the out-of-the-box content in AC for years on end.

I think AC has a lot of potential to go to console. If PCARS can do it, AC can too. They're both more compelling to the mainstream gamer than any previous hardcore driving sim, as they are not way behind the times in visuals like the ISI-based stuff was for years, and they're including famous road cars like your Forzas and GTs, rather than just race-spec stuff. AC is much closer to something like Gran Turismo in terms of accessibility and content, compared to the last time someone tried to put a hardcore PC sim on console - Simbin's Race Pro, which was a bit of a disaster. That was Kunos' plan all along - they have said that AC is designed to get in on that GT/Forza market.

Is there room for that major first party sim, plus PCARS and AC in somebody's console game collection? I'm not sure.... but they'd be the most impressive attempts so far.
Even if people didn't realize that the PC version had mods(which I think is doubtful), the minimal content would still wear thin. People have certain standards when it comes to this sort of thing on the consoles and I think most people prioritize quantity of content over quality of physics. That's the unfortunate reality that makes hardcore racing sims a niche product in the first place.

This game is not like pCars. I think you guys are missing the nuances here. pCars will have a fairly large amount of content. AC is taking a much different approach with less content, but far more open, in order to enable modding. AC is basically trying to take the rFactor approach. pCars' model works for consoles, but AC and its mod-reliance inherently doesn't.

You guys just completely overestimate how much people care about hardcore racing. Its really not nearly as popular as y'all think. If you spend a lot time, like you guys and I do, in these threads and in other dedicated forums, its easy to get misled into thinking that there's just tons of people out there excited about this stuff but the reality is that we're a small community. Even on forums like RaceDepartment, much of the discussion going on happens between regular members, not some massive variety of different posters. Same goes for here in this thread or in the PC Racing Sims thread. We're a much smaller minority than y'all want to realize and of those who are passionate about it, they know that the PC is where its been. This untapped market y'all seem to think exists on the consoles for a hardcore racing sim likely just doesn't exist at all.
Well shit man, I just made quite a comprehensive argument for why it wouldn't work in this case.

If your entire argument rests on 'it plays games, therefore game should work!', then you're just not seeing things realistically. I get what you're saying, but its an idealist's perspective.

Even if people didn't realize that the PC version had mods(which I think is doubtful), the minimal content would still wear thin. People have certain standards when it comes to this sort of thing on the consoles and I think most people prioritize quantity of content over quality of physics. That's the unfortunate reality that makes hardcore racing sims a niche product in the first place.

This game is not like pCars. I think you guys are missing the nuances here. pCars will have a fairly large amount of content. AC is taking a much different approach with less content, but far more open, in order to enable modding. AC is basically trying to take the rFactor approach. pCars' model works for consoles, but AC and its mod-reliance inherently doesn't.

You guys just completely overestimate how much people care about hardcore racing. Its really not nearly as popular as y'all think. If you spend a lot time, like you guys and I do, in these threads and in other dedicated forums, its easy to get misled into thinking that there's just tons of people out there excited about this stuff but the reality is that we're a small community. Even on forums like RaceDepartment, much of the discussion going on happens between regular members, not some massive variety of different posters. Same goes for here in this thread or in the PC Racing Sims thread. We're a much smaller minority than y'all want to realize and of those who are passionate about it, they know that the PC is where its been. This untapped market y'all seem to think exists on the consoles for a hardcore racing sim likely just doesn't exist at all.

The thing is, we never had a hardcore sim on a console before. The hope was, with self publishing, that this would be possible. I know the crowd isn´t huge, but if you can sell 50-100k units it might be valid.

I have a bad feeling about Pcars. It looks great but judging from friends who have played and talked about the handling model, and going by the horrid Shift games they´ve made, i don´t think they are doing anything hardcore.

I´ll play a lot of Pcars and i´ll probably enjoy it, but i don´t expect it to be a hardcore racer, i expect to be a GT/Forza clone, and a good one.

There´s a lot of people tired of waiting for Forza/GT to get to a level of realism they will never get (due to those phantom restrictions of broad user base and stuff) and AC would fill that void nicely.

It doesn´t need to have 1000 cars and 100 tracks, it just needs to have proper racing simulation and just keep doing what they are doing.

If 50-100k sales can justify a port to the PS4, i´m sure they will do it. The question is just how many hardcore racing fans are out there. I don´t think anyone would pass AC up, because this crowd is just starving for games.

There´s a great window for them. PS4 is not getting a racing sim anytime soon. Pcars keeps getting delayed and god knows when PD will release GT7. Considering they haven´t finished GT6, it´s gonna take a while, leaving the door open for any developer with a competent racing game in hand.
I think Big Takeover is right. Release this game in the correct time slot and it would do very well on consoles.

From AC Facebook, the McLaren GT3:


"McLaren MP4-12C GT3, available tomorrow on Assetto Corsa Early Access! "





Holy shit, so excited for this. Is this in addition to their usual two week cycle, or am I losing track of time playing every day?
I think I'll drive a bit tonight to prepare for the awesomesauce. In my last session I tried drift mode for the first time and gave up in frustration. I just suck at it. :(


So roughly 24 hours until the usual update time?

Also assuming the Mclaren GT handles much differently. I also like the MP4 12C the least of the road cars in AC.
So roughly 24 hours until the usual update time?

Also assuming the Mclaren GT handles much differently. I also like the MP4 12C the least of the road cars in AC.
It should be practically unrecognisable - no more trick suspension, a proper sequential box and an LSD. It's just a stiff race car, nothing like the weird road car. It should feel closer to the P4/5 than the 12C.

A good video to prepare yourself here:


The way he describes the driving characteristics is remarkably similar to what I've experienced in the iRacing version - great brakes, but you really need to trail them into the corners to make the front end turn in. There's a part where he says 'I need to cover the brake just to bring the nose in' - that is a very clear characteristic of the car. 'Very little connection to the front axle, don't know what's going on' - also apparent in iRacing. I rather dislike driving it for that reason, quite honestly.

It also feels snappy and nervous under throttle mid-corner - he has a moment at 7:40 that surprised him and should be very familiar to those who have driven the car in iRacing. Before I saw this clip I thought that was down to iRacing's typical tyre model problems being scary at certain slip angles, but it looks just as nervous at the rear in reality (although the tyres are probably not up to optimum temperature in the footage).

I'm very keen to try AC's version to compare - I'm expecting it to inspire more confidence as with most of the cars they've done, but I'm concerned that it will lose that edgy behaviour that is clearly apparent in reality and be too easy to drive.


Does anyone use an onboard cam mod? I see there's a new one that looks to apex, but I'm not sure how mature/good they are.

It should be practically unrecognisable - no more trick suspension, a proper sequential box and an LSD. It's just a stiff race car, nothing like the weird road car. It should feel closer to the P4/5 than the 12C.

A good video to prepare yourself here:


The way he describes the driving characteristics is remarkably similar to what I've experienced in the iRacing version - great brakes, but you really need to trail them into the corners to make the front end turn in. There's a part where he says 'I need to cover the brake just to bring the nose in' - that is a very clear characteristic of the car. 'Very little connection to the front axle, don't know what's going on' - also apparent in iRacing. I rather dislike driving it for that reason, quite honestly.

It also feels snappy and nervous under throttle mid-corner - he has a moment at 7:40 that surprised him and should be very familiar to those who have driven the car in iRacing. Before I saw this clip I thought that was down to iRacing's typical tyre model problems being scary at certain slip angles, but it looks just as nervous at the rear in reality (although the tyres are probably not up to optimum temperature in the footage).

I'm very keen to try AC's version to compare - I'm expecting it to inspire more confidence as with most of the cars they've done, but I'm concerned that it will lose that edgy behaviour that is clearly apparent in reality and be too easy to drive.

Sounds good. I totally forgot about that Harris video, I actually just watched it a few weeks ago. Might not be the most anticipated car out there, but it sure will be nice to have more GT cars to compete against. I hope it's a bit more lively than the current Z4 and M3. I'm no pro, but they didn't seem very difficult to get a handle on (though I am 2-4 seconds off the pace in most places, so maybe that statement is inaccurate).
I had an update that downloaded 9 minutes ago :)

Here we go!

Hello from the Assetto Corsa development team.

Assetto Corsa Early Access v.0.6.5 has been released today. This version enables the first test of engine damage as well as lot's of other features and new contents! Although still under
development and balancing, gamers can experience engine damages if they downshift too aggressively and over rev the engine, or if they keep the turbo pressure too high on cars that
permit turbo boost adjustments ingame (have a go at the BMW Z4 Drift and the new BMW 1M Stage 3 and experiment with keys 1-0 while driving..).
This version also includes the McLaren MP4-12C GT3 race car: this is the first McLaren car built for FIA GT series racing since the McLaren F1 GTR finished production in 1997. The 12C GT3 is
based on the new MP4-12C high-performance sports car and a team of engineers, designers and test drivers with vast experience in Formula 1 and GT racing has been assembled to undertake the process of adapting the carbon chassis-based 12C to racing specification.
Kunos Simulazioni development team had a great opportunity to recreate in great detail this beautiful race car, and we are very excited to see what simracers think about it and what
performances they will be able to achieve against other GT3 cars in the Assetto Corsa lineup.
We also included two upgrades for existing cars. The very capable BMW 1M Stage 3, with extra power, adjustable turbo boost, shorter gearbox and much improved suspension, and the
amazingly balanced Lotus Evora Stage 2 with a new compressor pulley for a bit of additional engine power and a much more track focused suspension.
We have a new friends leaderboard app. Now, gamers can directly compete against their friends on Steam steam and reset your scores ingame, everytime you like. This app is not intended to go against the amazing leaderboards created by 3rd party modders, as it doesn't checks for cheats or assists, but it is a leaderboard for you and for your friends you trust. It gives you the opportunity to compete against each other and "reset the scores" when you want
to start again. It will keep laptimes as well as scores from drift and time attack modes, all synchronised with Steam leaderboard system.
Of course, the usual long list of big and small optimizations, improvements and bug fixes.

Check the changelog for a more detailed list.
Have fun and see you in the next update!

The cars
McLaren MP4-12C GT3
Lotus Evora S Stage 2
BMW 1M Stage 3

Changelog Early Access 0.6.5
- Oculus Rift improvements
- High fov on single screen (>80 degrees) rendering fix
- Car physics & apps fixes
- Balanced opponents volume
- Some ranking fixes
- fixed closing AC while a replay was playing after a race
- Replay performance improvements
- Fixed real time position on restart
- Best lap is kept when restarting session
- Fixed look back on replay
- Engine smoke when damaged
- Engine damage (not balanced yet)
- McLaren MP4-12C GT3
- Upgrade BMW 1M Stage 3
- Upgrade Lotus Evora Stage 2
- Ferrari 599XX Aero center of pressure adjusted
- Ferrari 599XX improved cockpit view and adjusted bonnet cam
- Small aero improvements on BMW Z4 GT3, M3 GT2 and P4/5 Competizione
- New overboost function BMW Z4 Drift (keys 1-0 for 10% to 100% turbo boost. 80% default)
- Engine damage when turbo overboost is over 80% on cars that support it
- Engine damage from overreving the enging (i.e. downshifts)
- Steam friends leaderboard & Friends Leaderboard app for hotlap, drift & time attack


Really, really, really like the MP4-12C GT3. Planted when you want it to be, but loose if you don't watch it. Here's a few vids:

TV Cam @ Imola:

In-car @ Imola:

Yes, by far my favorite GT car so far. The suspension feels great and I love how the car reacts when you overdo it with the curbs. As in the Youtube video above, amazing brakes too. This is nothing like the boring to drive BMWs.


I like the Mclaren GT car. Threw it around Silverstone a bunch of times. It feels like it is on rails but took it for granted a couple of times and spun out. Also, the cockpit looks really good and the interior sounds are well done!


I like the Mclaren GT car. Threw it around Silverstone a bunch of times. It feels like it is on rails but took it for granted a couple of times and spun out. Also, the cockpit looks really good and the interior sounds are well done!

This is why I love it. The M3 GT3 feels like it's on rails period in comparison. The McLaren really requires more driving to balance - I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I find myself adding more rear wing on most circuits, 10+ on Silverstone GP, but I don't know how much that's hurting my speed on the straights. Anyone have setup suggestions?
Loving the Mc GT3.
But i'm trying to tame the F40 S3 on Mugello and i need some advices concerning the setup part, this car is very difficult to handle for me, but i like it.
why is it still fucking awful to play with the 360-controller? will they ever fix this?
People have posted setups in this thread that they say are quite driveable. I haven't tried them as I use a wheel, but ctrl-f "controller" through the pages of this thread and give some of those settings a shot?


yes, I have tryed different settings, but the turning still feel so stiff and difficult no matter what. I cant even swing precise cornering even if when Im driving vere very slowly.
yes, I have tryed different settings, but the turning still feel so stiff and difficult no matter what. I cant even swing precise cornering even if when Im driving vere very slowly.

It's never going to be easy to control a PC driving sim with analog sticks and triggers because the driving model is designed for inputs from a wheel and pedals--for the best sense of control, you really need a greater range of motion for your inputs than a handheld controller can viably offer. As a concession, try turning on some of the driving assists until you can control wheelspin and oversteer and the like with millimeter-length finger movements. Play with the steering speed and sensitivity settings a bit more if your cornering feels imprecise.
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